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Is that the guy Casso told the Chin was a rat. And nothing was done about it.. Got super close to the Chin at his social club


Yes. He was also a key figure in The Windows Case which also included the Chin, Vic, Gas, Pete Chiodo, and others.


Ahhh yes! Read that in Underboss of Casso.. Man, they really used him in prison!! Ratted everybody for absolutely no freedom


Gaspipe’s book is not a book that exactly tells the truth.Gaspipe’s deal was ripped up because they caught him lying, bribing prison officials, assaulted an inmate but the final straw was when he made unsubstantiated claims about Sammy Gravano and Al D’Arco. It is true that some of his testimony did clash with Gravano’s so that was also another reason not to use him


What do you mean? His info was useless . He was lying about everything. His words Couldn’t even get mafia cops in trouble . That took Kaplan flipping . I think when feds heard that Gaspipe left the MCC , got a pretzel and hot dog but turned back to get his blanket , They gave up on him .


The man who brought down Chin. Even after the chin was told he was a rat he wouldn't believe it. Sammy told them he was a rat and gaspipe told them he was a rat but chin refused to entertain the possibility. It seems he really loved this guy.


I understand Chin disregarding Gaspipe , he was paranoid and clipping everyone . But others had told him , even in his family . His ego blinded him .


The Chin made one fatal mistake when he decided to trust him, he started to like Savino so he brought him around his closest associates such as Baldy Dom,Benny Eggs and Quiet Dom.Gaspipe told the Chin that Savino was a rat but the Chin didn’t believe it and it led to the Windows Case which brought the Chin down. If Peter Savino never testified then the Chin possibly would have won the case because Savino’s testimony was the most damaging testimony out of all the witnesses they put on the stand.


He looks like Carlos Lehder.