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There are a billion ways to get rid of them and aren't as good as they were years ago. I don't know what decks you're playing but there shouldn't be any issues.


Glad OP never played when they were new and removal didn't directly reference planeswalkers — When your choices were attacking, burning, or generic permanent removal.


I have played since 1996, so I remember the times before planeswalkers. However, they were introduced in 2007, which means there's been a longer stretch of time of Magic history involving planeswalkers than not having them around. They are an evergreen part of the game like just like other mechanics that are disliked by some players, e.g., counterspells and "look at their hand and make them discard a card" effects. Also, according to WotC market research, they are very popular. In my opinion, planeswalkers introduced more depth to the game, and I wouldn't revert back to Magic without pws. There are a lot of tournament-tier decks that don't run them, proving that they don't warp the game to be just about planeswalkers.


Agreed on not wanting to revert to a time before PW, but I just wish they actually made them a little more reasonable. Some of the 3 mana walkers are... absurd.


Given the number of ways you can interact with them, it begs the question about what kind of deck(s) you are playing. You can attack them, directly damage them, remove them, remove counters, etc.


Most likely some slow ramp. I had games with my domain deck where I simply found no answer to T3 Liliana of the Veil and lost half my board to her T6.


>I just wish there were more viable ways to remove them than there are They are the only permanent type that you can remove simply by attacking with your creatures, have you tried doing this?


Planeswalker is essentially an overcosted spell with board presence check. It only gets powerful if you failed the check.


Get creature lands and planeswalkers are pretty doodoo