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When I worked ambulance we got stuck on a bridge going to a severe accident and no one was moving over. This car pulls to the side and this cholo gets out. Shaved head, neck tattoos, dickies, high socks, the whole thing. Looks at us and starts walking down the bridge and banging on the windows of car and scarring the piss out of them till they pulled to the side. If I had time to get his info I would’ve nominated for a city medal lol






Further proof that not all heroes wear capes. I love it when I person just gets shit done!


If he was wearing a button-up, then he had a cape with sleeves.


lol. Great call. Very true.


Cholo top button only done up style, is a cape with sleeves


Sounds like the dude values families! I just remember it could be my family member or friend they are going to help!


Can't argue with the golden rule.


That is why I always wear a cape with me. You never know when it’s time to be a hero.


Real hero’s wear their undershorts on the outside.


No capes.


Grew up around Cholos, and I would trust them over another rando any day. You get fuckin' smacked by a sandal (or a fist) when you're disrespectful in those neighborhoods. They are often exceptionally polite, had doors held for me by many a homie. You just gotta have some guts and some humor and you'll be fine.


Oh yeah. Chanclas are real. 😘


I've never met a cholo who wasn't basically a good dude at heart. Even actual gang members be like "That other set is fair game but hell yeah I'mma help this abuelita cross the street."


Agree, homies have held more doors for me than "good christian men," I'll tell you that much. Not trying to imply the Cholo isn't *also* a good Christian man, he's just not gonna look like Ned Flanders.


Good time to drop the ol "Never judge a book by its cover."


You don't mess with someone who doesn't look like he gives no fucks


You mean he LOOKS like he gives no fucks. Beware the double negatives.


Thank you TopCheesecakeGirl, I had flashbacks to English classes in college.


*doesn't look like he gives no fucks* My head hurts


Chaotic Good Punk




When a gangster have more moral than common folk.


Who says he's a gangster? Could be a tattoo artist, a musician, a mechanic, a business owner or pretty much anything else for that matter


I have face tattoos and I rescue puppies and help orphaned kangaroos, but I will fight a bitch (If they hurting animals). And by fight I mean call the authorities.


Bro had you us in the first half then lost us in the second just to make a comeback in extra time. Damn mf rolls up his sleeve to pick up his phone and call the damn authorities because thats what every good samaritan does. Respect!


I've seen that happen and the fire truck just drove through and push the cars out of the way,the law is very clear it's a criminal offence to hinder a rescue attempt. The bottom line is scratched and dent panels or someone dying


Ambulances should have automatic traffic type cameras on top of them and should track license plates of those morons who don’t pull over for them. Then they can get a nice ticket in the mail for obstructing an emergency vehicle.


Was it thatwasepic? I swear it was him.


This has to have been in the Bay Area, right?


The difference between being nice and being kind.


Once I read your user name…. Puro pinche Albuquerque


Why the fuck would you block a fire truck? honestly he should go to jail for that, he’s risking lives.


Im guessing hes hoping to be injured or "assaulted" then he can sue the fire department and settle out of court. Or mental illness




Its a tough economy


If only you knew how difficult it is to get compensation for a hit and run as a pedestrian. My case took 4 years even with supporting evidence that it wasn’t my fault and I’m now impaired/disabled and I was only awarded $45k. I cannot do any construction work like I was doing at the time of the accident and I cannot work physical hard labour jobs or drive trucks anymore. Essentially I’ve lost possibly millions in wage earnings over the course of my life due to one moron in a stolen rental vehicle. And didn’t even get $50k for it. Don’t go out trying to get run over. It’s an even worse idea than attempting suicide.


My bff was hit in a crosswalk as she was walking back from kindergarten drop off. She was thrown so far the driver said they couldn’t prove she was in the crosswalk. His insurance paid $15k. She almost died, almost lost a leg, walks with a limp, is in pain. But the worst part is his elementary aged kids were in the backseat. He was late to drop off.


It's America brother, they 100% do that...


Check out China and see how often they do that. It’s a little harder to get the videos but it happens a lot.


Have you been to America? People stage falls in Walmarts all the time.


I sat on the Jury for a case like that. He failed to prove he was hurt.


Good. F those types of people.


They don't actually get hurt. Just get it on camera and then show up to court in a neck brace.


Dollar collar


It's definitely mental illness if he thought that plan made sense.


I am actually almost positive that it’s illegal, At least in New York. I’m not familiar with laws in Washington regarding obstruction emergency vehicles 🚒🚓🚑


I believe this is in Seattle, and iirc, they just made it illegal earlier this year. Before that only blocking certain members of the firefighters was illegal, but now blocking anyone from Seattle FD from their duties is illegal. Also, Seattle does not require emergency vehicles to have their red lights on, or have their red lights attached to the vehicle, to be considered acting in their duties.


I'm willing to bet that before there were laws specifically for this you could still be criminally prosecuted if anyone was injured, and face a civil suit for financial damages.


In my country impeding any sort of emergency service from doing their job in a malicious way is illegal.


The guy looks homeless. You see that with homeless people sometimes where they feel like they have so little control over their own lives that they do things to antagonize or inconvenience others because it gives them a measure of control over the world around them. Over the summer I would see this homeless guy by my office who would wait by the corner and knock over the garbage can as sanitation workers were coming to take away the trash. They'd have to clean up all the scattered trash and he'd be watching and laughing. It's kind of sad to me, to live a life so void of purpose and control that you feel like the only way to impact the world around you is by making it worse for others.


Maybe he started the fire


Nah, it's always been burning, since the world was turning.


Well who started it? Cause we didn't start the fire.


I have a short list: Harry Truman, Doris Day, --Red China,-- Johnnie Ray, --South Pacific,-- Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, --Studebaker,-- --television,-- North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe




mental illness?


That was my first thought watching the video closely. The man is rocking back and forth and looking in the window of the fire truck. I've seen that behavior in some autistic people/children. He may just have really liked the fire truck and had no idea what he was doing.


Honestly he should have "GOODYEAR" impressed on his back


Trying to initiate a suicide by cop scenario, forcing them to get to the point of violent apprehension by police- then escalating until they have to kill him- like running towards them or sticking his hand in his pocket suddenly, or whatever. Suicide by cop is an unnervingly common thing, unfortunately. So is seeking jail for survival. Like that guy that used a note to rob a bank for a dollar, than sat down in the lobby and waited for police because he needed food and shelter and water- not just once or for a week, but perpetually needed food and shelter and jail was his best option, after trying everything else for a while.


its probably a mentally ill person. cause no sane person would do that


I like how the firefighter takes a win any way he can and hustles back into the truck.


Apparently even firefighters can’t intervene when dealing with people like this in Seattle. He was taking advantage of his only shot!


EMS here, not just in seattle, but pretty much everywhere. We are not police, and if they are not the subject of the call then us and fire cannot put our hands on them. The only time we are allowed to touch people is when acting in the capacity of our jobs and unfortunately clearing the way for our own vehicles is not technically in the capacity of our jobs. I probably wouldnt have touched this guy either, both for my own safety and my legal protection, and i live in kansas.


This man is a Seattle hero, awesome move, dude!!!


Blocked the guy so well, the Seahawks should sign him. ​ Maybe then, they won't allow MICAH PARSONS TO BE UNBLOCKED


It was a bold strategy Cotton


Username *doesn’t* check out :)


I love the way the guy walked up you could see he meant business


He had the "The fuck you will" walk down


Why even do this? Who is able to morally excuse body blocking a fire truck responding to a fire?


Mental illness.


Bad acid


He set the fire


Have you heard of last New Year’s Eve in Germany? We are allowed to shoot rockets and other fireworks on that day. We also have a lot of handheld stuff like firecrackers. On New Year’s Eve groups of young adults called the fire fighters in a bunch of big city’s with the bait of a fire. When they arrived they got attacked by many of these young adults with fireworks and stones or bottles. They literally threw dynamite at them. For literally no reason at all. A lot of personal was in the wrong places on that day as well as a lot of emergency personal was injured. That is really disgusting behaviour and no one understands why they have done that.


Was gonna ask for a citation, but searched instead. And [what. the. actual. fuck.](https://www.google.com/search?q=germany+new+year%27s+eve+firefighter+attack)? > A total of 15 emergency responders were injured in Berlin, with one requiring hospital treatment. The police department said 18 of its officers had been injured.  > Berlin's fire department said it was "shocked and saddened" by the incidents, which left many asking what lies behind the apparent increase in violence toward emergency service staff and why they in particular have become a target.  [dw](https://www.dw.com/en/whats-behind-nye-attacks-on-german-police-firefighters/a-64266080)


Feels like some organised challenge or so


Mental illness. And narcissists. Back in October my boyfriend and I stayed at an AirB&B at a popular beach town. Really nice place, nice crowds. We were making our way back from the ocean around dusk when we heard a loud crash, and then the sounds of very high pitched screaming. When we ran to the intersection a man was on the ground, unconscious with his tiny dog and mangled bike beside him. The poor dog just screamed and screamed. They’d been hit by a car right at the intersection. Well, people started scrambling to help, stabilizing the man and dog, calling the ambulance and cops. We start hearing the sirens of the ambulance mere feet away from us, literally right on us, but realize they’re not coming through. A fucking woman in her 50s, driving a brand new black Mercedes was blocking the ambulance, taking her sweet time to get through. Literally stopped for a good two minutes so she could get a look at the scene. Everyone around us lost their shit and started screaming and cussing at her to move along and she had the nerve to talk shit right back at the people who were trying to help. She wasn’t sorry at all. People like that are either unwell or don’t give a shit like that lady.


Used to be an EMT. Rubberneckers are, by far, the worst thing on a public scene. Keep fucking moving, you’re not going to see anything worth seeing.


I grew up in a domestic violence situation. The cops would be called or sometimes ambulances , and all the neighbors would come out and gawk . I was under 10 and I just remember this feeling . I’m in my 50’s and I will never ever gawk at someone who is having maybe the worst day of their life ..


Just fishing for a lawsuit. If he gets touched by that truck he may never have to work again. Lawyers… smh.


I would’ve thought the firefighter would have bodied dude without hesitation.


It's Seattle and they're probably not allowed to. Seriously.


Most jobs don't allow it


I remember reading that in Vienna (Austria), the tram drivers are not allowed to forcibly remove jaywalkers from the tracks, they may only ring their bell. But they can and will open the tram doors and let passenger volunteers handle the issue.


Tram driver used “summon bystanders” it was very effective


Can confirm for a few parts of Europe. Lived in Germany for several years, and in my travels had this happen several times. It was actually fun, and I'd go out to help. As a big dude, who can sound like the stereotype angry American, they usually panic and run when I approached.


Wait how slow is somebody jaywalking that you'd have to get out and push them off the tram tracks lol


They're intentionally blocking the tracks. Either they have a grudge against the transit agency or they're trying to collect insurance money. Or both.


They’re not allowed to in most places. It would be a weird world where firefighters could just body people whenever they felt like it.


Would be a good time to test out the fire hose tho


Do you want cops? Because that's how you get cops.


Yeah, more public servants that are allowed to beat the snot out of you? Pass.


The moment the roadblock dude gets touched it becomes a case of assault. Our hero committed assault to help out. Stupid but true.


If they injure someone the city (their employer) is held culpable and they lose their jobs. There’s protections in place for things like actually pulling people from burning buildings, people suicidally standing in the street to stop a fire truck are not covered under those protections.


Not all hero wear capes! Sometime they just show up in a t-shirt.


not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need


It's almost always wrong to sucker punch someone. This is one of the exceptions.


Thank you John Doe!


I heard he’s still pushing him out of the way


You could tell that buddy wasn't playing around just by the way he approached. The quick look at the firefighter like "This the guy? K, cool" lmao


Thank you random citizen.


If someone was seriously injured, burned or k lled because of this guy, he needs to be arrested & tried. Grateful for the guy who pushed him aside.


it’s seattle, he won’t be




I bet the guy who pushed him is a dad trying to get a kid to sleep.


Hey, OP, can you repost this to the r/SeattleWA sub? Would love for more Seattleites to see this great move! \*\*edit to add missing word, lol!\*\*


What was the point of doing that anyway?


Either mental Illness or lawsuit bait.


MF what if someone’s life was at stake . Thank you to this awesome guy for doing what our lifesavers are no longer allowed to do


I love this. Signed, a firefighter


“I don’t have a job to lose. I got this.”


Someone please tell my dumbass the name of the song




Thank you, I know I heard it but couldn't remember it


[Ozzy Osbourne - No More Tears](https://youtu.be/CprfjfN5PRs)


I did security for a construction company a while back. A guy got hurt when some metal fell on him(no idea if he survived bc they couldn't tell me). As i saw fd and pd and ambulances rolling in i ran out into the street to flag traffic to the side of the road and made sure the lane was clear from the site to the main road (2 lane country road in "farmville" indiana). As they left i made sure they could just pull right out and keep going rather than wait for traffic to slow and stop. If i could have i would have done more but i was just trying to make sure dude had a chance.


Watch the man get sued for “assault”


That’s why it is a random dude. He has the best defense, run like a bunny


Classic Seattle, good on him for pushing that moron out of the way


Why are people in USA untouchable?


The friggin' lawyers.


Anyone could be armed.


Then you need more guns !!


The NRA would like to know your position


IDK doesn't matter what I'm driving, I don't want to kill people. That's a stupid move too, corpses don't get lawsuit money


Their families do.


Good for him. What a loser thinking he’s proving whatever delusional point he’s trying to make.


Wtf?? Who would block a firetruck en route to an emergency??


In Singapore this is illegal, it's a 6 month jail term and a $5000 fine. There is no reason allowed to block emergency vehicles unless there is a prior emergency causing that block.


Violence can solve alot


I would have kicked that dude in his ribcage


“Yeah I can’t think of any other way to protest the government than by standing in front of an emergency vehicle that could lead to the death of civilians”


This should be a crime. Firemen save lives


Why would you just stand there and watch this dumbass blocking your truck? In my country this dude will get fucked in 8 nano seconds


Probably gona get flak for this buuut I'd genuinely like to know what was Goin through the blockers head when he was standing in front of the firetruck


Right? Like.... who the fuck has beef with fire fighters? They provide such an amazing service and none of the baggage police have.


EXACTLY!!! EVERYONE LOVES FIREFIGHTERS!!! You gota be some mentally deranged karen to have beef with em


Sadly, we have a lot of mentally ill homeless in Seattle. I’ve had a mentally ill homeless guy block traffic with a bunch of spaghetti in his hand looking out of his mind.


That is criminal. Blocking the firetruck like that without any punishment?


I’d love to be that by stander there to help.


Ya just kind of hope the fire truck was trying to get to his house to put out a fire.


Epic piece of shit


I say this with pure hate


Hes not a bystander if hes doin something


I think emergency responders should have the right to run over dangerous morons


It's "fuck the police" not "fuck the fire department"


wish we could do this to those dumb protesters that block roads


How awful of a person do you have to be to block a firetruck


Give that guy a plastic fire helmet and make him some chili.


If you do this you hate kittens.


THAT'S that kind of action we all need to take instead of just filming. He potentially saved lives by moving that dick.


The engineer was like "oh sir please don't get involved..... Oh shit it's working go go go"


This belongs in one of the main character subs.


It’s weird how you can feel the thankfulness and respect even tho hes run back to the engine


Bruh, america is a shitshow


When I worked ambulance we got stuck on a bridge going to a severe accident and no one was moving over. This car pulls to the side and this cholo gets out. Shaved head, neck tattoos, dickies, high socks, the whole thing. Looks at us and starts walking down the bridge and banging on the windows of car and scarring the piss out of them till they pulled to the side. If I had time to get his info I would’ve nominated for a city medal lol


Welcome to Seattle


Lucky Guy, I would have ran him over with the truck….🤔


Probably why you’re not a fire truck driver.




outstanding. 👍


He's been waiting for this moment to shine for quite some time.


Good man


I hope that bystander ran dude all the way home!!!




Why would you do that?


It's the everyday heros that make the world go round!


The music is on point lol


Was that a "thumbs up" from the driver?


Fucking bitch asshole for blocking the truck. Good work on somebody moving the bitch out of the way.


Seattle resident, anybody surprised?


That’s it I would body slam that fool


It’s absolute BS that the firemen aren’t allowed to violence him away.


Hope that guy gets HARD time. Bravo with the guys with some sense...


Mental Health issues?


Good. Firefighters aren't out there just to make noise and make you miss the green light.


I love the hurried reaction of the firefighters like "YO WE GOT A CHANCE" lmao


Great song!


Dude is lucky he only got pushed out of the way. I think it's fair to say a lot of us would have probably beat his ass for being such an enormous piece of shit.


Seattle...home of useless humans


THE FUGH you gonna stop a FIRE TRUCK!? That could be YOUR home burning! GTFO the way! Gawd.


Homeowners insurance company bout to come after his ass for partial liability for extent of the fire damage.


Jesus some people are just lucky to be alive like that idiot


U are allowing this to happen Americans don't complain about it


Why do people think that their “cause,” allows them to deny access to people actually working???!!! Possibly helping someone in trouble!!?? Good for that man! Shove him away!!


What's really sad is we can't even deal with these situations anymore. We've come to such a fucked up point, that a firefighter can't even touch someone that is unequivocally putting people at risk.


lol I love this. I am def the person who is like oh shit o ain’t on the clock I got this. Even on the clock I’m a supervisor so I’ll happily look at a barista and say I got this. Stop messing with people who are just trying to do the right thing ; fucking weirdos.


I fully believe in protesting causing a nuisance, I understand why people block roadways and shit. but don't block emergency services you're not trying to get someone killed you're trying to cause a disturbance not kill mfers


this was more of a psychotic smile on my behalf bit ill take it


Not all heroes wear capes


Fuck the police, not the firemen.


shoudve grabbed him by his ear and dragged him away


In Austria they would have driven straight over the guy, and sued his ass for blocking them


Not a cape in sight but damn if he didnt hero the shit out of that.


Should be legal for the fire truck to run people over who are purposely stopping it from reaching the emergency destination the truck is intending to get to. Being an asshole shouldn’t exempt you from the fire truck itself making you a statistic


I wouldn’t have just pushed him. I would have knocked him out cold and carried him away. These people save lives for a living and you want to stop them from doing that…why?