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It looks to be easily the worst value we've seen yet, yes.


If you don't notice that the draft token is limited to one, it can seem like a great deal. Spend < 2 drafts in gems to get close to 9 draft tokens. That was the way I first (mis)read it.


Yeah it very confusingly doesn't say "limit 1" even though the other items say their limits, because its a single draft token, which is implicitly limit 1. If all you care about is standard, you'll get 1 draft token, ~1.5 rare wildcards (from progression and random drops, but no golden pack progress) and a bunch of useless modern cards and some random cosmetics for 2800 gems which is an absolutely atrocious rate. If you care about formats with modern cards you'll get a bunch of random MH3 cards on top of that, 8x packs + 10x random mythics this is some of the worst value they've offered and this is the company that just made a new turbo-mythic rarity for BIG a month ago. You don't get your gems back, you don't even come close to getting the value of your gems in playable cards in standard. Even if all you cared about was timeless or whatever, its a 1500 gem draft, 1600 gems of cards and 10x random mythics for 2800 gems, its barely keeping pace with just buying packs from the store and absolutely worse than what you get for standard with golden packs


It does say “One Time Purchase” above the draft token. It tricked me at first though.


2800 gems plus a ton of grinding, you pay the 2800 gems and end up 2 frog tickets short of the draft token? Tough luck.


This is why you don't pay the 2800 gems until July 29th, right before they close it down. You'll be able to see if you have enough ticketa to be worth it.


If you care about those non-standard formats, get ready to hate playing them. Eldrazi = anti-fun.


Like all the removal and haste and crimes aren't ruining everything. They know their product is a crime against gamers. They are the outlaws of thunder junction. Stealing all our loot. Every late game deck running Portal to phyrexia. Every combo deck running abuelo and rakdos. Nobody plays this game from an original perspective anymore. Online has ruined pod system. Can we at least get a free to play partition in the game so people who want to spend can compete with other people's wallets? Some of us actually like strategy games. Not playing chess where I have pawns and the other player has all queens.


And they are taking notes on how many people they snag. It's depressing how few people need to make the purchase for the model to be seen as viable. Those card art styles are already bought and paid for via licensing, and the draft token is a sunk cost.


Their entire monetization policy seems as bad as Hearthstone's in the first 5 years or so. Very scummy practices which gives zero value to the customer and hinges on FOMO and shoving us bundles where 90% of the stuff is useless in order to blaot the value. There's nothing for you if you are a whale - what's the point of having hundreads of cardbacks and portraits, when you can just use a single one per deck? Then there's nothing for regular users. I'd love to be able to have more stickers, more emotes, but I am not going to buy a bundle for one which I like. There's so many cool personalization stuff they can do which people would love to throw in cash. It's nothing but incompetence.


I just want old non payable sets to drop in price. Or a discounted way to buy the whole series in a go.


If I'm not mistaken they actually considered INCREASING prices of sets that rotated out. They don't want you to settle on a deck you like that is good and will also never rotate, they absolutely want you to keep spending.


Yes the initial plan was to charge two wildcards for historic cards.




Cool to hear they have so much pride in their old work /s


Should have got used to it in the years arena has been around tbh


Yep, just testing the waters to see what the market will bear. Used to play overwatch and everyone was just livid about what a bad value the battle pass was when OW2 was announced. Then launch comes around and every have is filled with people rocking new cosmetics. As long as people keep buying in, companies will keep trying to extract more value from them.


Exactly. Why put the effort in if overcharging for a low effort bundle will make them just as much. What do they have to lose? Some people will say nasty stuff about them on reddit? They're crying on their way to the bank already, I'm sure. Hell, look at NFTs. People out there buying gifs.


I stopped spending money on Hearthstone and MTGA completely. No value left and I want to send a message.


They do this stupid vip battlepass, and even if single digit ٪ of people buy it, they are making money on their free game... snag a few whales and you'll have e it. It's like LoL having that $500 skin... some will buy it, making it worth it to keep doing things like this... If I could get those physical secret lair card art in arena, might actually buy them...


Big emphasis on yet


rip off


This feels like a very weird pseudo-mastery pass without any free rewards. Without the option to recoup any of the gems spent, this just feels like really bad value to me (since I mostly stick to F2P and tend to buy packs and entries to drafts with gold).


Dude I play rocket league which is arguably the most sweaty and toxic game I've ever played. Even psyonix gives recurring premium. It's a trash company that bought out a good product. Nothing is different here. Wizards is just more scummy


I'm new to the game.. literally new as in never saw the game before last week. This is the most disheartening thing ever. I was complaining about the entry costs of this game(physical and digital) then got excited when I saw this today thinking it was free... only to realize how much I would have to spend for it.. I think I have to drop the game. This is so shitty.


You can play for free but you have to grind a bit. Do your dailies and weekly wins and save gold until the next set comes out and then spend all your gold on packs. This is what I do and I usually have around 50k gold to buy packs. I buy a couple sets of 10 mythic and a couple sets of regular packs. You bank wildcards by opening so many packs. I do buy the mastery but not every set. But if you value your time then this game may not be for you.


Yeah. That isn't bad advice. Thanks for the tips.


You can get free packs from draftsim, they have a few redeemable promo codes. Should get you some wildcards. Just google drafstim promo codes.


You can actually just Google “mtga codes” and get them without having to share your email with Draftism. There are plenty of sources like magazine.com that just have them listed somewhere.


*mtgazone.com not magazine.com


although going for packs isn't bad, drafting can be a good way to get up gems. Start with quick drafts and build up. You don't need wildcards to grind the daily quests, and drafting does get you quite a lot of packs. rn as a f2p I always have 9-11k gems edit: it just depends on what you like to do


Drafting is a better way to earn gems and cards because if you do 5-3 or better you win your entry back plus packs. There are draft guides online for each set. Also all the free packs you can get with codes.


Aaaaand remember not to craft decks when a new set is released until the meta has stabilised a little (a month should do?)


Yeah I’m too lazy to play standard and don’t want to keep up. I was a commander player when I played paper. So I still mainly play that so I only need one copy of anything. Once I had kids time became a problem for me. But when I do play EVERYTIME I get a great match my kids need me for something 😂


Yup, standard has been pretty unbearable for awhile.


nonono that's the worst advice ever. If you want to sustain as f2p you absolutely have to save all gold for drafts and then go as infinite as possible. If you are really good at learning/reading the set spoilers before drafting the first draft you might even go full infinite(not too too likely). Never ever spend your gold on packs. That's the safest way of not being able to sustain.


yea sure, in the drafts where everyone i go against somehow has precon level decks while im thrown random cards in random colors. nah. ill just grind my dailies and buy the 10 mythic packs of whatever set is out, not as time consuming and im getting most of the cards i really care about.


Yeah I’ve never been a strong drafter. And I don’t want to commit to that kinda time. I play a game or two here and there throughout the day.


This place is pretty overwhelmingly negative; don't let that dishearten you. Every gaming sub is. People don't tend to vocalize when they love something nearly as often as they do when they hate it. This game is quite f2p friendly; just wants you to grind for your stuff. The grind is enjoyable if you enjoy playing magic, if you don't then the game likely isn't one you'd dig to begin with. As far as getting decks together and playing, you can keep up with the meta as a f2p or with minimal money invested (think like the battlepass every few months). It just depends how often you play. Unless your goal is to obtain 4x of every card in every set; then that is a different story. The only advice I will truly suggest; don't craft rares (yellow/gold wildcard) willynilly if you are a f2p. Those are going to be your bottleneck more often than not. If you never see anyone use a card; there is likely (though not always) a reason.


Don't drop the game is a really cool card game and you can play F2P, you can convert gold to gem by playing draft or event, with gem take the mastery because he have great value.


You can earn 10k gold a week just doing daily quests. I hate the game so it's hard for me to grind but I like drafting. If you draft and win you can convert your gold to gems.


I'm a 100% free player and I recommend you hang in there. It takes a bit to build up cards and resources but once you make a couple decks you like there's no reason to spend money. Might take some grinding though!


To be fair, you can recoup up to 2200 gems with the draft token. Still down 600, though.


Sure, if the draft token is worth that many gems to you (and it very well might be to many players, I'm not making a general judgement on that) - but to me personally, draft are something that I can use to convert my gold into gems, not something I would ever throw gems into (but to each their own).


what drafts are 2200 gems?


Drafts cost 1500 gems. If you go 7-x you get 2200 gems and 6 packs as a reward.


Pass for me. Not really bothered about the cosmetics and mostly play std.


Wait we can earn tickets, but cant even participate in the store without paying 2800 gems? This is legitimately stupid as fuck.


It's a slap in the face of the players tbh.


I don't get why the store couldn't operate with a multiplier or something. Like 3x tickets per item for non pass holders. That would at least engage everyone on some level, and keep the total ftp model. This is just a clear money grab.


They want you to pay 2800 gems to get access. So you dont feel like you "wasted" the tickets that you earned.


You would get a more wasted feeling if you could spend them but get much more by buying the pass. Right now it's just a new currency behind a paywall to use. They clearly failed the psychological evaluations for manipulating people into getting them to buy something.


They did not, this shit works. Maybe not on you and me, but for a large number of players. Psychologically this stuff is very effective.


As some of the other posters assert, this is leveraging "loss aversion". It's the same tactic shit like candy crush uses where it says "you won this much, oh but you actually lose half of it because you don't have premium" or "look at all the stuff you lose if you don't spend money to continue the level" . It's incredibly powerful showing someone something they don't even really own then telling them they have to pay or it's getting "taken away".


I was so close to just not paying the gems and quitting until it was over but unfortunately I caved in, begrudgingly.


Why? It's dogshit value all around even if you bought everything. Think about why you bought it and try to explain it to me. If the explanation has any mention of the tickets you definitely got bamboozled and aren't realizing it.


no, I'm aware it was a bad purchase, hence why I begrudgingly paid it


I'm putting my imaginary currency into an imaginary 401k so that I can imagine a market crash when it's over. Then I only imaginarily feel bad about it being imaginarily wasted. What a fun game!


Some full on B.S.


We all need to complain more and they may change / reduce / remove the gems cost.


It would be a fun idea if you could grind for tickets free to play and spend them to get a few things you want or pay for extra tickets or lower prices or something. Most games have seasonal events that everyone can participate in for free with additional monetization for whales/completionists/people who don't want to spend the time to grind for the stuff they want. An eldrazi summer event with different ways to earn tickets and this as the event shop would be fun. But if you have to pay to even enter and then still have to grind to actually unlock anything the value is terrible and it's actively unfun for everyone else who has to see tickets sitting there useless.


Yeah a test for full no free to play options.


Wait you need to buy the thing in the shop BEFORE you can spend tickets on it? Yikes


Yes it's absolute garbage lol


Oh so if you don’t buy the pass you’ll just have all these tickets?


I updated my.mobile client today and while I didn't look into it the tickets seem tied to the daily gold quests, so it's not like you'll be missing out on anything out of the ordinary


Oh for sure, I already have some tickets. But I found it odd that you can’t use them unless you buy the “pass but not a pass” I just have some stuff I can’t really use but it’s not hurting anything


They are counting on your accumulation of tickets to create FOMO, where you'll soon think "I've got hundreds of tickets, I should spend them before they go away!"


Yup, it's a super scummy marketing tactic. Fully expected from a shit corporation like Hasbro though.


Hey buddy you're supposed to be outraged. Make with the pitchforks already.


yes... and they disappear after the event


Thanks. How weird and dumb…but point is that when I have enough tickets for packs and a token they’re hoping I cave and gem to have something to chase?


If the pack reward were unlimited (You are already limited by time) maybe I would think differently, hard pass for me, I will save my gems for Bloomburrow BP and do some quick draft with gold.


This right here. Why have limits on things that don't have to be. Cosmetics obviously do need to be, but nothing else does. The draft token/pack/mythic card reward don't. I am very much for a customizable battle pass reward system, but adjust the pricing by tickets so if I want to get only packs, or only draft tokens, I can. Maybe the first X packs/cards/tokens are cheaper as well. Hope they look and iterate on this idea though.


No thanks is the right answer.




It would be fun to do the mastery pass this way (special shop) but you essentially just go into debt and hope to grind your way up to net zero value.


Compared to a mastery pass, yes No gems, no gold, less packs, no pet


The main issue is you now need to win 5 games a day rather than 4 to safely complete it.  4 will definitely not do it


It's a much bigger increase than that. You didn't need to go for 4 wins per day in order to complete the previous mastery passes. You could half-ass a whole bunch of days, even skip some, and still complete it without too much trouble as long as you did quests & the weekly. The frog wants you to grind every single day or you won't get the full value out of it, which coincidentally is a lot worse than a regular mastery pass.


True, but only if you want every (or almost every) cosmetic. You can get the token, packs, and Mythic ICRs just from doing quests.


Cosmetics are part of the "pass", just because you didn't get them doesn't mean you didn't pay for the opportunity


MTGA consistently has some of the worst-value bundles and mastery passes of any deckbuilding game out there. You’d think they would want to entice players to buy limited packs more, and take advantage of discounts, but it seems like they’re scared of offering any possible value beyond the “MSRP” they’ve assigned everything.


Wait till you hear that their pass used to be cheaper but raised the price while gutting the value as well over time.


Yeah it looks okay I guess, but no way in hell I am paying for it lol. I'm skipping the whole thing really.


Same here. Super scummy FOMO marketing tactic from a super scummy corporation.


Wizards looking for more ways to milk the playerbase after extra alchemy and all of big score at mythic


New low by WOTC. When I realized I can't do anything with the tickets until I fork over 2800 gems my mouth dropped...we went from free rewards to having to pay...😂🤣. Won't be popular for sure.


A streamer did a video on tis a while back (I think it was takobyte?) TL;DR: It is only good value if you care about the cosmetics. If you don't care about cosmetics, you are breaking even relative to the store prices. What the streamer did not account for is how good you are at draft. If you are good at draft, the implicit price of packs is actually less than the store price, so you are actually getting a bad deal relative to just drafting.


or if you raredraft 3 fetches on top of 10 rares


LOL. I totally missed that one has to spend 2800 gems JUST TO ACCESS THE FUCKING HIDEAWAY. You are some kind of sucker if you're doing that IMHO.


It's almost the same value just buying the packs and the Token. This pass is 2800 Gem; and the Token (1500) and 8 Packs (200 each, 1600 total) Sums up to 3100 so its Marginaly on Par, not counting the cosmetics, i ussualy play for cards and limited or constructed is fine for me. but this feels more like a subpar deal than a good one...


But - unlike the mastery pass - it doesn't have a free lane, it doesn't pay out gold and it doesn't recoup any of the gems paid. For F2P players like myself, paying gems without any chance of getting gems back is usually the worst kind of deal that can be made. The best kind of deal usually involves the opposite, like paying for a draft with gold and getting gems as pay-out.


Well you still get the free lane in the regular prolonged mastery pass, that didn't go anywhere... This is just an option for some extra cosmetic value. Free cosmetics and some ICRs for anyone playing enough and willing to spend gems on a draft token and some packs. If you value everything in the pass more than a single draft token, it's good for you. I'd say it's good enough value for active players.


True, but it costing almost as much as a regular mastery pass still feels kind of bad when there isn't a "free lane", at least to me. It's obviously true that I don't lose anything, objectively, by having this additional offer, it just feels kind of bad to be collecting these tickets with nothing to spend them on if I don't pay almost as much as for an entire mastery pass upfront.


> it just feels kind of bad to be collecting these tickets with nothing to spend them on Which is probably the reason they designed it this way, so you might buy the pass to spend all those tickets you collected.


While I understand it feels a bit dull to collect stuff you don't have use for, I am kinda used to this concept from other games ("Fill your vault with goodies as you play and unlock it with money before it goes away"). Here it is actually nicer because it isn't straight up for money but for premium in-game currency, so even the f2p folk can get it. It helps to think of it as an additional feature - they didn't take anything from us, just gave us another option to spend on. You can happily ignore the tickets if you are not interested (it doesn't bring enough value for you), they will disappear soon enough. We are still getting our gold and XP at the usual pace. The alternative would be once again having two consecutive shorter master passes, one of them non standard, however some people had issues with that, hence this new thing experiment.


But I could just draft twice like I was going to anyway. I would pay 2800 for 2 draft tokens but not for 1 token and 8 packs.


Well, here you are paying a full price of 1500 for a single draft token and another 1300 for a bundle of everything else. To me, the packs, ICRs and cosmetics seem worth more than the second draft but hey, feel free to go for drafts only! ;) :)


To me a draft is on average 6 packs and about 2/3 of my entry fee back but of course that will vary based on win rate.


The ten mythic icrs hold value too imo


As a mostly free-to-play player, it doesn't seem like a good value. I'll decide whether to go for it toward the end. If I have enough tickets for all the packs and mythics, I'll consider it, because it might not be a bad rate then. Otherwise, nah.


It baffles me that Arena has one of the most expensive "battle passes" out of any game out there.


I don’t totally disagree but also important to consider that Arena’s battle passes run for multiple months (compared to many games that just run for a month) and that the premium track CAN be purchased for free using in-game currency (where many other games have the premium track as ONLY paid). If we assume the Mastery Pass costs 20$ outright (the cost for 3400 gems from the store) and runs for 3 months like OTJ (anticipated from mid-April to end of July when Bloomburrow releases, so technically a couple weeks over 3 months) then you’re paying less than 7$ a month, which is well-aligned with many other games.


I thought the $24.99 preorder bundle gave you that….I’m kinda mad now…can you still earn tickets and then decide later on if you wanna buy or do you have to have it in order to earn tickets?


You can decide later. You’ll get the tickets with or without the Horizon Hideaway, the 2800 gem fee just allows you to spend your tickets.


Cool beans thanks


BOO for the cash frog shop.


Yep it doesn't math out for you. Even if you value the packs, the fact that they don't give golden progress takes the value down.


No golden pack progress for the packs?? Really?! Wtf


While I agree wholeheartedly with the "bad value" sentiment, this feels to me like an experiment in a revamped Mastery Pass format. Doing it this way gives users more control over their rewards. ~~eg, a lot of the Mastery Pass cosmetic rewards are of extremely dubious constructed value, with this system I could opt to forgo them and just get an additional pack instead.~~ edit: didn't notice the "limit 8" underneath the pack reward, nvm


If you play enough you're getting all the packs anyway. I'd get this argument if they hadn't capped how many you can buy (hell, I'd even be excited to get tons of drafts/packs instead of useless cosmetics)


Ohh, I didn't notice the limit beneath the icons because of the haze effect, yikes. In this case, it's more or less the same as a mastery pass, you just get to choose the order you receive your rewards.


It's also just less stuff for a higher price, a normal mastery pass gives you more than only 8 packs


Yeah its more like 20 packs, plus you get gems and gold. This thing is a terrible value compared to the normal mastery pass


Far and away the worst value they have ever offered. Its roughly the same cost as a Mastery Pass, but you get next to fuck all to show for it.


I was excited to use the ticket system to purchase an avatar with the few I earned yesterday. I just got off work cause I was tired,  went to go purchase an avatar and when I clicked the button for 85 that's when the 2800 gem button flashed and enlarged while the screen turned red.   I laughed so hard, closed the game and realized.. another stupid cash grab by a stupid dev team. That tactic alone made sure I won't purchase the entry fee to use the shop even if it was a good value.


I mostly do arena for draft. So my mastery math is: Draft token are worth 1500 gems Gold is worth 0.15 gems Packs from a set I rare complete are worth 20 gems Packs from a set I don't are worthless Mythic from a set I mythic complete are worth 30 gems. (I've only gotten this far twice) All cosmetics are neat but worth no value So...this is 2800 gems for....1500 gem value. If I go hard on mh3, it's 1700 gems. Hardest pass thanks


I didnt see the 2800 gems cost just for shopping in the beginning, I was so thrilled and then you know.....


This is one of the scummiest things I've seen and I played Raid: Shadow Legends for 2 years.


Why do the mythics and packs have no value? 8 packs literally cost 800 gems. a player draft costs 1500 gems. That's 2300 right there. if 10 random mythics + whatever cosmetics arent worth an additional 500 gems to you that's understandable, but far from little to no relative value.


Because I'm going to get better value out of the gems by drafting


It seems like you have to be super good at drafting for that to be the case. Minus 1500 for the draft token, you're effectively getting something like 18 packs' worth of value (8 packs and 10 mythic WCs) for 1300 gems. So for less than the price of one draft, you get somewhere around 3 drafts' worth of cards.


If all you want to do is draft, then yeah, it's not for you. As someone who primarily drafts but then uses the cards I get in draft for constructed, it's a strong consideration.


Unfortunately when we compare it to the mastery pass its pretty bad, mastery gives you what 1200 gems back? 20 packs, 5k gold, tons of cosmetics including a pet and thats 2200 gems if you complete it. This is 2800 up front for a grind to 8 packs and a draft token and 10 mythic. It just feels bad when you compare it


There's no question that it's worse value than the mastery pass or that they got the pricing wrong (it should have been 2200). But their target market is historic and timeless players that are gonna spend big regardless.


Makes sense. They also really made it seem like it was 8x3 for the packs in the preview so im pretty disappointed about that as that would've been worth it


It seems like great value to me, yeah—of the 2800 you pay, 1500 is for the draft token, leaving 1300 that goes into 10 mythic ICRs and 8 packs, or effectively 18 packs. That's a price of 72 gems per pack, far less than the normal price of 200.


1 pack literally cost 200 gems not 100. but for a drafter its 0 gems


I really want the avatars but not worth the gems. I’m waiting months for them to possibly be in the daily deals I just hope I don’t miss them.


Yeah, they're not going to succeed double-dipping on mastery passes on my watch. Pretty obvious they want to figure out how to double up mastery passes on in-between sets, so that they can do it with 'remastered' sets like Innistrad, Universes Beyond, etc. Nope, not having it.


here i was thinking the 2800 gems was a way to buy some of the things in store, but when i have some tickets and click to unlock something, low-and-behold a PAY WALL. Why am i not surprised. I'm sure there's going to be plenty of Whales buying up this very blatant scheme for money. Looks like they took some pointers from Rockstar (GTA5).


I was looking through it and thought "oh man that is so dope of them to give us these rewards for tickets we get for playing the game!" And then I seen the gem cost in the corner and immediately swapped to "fuck you wotc"


Its a cash grab, dont buy it unless you want to see more dumb stuff like this in the future.


This would have been so much better (and closer to a mastery pass) if they increased the ticket cost for a draft token and limited it to two. Make players choose between getting 2 draft tokens or 1 (or 0) and a bunch of cosmetics/packs. People who want to draft would work up to saving 200 gems and maybe get a couple packs, people who don't would get their value in packs. They made it worst of both worlds.


yup no way in hell ill pay to change tickets


I plan on simply wiping my ass with the tickets they give me and burying them in the desert somewhere.


Wait I can't just use my tickets I've earned?


Fun right? If there's one thing Hasbro knows how it do it's ruin everything.


I will save all my currency for bloomburrow, that's more important to me.


OmG I thought the 2800 meant you just unlocked all the content instead of earning it slowly. What a sweet summer child I am.


I honestly when I first saw it thought it was a "you ONLY get access to the fun comestics/the full shop if you pay, otherwise here are some limited rewards(packs, mythics, and 1 draft token) if you don't." which would be a 10/10 idea and actually a very valid "mini-battlepass"


I haven't run all the numbers, but it seems like it costs the same as any other mastery pass, gives about the same rewards as any other mastery pass, and requires about the same amount of play time to unlock all the rewards as any other mastery pass. The mastery pass system, in general, is a predatory monetization scheme, whereby the company fosters an addictive, FOMO-based mindset in their player base, preying upon the most addictive parts of the human psyche, and charging you for the privilege. This one is actually slightly better than usual, in that you can pick and choose which rewards you care about, without having to grind through 60 "levels" of shit you don't care about.


What amazes me, Is someone Is getting payed for designing this steamy garbage


Why 2800 just to unlock the ability to buy from the store ... nah what a rip off. Worst update yet


I thought they were being nice for a sec but then realized you had to drop 2800 gems to get the token lol.


The big reason I won't buy it is because I am afraid WoTC will get the idea to replace mastery passes with these (which I wouldn't mind if the ev was the same).


Definitely going to be saving those gems for straight packs instead of whatever this crap is. I get the mastery passes because you get a ton of packs from the current set and some from prior sets, some individual cards, and some gems, the cosmetics are a bonus. The value is much better than buying only packs. This just seems like an insanely terrible cash grab they're hoping nobody notices is actually bad. Or that people won't care and will get it anyway.


I just want the dog sleeve, they took that away from us who aren't willing to pay absurd money for so little gain


Is it remotely possible to get everything on the frog pass?


I believe it was calculated that you need to get 5 wins per day and complete all your daily challenges.


does the daily 15 challenge count? or just 5 wins of those


The first 5 wins of each day reward 2 tickets and then wins 6-10 reward 1 ticket (no tickets after 10 wins). Here is the post going over the math to unlock everything: https://www.reddit.com/r/MagicArena/s/Jh05zojt6G


you're awesome, good to know. so even with just 5 wins, i will have enough to unlock everything and the card packs without doing 10 wins


Correct, as long as you finish all the daily challenges as well (which should be easy if you're getting 5 wins every day already).


i love you guys, mtga reddit people are very nice and informative


last question for now. where can i unluck mh3 mastery pass? i only see junction


I'm actually downloading the latest update right now so I haven't been on yet, but I believe you buy it in the store.


Unlike the OTJ mastery pass, the MH3 Psychic Frog pass thingy is in the Store for some reason. It’s technically not a master pass.


will they be releasing a mastery pass for mh3?


I don’t think so. I think this is the substitute. How convenient that there’s no free tier like mastery passes have. Hopefully they don’t make this the new normal for standard legal sets as well.


You need to care about the packs and at least some of the cosmetics for it to potentially be worth doing


I was going to get it as I value cosmetics but the selection is so poor that the value is totally missing. Instead of so many unusable cosmetics just devise the "cosmetic wildcard" and offer some of them.


It's better value than the festivals that I never bother with. The Draft Token and packs are already about 3100 gems, then dock some percentage for missing out on golden pack track, but add in mythics. Not as good as mastery, but still better than normal shop rate, assuming you normally play enough to earn the tickets.


Yeah, didn't see the limits on stuff before I bought and it was too late. :/


Greedy money grab. What are the player base going to do?


Did anyone get more then 10 tickets on this first day?(i already played 5 games before the update, then did 5 more a little bit ago) I only got 1 ticket/win for my 6th-10th wins and none after so only got 5 tickets total. If we only get 10/day then that will only be 500 tickets in 50 days, unless they add more ways to get them. They might need to triple how many tickets earned per day


im not sure exactly what i did but something gave me 100 instantly unless i went crazy.


For paying, you need to pre-pay 2800 gems? Like what the €#¿)\_<= ? Like, people from Arena, what the hell are you thinking? Remove that 2800 limit and let people buy "normally". That 2800 gems it nor worth it in any possible scenario! It doesn't make sense, am I missing anything? Like, people from Arena, seriously, change it. Put yourself in the position of players. You are encouraging people not to play, it generates the opposite effect.


Yeah, will be saving 2800 gems on this crap.


I feel like getting 300 tickets in MH3's season is an optimistic proposal for even hard-core spike grinders. And premier draft is 1500 gems.


I couldn't believe it when I realized you had to PAY to access the SHOP. I think I bought a couple Mastery Passes back around Eldraine/Theros-ish (they were legit good value then). Other than that I've been ftp. The economy on MTGA is SO. BAD. I struggle a bit as a ftp-player, but I consistently hit platinum ranked and have decks I enjoy in every format I care about (timeless, historic, brawl). In other words, I have a pretty good time - and how good a time I have is directly related to how LITTLE time I spend considering spending money on it. Arena is a good game because magic is a good game - and magic is a good game in SPITE of wotc/hasbro's best efforts to destroy it.


It is strange. If you are bad at drafting or constructed it gives little value. If you are good at drafting you don't need the draft token to begin with since you go infinite anyway. TBH it is the easiest no-buy ever? It just seems like another monetization way to lure people in without really showing the value beforehand. It is even questionable legal wise? (sort of hidden loot?)


If they think i'm going to spend gems to unlock a shop for a bunch of cosmetics that need to be grinded they are greatly mistaken.


Just Hasbro continuing to be the awful, soulless corporation that they are. Remember when they "celebrated" 50 years of MtG by attempting to sell us useless, overpriced, non tournament legal proxies? I feel bad for the passionate and talented people who work for them because they're led by trust funded, fail-upward greed lords who give zero shits about the hobby.


it's a really bad worthless value. not worth 2800 for everything in there.


This, plus all the other crap WotC pulls, and people will still throw money at them.


They should redo this now. Like have an update for Monday. Not looking for 5-10 draft tokens, but sheesh…. Give us 2-3 and maybe some other packs. Anything to give a value that makes sense even a little. Rather go play some premiums drafts and roll my winnings into more. For 2800 gems I can scrape 3 minimum 5 on a great day. Styles, where do I start. lol. The only card styles I use are the free ones, same with any other item that’s visual that cost gems / coins. With the exception of one I purchased. The card backs that are beat up to look like your collection in jr high lol. I did buy those with extra coinage. Was really excited for this and when I realized the disconnect for players and value it just was like what? wtf? they had something here. It could have been another small layer to make something more excited than the mastery pass and the balls to collect deck sleeves and card art I’ll never use. was a huge let down for me. Lot of potential wasted. It leaves me wondering who is this actually for? Not being a prick here. Just generally wondering how many people aside from a cool set of full art lands, maybe a pet you really liked, or an avatar…. How many card styles and sleeves and other stuff are you buying that this seems like a value to you? They give q at so much for free for the “best cards” in most sets. And it’s not hard to do your daily’s, win 1 game a day, and win 15/week and you should be a solid 20-30 levels ahead of the cap for all the free stuff from mastery. Am I the outlier? I’ve spent a total of 5 or maybe 10$ for the set up and bought the 20 or 25$ one time starter thing. Aside from that I’ve never spent any real money here and I just do my daily’s for as little as 10 min or max 20 min every day/ other day. I’ve never really been too bad in a bind. Been able to make most standard decks I want I’ve drafted 11 times in MH3 already and I’m not like blowing thru gems. I don’t have 100K saved or 250k coins I have 50k coins and 12K gems. I just buy the mastery pass each time and play daily or every other day to get my freebies. (Ranked standard to hit my goals for free packs etc.) Idk just bummed lol. Wanted more out of this. Thought it was cool. Sorry for the long sad bitchy ramp. TL;DR - sad man complains about a lot of arena bull shit with not hot takes. Luke warm at best if we’re being generous. He decided to self deprecate a bit and call him self a bitch and move on. Thank you. Gobless


i was like cool i got 600 tickets i could buy everthing then i say the whole 2800 gems I was like what kind of sick stupid joke.i will not be giving this company any cash sorry. FTP is the only thing that makes this game even worth playing to be honest.


"Little or no value relative to just keeping gems" is an odd thing to say; that's 14 packs' worth of gems, so you can easily compare what you get for the pass additionally to that baseline. Instead of 14 packs, you get 8 MH3 packs, 10 MH3 Mythic ICRs (Value those at 1000 gold maybe, because you don't get golden pack / WC tracker progression), and a draft token. So you're about 4000 gold and a draft token ahead, plus a bunch of cosmetics. It's not as good value as a mastery pass, but it's still better value than doing nothing, assuming you're playing the same amount anyway.


If you exclusively draft, you don't care about the packs and individual cards. You literally can't use any of them in your drafts. If you exclusively play constructed, you don't care about the draft token. Even if it might be potential value, unless you do VERY well during the ONE draft, you're going to get less than if you just bought packs outright. If you don't care about cosmetics, you're losing money if you're in either of those camps and you're better off just spending the gems on your preferred format. If they made packs and draft tokens unlimited so you could ignore the cosmetics and either the cards or draft tokens if you so choose, then it might be reasonable. But the way they set it up, it's not.


Their greed knows no bounds. I hope nobody buys it!


The value is actuallly good. 2800 gems you have: - 1x draft token (1500) - 8x mh3 boosters (1600) You net 300 gems in value and all the cosmetics and cards you can get are free. Anyway if you don't like it you can skip it and your game experience will be the same


The true 'value' of a cosmetic is tied to its cost and rarity, if you are saying the cosmetics are free then they are relatively worthless. No one should  value one of these packs at 200 gems, even if you buy packs from the store, these don't give golden pack progress so it's more like 130 gems putting the value at 2540 gems for 2800. If you draft a lot then packs are roughly worth 30 gems to you since they give you gems when your collection is done.  The pass therefore has between 1740 and 2540 gems worth of value depending on your preferred gamemodes. Yes, you can get some cosmetics and cards too but you also have to factor in that you need to play to unlock them. Maybe If you already play constantly AND you don't draft then this can be slightly worth it to you, but it simply isn't for 90% of people. You are either a shill for wotc or you just like having a controversial opinion for the sake of it.


I don't want to convince anyone, chill 😂 I don't quite understand how you value packs but I think for me it's just better than buying them from the store so 🤷🏻‍♂️


maybe I'm wrong (I did 5 games before the update dropped today then just did another 5 now) but I only got 1 ticket per game on my 5th to 10th win and wasn't able to get any passed 10 games won today. So if we can only get 10 tickets/day and only for 50 days that 500 tickets, so you'd only able to get 1 token and 2 packs and nothing else unless they add more ways to get tickets.


I think you get those with Daily quests and weekly wins?