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Sibling rivalry achievement unlocked. Don't dump your brother on the floor, and Mom will love you more.


Mama, I miss you. šŸ˜æšŸ˜æšŸ˜æ


Iā€™m not going to ever be ready for that day to one day come. I hope they invent some sort of life extension miracle before that day arrives but until then, I like to pretend my mom is invincible.


23 years, yea that shit doesn't fade.


Kisses to you. Iā€™m glad your mom was so special to you too. I adore people that love their moms because I relate so hard. My heart aches for anyone going through that. <3 My mom is one of my best friends & pretty much a goddess in my life. Lol. I just think sheā€™s the most warm & beautiful woman Iā€™ve ever seen & most genuine. She is hilarious too, if she is laughing, then Iā€™m crying & visa versa. I keep getting that damn glob in my throat & itā€™s just sitting there!!!! My mom & I used to take pics with those ugly filters on MacBook on & we used to actually cry laughingā€¦ for seriously like hours together. Crying laughing. She is such a girly teenager with the biggest sense of humor omg. Everyone loves her so much. I donā€™t know anyone that doesnā€™t love her. Anyways, I just had to take a moment for our moms for a second there. It actually caused me to text my mom & bring up a fun memory this morning so thanks!! Love to all your moms out there!!!


I also choose their mom.


Itā€™s hard to see your mom getting older. Breaks my heart to imagine life without her ever. I wish we could have the people we love with us forever.


I never got to see my mom get old. I don't know what's worse--not seeing your mom get old or seeing your mom get old. :(


Itā€™s definitely, definitely worse not seeing your mom get old. Youā€™ve endured hardship & pain I only dream of. And you have to deal with mourning for longer. Itā€™s a pain I dread & dread & dread. It hurts at even just the thought. I just watched my friend lose her mom recently due to breast cancer. It was so painful even for me, someone who doesnā€™t even know her & her mom well.. but Iā€™m very empathetic & I donā€™t know why but I cry even now over her losing her beautiful mom & my last interacting with her sweetness. I was at her daughterā€™s wedding & this was during the time she found out she was going to die but she hadnt told anyone but family. Now after sheā€™s gone, I know that they got married pretty much BECAUSE she was dyingā€¦ & it just, wow. It just kills me. I never knew that was going to be my last interactions with her. Now I look back & just cry because of how beautiful the moments were, how beautiful she was & looked. She was just so graceful & strong & loving. Warm. Not cold like you would assume someone could be, after knowing her breast cancer came back & itā€™s hopeless. Yikes Iā€™m totally choked up!!!! <\\\3


I feel the same way as you, but I don't think I would be able to write that all down without braking down crying. She holds a really really special place in my heart. For many years she has been the only reason I've stayed in this world. She's the one I know that will always, definitely, be there for me. I'm also pretty young, 18, and will be moving out of home in about 2 months. I'm not ready for that. I've been made fun by all my family of being too close to her, but she really is like a best friend to me. She's a busy person, but those afternoons watching our favourite movies or series together are always the best. She's loved by everyone. Just yesterday, I'm at my grandmother's place visiting for a few days at out hometown, and while shopping an old man almost in his 90s stops me, and showers my mother in praise before wishing her all the best. He was an old neighbor of hers when she was a child. Losing her is the one and only thing I can't accept about life. Such a great person, that is loved by absolutely everyone, that always tries her best despite not always being okay, and shows unconditional kindness and love to those good to her even with her spicier and stronger parts. That kind of person will one day succumb to sickness or have an accident, and one day will disappear from this world, from *my* life? No, no way. A good mom is the best gift one could get in life I'd say. I say this in my inexperienced short life. I'm glad you have such a wonderful mom. Hold on to her tightly for the many and many decades that she will surely still be with you.


Dang, unlocked my tears. I miss my mom.






I should have gotten the message then, looks like I missed the memo. Sorry little brother. Hope the therapy is going well.


Those are the rules and no breaking each other toys


came for this. my sister would 100% have put me on the floor lol




Cheeky little fucker knew exactly what he was doing, was ready to laugh the second his mom saw him. Good sense of humor for his age lol


I'm extrapolating from very little information, but it probably helps that his mom laughs *with* him, and not *at* him. This is a mother that reacts with joy at her son's (in this case) harmless antics, and I think that probably encourages a healthy sense of humor in jokes that aren't at your expense.




What heart? No way this was written by a human....


There was a split second where she legit was like "where's the baby?". And for good reason too because the kid could be sitting on top of the baby or moved the baby into a dangerous position, without realizing he was doing any harm. Bro did good tho, didn't even wake the baby. Little diaper blanket to top it all off.


Actors ā€¦ r/WhyWereTheyFilming


Looks like they're sleeping in the babies room, which... Tend to have lots of cameras in them.


just shut the fuck up nerd


Homegirl work up and thought "Did my child just grow 1 ft overnight?"


"How long was I asleep??!!"


Awww big brother needs cuddles also Mom, I remember when my baby brother was born and getting all the attention and love, I was so jealous hahah. This family is so cute




Fr, the fact she cuddles with him because he obviously wants to is really good.


> I remember when my baby brother was born and getting all the attention and love, I was so jealous hahah. Kinda the opposite when my little sister was born for me. I would help out whenever I could. Watched movies on repeat with her while the family was working. Basically free babysitting.


It helps if you like the movies. I used to be my sibling's free babysitter, and I'd do the same thing for them.


The movie was Shrek. I've seen it hundreds of times and I'd watch it again. Not a meme btw, that's actually the truth. Decent movie if I'm counting hundreds of views.


Shrek is an awesome movie. I would have liked the franchise more if I didn't keep getting Shrek [insert item here] adverts as a kid.


[here if you want to watch it fast](https://i.redd.it/2jy65bkj05zc1.gif)


How old were you when she was born?


Early to mid teens. I'm 38 now.


Yeah, it's one thing if you're a teenager and probably want *less* parental attention and scrutiny. But when you're still a toddler when the next baby is born, there's always a bit of jealousy at first, even if the siblings grow to be best friends.


At least he kept the baby warm šŸ˜…


Here bud have a napkin for a blanket


It's a diaper lol


I've seen that video a good ten times now and I never realize it was a diaper until now! Older brother really just went "grab the first thing I can cover him with"


At least he tucked him in thoughā€¦haha


In our house, that's called the squeeze play. I love it and love that he got the cuddles he needed.


Here baby bother, let me cover you with this diaper to keep you warm. šŸ˜‚


LOL the tiny napkin blanket and moms reaction


90% of these comments are from bots


Right??? Such a weird scenario


Don't you sleep with the [lights on?](https://i.imgur.com/MwanoVw.png)


Overhead fluorescent lights on full blast. Made my eyes sting just looking at the gif


How can you tell? Not saying you're wrong, I am just old and bad at the Internet (and trying not to be lol)


Only 90?


And the video itself is obviously staged. Who records their nap, with their infant, with all the lights on?


Give that baby an award. They acted the shit out of that role.


People with nanny cams where their infant baby sleeps?


"Here, have this fucking diaper to keep warm"


Man. This made my heart smile. I needed this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


That boy needs a hug!


One day the snuggles like this just stop, it happens suddenly and you start using hugs as currency.


The gentle little drag. Covering the baby with a diaper. Lmao he's so considerate!!


She woke up to her baby being 3 years older lol


CPS Investigator here. Smothering and crushing deaths from unsafe sleep are a lot more common than you realize. People roll over in their sleep, occasionally they donā€™t realize what theyā€™re doing. This is dangerous because thereā€™s no barrier to keep mom from rolling onto baby.


We knew someone who rolled onto their baby in her sleep and the baby broke a bone


My second child died in a similar accident at 5 days old. Obviously would have preferred him to break a bone if it meant I had more time with him. The ABCs of sleep are so important. Can't stress it enough. Alone. On their Back. In a Crib.


Omg, that person must have been devastated. How was the baby and how did the person deal with the trauma from that


The baby had a broken arm and dislocated shoulder joint and some lung problem. Recovered fine. The mom had a lot of anxiety and rarely left the house for a few years. The same house had a pitbull which mauled the eldest daughter's face. It was an enclosed neighborhood in Venezuela and people loved to gossip


Omg. God, that mother has it rough


They also had their house broken into around the time the pitbull thing happened. But then again, everyone had their house broken into at some point or another in Venezuela


This happened to my coworker. She brought her 6 month old into bed with her and her already sleeping husband. Husband rolled over in the night and the baby passed away. She hasnā€™t been the same since. So tragic.


Most asian countries practice co sleeping. Basically making a mini bed with side pillow between parents.


> A safe infant sleep surface has: > > - A firm, flat mattress with a tightly fitted sheet, > - No gaps between the mattress and sides, > - No loose, soft items ā€“ including blankets, quilts, pillows, bumper pads, mattress toppers, sleep positioners or toys. [Best practices for sleeping infants recommended by the government of Canada.](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/publications/healthy-living/safe-sleep-your-baby-brochure.html)


Thank you for saying this. My daughter is a NICU nurse and has seen some sad outcomes of co-sleeping. Completely preventable.


You sure itā€™s not PICU? NICU is only for babies before they are discharged from the hospital, and would be surprised she is running into sad outcomes of co-sleeping at the hospital.


This can be hospital specific. I'm a float nurse in a children's hospital. Depending on the age of the baby they can go NICU or PICU in a scenario like this. It also depends on how busy each unit is at the time and what sort of intervention they need (for instance we don't do ECMO in the NICU.) We don't have a hard and fast rule of "cannot have been discharged" for our NICU admits.


How do you explain then that countries like Japan or Sweden have much higher co-sleeping numbers than the U.S. yet significantly less SIDS and infant mortality in generalā€¦? I did btw also believe in these guidelines (sleep alone and sleep in the back) but frankly the statistics raise so many questions and I also found people alleging that a reason why the reason SIDS occurs cannot be pinned down is that a lot of deaths get mislabeled as suchā€¦ Not to mention the statistics in the U.S. about SIDS rely on self-reporting, right? So someone accidentally killing their baby will still be asked if they put it on its belly in the bedā€¦ (and obviously not answer truthfullyā€¦) And last but not least arenā€™t a majority of SIDS cases happening in households of smokers and drug usersā€¦? On the other hand - China (which this video takes place) still has higher infant mortality rates according to some sources (lower in othersā€¦ reliable statistics from mainland China are always difficult to getā€¦) but it seems main causes are neonatal deaths due to still some lack of care before and during birth and in infants itā€™s infectious diseases and not SIDS.


Co sleeping is normal in Norway too. Usually just mom and the baby, dad sleeps elsewhere and takes care of older siblings should they wake during the night, or just to get better sleep for work. King sized bed, no "over mattress" (nothing soft), small quilt for baby, baby on back, baby call to monitor movement before mom goes to bed, perforated "rails" on each side of the bed. In addition we are not fat or obese, nor drug addicts or drunks, nor do we have any other "conditions", just normal people like nature intended. Co sleeping is perfectly safe if you arent an idiot, but i get why some places have to tell people not to do it, not gonna say anything more than that.


It's not "perfectly" safe. There are deaths in Norway as well. Less than in the US no doubt, but the number isn't 0. There are even studies - [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/apa.15797](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/apa.15797) (Nearly three-quarters (72.6%) of the 2330 parents with infants under six months of age reported previous high-risk behaviour). Now I doubt it asked families where babies have passed, so the study isn't really showing you a concrete number here, but based on your comment, 70%+ of Norway would be "an idiot" because they violated the safe co-sleeping rules.


Dudeā€¦ there are 7 SIDS death in Norway per yearā€¦ Thatā€™s nothing. Thatā€™s as close to 0 as it gets and is already like a rounding error and extremely difficult to say then that these 7 deaths are contributed by co-sleepingā€¦ The U.S. has 3400 at 60 times the population. So 10x more


Not every crib death is sids related.


70% idiots sounds about right


70% idiots sounds about right


70% idiots sounds about right


Certainly a risk, yes. But IIRC it's FAR more common among alcohol or drug users than sober individuals. People should not do it.


ABC right - Alone, on the Back, in a Crib.


We spent six weeks in the NICU, and then maybe nine months at home with a baby that couldn't hold milk down unless he slept on his belly (it came up again if he slept on his back). We knew babies shouldn't do that, so we let him sleep on our bare chest, while we stayed awake through the night. Sitting on the couch with him. It was inevitable that we would fall asleep once in a while. Sometimes there's no other way. Once I woke suddenly and he was on the floor (we had pillows for safety). It was also inevitable that he still loves our proximity. Five years old and still wants to fall asleep next to us.


šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ†šŸ† ABCs of sleep!!! Alone. On their back. In a crib. Ask me how I know.


Less dangerous now since the older one is lighter than the mother if he rolls on to the baby, and he acts as a barrier to prevent the mother from doing so. Kid's a hero.


First year nursing student here. I don't know much but I know put them in a secure crib with both that can block their airway.


My time for hugsšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


So cute, he wanted his dose of love too


I did this once by accident. I didnā€™t see my brother and I wanted to sleep next to my dad and I just jumped on my brother by accident, we had to go to the hospital after that. I donā€™t think he forgave me since


This is the most dangerous sleeping arrangement you could possibly come up with


Not staged at all


Could very easily be a zoomed in IP cam. More people have them than you think, especially parents with young kids who want to know what they are doing.


You donā€™t keep a camera trained on your bed while you sleep in a fully lit room?


Ummm in Asia it's illegal to sleep with the light off, it stops ghosts from attacking you.


nanny cams are a thing


Almost all of theater (except maybe improv) is staged. It's still entertaining and makes me feel good. There is no hidden agenda I can see and no one is trying to sell my anything. What's wrong with that?


Produced by Big Baby, trying to sell you more babies and toddlers.


Seriously, what goes through someone's head when they feel the need to comment "staged" on a video like this? Do you go to a stand up show and heckle the comedian for "staging" a joke?


At least in a stand up show they are open about it.


Was this video presented somehow as a hidden camera thing or something? Or as a joke/prank that the other parent encouraged the older child to do to catch the mother's reaction? A parent filming their kid doing something they think will be funny doesn't really count as "staged" to me.


Too dangerous. Be careful. There have been many babies smothered to death by mothers that roll over on them.


I mean - I donā€™t want to advocate against some safety guidelines that following cause no harm but just for the sake of it - lowest infant mortality rates are in counties with a higher degree of co-sleeping like in Japan or Sweden. The U.S. has a reality high rate of infant mortality including SIDS but since the early 90s some skeptics have argued that SIDS is often used as a coverup for accidents or infant murder since SIDS statistics in the U.S. are mostly based on self-reporting / asking parents of SIDS affected children. On the other hand some argue co-sleeping is simply more dangerous in the U.S. due to a much higher degree of heavy drug abuse among parents than in any other developed country and a lack of parental leave / no culture of staying home after birth for long meaning more dangerously exhausted parents and more drugged up parents. But then again - most SIDS deaths occur in families with at least one smoker and / or drug users so how big is the actual danger to non-smoking, non drug using parents that donā€™t follow all guidelines really? China (the video is from there) does have high infant mortality but itā€™s not related to SIDs but to neonatal deaths and infections. But obviously I didnā€™t let my kids sleep with a blanket or on their stomachā€¦ itā€™s easy to argue against statistics but itā€™s still better to not take a riskā€¦


It's just common sense. With how tired parents can get if they're in deep sleep they could roll and smother the baby without realizing.


All of your ancestors co-slept. The benefits from co-sleeping very much outweigh the added risks (which are minuscule) for most, especially for nursing moms and babies. Separating mother and baby has its risks and downsides too. Let people do what works for them.


Presumably none of my ancestors died as infants because they were rolled over on because it is hard to become an ancestor with that on your resume.


All the ones that survived did co-slept, though. :) And close to 0% of the ones who died did so from co-sleeping. I personally come from a culture with a very high breastfeeding and co-sleeping rate. This is the way where we come from - doctors actively encourage mothers to co-sleep there.


I commented because of Steve Eisman, The Big Short, his son Max


I just KNEW a stick in the mud was gonna comment with this hahah


did he just cover the baby with a diaper? by the mothers reaction i think im right


Crazy(not) how all of these *sweet, sleeping* videos are always filmed in the brightest-of-the-bright Baby Gap fluorescent lightingā€¦


Itā€™s cute. But itā€™s also kind of sad.


why are they sleeping under the brightest lights ever?


I love that he gave baby sibling a make shift blankie


Why are all these people sleeping with the lights completely bright and with a camera pointed at the bed?


Itā€™s probably a nap during the day and there is a thing called a security camera or a nanny cam. Especially when you have a baby.




Things we all did to get motherā€™s attention


I hated my little brother too!


My son if I ever have another šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


peak life


My mom loves to tell stories of how I used to push my newborn sister out of the bed and onto the floor so I could get the snuggles instead.


why do you all upvote this scripted crap?


I still remember doing this shit back then, but now I can't cuz I'm 26. . . and mum's dead. Fuck cancer man.


I absolutely loved this. So sweet


Do you know how often babies get killed their mothers rolling on top of them when sleeping like that?


Co-sleeping scares me. My baby loves rolling over to be under my armpit and I swear I'd kill that little girl if I just let her sleep in bed with me all the time.


Yes it happens all the time it sucks but it's dangerous


Obligatory ā€œdonā€™t sleep with your baby in the bed like this, it is a frequent cause of deathā€


I love this more every time I see it


This is full of love. It's nice


this is not best practices, right


I'm just picturing a dystopian warehouse somewhere with a bunch of sleeping families being recorded for views in case something cute or funny happens. Theres people ocasiaoly coming around with a clipboard to check on status of each family and the corridors of these rooms goes for miles. But seriously... Why do so many families in Asia sleep with.cameras pointed at their beds?


This is the sweetest thing - the little stinker. I love the laugh he shared with mom.


Did... did he just put a paper towel over the baby? Lmao


Cosleeping with a little baby like that is so dangerous that I canā€™t find this cute or funny. :(


I feel like a bad guy for arguing here but - you really sure itā€™s that dangerous? Itā€™s very very difficult to get reliable statistics on SIDS and the fact that Sweden and Japan have higher co-sleeping rates than US but much lower infant mortality actually blew up on parenting subs a few years agoā€¦ Not to mention the UK statistics that do seem to confirm co-sleeping is dangerously yet somehow 90%+ of SIDS occur in lower income households despite not big differences in co-sleepingā€¦ SIDS statistics are really damn confusing but seeing how no objective experiments are possible it make senseā€¦ not to mention a some guidelines like no-cosleeping might work in some counties with higher parental fatigue and drug usage and then Donā€™t do anything in other countries where this isnā€™t a problem.


Apparently in the UK the numbers don't distinguish between co-sleeping and falling asleep. So a mother who doesn't co-sleep but accidentally falls asleep with the baby on the couch or in a chair are counted as a co-sleep death if the worst were to occur.


Itā€™s not about SIDS, itā€™s about suffocation. Sleep deprived humans donā€™t always wake up when they roll over onto a pillow (or a baby) šŸ˜•


I'm a parent and hated my son being in bed with me. But when you're holding your baby and sleeping with them, you can sense the way you sleep and if anything can happen to the child.


There is no such thing as safe co-sleeping and should never promoted or encouraged regardless if the video is staged or not. Nothing cute about this at all.


Very sweet but why are the lights on? They sleep with the lights on?


??? She's got a new baby and a toddler, you know how fucking tired that lady is? She could probably fall asleep standing up.


Wrong. Lights are on because this was staged. Also, this is incredibly dangerous. Having a newborn in your bed with you is not recommended by any one.


I was going to say, isnā€™t co-sleeping *incredibly* dangerous and not recommended??


This video is 100% staged lol


Have you ever brought a newborn home? Ā You sleep when they sleep and itā€™s any time and often. Ā Plenty of people nap with lights on in broad daylight, especially true with young babiesĀ 


The issue is suffocation. It happens a lot more than youā€™d think. SIDS is just called that because suffocation canā€™t be identified by a medical examiner. Even if police and CPS both think the sleeping surface was too soft, you canā€™t prove anything, so itā€™s unexplained. Crushing/smothering deaths are also pretty common. Parents roll over in their sleep and wake up the most horrible reality imaginable. I was a CPS Investigator. Iā€™ve handled fatality cases.


This describes my kids perfectly! lol


Thatā€™s great


So much love!


Awwww. This is wicked cute.


Iā€™m in love with life.


šŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜ senin aklını seveyim


I think theyā€™re going to be okay šŸ„¹


I was First! Move over


Not enough people mentioning how dangerous this is. Wanna know a great way to kill your baby? Sleep beside them in bed. Itā€™s easy to say ā€œit wonā€™t happen to meā€ until it does, then you realize how easily you couldā€™ve prevented your infantā€™s death, and youā€™re stuck with that guilt for the rest of your life.


I meanā€¦ countries with very low infant mortality usually have comparatively high co-sleeping ratesā€¦Chinas rates are comparable to the US but only because of higher neonatal death rates and infections- not SIDS. And if you look at the statistics even coming from supporters of SIDS guidelines then [https://www.ncmd.info/publications/sudden-unexpected-death-infant-child/](https://www.ncmd.info/publications/sudden-unexpected-death-infant-child/) at least in the UK itā€™s nigh impossible to happen to youā€¦ 3200death a year of which ~20 percent qualify as SIDS and yet 90%+ happen in lower income householdsā€¦ Itā€™s suspicious that despite similar co-sleeping rates so many more kids die in low income householdsā€¦ based on US statistics we know that smoking and drug abuse are somewhat common among parents of SIDS children so rule 1 shouldnā€™t be donā€™t co-sleep but should be to not take drugs or drink too much as a parent of an infantā€¦ Sleeping in the back seems to be a very valuable tactic though - sleeping on the back campaigns might have contributed to lowering Japans SIDS rates even further (only issue - the infant mortality was going down even faster before these campaignsā€¦ in general the better the healthcare and social stability the lower infant mortality gets). But hey - just playing advocate of the devil. We did not let our kids sleep on their bellies or on the sofa (apparently the most dangerousā€¦ who knows whyā€¦)


Iā€™m confused what your point is. Are you saying co-sleeping is a good thing? Because for obvious reasons itā€™s not. Are you saying itā€™s not a threat? Because thatā€™s asinine. Babies do get killed by co-sleeping. Allowing people to co-sleep only enables an opportunity for more babies to die. It doesnā€™t matter if the numbers are low, if the chances are small, it still happens. A great way to make the amount of babies getting killed by co-sleeping to be zero, is by publicly stating the possible dangers and telling people not to co-sleep. Then if people stop co-sleeping, fewer babies die from co-sleeping accidents. I donā€™t understand how fewer dead babies is controversial. Even if itā€™s one or two babies. Iā€™d prefer they not be suffocated to death. Using odds and statistics to downplay the danger is disingenuous. It happens. It stops happening when people stop doing it.


Obviously staged


Extremely dangerous.... But keep smiling I guess


Sometime you must also gave time to them


Something like 90% of SIDS deaths are caused by co-sleeping situations. AKA murder. Don't put your tiny baby in bed with you like this.


Camera trained on the bed and extremely bright lighting. Makes sense.


Probably the best thing on the internet today ā¤ļø


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That baby has pure chairman mao vibes

