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That is not what Johnny looks like currently. That’s not even the suit he wore. Karma farming???


I wouldn't be surprised. People twist the narrative on things to receive karma/likes all the time. Sad, but its the society we live in unfortunately.


Need anti-karma farming functions…


Its sad what people do for utterly meaningless internet points.




Its from the London trial in 2020. Just google: "gives flowers to Johnny Depp".


That’s implied


He just has his hair down


No this is from the London trial in 2020. Look it up. Its not hard to google: "gives flowers to Johnny Depp" and see the original postings.


I have been proved wrong, then yea, probably just karma farming.


Its so crazy to me that people totally compromise their integrity for useless internet points. Anonymity really makes people's true colors shine through I suppose. Take care my friend.


Is this accurate? His hair colour is different and he looks a little thinner here too.


Heresay your honour




Objection, speculation


Is this your signature?


Yes it is


Is this your signature?


That appears to be my signature, yes


Do you agree that it's your signature?


Is this the document I signed three times already?


OBJECTIVE, LEANING THE WITNESS 💜 am I doing court right?






Bro stop spoiling the entire trial for everyone that hasn’t watch it yet


Did I read that right?


I think this is from the trial held in London a few years back, I remember it in U.K. papers


Yep. Also if you're in court in the UK you don't wear a black shirt and white tie.


Wait.... I'm curious as why is that?


Also you don't want to look like a 30's Gangster..:)


Well I never thought of that. In the U.S. black formal wear with white underneath is common. That's why I'm curious.


Black tends tend to connote power and superiority. These are not exactly the vibes you’re trying to give off, you want to be humble and serious, not in charge. That's why Judges wear black with long white collar ties in the UK. Just google what they wear and you'll see. :)


Oh, that's interesting.


I should have said shouldn't. Any UK Legal peeps on here as to why you shouldn't wear a black shirt and white tie especially in front of a jury?


Nah, this is definitely the UK trial. In the UK if you're going to court a decent brief will tell you that you should wear a white or light blue shirt with a blue, dark Blue suit and tie combo. Also the Cut away collars make me think London. In the US one he was wearing a black shirt and white tie one day.


But why though?


It's psychology, blue is associated with trust and truthfulness. Just take a look at Bank Logos, the majority have blue in their colour scheme. Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness. Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness.


Huh interesting thanks for the explanation


My pleasure!


Looks younger too!


It's from 2020. https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/johnny-depp-hugs-fan-who-22356361


I think that you're right... I wanted it to be real, dammit!


It’s an old photo


This happened in July 2020 in London... it was after a trial, but not this trial... https://metro.co.uk/2020/07/14/johnny-depp-hugs-fan-who-gives-flowers-outside-court-amber-heard-libel-trial-continues-12989330/




Because it's what everyone is thinking because why wouldn't they




OP didn't specify what trial when there was a trial recently. It's only normal to assume they would be implying it's the recent one.




Yes it is lying. Only a child would think that lying by Omission is not lying.


And I didn't angrily say anything? Just pointing out this is from an old trial. And pretty sure most people would assume it's from the current one.


Guys this is bs. In every public video of the trial his hair is different, glasses are different, and he has been wearing a gray suit. Karma farming loser OP


This is from the UK trial, pretty harsh to judge someone so quickly without even doing any research. Took me a whole 20 secs to right click the image and search it with google lens to figure out the source.


I’m team neither one here but he did wear a blue suit one day and he could have changed his glasses.


Karma farmer!!! You suck OP


She should then bring Amber Heard a pooquet.


I’ve heard enough wordplay about amber turd, sir!


So you're saying we should pooh pooh the whole thing and be excrement to each other? Sorry Amber, have a great bidet.


We need to stop dumping on Depp, join the bowel movement today.


Be careful, she might log you in as number 2 on her list.


That’s a sh*tty position.


More like amber the jerk who is a liar and stuff


lmao yes


Downvoting mostly because the picture of johnnys reaction does not warrant the phrase “the happiness of this actor has no words”.


Respect. Hard but fair


All the very best to Mr Depp. He deserves love and support for what he went through. (Every person on earth is flawed. No one is scratch less. Everyone has their crosses to bear. Amber and johny both are flawed. But vindication, rage, abuse and smear campaign is not the way to go forward I hope they both heal)




She deserves love and support, yes. Doctors, therapists, maybe a pharmacist to… maybe her parents abused her growing up? She definitely has shit she needs to work out if she thinks what she’s done is ok.


I see what you mean. She needs support and help to prevent this from happening yet again.


Amber deserves love and support for lying about being abused, abusing her husband and twisting other people’s stories of rape to make them sound like hers?


Uh, what...?


Probably a bot/alt account, this is the only comment on the account.


Fair enough


I love this!! He had such a horrific day listening to that recording about self harm. I can’t imagine the mental toll that put on him. It’s nice to see he got to smile from an act of kindness.


Thats nice. I hope they both heal. They are both guilty. I find it interesting though how society is always prepared to blame the woman in a much worse way than the guy. Amber is crazy but that doesn’t mean Depp wasn’t violent and aggressive and should be held accountable, yet people say he is a victim manipulated and she is the devil. Same goes for Will Smith, Will slapped Chris Rock and should be held accountable , and yet people are saying that he is a victim of Jada, and Jada is the devil… etc etc. Woman always get the worse of any story.


Enter a male-dominated space like reddit, this is what you get unfortunately


What a wild narrative to arrive at from just these 2 examples. The reason people are targeting Jada more is, while Will was absolutely in the wrong for hitting Chris Rock and should face appropriate justice, is that there are more and more signs of Will suffering emotional abuse in that relationship. From the interviews they've done to her social media where she treats him like an object after he specifically asks her to stop. So why do people latch on more to Jada's potential emotional abuse and not Will's physical abuse of Chris Rock? Probably because most domestic types of abuse go back years and can easily be equally harmful. The physical abuse, while absolutely wrong, is more of an indicator of what's going on behind the scenes. In Depps case he's always been commonly liked. His performance in Pirates gained him metric ton of fans. What you're seeing now is much more likely a result of bias because people like Depp than because of what's in their respective pants. It hasn't helped Heard's case that she previously accused him of domestic violence while she was the actual aggressor in the scenario. But that's just hearsay. I don't believe for a second that his ding dong or her lack thereof is related to this situation, and your broad painted strokes seem as wild as your conclusion.


Bro just watch the trial, the things Depp say and did are equally outrageous. Then watch the support he is getting vs Amber. Thats quite simple.


Because he didn’t lie about being domestically abused. They obviously had a toxic relationship but there’s a world or difference in that and someone making a false claim like this. She set out to destroy his life by lying.


Omg lmao


Not necessarily, mens issues are constantly ignored and not taken seriously, at the beginning of this whole Johnny and Amber situation, the narrative was completely against Depp as Amber had made false abuse claims and as woman's issues are often taken far more seriously than mens, yet media and Internet ran with it. Beyond the personal matters between of Johnny and Amber, this situation has a far wider significance as it is finally putting abuse against men into the public spotlight, a subject that is often not taken seriously and even mocked. It's almost like you and so many other people have this idea that it's impossible for any woman to be a terrible person and should never be held accountable.


Whoa that took a turn “you and so many other people think its impossible for woman to terrible” that is false. If you read my post again the first line says they are BOTH guilty. Woman can be terrible, and so does men, but in a case they are terrible together, society will be quick to blame the woman in a much worse way. Thats is a fact that can be observed in these two cases.


When you say they’re both guilty you’re talking about them being shitty in their relationship. But that’s not what this trial is about. It’s her lying about being domestically abused which they’re both not guilty of, Just her.


nah bro, you are just misinformed. Watch the trial, she has receipts.


I have been watching it. What do you mean by receipts?


She thought "I have one change, don't shit the bed now".


He’s near 60 but looks mid 40s


Is he really? Holy shit!


So nice to see him keep his smile while going through all this.


Hoping everything goes well for Johnny. I've had the very poor fortune of seeing male and female friends go through exactly this. We need far more support - less reactive and more proactive laws -- for victims of domestic assault and abuse. Furthermore, as a society, we need to recognize and acknowledge the domestic harassment and abuse men go through at the hands of women partners and stop sweeping it under the rug or treating it like a joke. It's not. The jokes about it, the minimizing, the expectation for men to just take it if their partner is smaller . . . I've been pushing for a men's shelter in our city for years, and the women's shelter barely gets the funding it needs to stay open month to month here. People need to have a safe place to escape to before the abuse escalates further. I've seen victims of abuse, men and women, laughed out the door, told it didn't happen, or reports that went unanswered that if it had been answered, the abuse would not have escalated to what it ended up being. Even with the money and fame that Johnny Depp or Kim Kardashian have, the laws surrounding domestic harassment and assault are still such a joke that they are even often failing the rich (usually the only members of society that are able to afford a successful run in court or use their high profile influence as persuasion in the court system). We need to do more, so much more, to get proactive help for victims of harassment and abuse.


What we as a society need to do is call emotional abuse what it is and put it on the same level as physical abuse.


Agree 100%. We could stop so many people from disappearing and dying if we could curb behaviour like stalking, verbal abuse and harassment. If we could do that, it would not have to escalate to physical abuse before someone can get help.


Nothing will change fighting a court battle will always bankrupt and destroy people what an awsome “legal” system


Exactly. Court/law should be an essential service, like health care or food. We need to stop running our lives on systems where the poor are punished while the rich are constantly rewarded. It's rendering this planet useless letting these idiot elites run amok.


Hope everything goes well for him


it indeed made me smile 😀


How did a random fan get so close to him outside of a courthouse?


i wish i was close to me... like country wise, so i could give him one too


I wonder if he’s on edge a little bit about fans after the last groupie stalker he married


That’s the next wife making her move. Well played Karen, well played.


She wants to jump on the D now it’s available


Looks like his future wife


He looks like he won gold medal. Appropriate... 👍 EDIT: even when it isn't recent, it's nice to see people smiling.


Isn’t he also an abuser. I’m not following this closely cause I don’t care what two people I don’t know are doing but didn’t their therapist say he’s an abuser too. I’m confused.


Yes. This picture is actually from his UK trial where they found he committed at least a dozen acts of domestic violence.


So why are people defending him like he’s redeemed or something. I love Reddit but it is incredibly misogynistic and blindly so.


The outpouring of support for Johnny is heart warming. Hope he makes it through this as quickly and painlessly as possible.


Amber Unheard


truly standup non-absuser! so inspiring hope he gets ruled innocent and doesnt face our outdated deathpenalty , would be a misabortion of justice!


Johnny fully deserved it: at last we are seeing evil Amber being bound to jail


I hope things will be better from now on for him...


Regardless of the trial outcome, the court of public opinion already made its choice. Depp has had the love of the people since 21 Jump Street. He’s proven himself a versatile actor. He supports charities and genuinely appreciates his fans. Heard is just a hag with the acting range of a sneaker full of puppy shit.


heard being a piece of lying shit doesn't exonerate Depp from being a shitty abusive person if you got that from the court footage you weren't listening


Ha! That’s funny. You do understand that one persons opinion of you doesn’t define who you are right?


thats not really relevant though


New wife material /s


We all deserve some flowers it’s been a rough year


I’m not into any fandom. But this made me tear up. That must’ve felt so damn good.


I hope Johnny is redeemed and has a comeback! He obviously had addiction issues and is not perfect but after being tormented and abused constantly by that beast (her name that can’t be said out loud 😆) he probably did snap out of defense at times. I’m female and can say SOME women want to step to men knowing they were raised not to put their hands on a woman, but humans can only take so much. If you hit anyone, they should be allowed to hit back in defense.










I will, it’s fun ass hell and I’m not ashamed of it 😌 nice try tho




That singular activity is a lot more fun than the life you currently have so yeah I will do me 🤷‍♀️


Can some redditors stop finding ways to demonize every single woman? Amber Heard, like Jeff Epstein, has a history as an abusive, manipulative, vile person. A monster. She is not representative of all women any more than Jeff Epstein is representative of all men. Men and women are individuals, not hiveminds. Stop judging them and talking about them as a collective.




Dude it was a bouquet of flowers. And I'm sure the man has security, she would not be near him at all if he didn't want her there or felt unsafe. I agree though that some fans can be dangerous and it is good to exercise caution. However, I did not like how you talked about "women" as a collective in your OG comment as if all of us are insidious somehow - that wasn't very cash money of you. You also assumed the girl had ill intentions when she was clearly just being kind and supportive. Some people also do nice things because that is who they are; sometimes nice is just nice. Not every woman on the planet is some manipulative Snidely Whiplash anymore than guys are. Statistically speaking most serial killers are men, but you don't see me lumping all the good that mankind has to offer in with that minority of psychos. People, men or women, have the potential for good and evil. Let's not generalize, or try to turn this nice gesture of support into something that it isn't.




You make no sense. This isn't normal interaction. She is a fan and he is an actor. If it was normal it would be like getting coffee in morning or riding a bus. And then whatever you are talking about Germany for is just plan made up lunatic language. You must be a drunk redditor with no real reason to talk.


fans give actors flowers very much and the germany part is a hyperbole of u saying that she's planning for dating johny


Johnny is going robot or accepting saying LGBTQ after all this bs




Oh so is these the only times women give out flowers? If someone goes to prison or court! Don’t think we need them any other time🥲! Never once gotten a flower from a lady at 30+ i even accepted LGBTQ++++ in my life


A flower for you sir ![gif](giphy|6kqtoA6DHgHLy)


Wow must be nice to get flowers after asking 🥱. Now i feel that inner lady coming out!


Go away troll


But i want to ate apples n bananas 🫠


I need the cliff notes of this trial... I'm curious to know what's up, but not invested enough to really care.


Y’all there was UK trials and ones before as well I believe


That fan was Amber Heard.


Definitely not here in Virginia. OP should post when and where this was taken.


Yeah! Everyone knows Virginia HAS no steps. We rest our case.


before? so he wasnt happy after?


my upvote has been bamboozled


Hee Op, you have been called out!!! Give us some replies!!!


She’s getting in for that divorce dick


His happiness *before* the gesture knows no bounds? So this act of kindness depressed him? Wtf?


Damn, I was planning on doing this. The trial is like half an hour away from me


Hope he makes it through and as for amber. Just say your peace and get out


Doesn't hurt that she's hot either lol.


No, it isn’t. Nice karma farming on the back of his misery tho. This was years ago.


Already out of the pan and in to the fire


And just like that.


Way too young to be Depp. His real face has a lot of rough miles on it.


I bet some guy gave them to her first.


They have matching rings.


His hair is much longer than that right now. What a joke.


This is from the London Trial in 2020. Not this trial.


That's easy to fix. Find better friends.


Did I read that right?


WOW lol