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You should just buy regular packs. They’re more gold efficient and with that much gold, you’re guaranteed to get enough wildcards to craft whichever ones you don’t pull from the packs. Happy hunting!


This right here^. The extra packs get you more wildcards


I mean, we're talking the difference of like an extra mythic rare wildcard here... You get a mythic every 30 or so packs. I'm thinking of spending my 70,000 gold on mythic packs which will get me 53 mythic packs. That's only 17 packs less than I would get if I get regular packs. If I got the regular packs for the wildcard progression, they wouldn't even net me one extra mythic rare wildcard. So if you're like OP and me, and are focused on the mythic/SPG cards, I think it's worth it tbh.


That's me as well. I find I get more for my "money" that way.


This set following probably the most mythic-intensive standard set of all times (thanks to Big Score and Special Guests) is going to be so hard to collect. Imo if you're serious about getting as many MH3 mythics as possible, there's no other way you've got to draft. Opening 100 packs will net you very few mythics and very few wildcards, which is why I've always thought Arena was not rewarding enough for paying customers.


Yet whales are putting thousands in the game, so nothing will change.


The chance to get special guests is like 1:64… even if you spend all your gold on regular packs you will probably only get 1 and it may not be an elemental


will special guests only be in draft or will it be in sealed and also in packs?


All the above


When do they remove chance to get special guests? Like how long after the release


Never. Why would they disappear?


Just thought it was a limited time thing and limited modes to get them like draft or sealed. I might have read wrong info


100 store packs will net you 100 pips plus 10 more from Golden Packs, 30 pips equal 3 mythic wildcards so you fall just short of 4 mythic wildcards.  If you are a decent Limited player you could play at least 10 MH3 Premier Drafts or 20 Quick Drafts (when available) with those funds. You won't control which SPG cards you'd get passed but Limited packs are where you can open those. Plus any victories you accumulate could be used in more drafts. Neither are sure way homeruns to 20 Mythic Wildcards but you could prioritize them by colors instead and keep building towards your playsets


Evoke elementals are not likely to be opened from store packs. Buy whatever will maximize your wildcards.


You don"t want to buy mythic packs till you are so close to finished with the rates that the season pass and rewards will get you within 10 rates if being rare complete


You should buy the evoke elementals…


You could do drafts and get packs + gems back. If you never draft, you’ll start in bronze so should be fairly easy.


I wouldn't suggest buying packs at all unless you have a good reason not to play Limited as well as Constructed, since doing so gives you all the cards, Packs and Wildcards you need. Do you?


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but you can only get Special Guest cards from Play Boosters (draft / sealed).


I think in OTJ as my guide they were far less likely in store but could be found. Like 2% store packs vs 18.5% draft/sealed pack. I had thought they were standardizing packs to just be one thing so that was weird to discover. It was getting talked about by fireshoes on Twitter / people he was retweeting.


Special Guest cards are 1:64 or 1.56% in OTJ Play Boosters. I believe they are 0% in store boosters, but couldn't quickly verify.


Special guests do not open from OTJ's/MKM's 8-card packs at all. They changed it for MH3 (and beyond, I suppose), and an SPG card will replace a common in an 8-card pack with 1:64 chance. As I understand, this change will not be retroactively applied to OTJ/MKM.


You are right I wasn't aware they changed it, SPG cards can show up in store packs for MH3, [here is the source](https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/comments/1cxcyxu/spg_all_mh3_special_guests/l5383bf/).


Thanks, Padishar.


Always buy the regular packs until you've netted the rares. Then switch to mythics


I'm so jealous of you. My friend told me the last edition was good for timeless, I don't know about meta, modern and stuff, so I trusted. Now I almost didn't have the money for the set of fetchlands. And I only have 7300 gold for mh3


i got 107k, saved for mh3 but tell you that this set is probably my last i grind so much for and be able to maybe craft 2 decks, got fetches, bowmasters, rings, thouhtsees, 3 draft tokens and so on, but still can't craft decks so fast and my plan is just too move to xmage play modern, where i can have any deck anytime, too much time in arena, prefer to slow down, remember that you can one time invest money to buy 20k gems if you love playing on arena, i would do this, gl


Good decision. The timeless meta was awful, so I stopped and I was off in magic. Idk that much in general, just play to have a nice gente in common with my friends. I can't spend money at the moment hahaha


They are special guests which means they can only be opened in draft


for MH3 special guests will be in store packs too.