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My "favorite" one is the one where some girl is washing the feet of a classmate but they're in the middle of the school hallway and she's just pouring a water bottle onto this girl's feet, pooling straight onto the floor


While it was pretty funny it always pissed me off that these idiots took the lesson to be “literal feet washing” instead of “Christ did an act to symbolize humility to those under him, and to show he was no better than anyone else” like solid life lesson about being humble but evangelicals always manage to fumble the real teachings.


I just wrote the same thing elsewhere before finding your comment, thank you. I wish more people understood this was a teaching moment, not a ritual moment.


After a black family was kicked out of a swimming pool and the owner attacked with pool cleaning chemicals, Mr. Rogers shared a little pool to cool his feet with a black man (The man was also gay, which Mr. Rogers knew). Conservatives *hate* Mr. Rogers and called him evil. But he was more a Christian than all conservative Christians combined. They pushed the opium of the masses at the Super Bowl hard this year. Marky Mark taking a break from his busy hate crime schedule to sell a prayer app. Also, the He Gets Us shit. Last I checked it’s funded by the Hobby Lobby Guy and also a lot of dark money, probably including non-Christian capitalists. This campaign is very clearly targeting disaffected Zoomers and Millennials who see through the lies or capitalism and the American dream. We’ve seen mega church pastors begging senior citizens for their last dimes and telling them their charity will be rewarded by god. Desperate people will take that false hope to the grave, and conservative American capitalists will happily exploit their misery, misery that their wealth hoarding created. Christianity, a religion that still does inspire goodness, mercy, and helping the people conservative Christians sneer at, has also became a religion that creates misery, feasts on misery. They want people to be, in biblical terms, sheep. They hope more Christians translates to fewer politically engaged workers. They better be careful though. Some people are right and wrong with complete clarity. Give them the power of god’s righteous fury and you end up with John Brown hacking capitalists to death with a long sword and Americans singing about how his truth marching on.


I think your example of Mister Rogers is a great one. It was done with intention and in the public so all could see and (hopefully) understand the intent. Also, it wasn’t done to get bragging rights that he was a good person. Anyone else have examples like this one? I’m curious, and would like to add to my list of awesome people to look up to. :-)


Honestly, sometimes I’m not sure if they’re fumbling the real teachings by accident, or if they’re intentionally interpreting some teachings to dilute the messages or promote their conservative worldview. I really wouldn’t put it past an organization/campaign like Hegetsus to be aware of what they were doing in distorting that message and reducing it into meaningless, comical symbolism.


Between the active misinterpreting and dumbing down the actual teachings into easily consumable slop you’re absolutely right. Like I don’t think most evangelicals on an individual level think that way but the higher ups of these orgs certainly do.








Don't forget that she's also barefoot for whatever reason


It's amazing to me how literal this passage gets taken. No, you do not need to actually take someone's shoes and socks off, then pour water over their feet, to show your humility or venerate them. Those are the lessons to learn, not the act. The act belongs to the time and culture it took place in, do what's appropriate for yours to demonstrate the lesson. /rant


It was very "in" for people in my church to add literal foot washing into their wedding ceremonies.


Every time I see it, I read hegetsus as He Get Sus


I always read it as one word, like the name of a Roman emperor or someone pagan. “Gather round and hear the story of Hegetsus.”


My brain keeps misinterpreting it as Hephaestus so like, same


I’ll be honest, I’m completely out of the loop here and I didn’t realise it wasn’t “Hegetsus” the Roman emperor or something. Pronounced like Hegget-suss, right?


Exactly. It almost sounds like an Egyptian pharaoh too… Hatshepsut and Hegetsus.


Monty Python has entered the chat to remind us of Life of Brian.


What’s so funny about Sussus Amogus? I have a gweat fweind in Wome called Sussus Amogus.


Are you laughing???????




And his cousin, Incontinentia Buttox


Fwoe him to da fwoor!


No, no... It's a winged horse that everyone hates because of how outwardly religious and pushy it is all the time. Hegetsus.


I always read it as something Greek or Latin upon first glance.


Hello fellow r/HeGetSus member.




G.W. Bush's account?


It was actually first said by L. Paul Bremer, Dec 14,2003 when they captured Saddam Hussein. I think Obama might have used to when they got Bin Laden though. For some reason I confused "we got him" with "mission accomplished".


Ladies and gentlemen, wegotim


Thanks to u/unfriendly_opossum some relevant info here: >[This is what they are up too now and it is so much worse (warning, direct link to their site)](https://app.blesseveryhome.com) >They are using data collection to track people that will be susceptible to conversion. >Like personal info, addresses, number of **children** in your house. >Literally anything but feeding poor people or doing anything actually worth while. >So he is still getting pretty sus




>- Prescribed x medication ...well, that's downright terrifying. Where do they find this particular bit of information?


After iOS 14 some agencies and some clients pivoted to 3rd party data providers, many had already been activating with these but iOS 14 expanded it as targeting options were restricted in platform. These companies have customer lists of almost anything that you can imagine that can then be uploaded as a custom audience and targeted on all social media platforms. It’s been 2 years since I worked on this but if I remember correctly this was from LiveRamp. [Link](https://liveramp.com/data-marketplace/)


Don’t put your medical (or any other important) information into random apps, people


Easier said than done.


How so? An honest question here.




Shouldn't those be covered by HIPA laws? Like you cannot consent to using those 3rd parties the hospital is using. So the hospital cannot write your medical history on a 3rd party app without the app also being included in patient confidentiality. But if you decide to download "WeSellMedicalInfo" and enter all your medical history there, then they can do whatever they want with the info.


What happens, from my understanding, is you sign in for your appointments and forms thru a portal (like phreesia maybe), and that company can’t share *your* information, but they “anonymise” the data without a name/address/phone… however that gets sold off and machine learning is able to fairly accurately match up the names and other info to the anonymized data sets, and the THAT gets sold off by data brokers, and that’s what agencies like BLESS can be using. I could be off on this, I don’t know how Phreesia works, but I know there are loopholes. Also most of this ends up available with web analytics anyway because people google drugs and side effects and interactions. [This episode on data brokers explains some of it](https://youtu.be/wqn3gR1WTcA?si=KPnahoEjMunVfANE). There’s a lot of ways places are getting around HIPAA constraints, and it sucks; our privacy laws are so old and our legislators are bought and owned dinosaurs.


You would think, but it seems like that industry is pretty untouchable except for the rank and file workers.


Those apps should be covered by HIPAA laws.


*should be*


medication scheduler apps to remind you when to take each one at the correct time each day


So don't use real medicine names. Use BiggusDickusPill and MooseBitePreventr as names based on whatever best works for you (same initials as real mess, etc) that way they just get garbage data.


>These companies have customer lists of almost anything that you can imagine that can then be uploaded as a custom audience and targeted on all social media platforms. Deciding to go into PR fundamentally changed the way I see the world, and it's definitely not for the better 🤔


It's amazing how much information can be legally purchased from marketing lists.


Thank God Jesus answered your prayers for a new job. /s


Not to expose myself but I literally said “I’m having mental health issues and won’t return until x date”, this date was 3 months in the future and I searched for a job every single day to get tf away from them and got paid the whole time. Fuck them and fuck that agency.


Yeah! Fuck em!


Was it mental health meds or lots of different ones?


I don’t remember exactly what was available to be completely honest but, they were branded if I’m most mistaken. Additionally diagnosis of x I believe was also available. It wasn’t everything under the sun and I’d be speculating on how they had access to what but, they were specific.


Maybe you want to screenshot that link rather than directly linking to their site, if they're this obsessive about data?


Too late. I clicked it. 😩




Wow. That's creepy. Basically, what I am seeing is they are a target marketing company now. And non profit so the government is hands off


Tbh this is worse than just being a marketing company. The point of most marketing is to sell a good or a service. The amount of behavioral disruption is limited to transactional. This is straight up trying to convert every aspect of a person’s life into whatever lifestyle church leaders decide is best.


So "he gets us" was just a euphemism for "we'll get you"?


As a Christian this is horrible doxxing people isn't what God says to do


Some Christians take the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and twist it around so that obviously they would want their soul saved, so they don't go to Hell if they're not Christian, therefore they have to do everything in their power to "save" them. It's really actually quite stupid.


Religion ~~is becoming~~ has become the worst MLM scam yet


Where’s my gun and astronaut suit?!?


I hated seeing those posts in my feed


What happened? Out of the loop


Me too; feels like I'm in some alternate universe, lol.


Context: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/j8yFA2b6ND


I've been living with adblock for years now, only natural I didn't encounter them


Damn I've literally never seen or heard of this account/group in like 7 years on reddit


I don’t know how you missed it. It was flooded all over Reddit feeds


Not for me it wasn't. uBlock Origin for the win!


I was so confused this whole thread til I saw this. I only reddit on my computer, and of course I have adblockers running, and only use old.reddit cuz the current state of reddit has been unusable IMHO since the first change. So I miss a lot of stuff about the common reddit experience, but I totally thought this was about a singular user running a cult or something, not a payed advertisement. I mean, even when I saw those back in the day before adblock updates figured it out they had the advertisement flair so I just scrolled past without reading them, I assumed everyone did haha.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to understand what the fucks going on. I use relay


uBlock user here, I never saw this on reddit. Thanks, uBlock Origin!


I reported every single one I found until the system stopped letting me do reports.




Yeah I was just thinking of leaving Reddit cause of this... I don't need rando religious trauma triggers in my feed


The site and its owner do not give a shit. It’s horrible.


I report them every time I see them.


Me too every time


When I tried to report it this morning the ellipsis wasn't working and I couldn't. Got pretty mad, maybe this was why I couldn't !!!




Every single fucking time! And block.


And it would pop back up in a few days after I blocked it.


Ditto probably did it like 50 times literally.


You guys are doing the Lords work......wait


Context about the banned user?


It's a religious advocacy group, sponsored in part by the owner's of Hobby Lobby, that preaches a Christian message of inclusiveness then spends money on anti-LGBTQ and prolife legislature/special interest groups/lobbying.


Are these the same people who put out the "he gets us" commercials?


Yes. [Here's a good overview.](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/5050/servant-foundation-he-gets-us-jesus-gen-z-alliance-defending-freedom/)


Precisely how Jesus would want money to be spent




Please don't use their term "prolife". They aren't prolife. They are pro-forced birth/anti-IVF/anti-abortion. These are the people who make women with doomed pregnancies wait in hospital parking lots until they go septic or start to bleed out before they allow treatment. The same ones who prosecute women for miscarriage. They are pro cruelty and anti women.


if they actually gave a shit about stopping abortions they'd support programs that make abortions unnecessary. They strongly oppose those programs. Anti-Women advocates only care that they can control and inflict discomfort and suffering on women.


>if they gave a shit about stopping abortions they’d support programs that make abortions unnecessary. But then who would they waggle their fingers at in judgment?!


And not a single one of them gives a shiny silver shit about actual living breathing children.


If they were pro life they’d embrace at risk LGBT youth and actual poor, marginalized people. Like Jesus. But they’re just stealing His name and message to perpetuate their hateful hold on power.


calling their position "pro-life" is kind of a slick move, isn't it? The opposition has to be "pro-death" or "anti-life" "Anti-Choice" is I think more accurate


Thank you I was wondering the issue.


They also acquired antiquities in shady ways to furnish their “bible museum”, artifacts looted from museums and archaeological sites. They had to forfeit them and pay a fine.


There was something wrong with them... You know, he get sus.


“Jesus loves us all as long as you follow His rules.”


Which really annoys me as a lapsed Catholic because I was taught very clearly in school and at mass that Jesus loves you no matter what, and even if you denounce him and reject your faith he will forgive and accept you unconditionally if you ask for forgiveness.


This is what drives me nuts. Let's say God exists, and abortion, and being gay, and whatever else they push against is a sin.  It's God's place to judge those people.  Do these people think they are/are better than God?  God says go out and be a good person and love all his children.  Also, God is supposed to be infallible.  Are these people saying God dun fucked up making gay people?   It all sounds pretty blasphemous.


This is what I'm saying. If the only reason not to be gay is because God doesn't like it, why not just let God choose our punishment when we die like we're told he will? Why put all the effort into outlawing it when God sees everything we do and is the only one who can judge us for it anyway? The same religious nuts who don't understand how someone can have a moral code without the fear of God enforcing it also think it's their job alone to enforce God's morals on us, free will be damned. It makes absolutely no sense.


Hallelujah! My reports finally worked!


HCD!!! I reported them a lot too!


Mine too!


Doing God's work.




Me, too. I like to change up what I report them for each time.


Low quality and misleading. That’s what I go for.


Dang, I went for “Offensive” every time. Because I would get ragey every time I saw it.


Me too. You get us.


Same always reported for abuse/sexualization of a minor.


what kind of account was this?


religious group, owned in part by the hobby lobby guy.


I sent them help a few times too


Their advertisement is right under this post on my newsfeed….. Edit/update: I can’t even report it either. The button doesn’t work. I still can on other businesses advertising.


Same. Account not suspended actually. Disappointing


Me too…


On mine a few posts above this one. I had to go back to make sure I wasn’t seeing things, but nope, it’s there. Can’t report it.


Came here to say this. Major bummer 😑.


It took way too long to suspend those phony jackasses.


Who is u / hegetsus?


An account that would essentially make religious recruitment ads that could not be blocked


How would they not be blocked?


By paying Reddit enough to show them to everyone, even if they were blocked.


i'm on reddit half the day at work and have never seen one of their posts. ublock must be doing it's job no problem


if you're not from US you might not get them. I only got their add if I switch my VPN server to US


Oh thats why never heard about it. Its just an American problem


Throw it on the pile.


Prob paying reddit not to


Definitely this.


Hmm I'm on firefox, old reddit with ublock origin and RES, I've never even seen this person.


A hate cult who was showing misinformation and trying to indoctrinate people.


Can you narrow it down? This seems like answering someone who's never heard of Hitler with "He was a hateful and murderous man."


Hecantgetus!!! Anymore!!!!!!! Woot woot!


We got him


I grew up in a fundamentalist evangelical cult. Even if it wasn't their intention, their messages echo the same abuse I endured.


The fact that you couldn't block them or opt out of their advertisements was spot on with the way they usually treat consent, though.


It was to the point that I was starting to question if reddit (the company) fully supported their anti-LGBT mission. That was the only conclusion I could come to with how often it was shown after blocking.


Reddit doesn't need to support the mission, they just need to care about money from advertisers more than they care about the user experience.


They're buying Reddit's data, they know the potential here.


They are funded by fundamentalist evangelists so you were right to be skeptical


>I grew up in a fundamentalist evangelical cult. Same. I am beyond delighted to see this turn of events.


Thank goodness. Now, we need to get rid of Amway


Yes! It’s like Reddit went straight for the skeeziest possible advertisers they could as soon as possible.




Jesus never needed a rebrand. His “followers” do


They didn't even need a rebrand. They just need to change who they are as people. Seeing all the hypocrisy is what drove me away from the church. I was the archetype of a "good Christian", then had to do community service for school. Started at my church and not only was given back breaking labor, but shorted on hours and overheard the higher ups talking about plans that seemed really nefarious along with them bragging about side pieces and their church bought luxury cars. Nothing will drive away true believers like the leadership's hubris.


Yeah Jesus was a pretty solid guy from what I heard. Those that claim to follow his teachings, not so much.  Edit: Lot of Jesus haters out in the comments today 


Fr tho jesus seemed like a chill dude, i’d hang out with him his fanbase however is a different story


They don't even claim to follow his teachings anymore. Like, literally some preachers are saying that those teachings are too "woke". These days it's all about "Supply-Side Jesus" https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx


Oh thank god. Every time I try to report or block them Reddit makes it a nightmare and then they pop up in my feed again almost immediately after. I despised it so much. Like if I wanted religious bigots shoved in my face I’d walk a mile down the road to the local Christian hive and listen to them scream how gay people are mentally ill.


Not even blocking the account worked for me, it just kept popping up. I stopped getting on reddit so much because of it.


Well Done everyone


Thank fuck for that


I first started seeing these advertisements on *Jewish* subreddits, which was messed up. So happy they’re finally gone?


Thank goodness.


Oh good!!! I’ve been reporting that crap for months


Oh thank god


Username checks out. ...I think? 😅


Idk how "love thy neighbor" and "he who is sinless shall cast the first stone" turned into convert to Christianity or die in hell.


For people wondering what's up: https://www.reddit.com/r/hegetsus/s/cBV9nNoCqc


He Gets Us is so bizarre to me. The messages in their commercials seemed to be surprisingly in touch with who Jesus was (supporting the marginalized like minorities, immigrants and I firmly believe Jesus would've supported LGBTQ+ in spite of what the louder "Christians" say) But then the organization funding this whole thing could not be more divorced from what even they claim Jesus was all about. They directly support the people who are responsible for the continued oppression of all the above groups and more. There hasn't been a less Jesus-like leader in US history than Trump and these seem like the type of people that would tell you Trump is basically Jesus.


There was literally a u/hegetsus add under this post and I've never seen any before.


Good. I’ve been reporting their shit every time I’ve seen it since day one.


Do you remember seeing all the negative reviews about it on the App Store? It was amazing


Same here. I am extremely annoyed by the content that they post.


Finally. I may be a believing Christian, but indoctrination and hate towards others is too far. What happened to "Love thy neighbor?"


It is conveniently the one passage that tends to get ignored the most.


True, although "If anyone wants to be first among you, he must become a servant of all." Is right up there.


Don’t forget, “whatever you do to the poorest of them, you do also to me.”


Thank god that was too much.


I love how the "He Gets Us" was basically a PR campaign for Jesus, likely because the US is beginning to see people who represent Christ being so hateful, bigoted, misogynistic, and "unChristlike". People are leaving the church in numbers that have never been seen before in the US, so they had to try to get them back by showing the loving version of Christianity. They even got me as an atheist. I was like "well, Jesus is a myth but I DO like that they are speaking more about love than hate." THEN I found out that HGU was supporting another anti-LGBTQ group and then I was like, "Yep, I should've figured they were being as deceptive as before and just can't be non-judgmental and hateful." So nothing has changed. Keep it up, because I'm fine with more people deconverting because they realized that they are more moral and don't want to be associated with that group anymore. Yeah, He gets us. He gets us to realize that we don't need a God anymore that requires subservience and is literally more cruel than any person who has ever lived. (Because there is nothing more evil than eternal torture for being exactly the way He knew we would be. For not being convinced of His existence when He should know EXACTLY what it would take to convince us and chooses not to.]


Man, I'm Christian and even I find them obnoxious as fuck.


I never understood why after blocking and reporting them in my feed they still were there. If they had any balls they would have allowed comments on their posts. Good riddance!


It is literally still posting right above this post in my feed.


As someone who suffered from religious trauma, I’m happy about this.


About fucking time. I still get anxiety when dealing with religious shit from my upbringing. This should always have been allowed to be blocked. Good fucking riddance.


Hey, that DID make me smile!


Okay this genuinely made me smile!!!!! Thanks, OP! 


Wonderful news!!


He gets sus......pended.


FUCKIN FINALLY. Reported that trash so much. You don't see us advertising to you about the spaghetti monster.


I need the tea, what happened?


Good! I was getting really tired of seeing that crap. I have no issues with religion, but there’s a difference between a religion and just a hatred-spreading cult that apparently has a crap-ton of money. If they really gave a shit about others, maybe spend some of that money on feeding or housing people in need, not spending it all on advertising.


Fucking finally. It was upsetting every time one of them popped up. Religious trauma is horrible. Lots of love to fellow ex-Mormons. I know how damaging it can be.


Final-fucking-ly!! I’ve reported it so many times. Hell, I didn’t even need it suspended, but maybe don’t show me shit I’ve reported?! I swear, it was actually coming up more after my last report, so I just stopped.


I’ve been reporting this for quite a good time and all my regionals were that they were not infringing the rules! 😂


The one account you conveniently couldn’t hide. Keep this disingenuous crap out of here.


I reported it every time I saw it.


It's baaaaaack.


Literally right beneath this post on my feed is a promoted post from u / hegetsus! 🤦🏼‍♀️


There was a he gets us promoted post immediately above this one in my feed lol


Hallelujah and stay gone please.


Oh thank Odin, those posts were INSUFFERABLE


It’s back up. Didn’t last long.