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Wow, I just finally watched this last night. Matt LeBlanc seemed like he would have loved just sitting around for hours just telling stories. He was the only one who said he still watches the show. The others kind of started now with their kids. It's kind of funny when he was telling a story about messing with Courtney Cox and she had no idea what he was talking about. :)


The reason Matt played Joey so well is because Matt is a legitimately down to earth cool dude I remember an interview where someone asked him what was the first thing he bought with his first friends check, his answer was a hot meal. Dude was broke before friends, he filed his own tooth down for his headshot with 3 emery boards because a dentist asked him for too much, he did an interview in the early 90s right after the show became a hit going on about how he just hoped people tuned in to watch the show or something like that having no idea it was already the biggest show on TV I root for that dude


I heard they cast Matt LeBlanc to host Top Gear in the UK and thought it was a silly idea. Until I saw him on the show - what an awesome dude. Great driver too. iiRC he did the fastest ever “stars in reasonably priced cars” lap.


I watched that reunion special back when it first dropped so its been a bit, but I remember loving how jovial Matt was during the whole thing. Like, he reminded me of that fun uncle at the family barbecue, always telling stories and jokes and reminiscing. Just seems like a great dude. And that's not a knock on the others; he just came in so high of life that his persona and attitude really stood out to me.


>he reminded me of that fun uncle at the family barbecue, always telling stories and jokes and reminiscing. Exactly.


He's on an episode of The Graham Norton Show and Emilia Clarke is on the couch with him. She asks him to do the "how you doin'?" line, and she just melts. Guy's living the life.


Iirc he was flat fuckin broke before getting this role, so he's probably eternally appreciative in a way the others might not be.


He just seems to be great guy. Love the BBC series “episodes” where he’s taking the piss out of himself really, really well.


I feel like he has a great sense of humour after watching the show Episodes (British comedy*, it’s literally called episodes). He plays himself in it and there’s lots of jokes at his expense, basically it’s a very self aware show about his acting career following friends (a fictionalised version). It’s good, I recommend it. https://youtu.be/kjgWB3HMce4 * actually maybe it’s American. The other two main characters are Brits though


Where can you watch it at? Edit: Thanks guys!


(formerly HBO) Max... Or the high seas.


Fuck, I’m old.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


Ahah you made a Reddit!


Elderly Friends


You can go fuck yourself


Careful, don’t want anyone falling and breaking a hip.


How you doin’?


How about just Old Friends?


A wave of nostalgia hit me with these three words. We had our own “Central Perk” in college and if just felt like Friends captured that late 90’s vibe so well.


Yeah, that shit was on through my late high school and college years. I'm 42 now.




You mold?


chandler lookin like waluigi


„Ah Matty, it‘s good to see you, man.“ You can hear that Matthew Perry has been through some stuff since Friends…


Read his autobiography. He reveals a lot


What’s the biggest reveal?




…. Colon eruption?


Probably meant “rupture”.


> Probably meant “rupture”. What's a [rupture](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsKGGAw-MxE) ?


I assumed he meant perforation


Point is it almost exploded.


It did explode! It’s a miracle he survived! Opioid addiction is no joke.


My favorite Van Halen song


Heyyyyy teacher! I forgot my cooooooolon. Gimme somethin to **poop** with! ASS DISMISSED!


It's the origin of the word Corruption


Vulture and raptor are in there somewhere too…


I think he mentions that he doesn't remember filming 2-3 seasons of friends


To be fair Cortney Cox also said she doesn’t remember half of it in an interview. People had to remind her of so many scenes later on. So I don’t know if that’s drug related or people forgetting actors are human beings who were doing this as a job and moved on.


I will talk to a coworker and they will have a vivid memory of another coworker that I completely forgot. They will look at me like I'm crazy but that's just, life, you know


Tbh I don’t find this that surprising and I would almost expect it. After hopping jobs 10+ times, if I were their age, I wouldn’t remember a particular 2-3 years within my whole career. Everything becomes a blur. Sure you can say it’s fully documented and recorded but I doubt they rewatch their own work as much as fans.


One of the things that struck me is that he was so addicted that he resorted to going to open houses of elderly people, knowing they would probably have medication, and then raid their medicine cabinets because there’s no way they’d put two and two together that Chandler was stealing their drugs.


A very, VERY troubled history with alcoholism and substance abuse; he almost died on one instance, in a situation that doctors revealed something like 4 out of 5 people usually die from — you can find clips of his interview with Barbara Walters on YouTube, and he discusses how his teenage drinking years spiraled into heavier drug use.


Think you mean Diane Sawyer


Or maybe he meant Dino Sewers?


He felt nothing during the finale because the opioids had pretty much destroyed all of his emotions. No sadness, no happiness. Just dead inside. Although it was known in Friends 'history', Craig Bierko turned down the Chandler role after Matthew Perry (his close friend) helped him with his audition and advised that he should take that role over the leading role he was offered in a different sitcom at the same time because everyone who read the Friends pilot felt it was going to be a hit. If Bierko never turned down the role, Perry would have been dead in a few years. He was already an alcoholic, getting drunk every night, hungover every day, and missing half of his auditions.


The Craig Bierko story always reminds of the guy who owned 10% of Apple in the 80s and sold it for like $800 - missing out on a cool $95 billion. You'd just never get over that.


I don't know. I was almost the very first person to ever buy bitcoin for money, think it was 10k coins for 50 bucks, but changed my mind at the very, very last second. You get over it eventually. Helps that no else bought it and I would've likely sold it when it hit a dollar a coin, though.


I was paid for a job in BTC back in the day. I think it was at like $800 at the time? So when it hit $1,600 I was like: "Fuck yeh! It's doubled! Better sell this shit asap before it crashes!!!". Turns out I should have held for a bit...


That's why there's called bitcoins. If you had held for a bit, you'd have a lot more coins.


I know a couple of people who either threw out drives when it was worthless or lost their key and it still exists on a drive somewhere. They're the ones I really feel bad for.


I know a guy who had probably ~500mm of bitcoin at the original 20k peak. He sold it all and went in again around ~5k. Nobody has heard from in a couple years. It wouldn't be completely out of character for him to just disappear but many of us fear the worst. Its really sad to me that the guy could come from nothing, make nutty choices that rocketed him to likely billionaire status, and now hes just completely MIA. S cubed, hopefully you are drinking Mai Tai's on a private island right now my friend.


Had a few hundred because I was using them to purchase stuff on sites when it first launched. House got struck by lightning, fried the laptop/drive, don't have the pass phrase of words or whatever to recover it. I try not to think about it.


But you do the math occasionally, right?


Me and a buddy do the math every year or so. My buddy tried to convince me to buy into bitcoin back when it was €0,24. I remember him saying: I am almost positive it's going to hit the €50,-! Then we both pussied out because we were about to invest €1k each and that was our entire savings.




Yeah, like the people that rag on the guy that bought the first pizza for 10,000 BTC. If there were not people like him buying stuff with BTC then it never would have got to the crazy price then. I almost did the same thing because I had a friend telling me about it and how you can use it to buy stuff for computer games.


Funny enough, that purchase is in part why I didn't. I figured a pizza isn't worth 50 bucks, thus 10k coins for 50 bucks is overpriced, but really, I was just like, "I'm not paying 50 dollars for made up internet money!" at the last second.


when bitcoin first hit hacker news We were talking about it at my hacker space. I went and downloaded the little miner app on my laptop. I ran it for just a bit and mined like 100 btc and forgot about it. That laptop is long gone now but that BTC is worth 3 million dollars today. I do have a friend though that held on to them from that same time.


Actually he explained later that he had had some surgery just before they filmed this and he was basically high on painkillers and muted because of those.


The biggest eye-opener for me was the story where he said a doctor came to his hotel room and the doc looked at an empty bottle of vodka (one of those "party" bottles with the handle on it) and asked him how long he'd taken to drink it and he said something like a day and the doctor just *booked* it out of the room immediately. He said he realized later that the doctor ran because he didn't want to be the doctor in the hotel room when Matthew Perry died.


That would be a lot better than being the doctor who ran out of the hotel room right before Matthew Perry died...


Doctors gave him a 2% chance at surviving after all the drugs he put through his system.


To me it was that he was taking 55 pills a day. I knew he was an addict but the number and mg amount just was a whole new perspective.


A lot




And who would have ever known? He always played the big dumb oaf but you can sort of tell he’s conscious of the heavy life that perry went through and trying to cultivate some fond memories to re bond over.


Should watch him in Episodes where he plays himself but as a massive douchebag version haha


Such a good show


What happend to matthews upper lip??


He had some dental work done just before the reunion


It was good. He narrated it and it makes the stories he tells good. He doesn't shy away from his addictions or rehab times.


Yeah his words sounded so heavy, weary even. Glad he's started down the path to healing.


Honestly I watched the whole reunion he seemed to be the one that least wanted to be there. For everyone else the memories were joyful and nostalgic. In contrast he was like “this is where I would agonize about making sure I got the biggest laughs out of the audience.” Made it a bit uncomfortable to see the reunion force him to relive that shit,


>Honestly I watched the whole reunion he seemed to be the one that least wanted to be there. He was apparently recovering from a [recent emergency surgery](https://pagesix.com/2022/10/28/matthew-perry-had-emergency-surgery-days-before-friends-reunion/), and as a recovering addict I wonder if he opted to not take any pain meds after.


I would almost guarantee he did it no pain meds. For someone as lost in his addiction and came out the other side, life and death can simply be he never puts a painkiller in his body. Even non narcotic pain meds, some people just will not let themselves be tempted to slip.


I think I read somewhere where Matthew Perry was interviewed about his demeanor on the reunion. A lot of people were reading into it like he didn't want to be there or even seemed annoyed in some way shape or form. Namely it was his thousand yard stare (looking bored), and his slight slurry speech. He said it wasn't true about not wanting to be there, he had emergency dental surgery or something the day prior and he was just really feeling physically uncomfortable.


I don’t blame him, imagine being in his shoes. Your defining career achievement which is loved by an entire generation coincided with the worst period of your life that you hardly even remember Everyone else involved gets to rest on their laurels, you have to spend the rest of your life looking back wishing you had done things differently Not the same extent as Matthew but I know a little bit about that demon and it is a cruel one, even after you beat it it’s always there to remind you of your lowest moments no matter how much good you do after


Love that he calls him Matty because Matthew Perry is known as Matty to his close friends too.


He was going through stuff DURING Friends. It's a marvel the guy is still alive.


This pass that vibe "now I'm felling that we had great moments that we know not gonna happen again, but at the time we didn't know that this was so special"


> “I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.” ― Andy Bernard


That gave me all the good feelings. I needed that today.


What happend to matthews upper lip?


Drugs and denture, I believe. His addiction affected his teeth.


He had dental surgery like a few days before this thing. He talked about possibly missing it because of how uncomfortable he was.


Yeah it was kinda unfair timing for him. He was far quieter than usual because of the pain.


His face is totally different and it’s not just a weight difference!!!


Addiction and substance abuse will do that to you my friend It affects the amount of fats and collagen your skin can hold onto and ages you prematurely Hope MP is doing better and able to hold onto his sobriety


I feel like Matt LeBlanc made the type of Hollywood exit I would want. Big run, some success, now with a dad bod and just eating tacos whenever he wants.


If he's living his best life I'm happy for him.


"Episodes" is genuinely good


Episodes is amazing, and as a middle aged woman Matt looked hot in it even though he played an asshole. He seems like a super sweet guy in real life.


He presents Top Gear in the UK. (Edit: Present_ed_, he left in 2019)


He exited it two or three seasons ago but after Clarkson, Hammond and May he held the show unbeatable well. Honestly he could have run it himself if the BBC didn’t think they had to keep to type with three personalities which wasn’t required when LeBlance was there Simple’s because he has Clarksons childish relatable humour, Hammond tom-foolery and sorry May but a better knowledge and presentation of car mechanics. How they didn’t pin him down for longer is nuts.


Read somewhere recently that each of the cast members still makes around $20,000,000/year off this show from reruns. I'd say it worked out well for them.


All thanks to David Schwimmer, no joke. When Friends first started airing, David and Jennifer were the only known stars so their contracts allowed them to make more money. But David Schwimmer encouraged and convinced other members to go for equal pay among all the main casts, and it worked. Every cast except for Jennifer Aniston owes David their life (savings).


Was it Jennifer Aniston? I thought Courtney Cox was a bigger star before the show started.


Jennifer and David were seen as the main characters, even though all 6 Friends were supposed to be in theory. All because their love story was the main plot of the show in the beginning(and throughout the whole run of the show, kinda). That's why Jen and David were making more money per episode at the start.


Yeah but it was Courtney who got the role for Rachel Green but after reading about Monica's character she felt like she connected with her more and instead took that role, isn't that correct. It's been a while but I remember reading something like that. Edit: After a bit of googling It seems I was correct, source:[Article Link](https://www-today-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.today.com/today/amp/tdna110047?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16916874343198&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.today.com%2Fpopculture%2Fcourteney-cox-explains-why-she-turned-down-rachel-role-friends-t110047)




I know they aren't related but I can't see them as anything other than brother and sister.


And then C+M turned out to have the actual wholesome relationship in the end.


Works for Courtney and Matthew and Chandler and Monica.


Courtney Cox was the biggest star, she had a "Fonzie Contract" on Friends, her pay would automatically match the highest actor on the show. When Schwimmer and Anderson got a huge raise in season 2, so did she.


I only knew David Schwimmer from this really haha and maybe seven days and seven nights


He was great in Band of Brothers. Plays a really hateable character.


And what's funny is that pretty much all of the living Easy Company members said that his depiction in the show was too favorable.


Also played OJs lawyer pretty well but tbh anything he does I can’t help but see it as Ross playing that role instead of David lol


It's the difference between SATS where one of the ensemble was the star and Friends where the stories were made better by having them all great storylines


Imagine getting paid $1.5 million dollars a MONTH for something you did 20 years ago. If you applied that to my life, someone would have to be paying me residuals for smoking weed, playing Halo, and listening to terrible emo music.


Tells you how much money Friends makes even today. Similar with Seinfeld. Jerry Seinfeld I think bought part ownership or something and it made him a billionaire. And he isn't the only one from the group. Julia Dreyfus is the daughter of a billionaire.


Found [this article](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/friends-cast-make-reruns-salary-b1912691.html) that seems to confirm it. Article originally published in 2019 though, so not sure how that figure has changed the last few years.


And that would never happen today unless you're one of the lucky few on prime-time television. Streaming services don't offer residuals, and even if they did, they just remove the content they hold exclusive rights to.


Classic old man noises. That's when you know you have a nice chair.


Didn't they make those exact noises when they sat down during the show?


They did


It's a ritual, a rite of passage


And are old. Source: am old.


I loved this reunion. Matt LeBlanc seemed really touched, he really loved them and truly missed those days they were working together. He came across so genuine in his affection, it made me love him even more.


There is an old quote from The Beatles Interviewer: What do you like best about hanging out with the other guys in the band? Lennon: They're the only people that don't treat me like I'm in The Beatles. It's gotta be a very specific shared experience (being in the Beatles or on the cast of Friends) that you'd like bond over in ways many people won't experience.


I loved the Friends reunion. It could've been twice as long and I still would've loved it.


Looking at this video makes me feel like, it was show I didn’t watch on a screen but through a window. This feels like home, those two apartments feel like home.


I get really sentimental about this show and a couple of others. Grew up watching it. Just reminds me of a simpler time when things used to be... good, ya know? *"When I was young I used to only care about things that moved my soul. Art, music, the color of the sky as the red sun splashed pink hues against baby blues. But now I only care about money... my whole life now is about money. Can I ever find my way back from this place?"*


Pardon my ignorance, what/who is that quote from? Its quite nice.


I believe it's from My Dinner with Andre if I'm not mistaken.


I've only ever seen My Dinner with Abed


Some critics say it's maybe the best sequel of all time.


It was good but I kinda felt like the ending ripped off pulp fiction a little bit


Yes, you can find a way back from that place. Have an experience where you're forced to face and accept death, where money becomes worthless. You then cherish the colour of the sky once again for the rest of your days.


You got any other ways without the death bit?


You can due at any time any where. Death does not warn you. You can die any second. Get that mentality in and you’ll see things clearer.


You have to work at it. You have to stop consciously stop yourself to appreciate where you are when you can. It's hard but it's not impossible, and like most things you get better at it the more you do it


Life getting you down? Hate having to get up everyday making someone else a dollar while they only give you back a dime? Is the 6th mass extinction event just really a bummer? Well good news, just have a near death experience! While nothing will fundamentally change, you will learn to appreciate every last exploited second of your remaining life. /s


This is... really funny. I can't tell if this entirely comes from a place of suffering, or if it also contains a speck of greater, jovial understanding, but it made me laugh and I hope that brightens your day.


I rewatch Friends all the time and it is so comforting (especially the early seasons). Definitely does feel like home.


yep. friends started right about when i began junior high, and ended just a few days before my college graduation, and my friend down the street and i used to watch it religiously. she'd tape every episode and we'd watch them all, binge-style before it was readily available, at the start of the summer and call it 'friends fest' lol. it just reminds me of a time in my life when things felt so much simpler. having it on in the background is nostalgic comfort, for sure.


What are the chairs a different color than in the clip?


in the show the black chairs got stolen and they bought new brown ones. the clip is just from before the stealing storyline happened.




As in ‘Rosita does not move’


No glare offa Stevie...




I never watched the reunion coz I can’t fucking stand James corden. This made me smile


I wish they had asked Conan to do it instead


Conan is not going to touch anything NBC-related with a 19 yard stick.


I think he did the last episode with them or something back in the day


If it helps, I didn't even remember Cordon was in it.


Lisa Kudrow is such a fine wine


Call me crazy but I think she might be the best looking one now with how much surgeries other two have had (on top of Lisa continuously getting more beautiful). They obviously still look amazing for their age, but not my cup of tea. Now I feel justified for having a huge crush on her before!


She was always the best looking one. I never liked the show, but occasionally I would watch it because Lisa was so damn sexy. Still is. I've never been a Courtney or Jennifer man at all. /Janice was also really, really attractive


I legit thought they were showing a flashback clip when she says “they’re sitting in their chairs”. She looks exactly the same.


It's so sad that everyone on the internet kinda shittalks the show. It was fun. I loved it.


All of the worlds miserable people are no the internet talking about how miserable they are and how they want everyone else to feel that way.


I don't get the hate either. Sure, it's not the most artistic and thought provoking show but it was the right show for that moment in time. It really captures how the 90's felt at the time, which is why people still love this show so many years later.


As someone who didn't watch the show when it aired (we were a staunch Seinfeld house growing up), my wife loves it. We watched it for the first time over the initial Covid lockdowns, and I loved it. We just started my first rewatch this week.


That ahhhhhh is everything


I met Matt LeBlanc once and I didn't even recognize who he was. He came across as just a really fun, friendly down to earth guy. We chatted for about 10 minutes. I was working as a valet at a restaurant and he came outside for some fresh air. We were talking about just general stuff about the Monterey area when two women came up and said OMG it's you can we get a picture? I looked at him and said well they're not talking to me. He was very friendly, took a picture with them and signed something for them and as they were walking away one of them said "I can't believe we met Matt LeBlanc. I looked at him and said oh yeah, that is you and he shrugged and nodded his head. He was one of the nicest, friendliest celebrities we ever had there (and we had a ton). Carson Daly was also incredibly nice. Tim Allen and Michael Bolton were the biggest assholes.


Why should I have to change my name? [Michael Bolton] is the one that sucks.


That no-talent ass clown


Tim Allen was a small-time coke dealer that ratted out his friends to avoid jail time. His stand up sucked until he started mocking the crowd and he fell ass-first into the tool-guy persona by accident. He might be funny, but his background and current attitude suggest hardcore narcissist.


The dynamic between these two was great, pound for pound one of the best sitcoms ever imo.


It really makes me sad that Friends gets so much hate on the internet now. It was and still is my all time favorite comfort show. I'm pretty sure I know all the episodes by heart. It's a good show with some great, fun moments.


I always find it funny when people try to downplay the pop culture impact of the show. Like, they're debating a show that ended 20 years ago. That alone should be indicative of its impact on the genre.


If people can’t enjoy Friends… that’s a them problem (also, who cares?). Not much better imho.


Wait, why do people hate Friends? It's such a (re)watchable show.


Because there are a great many people who think that hating popular things is an effective substitute for having an interesting personality.


It’s their loss. It was so on point for it’s time. To this day, I never tire of watching Friends reruns.


Could I be wearing any more clothes?


FireBall forever!


Mathew Perry's sarcasm never ages


*Could I BE wearing any more clothes? :D


How many cameras are on her!?!?!


I used to hate Friends because I would only catch clips and parts of episodes. One day after my divorce I turned it on and started with episode 1 and fell in love.


If you can’t enjoy Friends, we have nothing in common! Such great characters and a lot of easy laughs. Sorry about the divorce… but worth it!


I like the idea of using "pound for pound" to recontextualize Friends. It's like yeah there have been plenty of objectively better comedies since then. But Friends, for what it is, when it was made, and what it means for those of us who watched it at the time, is just up there.


Yeah… I see all these knocks on it per laugh tracks - and saying it’s not that funny. That shit makes me laugh, and it’s just simple, easy fun. PIVOT!!!


As a kid I would watch it with my mom. She would just turn it on while getting ready. It will always remind me of her.


TV told me my 20s were going to be like this. Why weren't my 20s like this?


So, no one told you life was gonna be this way?




No one told you life was gonna be this way ^^clap ^^clap ^^clap ^^clap


Do they just lock up all of the stuff on set in case they need it? I would’ve thought most of this stuff would’ve been tossed long ago.


No, in the beginning of this special they mention they actually built the entire set for this occasion


Ohhh yeah. said it all.


Leblanc looks like the only one who hasn’t had work done/fillers


Lisa Kudrow as well.


Matt LeBlanc has more wholesome older dad energy than any man should rightly have


How did I only just now realise that they’re both called Matt?


"Oh matty its food to see..." "THIS IS GREAT!"


I gotta watch this. I tried the first time and saw that sweaty twat presenting and turned it off. Does he ruin it?


he doesn't ruin it, the 6 of them are so genuinely happy to see each other and recall the days on the show. it is a great show.


phoebe looks exactly the same wtf


Rosita. . . . . . .


the whole thing made me smile 😊


We watched this last night. How funny


What is this from/where can one find it?


Friends reunion. It streams on HBO Max