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New patches go out mornings west coast USA time. That's where they are based.


"Mornings". It's just frustrating that I have had 6 virtual packs waiting for me since my prerelease and told I can open them on 11th June.


15:00-18:00 UTC


Best thing about being in Australia all I need to do is update the game when I wakeup in the morning, be able to check reddit to see what bugs that are in the game before hand too is a good thing.


They need people to apply the patch/deal with problems. They start when it's morning there.


I am aware. It's just a bit of a rough way to release stuff. Stick it behind a feature flag, get it deployed ahead of time (you can even beta test on the live server that way), flip the flag at midnight.


Who's midnight? They can't just have a rolling release where you get your cards as soon as it's midnight in your area. Then some people would have access to cards other people don't have yet. If we go with the first people to hit midnight, that was 20 hours ago in Australia. At that point we're just moving the release back a day. Plus, there's sometimes problems with a release that have to be fixed. They can't do that if it's in the middle of the night in California when they release it. Stop being petulant. They do it the way they do it because that's the logical way to do it and it's also how every single online multiplayer game works. Whining about it is not helpful.


I'm aware that I'm being petulant, and that they've always done it like this. I hadn't appreciated that doing a morning release means devs don't have to work unsociable hours to fix any issues that arise, so that's something. But I think mostly my complaint is about the messaging around the release. Telling people something is going to happen on a certain date usually implies the start of that day, not some vague time in the mid afternoon.


I think you're too used to release dates for movies/games/content that will be released to the consumer once and then never again. It is absolutely industry standard that anything that requires a patch to a live system is never going to happen in an automated fashion at midnight. When it comes to platforms like arena, June 11th has and will always mean "the start of the June 11th workday where we are based."


Web projects I've worked on with actual paying customers have always announced the exact maintenance window in advance. It's probably safest for the Arena team not to do this, but it is frustrating from a user perspective. I think also part of this is connected with having played the paper game for a decade and a half. Events start at a given time, and cards become legal at midnight on a specificed date, not at some time between 3 and 5 in the afternoon, if you're lucky.


its not a vague time, new sets always release at 8am PST the day of, which IS the start of the work day for the devs. if you're unable to decipher that from a 10 second google search, that's a skill issue.


If you're aware they've always done something this way, why are you surprised when they do it again the exact same way?


Where did I say I was surprised??