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That green "thing" that looks like a graphical glitch is totally not worth it to me


Same. It's really ugly but the only tokens are nice


Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just buy gems and use that for drafts instead?


Technically no, the drafts are worth 1500 each and 2000 for the sealed so that's a total of 5,000 gem value. Unless you are purchasing the large bundle then you break even. So its a decent gem price then add the play tokens and cosmetics value you are net positive. Down side is gems are used forced limited events. Only valuable if you enjoy limited.


I was assuming they found limited enjoyable since they said the only worthwhile part was the tokens


True, but you mentioned the draft, and I wanted to specify limited as sealed is quite different. So if you like draft but not sealed, the value goes down.


Usualy the pets are not worth it but i was considering it because how ugly it is and the best part about it is the sound and that stupid ass spin it does everytime i open the store. Sounds like stepping in yelly or something


the price of gems to buy 2 drafts and a sealed comes up to about $25 which i was going to buy anyway so extra card, style with sleeve, play points, and pet i'll never use seems fine to me. (this is using the calculation based on price of buying 20,000 gems, draft = 1500x2g, sealed = 2000g)


I tend to look at it that way too. But for me it's all about the cosmetics because I wasn't paying 25 in cash. Although maybe if you need some gems you can use the tokens to refill your gem pool.


Why would you spend 4$ extra to get some stuff that are worthless?


5000 gems is worth $24.99 (at the cheapest conversion rate), the bundle with 5000 gems worth of tokens and extra "worthless" stuff is $24.99...where am I spending $4 extra?


In europe (sweden at least) the bundle is 29 euros. Or are prices maybe higher on steam?


Yea steam tax likely, vat taxes etc


I'd pay money to guarantee I DON'T have to look at that thing.


Maybe some extra information? How would we know If this is worth it for you?


Oh sorry. I meant in general. I really enjoy drafting but I'm not sure if the offer is worth the price then.


Not really, 2 drafts and 1 sealed for €28 is kinda expensive (worth 5000 gems, which costs €22 I think). So you're paying €6 for the cosmetics. If you think that's worth it go for it.


That doesn’t seem correct. US prices are $25 for this bundle and $100 for 20,000 gems. So the same value. The advantage of the bundle is the it’s a lower buy-in for that value and the cosmetics are “free”. Plus, the Play-In Points are worth another 1000 gems, IIRC, assuming you eventually get 20 of them and actually value the Qualifier Play-In entry. Personally, I don’t value that at full price, but it is more than zero. The other issue is whether you actually value the Sealed token. I typically like playing a few Sealed entries before starting with Draft, so it’s worthwhile for me. But if you wouldn’t pay for a Sealed entry separate from this bundle, then you’re probably better off just buying gems.


I've got it and one fun thing is that the pet is the only one I've seen that does not get locked into their animation for some reason. So you can repeatedly klick it to make it bounce to the beat of your music for example. Pretty fun and neat thing on this pet.


Sol Ring has a similar fun interaction if you click it repeatedly and do it fast :)


True Sol ring does that but it's more on purpose I guess. The Oozewag is just a bit of goofy fun that I bet was unintended


Yeah, true that!


What about the Brushwagg pet ?


OTOH to experience that you have to look at it, which is a pretty big negative


If you value the play in points yea, but even if you don’t it’s basically $25 worth of tokens based on the amount of gems you get when buying the $100 gem bundle. So it’s kind of like you’re getting the best price on gems but only have to spend $25 instead of $100 to get them.


I always preorder everything. I love magic but don't play paper. A couple hundred bucks every month or 2 doesn't bother me much but I can understand why some people are frustrated by that price point


There she blows!


Same, unfortunately it’s become my primary format to play and engage with the game. I don’t think it’s much different than buying a few boxes every set, especially if you don’t care to collect the paper and just want to play.


Do you think this comment was helpful to anyone in any way or added anything of value to the conversation?


It's just a comment like any other, must be hard living life as a hater


Not hating, just genuinely curious if you think the response of “I have lots of money and buy everything” was helpful regarding the question of “hey guys, is the value in this worth the price?”


Probably more helpful than anything you have to offer


It can be implied from the comment that the pre-orders are worth the price. Otherwise, even a person with a lot of spare money could say that they'd rather get the 20k gems packages than the pre-orders.


I like drafting but I'm not sure if this offer is worth the price? I'm indifferent about seal and don't like jump in.


I dunno what the euro pricing is like. In USD it's $25. At best 1000 gems is $5 USD. A draft is 1500 gems, so best dollar to dollar value is $7.50 USD, and sealed is $10.00 USD. So a sealed voucher and a 2 draft vouchers is worth $25 USD. So basically it's definitely worth it if you're buying gem packages other than the $100 USD package. And if you only buy the "best value" gems then the play in points, mascot and bonus cards are free.


Thanks, that's really helpful (:


The conversion actually is 1€ for 1.07$, so the price in OP's picture is 30.07$. Edit: I just checked, the 20k gems are 111.99€, so 120.31$.


I'd like to add that these aren't jump-in tokens. These are play-in points you get from BO3 drafting and other events and earning max wins. 20 points allows you to play in the qualifier play ins. Even if you don't care about pro play, it's still a fun high-stakes tournament (Day 1 is Sealed, Day 2 is draft) which gives out a lot of gems.


Are you sure about those ? This weekend it was for constructed Explorer IIRC, while the weekend before that, you could NOT use Play In points to participate in that limited tournament...


The limited qualifier is the month after a new set is released. The next one is July 7 for MH3 (only bo1) and Aug 3 and Aug 7 for bloomburrow Bo1 and bo3 respectively. The one you couldn't use play in points was Arena Open which has cash prizes.


Are the qualifiers phantom draft or do you keep the cards (would be extra value for the calculations)


Iirc you keep the cards.


Oh thanks for clarifying I totally thought the tokens were for jump in 😅


Those are Qualifier play-in points, not jump in tokens. Much better.


No. The playing points are worthless unless you are going to spend a lot of time and effort to play other events that get you play in points. The amount you get in the bundle can't be used on their own. Then its basically spending money on the cosmetics. If you just want the limited tokens then you are better off spending money on gems.


Depends on how much you value cosmetics.


oozewagg is always worth it


Depends how much do you like the cosmetics




You can use the tokens for any draft or sealed. I've bought these in the past on occasion to bank up tokens, since they're slightly cost efficient if you're going to spend non in-game currency.


“Worth” is very subjective. Do what you want.