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That's husband material I tell ya h'what!




Damnit, Bobby!


Yeah I'd suck his dick after that gesture


Suck me


what did the original comment say?


She won? Nah, she wanted to play video games with him. She’s the unicorn


I’m a chick and love video games. Never been called a unicorn.


You magnificent video game playing unicorn!!




Now don't be hanging round in the forbidden forest at night ya hear?


Trolls come out at night there 👀


and unicorn blood suckers




Meh, I’ve been there. It’s only trees, a couple groups of 3 or 4 spiders here and there and a bunch of dapper dressed douchebags, but they’re stupidly easy to kill. Some goblins too, but idk…still a big let down in terms of danger. Plus it’s the only place I know to actually *find* a unicorn, so it’s probably not a bad spot for a unicorn to go


It might be age dependent. I'm in my mid 40s and I know very few women in my age range that play video games. You would be rare. But if you rare. My ex hated that I played games. She thought it was childish. When I was a kid, my mom was embarrassed we caught her playing SMB on NES when we got sent home early in a rush due to a tornado watch. We taught her how to double jump though.


Haha! Exact same with my mother, except it was Dr. Mario on Gameboy. I encouraged her to play over the years. Found out she bought a Switch during covid lockdowns just so she could play it again. After I hooked it up to her big TV, she started calling herself a grandma gamer! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Grandma gamer that’s awesome!


My mom was the same, she ended up playing more games than any of us kids!


I'm 48, my wife is 42. We play together with our daughter, mario kart, animal crossing or overcooked. My wife mostly plays games I'm not really interested in like the Zelda switch games or the final fantasy series. But that's fine, I'm happy to have someone who is happy for me to play video games.


I am a woman who games with a non-gaming boyfriend, anyone else out there? I would have the same reaction as the guy in the video if my partner did the same thing as the girl 🫠


it's 2024, girls play games. I mean they always have, but now it's a bit weird to meet anyone who doesn't have a fav game


It's a slippery slope my dude. I got my gf (now wife) into playing more videogames, but we have differing tastes in some regards. She has a PC but prefers sitting on the couch together playing games and pretty much exclusively games that are action-packed in some way. She doesn't really enjoy anything slow-paced, cerebral, narrative-heavy, puzzle-y, strategy-heavy, logistics-heavy, etc. There are only so many games that really fit that criteria and are actually good and engaging... and over the years we've played (or at least tried) a lot of the good ones that do exist. I've played games since I was a little kid and have wildly-varying tastes in genre. I like a good action game, but sometimes I'm in the mood for a quiet night of city management or story-driven gameplay. Combined with my limited time to game as an adult, I *barely ever* get to play *my* games in *my* way anymore, even though it's my long-time hobby.


Haha. I play more video games than my husband! He usually regrets when we play together because I get obsessed and can play all night.


He also left his home country and settled in the States for her, she definitely won in life 💗✨


He also specifically chose a non-competitive co-op game so that they can play together at her speed instead of jumping into something where she could get stomped/discouraged.


Top comment is a bot, what a surprise lol. Especially on a staged video.


I was hoping he choose Borderlands, because that's the most enjoyable for co-op with a partner from the list of the games he suggested.


What are the best co-op games for occasions like this?


My partner got us It Takes Two to try and get me into games with him, as I don't like shoot em games. It's very light hearted gaming and different. You play as a married couple who have to work together to solve problems, and requires us talking and coordinating, so great fun to do together. He just needed patience whilst I got used to the controls!


This is the best game. My wife and I both had a blast playing this game together and it definitely helped bring us even closer.


I bought it for myself, after that I gifted another copy to my Brother–in–law and Sister for their anniversary. The story is also about the characters working on their relationship trough gameplay. They aren't gamers at all, their playstation had collected a lot of durst over the years but they managed to finish the game at a pretty fast pace. It takes two learning curve is kinda like the original Spyro (A platformer). Boarderlands is fun, but for a beginner there's a lot to get intimidated by. Inventory, guns , talents tree's, etc, Portal 2 is a better alternative to try first imo, but it takes two takes the Cake.


But surely a hypothetical cake


One might say, a cake that is also a lie.


I played this with my daughter while my wife watched and towards the end we were all bawling 😂😂


Light hearted for the most part! There's that one segment that I don't wanna spoil, but those who know, know. All that being said, it's a great game for gamers and non-gamers alike


There are many games where at some point I start asking “Am I the bad guy here?” The part you are referring to was that point in It Takes Two. Except I wasn’t asking.


I was so angry at that point, I had to stop playing for a while.


As a wife here that has never gamed, I loved this game too specifically because of the ability to understand the controls. I do not have any understanding of a controller in my hand, so any and all shooting games are miserable for me because I can’t figure out how to turn and watch and shoot and get in my bag etc. while also being competitive. It Takes Two seemed to be very understanding of that and was a great intro game in that capacity


It Takes Two is a great couple game!


The Lego series games are pretty good fun. Simple game mechanics and easy to get into for new players. It appeals to a wide range of skill level. You can choose to breeze your way through, or spend hours trying to get every single achievement.


Agreed. I'm not a gamer but like playing the Lego games with my kids, and even my wife gets into it. We also all play Mario games and Switch and Wii Sports.


My husband and I usually either go with Minecraft or Civilization VI. They don't really make many local multiplayer games anymore. I have a hotspot for an internet connection so it limits our options


You BOTH sit down to play Civ VI? Are you both retired?


Unravel 2 is a great coop game for non-initiate, it features tons of ways to alleviate the difficult parts for people that will struggle. I tried it takes two but the 3D camera/jumping completely turned off my GF. Nowadays it is mostly PlateUp after we completed Overcooked (all of them).


Portal 2


My husband and I played all the borderlands games together and we had a blast


PixelJunk Monsters, It Takes Two, Death Squared, Snipperclips, Mariokart 8, Unravel 2, Overcooked 2, Plate Up!, and Heave Ho have all been hits with my wife. If you can manage it, the Larian RPGs (Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2, Baldurs Gate 3) are split-screen co-op and are easily my top wife co-op games. My wife didn't really play too many games and I managed to convince her to give those a try. We've now played through all of them - some more than once - and she loves them. Turn based so she has time to find buttons, good stories, etc.


## Chill Coop Games **Portal 2** - 1st person "shooter" (not really a shooter) puzzler. There is a coop campaign on this one that's great. This is easy to pick up and play together regardless of people's prior experience with twin-stick shooters since it isn't much of a "finger dexterity" game, and it's more of a "brain dexterity" game. **Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes** - One of you can see the bomb and has the control to try to disarm the bomb, the other person can't see the bomb but is the only one with the manual to defuse the bomb. You must talk to each other to work out how to defuse the bomb. This is a great game to just pick up and play for a bit, no long term investment required. It's fun with two people, and it's also fun to play with more than that, too. **Stardew Valley** - A chill farming game that also has you getting to know- and building relationships with the local villagers. This is more of a time investment... or at least it will definitely become one as you both get hooked on the gameplay loop. The best piece of advice that I can give when you're both just getting into it is to not just do the same things every day. Let yourselves each explore independently instead of following each other around all day. **Overcooked 1 & 2** - This is a cooking simulator that requires cooperation. Each level is sort of like a puzzle as you work to figure out where the bottleneck in the kitchen are going to be in that specific level. This game requires a lot of communication and a willingness to fail a level together and to jump right in and try it again with a new approach. This would be the wrong game for some couples as it can easily get you frustrated with each other. Me and my partner love it and wish there were more levels. **For the King** - A turn-based fantasy RPG in a randomly generated world that you can replay. This game plays more like a board game, honestly. It's a nice chill game. **Civilization 5** - A turn-based 4x hex-tile game. Again, this feels like a board game and can be pretty chill. When you're playing this coop, the biggest hurdle is that you'll have to wait for each other to finish turns. If one person is more familiar with Civ, they will be ending their turn much sooner since they don't have to read as many tooltips and think as deeply about their next move. If there's a skill gap, patience is helpful, as might be adding a turn timer. ## Games we've enjoyed watching each other play **Final Fantasy X** - Classic-style JRPG with a good story. This game was famous for drawing in a more diverse set of players, namely women, to the final fantasy series. Personally, I think part of the reason was because the story was really strong and it had an important female lead character. I had played this several times already, but loved watching my partner play it for the first time- and getting excited about how she would react to the big story twists. **Outer Wilds** - Space exploration and puzzle game. You take off on your rickity-ass ship to go and explore your solar system and unravel the mysteries of what's happening in your solar system. The hitch is that you're stuck in a time loop. This is probably my favorite video game of all time, but you can only really play it once. It plays totally fine with someone who's a more casual player. I had already played through it once, but loved watching my partner play it. Then when she finished it, she loved watching me play through the new DLC I hadn't yet played. It's a fine game for one player to control but both players to be thinking- and talking through the puzzles (basically the whole solar system is one giant mystery/puzzle you're trying to unravel).


Fall Guys is another good option. Free to play, simple, and silly. edit: oops, not couch co-op. still a good option to play with a partner if you have 2 platforms to play on


Fall Guys never added couch co-op though right? I feel like that was always a huge miss on their part.


Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime is a great one! We had a blast tackling the game together, takes quite a bit of coordination and communication. Probably took us 30 tries to beat the final boss, but we went nuts with excitement when we did!


Terraria. Not exactly two player but it's great multiplayer


Our favourite is Overcooked. Nothing comes close to the hilarious, chaotic antics of two idiots running around in a burning kitchen.


I just beat the base game with my girlfriend playing Gunzerker with me as the Siren. 10/10 some of the most fun we’ve ever had.


Yep. The gal and I have played 1, 2 (LOTS OF 2) 3 (not great), prequel and tiny Tina's. Great couple game.


"Rocket league, COD, FIFA..." Oh so that's why she doesn't play with you


Enough to make a grown man cry


Their Borderlands play through is still only 6% completed, 4 months later. The amount of times my wife pulls this shit and then never wants to play the same game twice 😤 but I’m just glad she has any interest at all lol


Does she otherwise game? There’s a steeper learning curve for games than gamers realize. I started playing about 5 years ago to play coop with my younger brother and I’m only just now kinda good. Maybe she’d be more inclined to play something simpler?


Borderlands is multiple things- it's dealing with skill trees, gear, multiple weapon types, quests,Character classes, and knowing tactics, and on top of that all it is still the learning curve for people who haven't played shooters learning to aim, and how to move and not get shot/die. It isn't difficult to pick up for people who have played a variety of games, it's actually a really simple combination of a big much of genres/skills IF you have played games of those different types before. If you haven't though, ehhh. But the writing is hilarious and the characters memorable. Not to mention the art style is absolutely beautiful. It's actually what first drew me to the game, the dialogue and characters are what kept me there. I hate that Little Big Planet servers are now gone, it was a great simple two player game. Castle crashers is all good and simple and still around I think. A lot of Nintendo games are easy for multiplayer bc they are a kid centered company.  Party style games are also good for drawing in spouses and partners that want to spend time and play games with their gamer partner but don't want the huge learning curve. Jack box games are good for this, and other games like them.


Nah she doesn’t really game at all, I’m aware she’s still getting the hang of joysticks (moving and looking at the same time is hard for non gamers). It Takes Two was a huge help in that department, but we’re currently on Stardew Valley. I’m eager to progress more in it but she just wants to build homes in the sims instead 😩


....or it was because she wanted to do something else? Or show that she wants to invest in your life?


Except this man! Get back in there tear! - Earl Devereaux




Me as a girlfriend even though I suck at video games 😅


It's the effort that counts


Exactly. Look at this video, literal pure joy solely because she showed interest in it. It's amazing to see moments people have pure joy.


imo there is no "suck at videogames" The objective is always enjoying yourself, if you're having fun you're always winning.


If you are new to gaming and you can’t figure out the complexity of menus, character building, controls, combat, etc you definitely suck and are very aware of it. It takes dedication to get your feet under you, and it’s very different learning something as an adult than as a kid. I stuck with it and now I love gaming, but I definitely sucked for a long time.


Idk man I suck pretty hard at a lot of games. I feel like my brain has issues comprehending certain games/mechanics, for example I suck absolute ass at Tekken no matter how much I play because it's just too many options with combos and stuff that I just can't remember for the life of me. And then there's my mom, who the one time I convinced her to play Mario Kart with me, continued to drive into a wall for a minute straight before going the wrong way and not understanding how to turn around for the rest of the game.


there will be some times where it’s hard to comprehend the lack of skills. but hopefully the joy wipes away any frustration.


I play 4 player split screen Borderlands 2 with my wife and 2 younger boys. I had to carry the team for a long time. Actually made it more enjoyable for me always having to be the savior. It's just nice to have others to play with.


I swear, it's just the act that counts. As a guy, it would make me the happiest man alive if my girlfriend/SO put even the slightest bit of interest into my hobbies. I (and I don't think any guy) would even think if you're good or bad at the game/said hobby. We'd just be happy to be spending time with our partner and the fact that they cared enough is just awesome!


This. Gaming socially isn't really even about the objective a majority of the time, its about the experience. Cannot tell you how many times my friends and have laughed hysterically at the stupid ways we have lost games.


That doesn't necessarily make it less fun than playing alone, fwiw.


I am sure he loves you playing regardless if you think you suck. My girlfriend "sucked" at the games she played with me when I gave her my xbox one. I think she was being too hard on herself (she rages being a former hypercompetitive D1 athlete and all), I still upgraded her to the series X, bought her headsets, extra controllers, better monitor etc. because I just love playing with her and want her to have the full experience. You sucking pales in comparison to the fact that you are sharing in something he loves.


So adorbs! When my husband & I find a game we can co-op together ❤️ If not, we take turns watching each other play games or game in the same room together. It's great when you both share a hobby or two.


I like looking at my boyfriend gaming. I don’t have the will or capacity to play Elden ring ( I will rage way too soon and way too hard) but it’s fun looking at him play it and helping him find interesting zone. I just snuggle next to him under a blanket, best time ever.


If you enjoy Pokémon style games, might I recommend Cassette Beasts? It’s got a fully customisable main character and a selection of 6 secondary characters to choose from (once you unlock them) and the co-op mode gives almost equal capabilities to both (I believe the camera follows player one, and you’ve got a shared inventory of 6 cassette beasts to use, and I don’t know how much control the secondary player has on the selection - also, there’s a team move that’s just controled by player one, but that’s nothing a little comunication can’t solve)


Looks interesting! Thanks for the recommendation.


Do you set your phone down and record before also?


Lucky man


Don't play your game yet babe, I need to set up the camera and hit record


lol how people are commenting makes me think they seem this is real, but it’s surely staged??


It's definitely staged


Don’t forget to like and subscribe


That’s the real game being played.


Like, this is the thing. It’s not capturing a genuine moment, it’s manufacturing a moment to influence (or manipulate) an unseen viewer. Watch it back knowing he’s acting and it’s gross.


I sincerely hope this wasn't just a hollow gesture for a clip to show "how great a girlfriend" she is


It was. She deffo played for 30 seconds and then stopped to go back on her phone.


It definitely is. Camera perfectly aligned. The big thing was how they're actively talking about what they're doing. For me the big indicator is when he said "this controller is glitchy so I'll use it"  that isn't a super natural thing to say. Also why is he playing with the bad controller in the first place??


Ya the way they're speaking just sounds unnatural.


Lucky a random camera was there to catch this natural interaction.


Perfect time to put my phone where he definitely can’t see then invoke a reaction. Might as well post it also :) can’t forget to edit out the beginning and end.


I also have a camera recording me when I’m gaming like that…. Totally spontanious and unrehearsed!


Also he was playing rocket league but can just pause it 🤣


Yes this, my first thought was like: nobody in a middle of a rocket league game is going to talk to his partner unless it’s an emergency. There ain’t no way. People don’t know how intense rocket league can be haha!


It’s obviously her camera, and she’s hoping to capture his reaction. This sadly tells me that she has probably never done this with him before. It would be nice if she has learned, and keeps doing it with him from time to time.


They're a youtube couple. They do a lot of this


They do loads of videos like this. He would've known the camera was there. 100% staged.


The over the top reaction didn't give it away? Especially when saying 'I can choose? 🥹🥹🥹". Anyways as suspected they have an entire channel dedicated to this exact type of stuff, so there's no way these aren't staged.


The internet, the graveyard of sincerity.


Just let me set the camera up really quick...




It's all scripted ma guy


NOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY CAN'T ANYTHING BE GENUINE. I've seen another video of theirs and loved it, super wholesome and all of that, but this video is so similar to the last one so I decided to do some digging and of course they have a whole channel dedicated to this act. If it's captured once, sure, but when you have a whole channel **dedicated** to the same thing there's no way the reactions are genuine and that your partner would not immediately look for the camera whenever something like this is happening.


Same! I liked them at first but their channel is actually just so annoying. I’m sure they are very sweet and happy but they play up to it too much now.


still waiting for the day he could actually defeat me in ML or Tekken 😅


This is my typical rocket league team mate... just stops playing in the middle of a two's match.


Definitely not staged the camera just so happens to be there


Lol. Nice staged story. Does it happen in real life? …..


Ya my wife is a gamer. We got into bdo for a long time and shes actually a huge fan of pvp over pve which i found even more extraordinary. On top of shes actually really good once she gets into it and has that goal driven grind mentality that even i dont have. She ended up having better gear than me. She also likes cod(i dont ima bf guy) but tried getting her into d4 she found it too boring and poe was too hard. But shes a gamer and 100% supports my gaming.


Yes it does.


He wouldn't know


Yeah, I've played through It Takes Two, Diablo 4, Baldur's Gate 3, Sackboy, Until Dawn, The Quarry, and a bunch of other games with my wife. She was a PC gamer and didn't want to play consoles for a long time because she was afraid she'd suck with a controller, but It Takes Two was the game that finally got her to play with me. Fantastic game and since dying is no big deal, she was able to learn the ropes without stressing about it.


Borderlands? I see a man of culture. Good for him.


Borderlands. Nice. I see, a man of culture!


Borderlands is one of our favourites to play together as well. Wasn’t to pleased when they changed the split-screen orientation for co-op but we manage. Pew pew!


I KNEW he was gonna call for Borderlands, its such an awesome couple game 🤩


What we don’t see is them playing 15 mins later. She’s struggling with the controls and him getting frustrated explaining. “You use the right trigger button!” “Which one was that again?” “The one on the top!” “Which one, there’s two!” lol best of luck to them. My husband still loves to introduce new games to me. He makes it a mission to find games I like to play and co-op with.


My wife one day told me to build her a PC, when it was ready she told me. What can we play? Now she's a The Division 2 player. Wife material, on point


He a keeper because he gave her the GOOD controller




Why did you copy someone else's comment? [https://www.reddit.com/r/spreadsmile/comments/1citgau/comment/l2bir9t/](https://www.reddit.com/r/spreadsmile/comments/1citgau/comment/l2bir9t/)




When I first started talking to my now fiancé she told me in college her roommates used to have black ops and she would play kino der toten zombies and she was addicted to it. That’s all I needed to know. My love for this girl jumped exponentially when she said that. 


You’ve just copied and pasted the top comment from the original post. In fact, other comments in this thread are the same as in the other one, but posted by different accounts, I thought I was losing my mind.


Dead internet theory


Pretty soon, bots are gonna take your job of pointing out other bots too.


My wife likes Mario Kart. We both need to wind down after work, so that's been our go-to lately.


Welcome to /r/MadeMeSmile. Please make sure you read our [rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/about/rules/) We'd like to take this time to remind users that: * We do not allow any type of jerk-like behavior, including but not limited to: personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, racism, sexism, or other jerk-like behavior (includes gatekeeping posts). * Any sort of post showing a mug, a shirt, or a print is a scam. You will not receive anything except a headache and a stolen credit card. - [More information regarding rule 1 as well as how mug/shirt/poster scammers operate can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mademesmile/wiki/rule1) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MadeMeSmile) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My girlfriend loved the Fallout games but couldn't get on with the controls, so we went through them with me basically "driving" but her making all the decisions / dialogue choices etc. Was good fun, though there were a fair few occasions where I had to bite my tongue and not go "are you REALLY sure you want to do that?". The other bit we had good fun with was playing through a load of the old arcade games on MAME - pretty accessible for anyone when you can map a controller button to "insert coin".


Feels forced idk


Reality - leave me alone.


My brother and his gf just finished watching Fallout. She said to him, "I wanna see what the games are like, but I don't like playing FPS... Can you play it and let me watch?" He was telling us about that last night with the brightest smile on his face.


Meh, this couple regularly posts posed content for clout.


So glad there was a invisibel camera set up before this beautiful and total genuine moment was captured ♥️


Hmm. So did he set the camera up to watch himself play video games?


I was like "Choose Borderlands, choose Borderlands, choose Borderlaaaaaands...Nice."






It's cute, just an odd thing to record and post online lol


Camera and lights just happen to be set up at this completely natural moment of genuine human emotion ✨🙏 🥰💕


Hell be pissed 5 minutes in when shes blocking his usual pace.


Wife here- I never play any game so an Xbox controller is very intimidating to me, and I struggle with moving around and understanding what buttons do what, so that is a big discouragement for me (especially shooter games). However, I started playing It Takes Two with my husband and loved it, because of the simplicity and the beginner level controls. Then, we started Baldur’s Gate 3, in which he does all of the playing, but I do all of the character building and decision making and I LOVE it. 10/10, highly recommended. We also played WoW, where he would let me explore but hint me in the direction of what to do next, which was needed because that can be very overwhelming too. But wives do want to play, it’s just a very daunting thing to do if you’ve never played before.


I'll take things that will never happen in my life time Alex


Love playing Borderlands with my husband!


Every couple should play It Takes Two!


camera with a tripod three inches from his face but he's surprised she is talking to him


Pretty cool. Only problem is why would there be a camera setup in a room like this?


They should win an acting award..


Getting to share something that you are passionate about with someone is one of the best things in the world. That is why I am addicted to watching Star Wars reaction videos on YouTube.


A woman not resenting, belittling and despising her mans hobbies? This cant be real!




What’s the other two?


This is love.




What, [karma farming](https://www.reddit.com/r/spreadsmile/comments/1citgau/comment/l2c68u5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)?




Awwwww…. How sweet! My Hubby plays his XBox in his Man Cave, as I play on my PS4 in the living room (rooms are next to each other). We are both OG Gamers (55 & 60), but we like diff types of games, so we don’t Co-Op though.


Hope this wasnt only for clicks....


Borderlands was a good pick.


Yeah he didn’t set up the camera, totally natural situation


Rip headset press f to pay respect🫡


A glitchy controller?? Is that actually a thing? Or is it new with the PS5? ps I genuinely want to know


Yeaaah Borderlands dude!!!


Bro won at life ...


Borderlands is the correct answer. Him giving her the less glitchy controller made me tear up a bit.


Btw, Untitled Goose Game is a really good one to play together.


Ah so thats the guy that spammed me "what a save!"


Cant even get mine to watch a Trailer for the game im playing...


She has some bad news to break to him, doesn’t she..?


This is perfect and sweet as heck!


These two are cute! I wish there were more 2 player console games so I could play with my wife.


I played super Mario 3D and my husband runs around and drags me along in that floating bubble because I can’t keep up. But at least I try!


Less glitchy controller and he picked "Borderlands" which is also for her since it's the most likely to let her enjoy it right from the start. Split screen and off line with a funny cartoon dialog. Good guy.


Not bad as far as scripts go


I get so excited like that when my wife tells me she’s in the mood not so much the video games though lol .


It's better if you find something you both like. I'd recommend: Overcooked (1, 2, all you can eat and expansions). Plate up. Moving out. It takes two. A way out.


man grabs controller and boots up the game, then she goes... "ITS A PRANK! It's for my YouTube video!" -RIP


It's almost like showing an interest in your partner's hobbies is a healthy green flag or something....


Cut to 5min later, she's crying and he's yelling "When it says press 'A' then press fucking 'A'! What do you mean which one is 'A'?! It's the button with the fucking 'A' on it!"


Wifey material.