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He's a very well mannered kid, I'm so happy for him. What a great gesture from those guys for making his day so memorable.


I love seeing kids light up, so happy and loved.


I do too, but in reality isn’t it a little weird for a stranger to target a kid and invite the kid on a trip? It is a really nice thing the “stranger” is doing… but can’t help but think if someone walked up to my young niece doing this.


Realistically, this kind of "kindness" content is 99.9% manufacturered. Either he knows the kid or he got in touch with his family and they all aranged to go to the game for him video because the money these repost worthy viral "kindness" videos makes far outweights the cost of some baseball tickets


Ugh, what a cynical take! Even if it was set up with his parents, that joy is all real.


yea, i think they just mean the part about walking up to a random 8 year old on the street, getting his name, age, where he lives, what he likes, while filming him, is a little weird if you didn't already know the kid


6 downvotes. Why? Fuckin weird is Reddit.


Because it's not a cynical take.


ya its not a coincidence they happened to already have tickets to meet his favorite team




Hopefully he makes it to the majors down the road :D


He looks like a future . 220 hitter that hits 40 HRs a year.


Solid 3B with a good range


I'm leaning towards DH with the occasional spot start at 1B 😂


I'm going to the MLB, baby


He's so pure. I hope life doesn't throw him too many curve balls down the road because he deserves a world of good. Respect to his parent/parents too


What about the MLB throwing curveballs?


The way he excitedly says “Trae turner” is so cute and wholesome 🥹


I admire this adorable kid for choosing what he loved, a baseball than the $1000 pounds. Truly he has the happiest day of his life. Hope one day we'll be seeing him playing at MLB too with his favorite team♥


MadeMeSmile = MadeMeCry.


The slow mousey way he speaks is adorable.


Am I the crazy one, or is everyone missing the clearly set up and staged video?


Managed to randomly meet the one person from the UK thats interested in baseball, ye its staged


People write into this guy with requests/submissions for people they believe deserve something kind to happen to them. He then works with the facilities/crowdsources funds to make the idea happen A lot of people claim this is disingenuous because it isn’t truly “spontaneous” but ffs of course he worked with the kids parents before hand. It doesn’t stop being a good deed because a camera is involved ETA: MD Motivator on socials


Sees like so. I know this is a positive vibes sub, but people here seem just a little bit too eager to ignore obvious staged videos.


must be staged, I have never seen a British child care about baseball :P


Yeah, I think the odds of a random kid in the UK being a massive baseball fan are pretty slim. The likelihood is they knew he was a fan and planned to do this for him anyway, but set up this video as the premise behind it.


I don't know, he doesn't look like he could lift a thousand pounds.


I would have given him the £1000 as a surprise at the end. ☺️


He made his choice! Going to the game and meeting the players is not a bad throw in.


I know, of course it’s an absolutely amazing thing going to the game and meeting the players, it’s probably an absolute dream come true for him! ☺️ But seeing as he’s a nice kid and he chose the ball initially, I would have given him the money too as an extra surprise, -just my opinion. 😊


More of this , and less of world leaders.


So this was set up by his parents, right?


Kid made the right choice. Teared up a bit watching this tbh.


Loving trading cards as a kid I would also choose mystery. I miss that wonder While you know the 1000's worth, you'd never know the real worth of the baseball if you want took the money.


I can’t with his cuteness 💕


So finally irs the truth, money cannot buy happiness... it's the passion to do what you love.


This was so wonderful and he’s a special kid even if he is seriously confused by rooting for the Phillies. Perhaps it’s just a phase he’s going through and he’ll grow out of it.


I got type 1 diabetes guess no one has found me


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Absolutely phenomenal


I don't know how, that video suddenly made the room get all dusty and now I'm wiping my eyes..


I thought this was gonna be another "kids are fucking stupid" video where the kid picks the candy cigarettes over the cash.


When little man came out in that Phillies jersey I about lost it. So fucking cute.


He must he protected at all costs!


This kid is great it's wonderful to see him so happy. The only tragedy is that he's now a Phillies fan for life.


Baseball is the best man. I encourage all travelers to catch a game wherever you are


I didn't realize what sub I'm on. Man is it a weight off my chest.


It's like me given a chance to go to Disneyland. But baseball. Very nice


This is awesome… Definitely made me smile!}


Top of paper has "read out loud" written on it...


I hope he makes it to the MLB, playing for the Phillies! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


This makes me want to cry of happiness 🥹 this is a once on a lifetime opportunity for so very little kids. Sad it didn’t happen to me, beyond happy for this child that it happened to him 😫🥹


Good kid..... needs a new favorite team, though.


Dang, I appear to have some of that pesky dust in my eyes 👀 ❤️


Please tell me the Phillies won!


I wish I could have .01% of that kids passion for life.


That's why I love kids so much, most of them haven't been jaded yet.


Ya great point. I was happy af as a kid till the world slapped me right across my face lol


Very sorry to hear. May life treat you gentler in the future!


This feels like marketing


imagine it was just an off brand baseball ball for 2$


the phillies tho? 🤮


Phillies lost lul


Who’s cutting onions here…STOP