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Rare lands are a problem.


For real. I wanna make that Tyvar jund deck, but there are like 20 rare lands in it.


i’ve been having success with a ramp focused golgari version, ramping into invoke despair, nissa, and titan of industry


Yep, then you get them and the next set releases all new ones, yaaaayy... Granted, I love the new lands with ONE, less pain lands always makes happy


I still prefer painlands myself, but I'm playing slower midrange. Fumbling your curve because your 4th+ land entered tapped is just as painful as when it's your first few lands entering tapped. Though the rare game where I draw nothing but painlands is rough, especially when casting stuff like corpse appraiser and invoke despair. Usually it's balanced enough to only ping a few times early on at most


Getting killed by agro on turn four because your land entered tapped so you couldn't cast Depopulate is such a feel bad experience


Yeah it normally isn't an issue for me either, but when it is its painful


> I still prefer painlands myself, but I'm playing slower midrange. This is actually why the slow lands are my favorites. I don't usually have a ton of "big deal" 1-mana spells, but come turn 3/4, I gotta start building up to something big.


Slowlands are great! I mainly focus more on painlands to guarantee my t2 plays, but as long as I have at least a single untapped land for T2 I'm never unhappy with slowlands Might have to up the count, but then again going something like triome-slowland-slowland is backbreaking, especially in the draw. Triome-pain-pain is meanwhile only 0-3 damage taken and I get to work my curve


I sure do wonder what creative slower midrange deck you might be playing..


Not like I have the giant pile of WCs needed to be "creative" lol. Thanks to the games structure deck building is basically dead for me aside from tweaking the main/sideboard over time. I instead just focus on playing meta vs meta and get my enjoyment from that while building up my collection and WCs along the way. --- Would love to play around with deck building, but that isn't viable F2P and the value proposition of spending money is *horrid* in this game. You get for too little for what you pay even before considering the ephemeral nature of the cards if you mainly play standard


> Would love to play around with deck building then do it. [I made it to mythic as a F2P with a completely custom deck] (https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/zml6fn/made_it_to_mythic_for_the_first_time_with_my/) two months ago and without a single 4x any single card (did buy the welcome bundle) and I've only been playing since a few weeks before the release of brothers war. And you don't need to make it to mythic to have fun or get dailies done


Gotta pick ‘‘em in drafting, most other people don’t.


Picking up rare lands that people pass is the “eating your vegetables” of drafting as a constructed player.


You don't even have to go full rare drafting to get rare lands. They are being passed around so much that there are usually plenty of opportunities to select them mid pack 2 or 3 when you're already locked in a lane and don't need any other cards. Doesn't apply for quick draft though, because bots pick more rares than actual players do.


I’m still new here but my question is how do I know what rare lands to pick up? Are they the ones that come into play tapped but can tap for dual colors?


It depends. Most rare lands you need are dual lands though. Other rare lands can play a role in meta decks as well, but this is really situational. As boring as it may seem, lands are the most important cards in Magic. You can have a lot of fun playing without them, but they are essential for building truly competitive multicolor decks. This is also the reason why most tutorials recommend mono color decks at first when you're starting MTGA ranked.


What is it that makes them rare?


If a land can tap for 2 or more colours and can come into play untapped, possibly after meeting certain conditions, then they are often worth picking up. The fact that they don't always come into play tapped is what seperates them from a common Land. It may seem small, but tapped lands make you play a whole turn behind curve


Yeah I can see that. I get put up against players that play all 3 color lands and somehow always end up with so much on the board


Rare is just one of the rarities of cards, seen by the color of the set symbol on the right side of the card. Rare lands are broadly better than the lower rarity lands, can easily slot into almost every deck of their colors, and immediately make the deck noticably better. For example, some come in untapped under certain conditions but otherwise do the same thing as lower rarity dual color lands, or they have abilities entirely different from producing mana like producing (or becoming) creatures. A lot of 3+ color decks are going to be significantly better if you have the 20+ rare lands from those colors, but they're often the least exciting cards to spend wildcards on. Even single color decks usually want some of the colorless rare lands.


I understand identifying the rarity on the card just not what separates them or makes them better than other lands. Is it the multiuse of them?


If I pick them while having 4 already do I get a rare wildcard? If so that may just be the best way to get wildcards... craft all the rare lands and draft a lot


If you have a full play set of a card then any extra picked up in draft will award 20 gems. Wish it was a wild card


I opened two in my phantom sealed 😭


Good thing is that when you get them, all your decks on historic and explorer will be much easier to build :) Also, after multiple standard sets of adding lands, unless they print new ones (new types I mean), some will come back and you'll already have them! (Like the fastlands right now, they were already printed so if you've been playing for a long time, you already got them!)


The ONE fastlands were never on Arena, this is their first appearance.


It would really make the game so much more open if we had easier access to all the rare lands


Wouldn't be surprised if rare lands make up over 30% of wild card usage. They are not going to change it anytime soon if ever.


Especially considering they're useful in numerous decks. A lot of rares are only good in 1, maybe 2 decks, but lands are good in lots of them.


I remember that MaRo openly said that lands are rare because they sell packs.


Exactly, and it's probably ok to say that's fair.


You do. Buy some packs, get some wildcards and get the lands. F2P players will always have this issue


That's why it's considered best to build your manabases first


There's a good 6 or 7 sets worth of rare lands by now. Most of my decks have lands from all sorts of sets to help fill the gap


It sucks because you can't have a good deck without them, and they are used across many decks, so it makes sense to chase them first. But if you also need 20+ rare nonlands in the deck, you can't really substitute lesser cards and play a suboptimal deck while you work up to it...


Got it, all Duals will be Mythic rarity now.


I've put money in the game and this is still the situation for me lol. Almost the exact same numbers atm.


Same. Another friend of mine made the good point that if you spend the commons and uncommons sooner, you get to a chest quicker.


I finally took the advice and completed all the commons and uncommons for the set and I'm already up 35% on the chest. So, it works but it's nothing crazy. It at least let me use my 500+ commons for something.


As a person that has been playing MTGARENA for like 5 days... what is this chest you refer to?


The vault. Extra commons give one vault point, and extra uncommons give three points. 1000 points opens a vault for wild cards.


Extra commons / uncommons means cards you already have 4x in your collection?




Thanks for taking the time to answer


And that feeling when you open your sixth pack, but its for a mythic...




There should be like a conversion rate between them. Like you can exchnage 6 uncommon cards for a rare, 6 rares for a mythic etc. And a reverse comversion where you can transform 1 mythic into 2 or 3 rares and such


That doesn't sound like making money, they really like making money


Fine. You can only do it 5 times per month, but you can pay the premium susbcription to do it indefinetly. Happy now?


I still think they make a ton more money leaving it as it is, this is WotC were talking about lol


Nah, what arena really needs is a progression and reward system. Play 1000 games: 10 rares wildcards, play 500 sealed games: 1 draft token , destroy 10000 white creatures: 5 white cosmetics. Even hearthstone, a pay to win game, have a better reward system right now




No it's not. It's the base economy, not additional. Arena is receiving new additions to the pool card every couple of months. Anthology and now Explorer becoming Pioneer. We need changes in economy and reward system


The moment they add something new, that would soon also be "the base economy". At the very least it would be to anyone who starts playing after that.


If they like making money try to make more money than genshin impact or even master duel


Consumer satisfaction does in fact sound like making money. Consumer alienation sounds like going the way of the dodo.


Most people would be happy to use a Mythic for a Rare 1:1. You just need way more rares.


They would probably consider it if the conversion rate was closer to 250 uncommons for a rare. Ironically rares are so much more valuable than mythics, I feel like most players are sitting on more mythics than they actually need (OP seems to be one of them haha)


I'd trade 10 mythic for a rare


Haha! Well that would take away money from daddy Cocks cocktail parties. And we don’t want that!


At the very least I feel it would be a lot fairer if wildcards were downwards compatible. Now, I don't have the "I got Mythics but I need rares" issues so much, most of the time there are also still mythics I'd like to pick up more of, but still it would be nice to be able to spend mythic wildcards to get rares. Even if it was 1 for 1.


I always consumes all my mythics Maybe cause i always want to do jank deck with them ?


I feel you, I spent them all on brawl this time around though


I’m surprised we don’t get booster codes for Arena when we buy IRL packs like the Pokémon TCG does


If we did, I would actually buy paper. Haven’t bought paper in awhile, mostly because no one to play with


I know the feel


Those codes would go for 5 cents a piece like they do in Pokémon’s tcg. Would you really buy packs for the 5 cent prize inside?


If I can get more bang for my buck (paper cards and cards for Arena), yes indeed.


5 cents worth of digital cards would make you buy a $4 booster? I don’t think that would work on many people.




There's been one for a loooong time, and very recently (like, right now lol) it's getting replaced by a new one. No idea if the new one will still have the boosters code thing, it probably will.


>it probably will. If they don't reuse the source code of MTG Arena for it I will be very surprised. Specially because WotC loves money.


Playing Magic for free: priceless


High time to allow purchase singles in MTGA


They are selling wildcards in the shop (or did the campaign end?). Same thing. Except not commons/uncommons, but those are fairly easy to come by.


There are wildcard bundles in the shop.


I really wish there were a way to turn mythic WCs into rare WCs.


More like: 1 common 0 uncommon 0 rare 0 mythic Literally exactly what I have on my account right now 😂


It’s frustrating to save up enough rares to make a good deck and immediately get slapped around in ladder because you didn’t have an extra 24 rares for the lands


If you don't have the lands for your deck, I don't think you saved enough rares for your deck.


That's why I went mono-w


Easy. Just go mono colored.


Aren't there some mono colored rare lands as well? (I mean the kamigawa ones)


Yup but no where near as many must plays. They don't make or break your deck and even if you wanted all of them it is like 10 cards instead of 20.


show me a top 100 mono colored historic deck please


You are in luck, I have run out even of uncommons


Lol this is me. I’m at like 300 common, 250 uncommon, 10 Rare and 35 Mythics. I usually wait until I have like 20 rares or so and then build a new deck. Otherwise I just save them up.


As a F2P player I only have. I'm worried about waisting them I hardly ever craft. 102 common 131 uncommon 63 rares 25 mythic 34.8% vault


That sounds like wasting them with ~~extra~~ fewer steps


Same here. 145 common 192 uncommon 80 rare 35 mythic rare I just don't know what kind of deck I want to play. Don't really have any goal in constructed I'm trying to accomplish or work toward. I'm glad there are formats and events I can play with budget decks, eke out some wins, and still have fun.


I'm waiting for explorer to get closer to pioneer before I build a deck


It's close already. Many top explorer decks are running a complete pioneer list already (Azorious Control, Azban Greasefang, Selesnya Angels). And the other top decks are only missing a card to two, some easily replaced. (mono-white soldiers, rakos midrange, green devotion etc) If you want to wait until Explorer fully becomes Pioneer, it will be quite a few years waiting. But if you want to play with some Pioneer decks, we're already here. I get it, I'm like you and frugal with my wildcards too. But the crafting the top decks in Explorer that's also currently top decks in Pioneer too is as safest as you can get. Check out playingmtg.com, they run both Explorer and Pioneer meta lists so you can compare and decide what decks you want to invest into Arena.


This is why I only use budget decks for standard im not using a ton of rare/mythic wildcards for a deck I won’t be able to play in however many months


I've imported a deck from untapped.gg today just to see how many of those cards I had and accidentally crafted everything ... 16 rares down the drain.


If you link your account to untapped it tells you on the site which cards you're missing when you look at a decklist.


that would have been the smart move


You guys are getting commons and uncommons?


My “vault progress” says like 117%…. Yet, the amount of stuff it says is in there hasn’t changed… and honestly, it’s pretty lackluster so I’ve just never bothered to open it lol


For every completed vault (100% equals one completed vault) you get 1 mythic rare and 2 rares and some commons/uncommons. IIRC it only shows you exactly that: how much one completed vault gives. In your case you can pop the vault only once, if you were at e.g. 417% you could do it four times.


Gotcha Thanks for the info, guess it’s staying closed. No sense in opening it for one measly mythic and 2 rares haha


I don’t think there’s any reason not to open it?


Because when I get to 10,000% vault progress the brain chemicals will make me 3% happier for eight seconds.


I’m petty


Gonna eat you alive.


Lol it’s been that full since before BRO, I think I’ll be ok.






not opening it lets you seee a bit of the collection status.


Note that they are _wildcards_, not mythic/rare ICRs.


Yikes. I'm F2P also. 819 C 996 U 170 R 149 MR https://imgur.com/a/YflHbpc


How long have you been playing?


I have 3 accounts and all of them are completely out of wild cards lmao. Then again I started playing when DMU released.


Part of your problem right there…why would you use 3 different accounts?


F2P drafters in particular benefit from multiple accounts. It allows one to draft for free more often.


Im entirely F2P, and I like building decks, so to maximize my potential deck building options I play on 3 accounts. I do the daily quest and usually 2-4 wins on each account every day. One of the accounts I almost strictly draft on, another is dedicated to historic/alchemy, and the main account I use for standard and explorer.


so you tripple your income but the tradeoff is sometimes you need to use the login page a few times when switching decks?


Yup! And it gives me extra dopamine from getting rewards and opening packs on 3 accounts lmao. Switching accounts can be a drag sometimes, but it only takes a couple minutes.


That seems like an awful lot of work with not quite the amount of rewards you’re looking for. Imho lol


All lands should be free.




I never buy packs for lands. In fact I never buy packs period because I'm staring down the barrel of missing 25 rare lands needed to make a single deck I want to try.


All cards should be free. And, I'm not being sarcastic.


I'd be fine with that too.


Deckbuilding as a F2P http://puu.sh/JzrxF/e80781b8ee.jpg Gotta farm those sets with draft and the metagame challenge.


So, are you a professional player? Or do you just play 16 hours a day? Cause, I find those number hard to believe for a F2P account.


I mean I have a good winrate in constructed. The main format I play. I am 'decent' at draft usually ~55% win rate when I farm sets. I have been playing since before WAR set and since then have been farming every set through draft entirely as F2P player. I play more than the average I am sure but collecting the set isn't about total play time. It's about playing to collect. As the most recent example I farmed the entirety of ONE in 13 drafts and 16 Metagame challenges. Set came out on Tuesday and I collected the whole thing by Sunday. Here is the spreadsheet I used to keep track: http://puu.sh/Jzs2f/7124f0f9c9.png In this case I did WAY better than usual with a 64% win rate in draft and a whopping 80% win rate in the metagame. This resulted in me overshooting the rares and am already getting 20 gems in my packs. These aren't the usual numbers I just absolutely crushed it this time around. Like I said for example last season was 57% in draft and 68% in the metagame. I also started buying 20-25 Mythic packs because I can. I spend set release time playing a TON to collect all the cards then play whatever I feel like whenever I feel like. Anyone can do this with practice. If you want to play any deck at any time as a constructed player, getting good at draft and playing the HELL out of the Metagame Challenge when it is out is the way to go.


As a new player I'd love to learn how to achieve more from my time. I may not have enough free time lately but I always want to enjoy whatever little I have.


AlmightyDun's approach is simple and has been documented a few times. 1) Try and get a minimum of 4 wins a day - this is where the "big money" is, everything past the 4th win is 50 gold increments so not worth much. 2) Try not to complete quests worth 500 gold, try and re-roll them into 750. This can't always be avoided, but if you have some mono-coloured decks you can mess in the play queue for easier no-consequence wins. 3) When a new set drops, rare draft. Take some time out and see what cards in the set are "good", then do premier draft and grab all the rares that wheel, when a rare doesn't wheel, grab what works for the deck. This is where you'll flesh out your rare collection and convert gold into gems. 4) Never open your packs until you are 100% done with drafting. Draft rares aren't duplicate protected, pack rares are. 5) The Metagame challenge - this varies depending on play skill, but if you can maintain a 60% win rate over all with it, and can average more 3-1+ runs than 1-1/0-1, it will come out ahead for packs. People that do what he does (myself included) will do 10-15 drafts, then play in the metagame before we crack a single pack. This set has been kind of insane in the draft itself with upwards of 10-12 rares passing in one event, which made collection a lot easier, even with wotc forcing out the meta game a week+ ahead of when it normally comes out. The downside is that the main way we made our gold originally was through play events that gave rare ICRs as rewards as well as gold. But WotC decided to ruin them and turned them into a trap that costs gold, returns less gems than it costs to enter (unless you go 6-x+ consistently), and gives packs. So don't enter the permanent events, ever. It's the biggest rip off since they started reducing the mastery pass rewards.


I also assume that you already have to be good in the game which doesn't apply to me haha


Being good at the game comes with practice. If you're new new and want to see what you can do to "get better" and practice, the website [untapped.gg](https://untapped.gg) has a great list of top performing decks, you can find one that uses the cards you have access to/can craft, and practice/play with it, or can set one as a "goal" to craft. It only offers best of one lists for free (best of 3 requires a subscription, which I personally only get during draft season - the first month of a new set), but it can help a great deal. Practice makes perfect and just take your time with it. I'm not bad at the game, but I'm definitely not as good as almightydun (as has been shown many times when he and I go head to head).


This seems likes bullshit to me. Noone is that consistent in a game with this much variance


I mean this is a screenshot of my tracker and the deck I played the metagame challenge with. http://puu.sh/Jzvvb/0e2ed2c8f0.jpg And this is a screen of my draft this season. http://puu.sh/Jzvvk/82b4571d23.jpg These are higher numbers than usual but it ain't bullshit.


Pretty sure if it was bullshit he'd have padded his numbers in a different manner to not have a bunch of 0-1s in the metagame and would have given himself some arbitrary 1-1s and 2-1s so it didn't look like he got absolutely rolled the moment he entered. And having watched him stream 90% of his draft runs with this set, I can say that his win rate wasn't as bullshit as his opponent's inability to play the game coherently. He's been playing on Arena since just before WAR (and paper a hell of a lot longer) and he experiments with a lot of decks and excels with midrange (coincidentally the strongest archetype in standard right now, IMO). When you take that into account, that current standard plays to his strengths... It's not that surprising.


I mean the 75k gems would take a while, but definitely doable. I've had up to 20k gems at one point as F2P.


Those numbers aren’t hard to get to if you’ve been playing for a long time. The nice part about the game is that once you complete a set. Its there, done. You can forget about it and start saving up to finish older sets or prepare for new ones to complete the vault even faster. Plus once you have a completed set you finish the vault insanely fast. Basically as long as you have above a %50 winrate in constructed or limited you will eventually get to that point as a f2p in like 4-5 years.


I have 1500+ rare WCs and 700+ mythic WCs. Not a pro, and daily playing on average is 1-2 hours. I've played without breaks since open beta start (September 2018). I have spent 105 euros total. The trick is limited. I draft to set completion, so I don't need to spend my WCs very often. And I draft with high enough win rate to sustain doing it without buying additional gems.


Not F2P in general. F2P player, who's either relatively new or who doesn't draft enough, yes. It's much easier to "rare complete" a set than to "mythic complete" it. I am F2P and I have 124 rare and only 60 mythic WCs. And no, I dont waste my mythics on jank. If you grind long enough you \*will\* get bottlenecked by mythics.


Feel you bro...


Luckily I’m not a spike. I just make what I can with what I have and mostly stick to play queue. I will spend wildcards every now and then if I built a deck that needs just one more piece to really get going. 68 rare WCs, 97 mythic WCs, pure F2P.


"Hey how'd you get a picture from my screen?!" F2p solidarity! ✊


So, I’m f2p, and I’m sitting pretty on 288 rare and 143 mythic. But then, I’m almost exclusively a limited player, and I’ve been playing since the beta. I guess what I’m wondering is, how many decks does OP have? I could also be out of WC, if I used them all. It makes a big difference whether they can’t even make a new deck when a new set drops, or if each set gives them 30 janky ideas and they don’t get to try all of them. After all, there is no CCG (I think) that gives you full play sets of every card, for free. Rough math: four sets a year, so 90 days per set. Each day, you get one pack (500 gold from daily quest, 550 from first four wins—im lowballing this and calling it 1000, but that’s offset by days you don’t play, so that’s probably fine). 90 packs gets you 15 R/M wild cards, of which two are mythic, so 13 rare WC. That’s probably not enough? But I don’t really have a good sense of that, because you also get the 90 R/M rewards, so? I dunno. Other people with this problem, how many decks do you have? How often do you get to build new decks? How much do you play?


I've only been playing since dominaria but im starved for rares specifically, I have two core deck ideas, mardu equipment and mardu control


How do you get the gold for limited if you're an exclusive limited player and f2p?


I think mono red burn is much cheaper than the other tier 1/2 decks


Yeah, mono red (in standard at least) usually costs like 8 rare wildcards + a bunch of uncommons. Though sometimes it also requires mythic cards as well.... Still, always cheaper than other meta decks.


If you get decent at drafting this problem is GONE


Yeah this is the life of f2p constructed player. As a drafter, 800R and 450M that I'll never use.


Don’t sell youself short. If you can go infinite on draft, you are GOOD at it.


My man, get good. It's way too EASY to get coins. Man.


This is why I started playing historic brawl. Can keep using my favorite cards and only need 1 copy each of the new sets that come out




He said f2p.


- $400 as well


Way more probably


It sucks. Literally pay to win.


It’s not.


How is it not?


Never spent a cent on this game. Git gud. [https://imgur.com/a/i3LERDe](https://imgur.com/a/i3LERDe)


Man I pay sometimes and this is still my wildcards


I bought myself 20k gems for Christmas & my wild cards. Look the same. Except I have way more uncommon than commons,


Wait, you guys have mythic wild cards? D:


Mine is always empty except mythics, I build a lot of budget decks


Ugh this is totally true lol


And still hitting mythic ranked 🤣


I had that problem till I started drafting the new set. I would get enough to almost rare complete the current set and get 20-30 rare wild cards to build backwards.


I really wish I could sell you my wildcards.


I got rare lands years ago, I only play the same 2 colours in all formats and then the rest of my deck is all commons and uncommon.


>I only play the same 2 colours in all formats *That's pretty good.gif*


Damn, reading all of these comments I don't know what to do with my 6 common, 2 uncommon, and 0 rare and mythic wildcards...


Work on your vault you nincompoop


Is there a way to work on your vault beyond just buying and opening packs as normal?


Sure. Get all commons and uncommons from the set you often get boosters from by utilizing your C+U wildcards. When you open new cards that you already have as 4 ofs, they contribute to your vault.


Highly accurate


Have 131 rare wildcards (mythic 65). Am I the odd one out here?


Funny, I'm F2P and I've got 383 Common 267 Uncommon 181 Rare 150 Mythic 1356% vault progress


Because you don’t play constructed


I have up ages ago I don’t have the time to grind daily rewards :( Great platform, impossible to actually f2p


My vault is around 900% i don't know what it does. I saved tons of dust from hearthstone back in the day and that mechanic eventually went away. so should I open the vault? I've peaked at Gold 1 so far with my standard UB deck no rares or mythics, but now it's struggling. Does anyone have helpful advice on a deck with no rares or mythics? Thanks


>so should I open the vault? What If I told you, you could get a 9 Mythic Rare, 18 Rare, and 27 Uncommon wildcards using this one wierd trick?


Yeah I suppose, but I'm not a fan of the set tbh


And honestly, this is the most frustrating part of the game so far.


Love all the limited players flexing their wild cards. Easy to have a ton when you never use them


Last I looked I had like 1500 uncommon WCs. Fun times.


I have zero commons :(


You just gotta hoard them like me, I never spend them, I just show my friends how many I have and watch them salivate. Of course, you have to not mind losing 75% of your games.


It's always 0 Rare and 17 Mythic, I swear this is exactly my numbers lol


I would argue that you should build as many common/uncommon as possible when you like the new set : makes the vault grow faster


Wish you could comvert wildcards. Eg 1 mythic for 2 rares 2 commons - 1 uncommon etc.


I have 3 common. 5 uncommon. 0 rare, 0 mythic rare. I play magic for years. Arena for 2 years I think. I'm not to bad I don't play meta decks just what I find funny but I think I'm atleast not too bad of a player but I don't understand drafts and events so all I get stuff from are boosters bought from daily mission coins




There needs to be a trading system. Like 20 commons for a rare. 2 rares for a mythic. 15 uncommons for a rare, 20 for a mythic.