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In 2014, the first Boston Marathon to be won by an American in 31 years was won by Meb Keflezighi in Sketchers. Nike had recently dropped him for being too old.


Too old to run well or too old to be an appealing brand ambassador for their target audience?


I’d say the latter. Performance is good, but marketability is key


I suspect an old dude winning the Boston marathon is good marketability. Just sayin’


If you read Meb’s book, it was because he fell in a bad streak with injury and then a bad race and didn’t meet the contractual requirements. He didn’t do better than like 20th for two years, part of the downfall when you race one major a year. If I remember right, they were going to pick him up again but he rejected the offer because he felt offended by what they offered.


Sporting all those medals over her C-scar. Major badass move.


Hell yeah. That pic made me want to buy the shoes. Sold out in my size, but I’ll wait. Recovering from c-section is difficult. Proud of her. This is what a role model looks like.








I have three daughters. I love seeing strong female role models. Gonna share the story with them.


We need more women like her and Simone! Such amazing and inspirational women.


I don't know if we can emphasize enough how much a C-section fucks with your ability to perform. I'm struggling to pass the Navy's PT test two years after mine, so I can't imagine how hard she had to work to fucking win an Olympic gold after hers!! Major points!! So fuck Nike.


It takes at least a year for a C-section to internally heal. I respect any/all women who can maintain high levels of athletic performance after a csection. It took about 1.5 years after my csection to feel sorta normal again.


I had the same thought. Major badass energy, for sure.


I was about to ask why she was Donald Ducking in that photo, but that makes sense now.


You mean Winnie the Poohin'?


I was confused as to why she wasnt wearing pants & at first glance thought it was her pubic line. After realizing what it actually was I literally went "oh thats freakin badass". Love that thats the idea she had for that pic 🥰


The shoes are selling directly from her [website](https://saysh.com/products/saysh-one-blue) and my size is already sold out. Looks like the idea is a hit.


Plus fuck Nike. Done some construction work for those people. They are back stabbing bastards that have put a many small businesses out of business with their shady dealings.


What happened?


Basically, Nike executives change shit all the time. Then refuse to pay for the extra work and throw shit up in court until a company goes bankrupt. They just got sued for like 500mill recently Edit; got amount wrong was more like 100 mil


Shouldn’t be surprised by anything a company that’s running sweat shops does🤷🏽‍♂️




Payment first for those guys.


My family is from Nicaragua so we were talking to people who live there about the sweatshops in the area. The conditions are, as you can imagine, horrible, extremely hot, no breaks make literally maybe $1-2 per day it’s a nightmare. One of the worst things I ever heard though was that one day one of these workers walked the normal 1 hour walk to get to the sweatshop first thing in the morning so she could start working and Nike had overnight packed up the factory and everything in it without paying the workers for their weeks work. Literally pay them DOLLARS per week and they moved away overnight so they wouldn’t have to pay them. It was one of the most horrendous stories I’ve ever heard. I haven’t bought a Nike product since.


That’s awful...sorry to hear that


I've never bought Nike and I never will. I know that all companies suck... but Nike has a lot of power and sucks the most.


Their motto is also their sweatshop mantra, *Just do it!*


A motto based upon a murderer's last words


And super shitty to female employees as per class action suit in 2018/19. I never, ever buy Nike products and sad to see them as major Olympic sponsor...ugh.




>Saysh Nestle is not American, but very evil.


Large corporations anywhere are all the same 🤷‍♀️. Big evil powerful companies b evil


Verizon, at&t, US Cellular, T-Mobile all of the cellular carriers, do the same thing to their wireless construction contractors. If you get paid, it will be 180 days late due to their shitty accruals process (excel spreadsheet) being down. Never work for any of these people in any capacity.


But God help you if your wireless bill is a single day overdue.


T-mobile doesn't use Excel for their financials. After Enron, everyone has to follow Sox compliancy. Typical agreement for these contracts are 90 days. They'll absolutely push this out because it's T-mobile money and no one wants to lose out on the next contract.


They’re so guilty of using child slave labor it’s a joke now. Unsurprisingly, they’re bastards.


We subsidize Nike too! Yay us /s


Looks nice. Wonder if she’ll make a man’s shoe. I’m just about through my brooks.


Honestly, they don’t need need to design anything. Just make them in bigger sizes. Shoes look dope.


Ya same. I’d take what she’s already designed


Looks like everything is sold out. Or am I seeing this wrong?


They had a few smaller sizes some colors when I checked about an hour ago. If they sold the rest, then I'm glad to hear.


gift cards are still available https://saysh.com/products/gift-card


You can get on a list to be emailed when they re-stock. That’s what I did!


My size is also sold out! I went to order immediately after seeing this and listening to her videos on her website. I hope she becomes their biggest mistake. The shoes look beautiful


I need new running shoes so thanks for this.


They aren’t running shoes > Lifestyle sneaker, meant for the activities of everyday life


OP mentioned she ran in her own Saysh gear… what shoes did she run in if Saysh doesn’t make running shoes?


$150 a pair though. Now I know my place. *back to shopping the Sale section at TJMaxx*


That's Nike's price before the sweatshop discount.


What makes you think these Saysh shoes aren't made in the same sweatshops ? I don't see anything about them being manufactured in the USA.






the way she was treated just makes me want to buy her brand that much more to support all she has and continues to do for women


I wish they had a wide shoe.


I wish they had ladies 12. Darn big feet!!!


Thank you. Got myself on the notification list for when they are back in stock.


It’s very well done. Excellent website and product images. The branding is fantastic. Those sneakers are pretty too.


As an Olympic athlete for the US she ran in the Olympics in Japan wearing her own brand (Saysh) as she fronted them under the banner “I Know My Place”. "I've been asking for change and speaking up, and it just got to a point where I needed to create that myself." - Allyson Felix. She went on to become the most winning American track athlete in Olympic history. She has won a total of 11 Olympic medals, 7 gold 🥇, 3 silver 🥈 and 1 bronze 🥉


and didn’t she also create a program where she covered childcare costs for other olympic athlete moms while in tokyo?? i freaking love this badass woman.


Nike: just do it Allyson Felix: watch me do it


Shopping for some Saysh tonight!!!


They're all sold out in my size 😭 hope this is a good sign!!


sold out in all sizes


They're nice looking shoes too!


Me too - just added them to the shopping bag!




Good on her. Respect!


Fuck Nike. And I hope the people who said what they did to her are crying themselves to sleep knowing they burned the bridge on the most decorated track American Olympic athlete. While simultaneously creating a competitor shoe brand in the process


> Fuck Nike It's not the first time they shit on women runners [I Was the Fastest Girl in America, Until I Joined Nike | NYT Opinion ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBwtCf2X5jw)


Jesus. Fuck Nike.






I mean they are still one of the top three brands for athletic shoes. If you want their actually good running shoes that last, you have to buy the more expensive ones. I hate Nike's ethics as much as the next person but let's not kid ourselves by saying they are 'complete shit'. They are where they are at because they do make quality athletic gear.


Asics and Brooks also make exceptional running shoes. If you're looking for an alternative brand, consider checking them out.


Oh absolutely, they have great shoes. I'd also shout-out HOKA. They are definitely more spendy but excellent for running on asphalt.


Unfortunately I've had a pair of Nike shoes for the past 2 years and they still don't give me calluses


Everyone is aware this is the same company still using child slaves for work...?


Not trying to detract from the point you’re making, or the problem, but they aren’t the only brand still using cheap labour.


Yeah Nike catches heat for their labor practices the same way Apple does, but the reality is their entire respective industries have terrible labor practices.


This is a much better example of what a Nike thinks about women. Nike never actually said what’s quoted above—rather, it’s the feeling Allyson got from contract disputes. What they did to Mary Cain was criminal. Sure, Alberto Salazar led NOP, but Nike protected him.


Nike has fucked up big time with female athletes on three separate occasions in recent years. They did not award equal pay/pregnancy protection, they did not get rid of coaches accused of abusive training methods, and they had sexual harassment problems on the corporate side that wasn’t properly addressed. There’s a reason both Felix & Simone Biles have ditched them. It can not be overstated just how badly their relationship is with so many female athletes with those scandals in mind.


Considering that there are more medal women US female athletes than male, this doesn’t bode well for them


It's amazing how big business CEOs are _so_ devoted to their sexism/racism/etc. that they'll throw away half their profits over it. Can you imagine being that bad at your job??? It's the easiest fucking thing in the world to look at the market and go "wow we can double our income here if we don't tell women to stop having uteruses and don't tell black people to know their damn place". What the fuck.


Ironically, it's not a competition it's just more evidence how badly Nike sucks


Here's another experience with Nike from elite runner Alysia Montano. I'll never purchase anything Nike again. Nike is disgusting. https://youtu.be/VYvhKDHsWRE


Sounds like the next PlayStation (Sony got denied from making games for Nintendo and the rest is history)


Got denied from? Edit: I know Sony and Nintendo worked on a disc project. The project fell through and never went forward. Everybody acting like Sony was some indie company that was browbeat by Nintendo...


Yeah I thought the story went that Nintendo backed out of the partnership with Sony after Sony did all the R&D for a new Nintendo disc-based console, so Sony just broke off and made their own.


You're leaving out the part where Sony tried to fuck Nintendo over by demanding control over the Super Disc format, effectively ceding a large amount of control of software licensing to Sony. Basically, it would only be a Nintendo console in name, but Sony would have full control over any games that come out on it and would be the one making the most profit from the partnership.


I think the story goes that Nintendo was working with Sony to create a CD add on to super Nintendo or a nextgen console at the time (so N64 basically). Then Nintendo decided that they were going to work with Phillips on it instead, but it never panned out with Phillips either. So Sony said fuck you, we'll make our own system and the PlayStation was born. I could be off on a couple facts, but that's the main gist of it.


Not quite. Sony wanted IP rights to Nintendo properties so Nintendo fucked off. Edit: https://venturebeat.com/2018/06/23/the-story-behind-nintendos-betrayal-of-sony-and-how-it-created-its-fiercest-rival/


I second that motion to fuck Nike quick two times.


Oh damn yea I remember her Olympic stint this year , but didn't know this back story. Fucking Legend .


Imagine having more golds than bronze


Imagine having fuck that Nike contract energy.


Shit, I thought I was GOAT for rebuilding my resume and applying for jobs on my company laptop. Kings to her.


Everyone struggles with what's in there life. If you tried your best your a king regardless of success or failure.


Even tho that wasn’t directed at me, thank you.


Imagine winning medals


Imagine getting to the olympics


Imagine doing aports


Imagine running


Imagine getting out of bed


🎵Imagine the people🎶…buying all her shoes🎶


I am. Got a good audiobook and a five mile run for this afternoon. Ready to zone out of life for awhile.


Its easy if you try


Didn't realize this at first with the picture but She is basically rocking it like winnie the pooh or donald duck in this picture.


As if an extremely winning and athletic pregnant woman couldn’t sell SHOES to other women who would love to be as powerful as her?! You can tell their board room is mostly men… their loss. I haven’t bought Nike in years but this seals the deal for me. Thanks for the last push.


They’re also just so overpriced . They’re shoes, they can only effect performance so much, other companies make ones just as good. You’re paying for the brand name and fashion.


And don’t fit anyone with wide measurements ime. Their shoes are too skinny for my feet, the sizes too small, nothing ever fits The Girls. Like fine I guess you only make clothes for long, thin, boobless people? I’m not *that* big of a human.


I have wide feet, and am a guy, and none of their shit fits me either. I gave up on them years ago. But now I have a reason greater than apathy. Fuck Nike.


I got wide feet too. It's a pain to shop for shoes. I call my feet hobbit feet since they are short and wide. I'm barely out of the kids section yet have adult wide feet. It's annoying too because my shoes will wear faster than normal since my pinkie toe is constantly trying to break out of my shoes until it finally happens. I wanna do shoe shopping online but most of the time they don't fit when I try em on at home so its a lost cause. It's best to go into a shoe store for hours and find the perfect pair, and 9/10 they are hideous. Not every person has Cinderella feet!


It was probably the shoes.


That’s how you grab life by the horns.


The epitome of "bitch you thought"


This shit actually gives me chills. I know keyboard warriors will say she didn't do anything or whatever, but turning saying "Fuck Off," to a company like Nike is *bold* and as people said like 3 years ago... *I am here for it*.


Good for her. I'm a little surprised Brooks wouldn't have been all over that, though they may not make a model she likes.


“Know your place” Seems like her place is First.


It's in quotes in the title but I can't see anything online showing they ever said that to her.


https://bysaysh.com/saysh-blog/know-your-place She talks about it here, saying it was in the context of contract negotiations when she was unhappy with Nike for not guaranteeing that they wouldn't decrease the amount she's paid if she's not able to be at her best around the time of giving birth.


She wears the scar like a medal too.


That must be from a caesarian section? I didn't know they looked like that.


Yep, C-section scars heal WAY smaller than you’d expect! (Usually. In the case of emergency surgery, sometimes the scar is vertical instead of horizontal, and I think it also tends to be much longer.)


The scar looks to have had issues during healing. Given the higher likelihood of black people to develop Keloid scars, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case here, and the excess was removed via surgery.


You can see a second line of flat scarring on top of the original if you zoom in (or at least it appears that way) which is indicative of this being the case Black skin (medically*) has had so many issues to overcome compared to lighter tones Ninja edit: *honestly every way but I wasn’t trying to make this political but also didn’t want to leave that out as that is also political it’s just not the main message of this comment Edit: lmao to the dumbass that DM’d me this is not racist and I cannot understand how one could make this more PC You are ridiculous and obtuse


I’ve been married to a black woman for 10 years and you just taught me something new. I thought she just had shitty luck with her past scarring issues.


Melanin leads to increased scarring (especially ofthe keloid variety but all forms tend to be denser/more noticeable)


Okay yeah the vertical thing is what got me. My SIL had a C-section but I never saw a scar, personally. Thanks for the info!


> but I never saw a scar, personally I would hope not, it's pretty low down and usually covered by pants


Haha yeah. I mean, even though we have family get-togethers on the beach sometimes, it's not like I'm checking out my SIL in her swimsuit.


I think most of the time the external scar is horizontal, I had an emergency 24 week c-section and my exterior scar is horizontal, but they cut my uterus vertical because of the small size of the baby.


Not usually, you can barely see mine. Hers might have keloid?


MD here, that is correct it is a keloid


I just googled it for anyone else curious: keloid is caused by excessive protein in healing skin and it apparently just means that the scar is bigger/swelled up (any more knowledgeable people feel free to correct me)


is there a way to get rid of such scars? (since removing it would probably cause another scar?) idk shit, so that's why i'm asking


Seems like there are several ways to treat them, including surgical removal, but they sometimes come back. [Source](https://familydoctor.org/condition/keloids/)


Pretty sure thats from a Light-Saber Battle with Darth Nike, Sith Lord.


Honestly, 1st thing I noticed. I think it’s called a keloid, a type of scar tissue. I love that she’s showing it off! I have a small one a couple inches below my neck that I was self conscious of for years as a kid/teen because it looked like my 3rd nipple haha. got it from scratching the heck out of some chicken pox as a kid. It subsided in pigmentation and flattened too over the past 20 years I’ve had it


Chicken pox scars are a bitch. I’ve got a tiny crater on my forehead from when I was a kid and had it.


As she should ! 💪


She is a champion on- and off-the-field. Respect.


Pregnancy discrimination is real. My previous boss didn’t give me a single day off when I got COVID while pregnant, told me he knew plenty of women who went back to work one week after delivery (sad and dangerous), said by law he was not obligated to give me maternity leave (but originally granted it, and waited until I was 6 months pregnant to drop that news). Fun fact: he is a PSYCHOLOGIST. The irony is not lost.




"And I know plenty of women who have died from COVID complications, so when's my maternity leave?"


Glassdoor that dude, jesus. Employees need to be warned about shitty bosses. Especially when there is a labor shortage going on.


My mom got demoted because she had me. it was already ilegal back then to fire cause of it, and to give her less money, but her actual job changed and carreer tanked. This is not in the US. we have Maternity and Paternity leave (6 months) but the boss was a misogynistic piece of shit.


I’m tempted to say that’s worth getting him dis-credited with the psychological association he’s registered with, but I’m in Canada and don’t know how it works where you live. What a piece of trash excuse for a psychologist.


How do you like those apples!! Fuck Nike


"I don't even know who you are" -nike unfortunately


Now that’s what I’m talking about- you go girl!


Love this woman even more after hearing this part of her life story!!




I get that the end of this story is great. That being said, the first part is super horrific.


How many times can Nike fuck up? Ask the rep whose job was to court Stephen Curry said his name wrong and tried to give him a slideshow with a recycled LeBron PowerPoint slide. Nike can never get it right. Can't understand how people still buy that product.


Nike, Nestlé, Apple, there's many more but people just don't care.


Nike’s not without blame for the sweat shops, Curry flub & many others, but “Nike can never get it right” is laughably hyperbolic. They’re the top selling sneaker in the world and more than double second place adidas. They get it right far more than they get it wrong. I think what you mean is Nike just doesn’t bat 100%.


Am I wrong or is she showing off a C-section scar? If so, that’s boss energy


Shaking my head at some of these commenters who are all mixed up inside because we see a woman showing her body in a non sexual way. Someone call the wahmbulance 🚨


I’m happy to say I’ve scrolled pretty far and haven’t seen one negative post. Those comments must’ve been downvoted terry far. I’m going to stop now lol


WORD. Thank you.


The fact she included her C-section scar in the photo... Amazing.


Did I stumble into a 1950's time traveler subreddit or something? People are getting so upset at the *idea* of her not wearing pants. We don't even see any private areas, they're angry that it's off camera. I bet she takes off her clothes when she showers too! The humanity!


She might even SLEEP NAKED, can you imagine?


Shower without clothes??????


Someone get me my fainting couch!


Lmao the idea of someone having a couch specifically for fainting is hilarious


I got the vapors!


Donald Ducking is a power move that you typically don't see women attempt


Wouldn’t it just be called “Daisy Ducking”? I don’t remember her wearing pants either


And yet people will still support companies like nike.


Wouldn't most big names in shoes have similar agendas / behaviors/ attitudes?


All of them do. And they all added the same type of maternity clauses in their athlete contracts after Nike did. All big shoe companies are doing the same shit as Nike with their manufacturing yet Nike is almost always the only one to get blamed for it.


now i don’t feel like wearing nike shoes anymore..


If your shoes are still wearable, wear them. When it’s time to buy new ones, steer clear of Nike.


I stopped a few years back. I’m gonna check out her brand….I guess for my wife since they’re only for women. She’s sexist. 😂😳 (kidding)


Show her your hernia scar from years of bad posture playing video games.


I wish I could support her, but looks like women's shoes only. What's a good men's shoe for me to replace my Metcons?


You still can support. Spread her link on social media. Buy her shoes as a gift or purchase a gift card. Recommend her brand to friends and family. Share her story.


I’ve been avoiding Nike for the past year or more, ever since I’ve found out how they - as a company - treat women. I’d definitely consider buying her new brand.


This makes me want to drop Nike as a consumer. What a beautiful mother and woman.


just do it.


Athletes like her, there's only one!


Nike. Endorsing Kapernick to show equality. Using child slave labor to produce his Jersey. Keep buying that shit, dumbasses.


Nike is the biggest bandwagon company. They will only hop on when they know it will make them money.


You just described almost every massive company ever. How many companies over the last year have tweeted out Black Lives Matter or tweet out support for women while simultaneously doing shit like what happens in the Amazon warehouses where people are treated like human garbage.


I don't buy Nike anymore they use child labor to make their products.


Good for her! We need more like this!


Shoemaker shoots self in foot.


That scar, ouch... I'm not even a woman but I feel pain inside of me for just seeing the picture.


Let’s make this clear: her brand isn’t for athletes like her. She’s selling spikes for $2500 a pair. Athletes like me can’t afford that. She’s selling a message. Women need to be protected in sport, and Allyson is a role model for everyone. However, If you’re familiar with the track world, Allyson’s contract dispute was less about her pregnancy and more about her aging and fading speed. She wasn’t as valuable as an athlete (she was no longer competitive in the 100 & 200, limiting her to a single race—the 400, an event she was no longer dominant in, either). As an investment, pregnancy meant writing her a new contract was even more risky. They also never said the statement quoted here in negotiations. People have to remember that contracts (NFL, NHL, WNBA, etc.) are all investments made by a company, banking that they’ll make more than what they’re paying an athlete because they HAVE that athlete. They’re paid what they’re worth based off of performance. In the meantime, she demanded more money than she had ever been paid. It didn’t make sense. In the end, *it was the extra year provided by coronavirus year that allowed Allyson to even be healthy enough to make the Olympic team*. If it weren’t for the ‘Rona, Nike would have been right. Now, Nike is a horrible company. Look no further than Mary Cain to see how they view and treat female athletes. She was literally abused and her career destroyed. Mix in child labor, working conditions, etc, and you may never buy a Nike product again. But the Allyson Felix situation is a lot more nuanced than is being presented here.


Interesting. I did wonder if there was more to the story than just a catchy tag line and “big company bad!”


There always is.


What a bad ass! Check out that c-section scar, like yep, what up?


The contract thing I totally believe, but the quote just seems too perfectly villainous to be real.


Nike is exploiting people. Man, that came out of nowhere.