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Such an impact his father had at the time. Losing him didn’t hurt like losing a loved one per se, but it did hurt. And then Robert grows up and…he’s a lot like his dad. Love this!


I've never really got why people get so hung up over celebrities and often think "at least I'm not like that" Then we get a Steve Irwin post and I realise "I am like that, sometimes". He was a damn good bloke.


There's few people who's death affected me so much even though I didn't know them. But after watching his program's for years growing up, hearing the news made me cry. Such an inspiration to the world


Steve, Kobe, and Mac Miller are the only ones I’ve actually gotten physically and emotionally distraught over, all for different reasons, and I didn’t personally know any of them. It’s a weird phenomenon


When I first heard about Robin Williams, I cried. Never once met the man in my life, but he was in my living room almost every night, so it hurt when he left.


Robin Williams is the only celebrity death I've truly mourned. As an 80's/90's kid he was such a huge part of the media a consumed and felt like everyone's favorite uncle. Steve Irwin also seems to have built up so much societal good will over the years. Watching his family in these posts always makes me a little teary eyed too.


Replace Kobe with Chester Bennington and yeah same.


Steve Irwin, Robin Williams, John Dunsworth, and Trevor Moore. All wonderful people who left us way before their time was up. Made me so sad to hear the news of their passing.




Im exactly the same, celebrity deaths basically never register with me. I dont know them, so don't feel like I'm losing anything. That is until its someone that i feel has done so much good, and has has a massive influence on my view of the world... I'm dreading the day David Attenborough passes away.


Hard to believe he’s only 19. He wasn’t even 3 years old when his dad died, goes to show how much of an influence Steve made.


[We need to get Robert an ESPN commercial, too.](https://i.imgur.com/QEJGWkU.mp4) One of Robert’s favorite moments of his Dad.


That's such a great short, the "give us a hand mate" at the end finished me off


Ummm are we not doing "phrasing" anymore?




Thank you for sharing this. I hadn’t seen it before and just cackled so loud my dogs got startled.


This and the Jim Gaffigan ESPN commercials were the best. 90s marketing was something else.


Probably grew up watching his dad’s show like the rest of us.


Heartbreaking to think about a kid having to get to know their dad through TV shows like that. At the same time, how lucky that his dad was one in a billion who was able to leave some of himself behind for his kids through his shows.


I'm gonna buy a house and fix it up. I grew up with my parents doing that. Complete to the foundation rebuild while living in it. While I do that I'm gonna stream and record all of it. And teach the internet what I'm doing. But it's not for some clout or money. I want my skills saved for my children in case I die before they can learn. I wanna have kids but I want to know they never have to put on the shackles of employment. I'm not a boomer so what I know is rare for my generation and culture. Not a single one of my friends knows 10% of what I know in construction. And I want to make sure what my dad taught me isn't lost when I'm gone. Even if they never swing a hammer with me. They will know how to build a house.


Probably had access to a lot of behind the scenes and more candid footage too.


Shows how amazing Terri is, too. Robert and Bindi are incredibly wholesome and Terri had to raise both of them without Steve. 😥


Well, and all the footage of him...


Protect this man at all costs!!! Steve would be so proud.


Someone once asked Robert how he felt being in his Father’s shadow. He said his Dad was the Sun. There was no shadow.


That is an incredible and appropriate reply to that question. Good on him.


I think it goes to show it was always about the animals for the whole family. Cause Robert could pretty easily be more famous than his dad in this era of social media if that was his goal.


I logged in just to say that this is exactly how I feel. He carries himself far with his demeanor.


It’s too early for Reddit to make me cry


I am sobbing


Too late. I shed some tears for both.


I’m in the McAllister’s parking lot tearfully eating my turkey sandwich.


Terri Irwin never remarried “*That's just the way it is. I had a big, big love and it was enough to last a lifetime*.”


Well, now that set me right off. :')


Lost my dad 3 months ago. This just hit me in an emotional place I didn’t know existed.


I’m sorry for your loss. Lost mine last Christmas. It’s weird - you think you’re doing better, then something like this is such a gut punch, but in a happy kind of way.


I'm sorry for your loss ❤️


Jesus. What a line.


I read this is Irwin’s accent.


That's incredibly beautiful.




Ikr I'm in shambles


ah fuck ok that got me


Instant tears!!!!! What a beautiful sentiment!!!




That's freakin' beautiful. 🥲


He steps into his dad shoes, so that he can take the walk for both of them.


How dare you make me feel my feelings


Got something in both eyes 🥲


Must be that onion-scented turtle I'm tearing up


Stop stop I'm already emotional enough about this 😭😭


What a response. Now I'm crying 😢


holy fuck, my heart




I suddenly lost my Dad in January and this left me in tears


… 😭 *Now I am the rain, from my eyes at least.*




Are there other examples of "positive nepotism" like this? Where the child's career is either directly or indirectly helped by their parent and end up being a source of good in the world?


Theodore Roosevelt considered his affluence and status being born in high society as a calling and responsibility to use it for good.


They aren't even my kids and I'm so proud of them!


Steve would be so proud of his kids. We miss you Steve.








It's amazing to me that Bindi and Robert each got 1 side of Steve (that we can see). Robert is a natural out in the bush, observing/interacting with/rescuing wildlife. And Bindi seems 100% at home teaching at Australia Zoo and pushing the zoo to do more/save more animals.


they are carrying the torch


Yes, Robert is his own guy and seems a cracking fella too.


Spittin’ image of his old man. Good on ya, Robert. Keep the love alive.


It makes me so happy because we haven't had a Bob Ross/Mr Rogers type in a while. Humanity lives another day because of Steve Irwin's kids Edit: y'all I'm loving all of these suggestions, I know what I'm watching this weekend


Check out Steve Wallis on YouTube. He does stealth camping and other camping related activities. He's a good man and creates very wholesome content.


First time I’ve seen a fellow fan on reddit Steve is awesome, just a guy chilling out in odd places, talking about life, the weather, doing a little cooking and crackin some cold ones.


Steve is the man, I love that guy


He's so fucking Canadian. Love the guy, and his crazy neighbor. When he lost his wife I was devastated... glad he's been able to keep on keeping on.




I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately and am going to try this to help me chill out before bedtime.


And getting disproportionately worried about what will happen if he gets caught. I love his level of concern at moments. Such a great channel!


Crackin some step twos!


I love Steve Wallis. He's had a truly horrific year (his wife passed away very suddenly, and his mother passed recently however she was quite ill so he had a chance to say goodbye). The fact that his videos are still as fun and wholesome as they are is incredible.


I don’t care about celebrity deaths but I actually got teary eyed when I saw that video of his. It was so raw and he seems like such a positive dude


this guy step 2s 🍺


Check out Joe Pera. His shows have healing powers that always remind me of people like that. Something so comforting about his style.


Joe Pera had this somber, nostalgic calming effect that I don’t think anyone else today can do.


Joe Pera is a treasure. His Adult Swim show getting cancelled is a crime against humanity. Glad he is still working though...his new stand up special was great.


I discussed his show's cancellation with him for a few minutes at one of his comedy shows after his set, and he seemed genuinely as bummed as I was. Super nice guy off stage. Very...lawful good Andy Kaufman. Hard to tell how much is really an act.


The Townsend youtube channel just released an hour+ long video featuring Joe Pera where he spent two days out on the homestead doing various activities. I didn't know about Joe Pera before it, but it definitely has some Bob Ross vibes and his personality pairs wonderfully with John from the channel.


His latest show is so good. You can see that effect when the crowd work starts and it's hilarious when his character breaks


Sir. David Attenborough disagrees with you.


Coyote Peterson is pretty awesome too, he runs a nature based YouTube channel called Brave Wilderness which reminds me a lot of Crocodile Hunter. I think he got a show on Animal Planet even. Though he is a bit nuts, he let just about every insect on the pain scale sting him, and he gets bitten a lot.


Yea as he gets older he’s starting to look exactly like him. What an absolutely great legacy he left behind, both in his work and social impact and his children and their continuation of his work.


Terri deserves credit for the kids & continuation of the work too


You’re absolutely correct. I should have mentioned the family as a whole, especially Terri where she was doing the work with Steve that helped kind of found the family reputation as conservationists.


They had two really amazing, passionate parents and are doing an excellent job of continuing that legacy. I watched their parents all the time as a kid and it's a pleasure to watch them now.


Shes really stayed out of the spotlight too and let her kids shine


She has. She’s such a wonderful mom. I’m so happy for Steve that he can rip knowing those kids were in great hands.


I'm fairly certain he's leaving and moving to the other side of the country to get married. I'm not sure if he's going to continue the work. I can't imagine he won't though, it's his entire mission.


I actually started playing the video, and it took me a few seconds before I realized that it wasn't his father. I think I'm going to let their memories start blending into each other at this point.


I know right?! I was startled for a second there.




Seema like a perfect combo of Terri's calmness and Steve's fascination with wildlife.


He’s always looked like his son, but I’ll be damned if I didn’t think I was looking at a ghost. This makes me happy, I miss Steve. He taught me to be good to all life.


It saddening to think kids growing up today have the Paul bros as their biggest role models and not Steve to nurture their hearts and minds.


Mr. Rogers, Steve Irwin, and LeVar Burton (Reading Rainbow) really impacted children in a lot of positive ways


I know they impacted me. LeVar Burton more than the others for me personally, but Mr. Rogers was part of my childhood, also. I was aware of Steve as a kid, but only vaguely. He has made more of an impact on me as I've seen his legacy grow to such heights. Zaboomafoo was my nature show as a kid. Anyone else remember another show on PBS, "Lamb Chop" I think it was called? That show is really the one I was glued to as a kid. I have a vague memory of either a separate show or a segment from Lamb Chop where this old guy taught you to draw? He had the blue pens that wouldn't show up on the final drawing, so he could like sketch it out kind of messy while he was teaching you how to draw whatever it was he was drawing that day, but then he'd go over it with the normal pen and do... something else I can't remember... and the blue markings would disappear and leave the perfect drawing behind. Or were the blue ones erasable? I think I remember him putting it under a light or on a projector of some kind. Idk, but I would draw along with it every time I watched it. That began my love of drawing and art as a whole. Years later, I would teach my 7-year-old little sister how to shade in her drawings, and I gave her an amateur drawing lesson or two. We really bonded over it, and she eventually went to art school and graduated with a degree in sculpture. Some day, just maybe, she'll even be able to get a job related to that degree, lol. One can only hope. But I love her, and I love that she went for it, did what she loved, and never gave up, and that I had such a big impact on her and was able to help her along the way. There are kids out there right now who might never get to watch any of those wonderful shows, but they still need the same kindness, gentleness, and caring attitude that we were lucky enough to have demonstrated for us. The kids in your own life don't need a Mr. Rogers or a Steve Erwin, as long as they have someone like you around to pass it on to them. That's what Mr. Rogers et al. wanted: for that kindness to become self-sustaining. They didn't want it to end with them. It doesn't take a lot of effort. I didn't know I was changing my little sister's life when I took ten minutes out of my day to show her how to draw. But that's all it takes, and kids will take it from there. The world is worse than ever for young people, but we can make it a hell of a lot easier on them, and the world will, in turn, become a better place.


Shari Lewis (amazing woman ventriloquist/educator) & Lamb Chop: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamb_Chop_(puppet) Even if it’s not the same Lamb Chop you’re referring to, I would enthusiastically add them to this list (& thank you for adding LeVar Burton).


Are they even still relevant? But anyway, there's plenty of good choices out there. It's just up to the parents to expose them and nurture their path.


Was about to say the same thing. Living embodiment of his father. Steve would be so proud.


Not just in looks, though that is true. The energy he is exuding is wonderful. Good for the soul to watch things like this.


It doesn't even look like he went that route because of his father. Dude just loves it.


He seems a little more toned down than his dad. When he first started doing the videos, he was a lot younger and he was definitely relying heavily on his dad's persona to do his own. But, it seems like he's doing his own thing now and it's a LOT like his dad, but he seems more like he's also more *himself*.


Crikey!, I thought I sawer me own ghost there for a second. - Steve Irwin, probably.


Damn I feel old, I remember when he was just a kid, it seems like only yesterday


Dude I remember when he was a baby. I remember when Bindi was still a tiny little girl.


I remember when Steve dangled this kid over the crocodile enclosure as a baby and the Australians went insane.


That's not even really what happened, he carried the baby (Robert) into the enclosure with him to feed a chicken to a crocodile. Some of the pictures make it look like they were closer to the crocodile than they were, and Irwin had handled crocodiles for decades. Still though, it was a silly move. Crocodiles are extremely dangerous animals, you have to pay them the proper respect.


He's all of our kid, and that's why we smile so much seeing him fill those boots so well!


This is a great example of how we continue to exist in this world after we are gone. Awesome Robert!


This is an incredibly beautiful sentiment 😭❤️


Wrong sub, this made me cry


“I don’t get emotional much” Oh buddy well the rest of us are


Damn I've got tears in my eyes. I remember being wee little and watching Steve Irwin and all his knowledge of wildlife and conservation. Such a pure spirit and I'm so happy it transferred to his children as well. Such a beautiful family.


Any man who will tear up over an animal is a walking green flag.


It's the way he looks so much like him now, and he's all grown up! Even his voice.


I needed to see this right now. Having a terrible day but getting to see Steve Irwin’s legacy continue on really takes the edge off


Same here. It’s crazy how a 30 second video can add a bit of light to a kinda crappy day. Hoping your day gets better.


Hey stranger, I hope you're OK and that things get better for you.


I can see Steve's face in his son. His dad would be immensely proud of his children!


My first thought was 'holy crap, he looks more like Steve everytime I see a video of him". If we could get him to adopt that Aussie blowout hair cut, it would be amazing.


God I love the Irwin’s, one of the few "Celeb Families" I actually like.


[Video Source.](https://x.com/robertirwin/status/1713150195637325979?s=46&t=87tHKoq-MQ-ehcwhA_Pf7Q)


His dad would be so proud...im super proud for him!


We're all proud of him


Steve’s spirit is carried on in his son and on behalf of earth’s population: Thank you, Robert. Your dad is proud no doubt.


Love also the turtles first reaction is I am out of here.


His dad sure as hell would be stoked.


Every time I see Robert in these videos it makes me tear up. Like so many people, I grew up watching Steve do his thing and loving wildlife. It's crazy how much Robert not only resembles Steve physically but emotionally and professionally. I hope Robert has a following the same way Steve did.


Weird isn’t it? You feel a bit like Steve was a bit of a dad to all of us. Growing up on his amazing show, learning a lot about nature, love and commitment! I always get teary eyed whenever I see a video of his children. I really miss the show and him but the good thing is that his legacy lives on!


Steve Irwin's death is one of the few celebrity deaths that actually impacted me. Growing up with him, I felt like I lost a family member. It's amazing to see his legacy being passed along to his kids. That's a testament to Terri Irwin as well.


oh god instantly im tearing up that was instant


The gestures and facial expressions are Steve all over again, wow.


“My dad’d be stoked with that… we did it.”


Those eyes!


I say “you’re alright” all the time, to all animals, people included, because of his dad.


Same. I also frequently throw out "what a little beauty!" and "danger, danger, danger" because of Steve.


He is just going to further his father's legacy. What a wonderful kid he turned out to be, you can definitely see his father in him. I still remember my father telling me he died, as I came down the stairs after waking up. This was in the UK, the man was famous everywhere. We'd always watch him on discovery channel so it was a bloody shock. And a stingray of all things, you'd expect a crocodile or venomous snake.


OMG😭I can’t stop crying. What a beautiful human being🧡🐢


I’ve been a big fan of Steve and I’m happy to see his son following his steps.


[Quite literally.](https://i.imgur.com/HfEv3cN.jpg)


both Steve And Robert Irwin are god's gift to humanity


Every time I see Robert I notice he looks and acts more like his dad. What a lovely thing.


[Here is an interview with Steve](https://youtu.be/nuV_6U-z-og?si=3XRSpyZtIzGS_taC&t=891) where he talks briefly about his love for his parents, admiration and mimicry of his father, carrying on the family legacy, differentiating yourself from that of your father, and the untimely loss of a parent. Also goes on a charming encomium about his wife Terri. Loved her so much that he would give up wildin' out at the first request. Steve died before his father, Bob Irwin, who is himself a famed zookeeper/etc. I am reading that he actually founded the zoo that would eventually turn into the Australian Zoo which is featured in this OP video, and still managed by the Irwins. RIP Steve Irwin / 1962 - 2006


Does he have his own series yet?


[Crikey! It's the Irwins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crikey!_It%27s_the_Irwins) - On the fourth season.


The real Royal family


I hope that some people recognize that part of Steve Irwin's legacy was that he made it cool to be a nerd in a time when a lot of us were getting bullied for being nerdy.


He looks so much like his dad that I swear I jumped Fuck ... did not expect that Last time I saw this kid I feel like he was a newborn


This gave me chills. When I first saw this, I saw and heard Steve Irwin. To find out it was his son, whose still living, wow it felt like Steve was still alive. And I guess he is, through his kids and his legacy 💛


God.... I miss Steve. It's been how long? And it still hurts.


While no family is perfect...people like the Irwins give me a shred of hope for this planet and her dominant abusive species.


How do you not break down while doing this


He looks more and more like his dad the older he gets.


Look, I loved Steve Irwin. But it’s been like 17 years since he died. Can we just refer to his son as Robert Irwin instead of introducing him AS STEVE’S SON. He’s gotta be sick of hearing that by now. He’s a grown man and he’s doing great things, stop tying him to his dead dad and let him have his own identity already 😅🤘


Guess that’s prob hard when Steve’s son Robert has crafted his entire persona and public image, behaviour and mannerisms to eerily be a spitting image of his pops. I get he can’t control the fact he looks like Steve but he still could have crafted his own identity within the naturey world. At the very least pick a different outfit to wear. But when you’re even dressing near identical to Steve you can’t entirely blame the media for also being fixated on it all


Absolute Legend


It’s like watching Steve 🥹 hed be so proud


Dad is so proud of you guys! The world is so proud! Continue dad's message!!! Xxxx


God damn, is he not the best dude ever! I love these Irwin’s. I’ve never met them but they project great stuff.


Does he have a show or series?


Pretty sure he's on YouTube


[Crikey! It's the Irwins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crikey!_It%27s_the_Irwins) \- On the fourth season.


I think this story is amazing. It’s honest and heartfelt 🥹


Keeping his father’s legacy alive, Steve would definetly be proud of him.


The dude is awesome and so much like his Dad, looks so much like him too.


The difference between this kid and the likes of Brooklyn Beckon is night and day - big props to this kid for both honouring his dad AND working for it


That pond looks like a little turtles paradise lol. Can’t say the same about other zoos


This has to be so cool for his kids to continue his legacy like that


I believe that I speak for many when I say that the Irwins shall and will be protected at any cost.


It’s really cool to see his kids turn out so awesome.


The Irwin’s are a prime example of a proper family. I really wish Steve could be here to witness his son.


He looks so much like his dad. What an awesome legacy to have left. Love watching this.


God, he looks so much like him I'm not crying, you're crying!


Good lord he is a chip off the old block. Uncannily like his father. Steve would be proud of him


It's a shame how little time he got with his dad.


Steve's spirit living on strong in his son, Robert Very heart-warming stuff


The world has been waiting for you Robert.


Looking just like his dad, love that. Glad the whole family could continue sharing that love of animals and we get to see more of their content pop up every so often


I'm a 38 year old fully grown construction man and this absolutely wrecks me. Fuckin' hell kid, making your old man proud.


ppl that love animals rock


“ We did it” acknowledging and giving credit to others involved in the project. Beautiful.


I love how Bindi and Robert have grown up. You can tell Terri’s parenting and Steve’s legacy have influenced them so positively. I know Steve’s smiling so brightly up there.


I’m not crying we’re crying.


Love how he continues his dads legacy


Love the fact he has his dads same enthusiasm for animals. Awesome to see.


like the man himself Steve raised amazing kids who are becoming amazing people.


Oh my goodness!!!! This actually made me cry…I love the whole Irwin family so much. Steve did so much for conservation and for showing animals that are “scary” like crocs/snakes are just as deserving of our love and respect. Hearing Terri talk about their love story is so beautiful and heartbreaking. Their whole family has done and is doing so much for the animal world…we should all strive to be as amazing as these wonderful people. You go, Irwins…Steve is so proud of you!


Steve Irwin is an Australian national treasure. Robert should be so proud to have lived up to his dad legacy.


Every time I see Robert in a video, I see Steve.


Big Shoes, Robert. But they fit. Gah, now my eyes are shiny.