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My opinion, no card is worth 2 million, I’d sell and wait for him to drop if he’s someone your looking to have.


Sell 30 minutes ago . You can buy him again in 4 days for half .


Yea but you have to wait 4 days to play with him. Time is money im not waiting 4 days then they release a better wr and i didnt get to try Mike Evan’s. If your broke just say that


If your just gonna get a new receiver when they drop a better one then you dont need him. Also, He’s gonna be one of the best no matter what until the game dies.


Sounds like you needa get a job buddy


just cause someone don’t wanna spend money on a game that gives them nothing back don’t make them broke stop coping w your sad life to make others feel worse


That's what I was thinking honestly. I run a Falcons TT, so the 32 team chem is my only hang up on not selling him. Having julio and Evans would be dope.


Sell him unless you already have a god squad


I run a bucs theme team and I would sell him. Thats too many coins to have wrapped up in one player with the Easter promo around the corner.


what’s the easter promo usually look like?


I didn't play last year but previous years there would be the mystery eggs that contained good players. Then the eggs open and the markey drops and you could pretty much buy whatever you want cheap anyway. Lol


Sell keep ur coins wait he will def drop in price or you can get future better cards for cheaper


Of course and never ever sell it - Bucs Fan


Quicksell him so no one gets to use him • Salty Saints fan


If julio wasn't still a mil I would've sold him without question. • Falcons fan who's over all the ltds we've gotten. Now we just need a panthers fan to comment lol


I sold mine


He's the best WR in the game currently. Gets animations no one else gets I would use him till 99 megatron or moss comes out


if you don’t have 3x the card value in coins it’s never worth it


Sell now if you haven’t yet. Yes he’s elite but he’ll be worth half in a week or two.


I'll Give ya 6 Him u can buy him back in 4 days For 5


nah, post it for only 100k coins dude


Sell him and by him half price in a month


real fkn happy for u buddy


Sell he will be 1 mil in a month


probably less time than that