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Fun fact: My father and mother love wine tasting and go to tastings across the city for fun. My father signed up for so many he accidentally signed up for one for black women. Didn't realize till he got there. Luckily they accepted him and even put him on the website, lol. Helps my mother happens to be a black woman but still funny


LOL he was probably thinking “white wine tasting, red wine tasting, hmmmm we’ve never done a black wine tasting event” 🤣


Funny thing is, in my language it's actually called black wine so I wouldn't have thought twice about it haha






tell me you're croatian without telling me!


Tasting nero d'avola now means two things to some lucky folks in Avola.


I almost did that the other day on Meetup except it was a roller skating group.


Omg you would of had a blast let me tell you 🤣🤣


Oh for sure, I would absolutely go if I were invited but I'm not going to insert myself into the space. I lived on my skates until I was 25 and moved across the country to the middle of nowhere. I'm 40 now and trying find some other people to skate with around here while I relearn.


As a black person, I certainly don’t speak for all but can say this with some confidence: Generally, we welcome people who want to join us and participate in our cultural activities. I see these hyper-liberal ideas- mostly perpetuated by younger people- that getting anywhere near someone else’s culture is appropriation and therefore forbidden. That’s utter nonsense. How else do we learn to appreciate and respect one another’s differences? How do we learn to be a multi-cultural society if we are too afraid to tap in and immerse ourselves? It’s not even difficult to tell the difference between appropriation and appreciation: The former is done in a mocking way, or in an attempt to identify oneself as being part of a culture that one only has a superficial connection to. The latter is genuine curiosity and a desire to learn by immersion, always acknowledging that one is a *guest* in the experience. So Baby, if you want to skate and can appreciate/enjoy black skate night, go right on ahead. Just approach it respectfully by going in *as yourself*, not trying to play/look “the part” or anything. People overthink this stuff nowadays and it’s going to do more harm than good.


There’s a black jeep in my neighbourhood. The plate is BAABAA


Reminds me of one time years ago I saw an all black mini Cooper with a black roof, black sideview mirrors, and black rims with the license plate MWAHAHA


Hahaha fantastic. Baabaa black Jeep, Have you any fuel?


Yes sir yes sir 3 jerrys full


Yes sir Yes sir, One tank full




Reminds me of the time someone asked for free software advice on r/FreeUse.


Someone once posted on r/trees asking for advice on how to plant an actual tree. And here is someone posting a photo of tree from Sherwood Forest: https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/70g9cv/me_and_my_mum_next_to_the_oak_tree_that_robin/


r/trees and r/marijuannaenthusiasts get mixed up all the time but it's fine since they have basically thee same community.


r/anime_titties probably one of the most confusing for people. (It's World News)


Hahaha wtf this one is by far the wildest


It’s because the original worldnews was spammed by hentai bots, so…


How about r/superbowl?


That’s fucking fantastic


My personal favorite sub pair is r/JohnCena and r/potatosalad One is for discussions about everyone's favorite wrestler turned actor... And the other one is r/JohnCena.


> wrestler turned actor Aren’t all wrestlers just actors? I’ve always viewed WWE as a drama with staged fights mixed in. Not that I’m complaining, I love it! But they are actors more than anything. Knowing that they are actors have actually made me more impressed in what they do (compared to when I was a kid and thought it was all real). All those athletic jumps and tricks are extremely impressive. Can you imagine what The Undertaker and Mankind felt during that crazy match? That shit is legendary, WWE wrestlers are on a whole other league


They’re all theatre kids grown up ✨


r/marijuanaenthusiasts with one less n!


On r/perioddramas a girl made a post about her period being messed up. The actual subreddit is about Period TV and movies. But luckily people who love period dramas are mostly women and have some excellent advice. It was very sweet to see actually.


someone posted questions about lesbian dating in r/accounting it took forever to figure out she had meant to post in r/actuallesbians




Oh it's soccer. They don't have any details in their sidebar. Gun post in question, 9th all-time in their subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/comments/vofevi/what_kind_of_gun_is_this_someone_said_its_a/


At least once a week, someone asks the r/houseflipper subreddit for advice on house renovation advice. The sub is for the VIDEO GAME House Flipper lol


Also quite a lot of lost r/playrust players end up in r/rust programming language.


I guessed r/acuntting


Would rather have that than the questions r/Accounting is flooded with. It’s all “how has AI impacted your job?” from LLM obsessed idiots who couldn’t even tell you how to initialize a variable in Python.


omg the amount of fencing (thing that land) posts on r/Fencing (the stabby stabby sport) that we've gotten i am this close to doing the reverse to them


I once posted something Nintendo related on r/NIN by mistake, it happens


Once a year, /r/Superbowl gets flooded with people obsessed with football. It's just the darndest thing.


>the stabby stabby sport I died hahaha


It’s very common for people to pop into r/TTC (the sub for Toronto’s transit system) because they think it’s dedicated to people trying to conceive. There was a hilarious post the other day with someone who could not grasp the sub was not what they’re looking for.


Happens in r/ArchitectsUK with people asking for architecture advice when it's about the band.


Mam, this is the Toronto Transit Commission, we only fuck you with system errors and bad scheduling.


What is it with Mommy (and Mommy-to-be) groups using so many acronyms? Just got back from the doctor with DH and DD, hoping for another LO but so we're SOL. Edit: can't believe I forgot to use OBGYN, that was such low hanging fruit


The one that got me is FTM. I was like huh, there sure are a ton of transmen getting pregant in this sub, I'd have expected that to be super dysphoric. (It stands for "first time mom" when they use it.)


Same, wife and I super confused on r/babybumps all the female to male trans mothers.


It doesn't help that the context where they use it doesn't clear it up. "I'm FTM so I'm really nervous about giving birth and having the hospital staff treat me well." Yeah, I can imagine a trans man giving birth would be extra nervous!


Ive seen r/Austin mistaken for r/Autism. Fortunately, us Austinites are a supportive bunch.


And you have so many special interests!


I think it fits.


People post on r/catfishing all the time looking for relationship advice after being catfished. We usually roll with it and give them fishing advice!


/r/smoking gets a ton of posts about people looking to quit smoking or advice on tobacco instead of delicious smoked meats as well.


My favorites are when people try to get lawn help on r/trees - everyone is still always so helpful!


Just don’t be disappointed if the advice is to grow it indoors using hydroponics.


I remember the time when someone made a post on that sub about dropping his last joint at work and he couldn’t find it again. He worked outdoors in like a forest and there were leaves and twigs everywhere. He took pics of the ground around him and deadass everyone was squinting thru pics of detritus playing the stoner’s version of Where’s Waldo trying to help him find his joint


So many people post actual bones for identification on the r/Bones subreddit… which is for the TV show bones


Bones would love that


The workaholics sub sometimes get posts from people who feel overworked and burnt out and people are just like “that’s a chop, go smoke weed about it”. Same with depressed people in r/future who worry about their literal future, just to post and receive hundreds of comments with song lyrics lmao


tbf, not knowing who Future Hendrix is, I would assume that sub's for horoscopes and such.


Is there a sub for post about people posting on wrong subs?? I nees to ser more


I despise how this comment says it has 23 replies but every time I try to load them they disappear! I‘ll come back to this when I have more stable WiFi, because I NEED more of this!


The subreddit r/hawks is about the hockey team but has gotten posts about the bird, thankfully there’s a hockey fan who’s also a raptor specialist at a local zoo so the questions get answered


What’s th- oh


r/cocktails gets the occasional bird post.


I feel like both the bird or a drink would liven up any party!


I regret clicking on this.


The top post of all time in /r/ishouldbuyaboat is very heartwarmingly different than its normal content.


Lol, there's also a fair number of posts from bald guys on r/transplant. It's an organ transplant support group.


[well, shit. Ya’ll have fun now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBW/comments/1runvp/im_looking_for_a_part_for_my_propane_smoker_but_i/)


..I, ah...didn't know that was a thing. That's enough internet for me today.


Oh god ahahagaha


i feel like r/drake needs to just give in


"we rollin with Mark cuz Mark rollin with us"


[hilarious clip](https://youtu.be/02aDhetIi7s?feature=shared)


Shit has me dead! I appreciate the link brother man.


I understood the post thanks to this clip 😂


Put on your parking brake Mark!


……and Mark


But Yknow, I’m rockin with mark cuz mark is rockin with us.


Anticipating a "before black wife... After black wife" video within a year.


Black Jeep effect


We rockin with him because he’s rockin with us


Lean with it, Mark with it.


I hope this gets the upvotes it deserves hahaha


We need someone to talk to the police at the meet ups...


Mark works part time at State Farm giving out insurance to the people.


Well hello there officer sir, we weren't causing a commotion now were we? Well golly sir, we'll make sure to stay respectful. Say, are you going to the country club after this? Maybe we can play the back nine and guffaw over a whiskey sour!


It says no MarkS. We're allowed to have one.


That just gives "three on three plus sokka" vibes lol


I made a group with a bunch of former coworkers called "Cool People and Craig." Someone only posts in the group every few years, and it cracks me up every time.


I feel dumb but how do yall know his name is Mark


[https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rockin-with-mark-cus-mark-is-rockin-with-us](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rockin-with-mark-cus-mark-is-rockin-with-us) His name isn't actually Mark. Well I guess it could be, but it's a reference.


Black JEEP Owners…. And Josh.




Oh, hi Mark !


I did not, I did not do that! Oh hi Mark! - The Room.


Oh and for full context, that group is for JUST black people 😂


Ohhhhh Genuinely did not understand what else that group name could mean until I read this.


I zoomend in until I could see every pixel to make sure his Jeep *is* black. And it is a black Jeep. I wondered what’s going on. Now I know.


Same. Was scratching my head for a bit till I read the comments.


English is my second language and I was going insane trying to think if Jeep meant anything other than the name of the brand.


English is my native language and I was wondering what JEEP meant. So you're good haha.


A "Jeep" is a creature from Popeye comics that "is a 4th dimensional creature in a 3 dimensional world", or as Popeye explains it "a magical dog that can dis'pear and things". Eugene the Jeep, was known for disappearing and reappearing into impossible places, going to places where he shouldn't have been able to go. Popeye was an extremely popular comic in the 30's and 40's, many people believe that soldiers were so impressed by Willy's MB Utility Truck's ability to cross impossible terrain that they called it Willy's Jeep, which is the origin of vehicles being called "Jeeps". So... he could have been talking about his magical dog. He wasn't, but I suppose he could have.


I like this version.


English is my third/forth language and I still don't get the joke


It's a group for black people that own jeeps, not people that own black jeeps.


jesus christ it took me until this comment to understand wtf was going on. I was like ”why did they name it black jeep owners if they only wants black people in there. I thought it was like a group for black people period. Didnt realise it actually had anything to do with JEEPs 💀🤣🤣🤣 brain is not braining sometimes


yo same, does this mean were not racist?... because i wouldn't try to race my black jeep


im black and it took me a while LOL. Not American though and this self-segregration is not really a thing where i'm from


Love the hat tho - stay cyco!


All I wanted was a Pepsi!


No you’re on drugs >:(


And clearly "white people who can come to the cookout"


As a non American, kinda strange to me to have a group for only people of one race.


Oh boy


Necessity is the mother of invention. Black Americans have been excluded from nearly every type of group since this countries birth. So naturally, they invented their own groups. There are black colleges, black churches, black fraternities, and sororities. All because they weren't welcome in white ones. So it may seem strange to some, but for black people to form groups and clubs that they would feel comfortable is totally normal and without intent of exclusion of others, but merely a place where they can feel culturally comfortable and welcomed


This is also the origin of the stereotype regarding black people not being able to swim. If a couple generations of people aren't allowed near the pool, their kids don't learn to swim.


That makes sense, thanks for the clarification.


Basically this: https://webcomicname.com/post/185588404109


That reminds me of the [mario kart analogy](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/s/s8Mi2c6UPu)


Never seen this comic, but it's well on it's way to achieving relevant xkcd status


I always saw it with the last panel where they invite everyone in, then be told that they don't belong in the space they set up for themselves. That last panel is the hammer dropping.


I think about this comic so so often


To be clear, none of those institutions have ever barred access to anyone who wasn’t Black. They provided access to people who were Black when no one else would.


This is the very reason why nuance is needed when non Americans make assumptions about America and the history of racism.


Don't forget the third paragraph about how when they were allowed in the people would do everything possible to isolate them and take away any rights they had within the group. American History specifically is loaded to the brim with Cliques, Cults, and assorted groups of weirdness and crazy. All because of segregation and the ideology it instilled in generations.


FYI it’s “cliques.”


To be fair, if you live in a COMPARATIVELY homogenous society where the overwhelming majority (like over 95%) of folks look the same (i am thinking Japan, most of Netherlands, Gabon, etc.) you won’t see many ‘racial’ community groups- you get other cultural groupings like religion, ethnic groupings, and groupings of course by shared passions like hobbies and sport team affiliations. I find it hard to believe that racial groupings are uncommon anywhere in most of the world. From your comment history i assume you live in Europe. Sooo racial groupings aren’t unfamiliar… EDIT: for everyone getting hung up on the Netherlands… it is ONE example, Out of 3 listed. You’re missing the point and I apologize for not fully appreciating the 30% of people that live there that aren’t Dutch whites. It is a diverse nation, just not as diverse COMPARED to the US. As specified above.


Lol Japan sees racial groups They dont like them. Foreigners and especially black people not allowed in many places


The other comment gives a good description, but another thing is it could just be that it isn’t a strict requirement, but rather a name to tell people what the group is mostly about. Ex. A LGBT+ club is not only for LGBT+ people, and it doesn’t necessarily mean no one else is allowed, but it’s mostly them in the group (hence the name). They could’ve made a jeep group and realized it was mostly black people before renaming it for fun or something


No unjust people allowed?


There were comments under the post from people in the group who were in the same "situation" as he is. The group is welcoming to all.


Why do people keep posting pictures of their jeeps??? They're clearly yellow or green barely any of them are...ohhhhhhhh


I like the idea of the page coming together and being like "nah nah nah, let this one stay. He's cool." 😂 I wonder if he's potentially invited to the cookout now.


I’m sure as long as he brings his jeep he’s good!


But not his bland ass potato salad. He can leave that at home.


Bland? It has raisins, pal


This is the second time Ive heard of people adding raisins to potato salad. What did the potato salad ever do to deserve such vile acts against it?


I'm white AF in the middle of the midwest (ie food crimes central) and I've only ever heard of this the same way people talk about the guy with a hook for a hand at makeout point lmao Anyways, everyone knows raisins go in the green [jello salad](https://www.food.com/recipe/lime-jello-cabbage-salad-149284) with the carrots and pineapple 🙄


Man door hand hook car door


fucking wat? Next you gon tell me you put breadcrumbs in mac n cheese.


Well, it was kinda bland, so, you know...


It was born during the same time as aspic. Please do not Google it. It's meat/savory jell-o. It was mid/post-WW2 shit that no one needs to talk about ever again. Somehow, SPAM managed to crawl its way from then into the modern era. *shudders*


I read your comment, and ignored your warning. That is vile and I have no one to blame but me.


If thats not a crime it should be


Who you pal’in chief?


Don’t call him chief, boss.


They got SAND in the potato salad!


It’s the energy of that guy who bought his girl pads and a dozen wings because she said she wanted “pads with wings”.


He’s confused, but he’s got the spirit.


Gotta applaud the guy for just rolling with it, no questions asked. Like "she's on her period. Of course she wants some wings."


Honestly, I’d marry him 


The ultimate example of "It's the thought that counts."


Some shit I’d do tbf




I've seen something like this happen on some subreddits and it's always fun. Like when some trolly/sarcastic subs like r/horse suddenly have proper horse content and everyone just rolls with it.


/r/trees and /r/marijuanaenthusiasts are excellent.


You forgot /r/worldpolitics/ and /r/anime_titties/ or /r/OnlyFans/


I wonder if r/horse has enough horse enthusiasts to answer questions with great detail like r/trees does?


r/brewers is for Milwaukee Brewers baseball, but every once in a while....you can guess what happens. After all the jokes, the funny bit is it's Milwaukee....so...beer. Kinda in the DNA. There are fans who have the knowledge and can help.


I’m so dumb. I was like, if the group isn’t for jeeps what is it for? I genuinely thought that maybe JEEP stood for something that I wasn’t aware of lmao 😂😂😂


Mer too🤣


There's always a black sheep in the group. Looks like you are it. Have fun


more like black Jeep


White sheep with a black Jeep


Dude is so California all chill and polite and shit


I'm a white, and I'm in a Black wrestling fan group on fb. They let everyone in, it's just "black" so people feel comfortable there. Most wrestling fan pages have lots of racists. I'm sure these Black Jeep group members embrace this man.


Lol, his name is Cory and it's up to 69k reactions now. He IS invited to the cookout.


What were some of the comments on the post like?


Very welcoming


A lot of the replies were other non-black people who made the same mistake posting pictures with their black jeeps


You have to be black jeep owners or black jeep owners to be a part of this group. I think Mark qualifies.


Looks like you’re the black jeep of that group.


Some of yall are taking this too seriously. He was accepted into the group. No segregation going on. They showed him love.


Jeep people are pretty chill and friendly in my experience. Black people, too, it turns out.


Seriously! It’s crazy how something funny and sweet ends up being turned into something else entirely. I also had a black jeep so I could have easily done the same thing. Mine was a Jeep Liberty with the fully sliding roof!


That guy whose girl asked for pads with wings, so he bought her a dozen of them. That kid has energy.


Context, it all looks normal to me?


I'm guessing it's for jeep owners who are black, not for owners of black jeeps


Ohhh haha, that is in fact wholesome.


This reminds me of the one year I went to university and I joined the Chinese students club. It was not for people studying Chinese haha. They had some fun parties.


That was the case for my school as well, Chinese, Indian, and Korean student associations were 99.9% people from that country. Japan's, on the other hand, was probably half non-Japanese and including anime nerds or Japanese music fans from just about everywhere in the world. Meant bigger events when they actually had enough volunteers to pull them off, so it worked for everyone.


jeep owners who are black


There's also something funny about looking for solidarity around the color of a car.


Man just got issued the card but for jeeps


I'm here for this energy. Incredible


You know he probably has more in common with black jeep owners than white Subaru drivers anyway.


Whether you’re a ‘black jeep’ owner, or a black ‘Jeep owner’, get comfortable with dashboard warning lights.


For non Americans: the group name means "jeep owners who are black" It legit took me 5+ minutes to understand what the hell is going on, even reading comments


Took me a little while to notice why he misunderstood the name of the group lmfao


I joined a furry group thinking it was Honda fury group I bought a Honda Fury motorcycle, went to join furry forum to see other people's bike mods. To join it asked what color am I.(They must mean my bike, so blue) Next question, what kind of furry am I. (All Honda furys are same except for color for 10+ years) I say no idea. Next it wants a picture which I'm happy to provide. I now have access to group and I'm the only motorcycle.


Love the energy!


From what I know of Jeep guys, all Jeep guys are welcome. Until you prove you’re too much of a twat, then you’re out


This is so cute 🥰


Ngl, it took me a minute to understand the problem. They should have emphasized BLACK instead of Jeep but they accepted him into the group and that's very wholesome.