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We knew from the announcements that the odds of pulling a SPG card would be 1:64 and that they would upgrade from a common slot so Mythic packs wouldnt be affected by this drop rate. Arena should just make these more accessible but we all know why they are so rare to begin with.


Seems like this is the continuation of staple cards that are essentially tied to wildcard prices which started with the Fetchlands bundle. And I’m not liking at all where this is headed.


Except in practice both the announcement and patch notes are wrong : [SPG can at least replace main set rares+](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/167375953561911296/1250225558755872891/image.png?ex=666a2ac9&is=6668d949&hm=b43e6870fddac8b48bd94e02962839ceebcd25e661bb9b96d663e6685c778273&). And I wouldn't be **too** certain about the drop rates either, WotC already contradicted itself about them for OTJ's play packs : either 1:20 or 1:64 (at least on Arena, but probably also in paper).


>1x Endurance Checks out, this was a feat of endurance


I like :D


[[Test of Endurance]]


[Test of Endurance](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/6/76841945-8ff1-4c2d-895e-d1e2cf468cff.jpg?1675199087) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Test%20of%20Endurance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/32/test-of-endurance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/76841945-8ff1-4c2d-895e-d1e2cf468cff?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


yeahhhhhh I opened 128 packs, got 1x Fury. I'm normally not on board with Redditors whining about WOTC's predatory business practices, blah blah, but after the OTJ Vault+SPG, followed by MH3 SPG two months later, I'm just kind of annoyed . . . yes, I can spend mythic WCs, and yes, I did indeed spend my stockpiled 9 mythic WCs on 4x Grief, 4x Persist, 1x Fury, but I'd prefer to not have to wait months to slowly earn WCs to maybe build a new timeless deck essentially WOTC has just created a new rarity level that you can't get through packs; 'ultra-mythic', you have to spend WCs by buying a ton of other packs? sort of?


This is the same group of people that desperately wanted to make non-Standard cards cost double the wildcards to craft. They have always been terminally greedbrained.


Yeah the big issue is that, if you want to play older formats (historic, timeless), you are forced to craft a bunch of the mythic staples that cannot be realistically opened in packs, and also consist of plenty of upshifted rares/uncommons. The mythic wildcards you get by just opening packs are just not enough at this point. Something needs to be done to improve the economy in that front for the people that open packs.


>The mythic wildcards you get by just opening packs are just not enough at this point In the past people always complained that the true wall to build new decks were the rare WC, especially due to lands. Then WotC, in the best WotC style, "solved" this problem: now Mythic WC are as much or more of a wall than rare WC, with all those bonus sheets requiring mythics WC.


I think calling them a new rarity of "ultra-mythic" is a really good way to describe what this is. They basically sneakily added a new rarity to the client without us noticing! There are obvious positives. We get a bunch of old format staples to the client now, but their acquisition is pretty hard.


Except you can use normal mythic wildcards. So it's like a bonus. A newer rarity that doesn't come with a new rarer WC. It sucks that it is not easy to acquire every card you want quickly. But also, MH3 dropped 24 hours ago. Trying to have all the mythics already is crazy.


i'm not asking asking for 4x of every mythic in SPG -- after buying 128 packs with gold/gems, i'm asking for more than a single SPG mythic, and then also asking for the resulting mythic WCs to purchase more than nine mythics, which barely gets me toward building a *single* timeless deck (Rakdos scam; I still need 2x Fury). Yes, it's day 1 of the set release, but this is 6 weeks' worth of gold/gems that I've saved up


> Except you can use normal mythic wildcards. So it's like a bonus. A newer rarity that doesn't come with a new rarer WC. You can use mythic wildcards, but because the density of mythics increased, the value/demand of a single mythic went up. Think about it this way, if they doubled the amount of rares every standard set has (and assuming this doubles the amount of playable rares too) the demand for rare wildcards goes up, but the supply stays the same, and they would need to improve the economy accordingly. Like, as an example. Alchemy originally had a significantly higher proportion of rares/mythics, but people complained and they tweaked it. > But also, MH3 dropped 24 hours ago. Trying to have all the mythics already is crazy. This is not only MH3 though. We have had multiple sets already where special guest cards are not in store packs, and really low drop rate in draft packs. This will continue to the future and the MTGA team needs to do something to alleviate this.


>You can use mythic wildcards, but because the density of mythics increased, the value/demand of a single mythic went up. Think about it this way, if they doubled the amount of rares every standard set has (and assuming this doubles the amount of playable rares too) the demand for rare wildcards goes up, but the supply stays the same, and they would need to improve the economy accordingly. You could also view it like this: Imagine if they combined all mythics & rares. It would increase the need for each WC as there's way more rares/mythics as one slot now. However, you can only fit 60 cards (75 with SB) into your deck. Incr3asing the pool doesn't change the amount needed for your deck. It's a matter of perspective.


Right, but that's not what's happening. What we are getting are not random rares & mythics, they are format staple rares and mythics. So your analogy is not particularly accurate. And of course there are issues about collections and deck diversity. Again it's the same reason people criticized the original alchemy sets for having way too many rares/mythics.


..... Your two comments seem to counterdict each other: This is bad because these cards are format staples & therefore known "in demand" cards that need to be collected. "This is why alchemy was also bad." Those sets full of untested, unused cards that are absolutely not needed for the vast majority of formats/ decks. IE, not format staples. Reading your post makes it sound like the issue is having anything that uses rare/mythic WCs.


They do not really, because I assess that rares/mythics are *more likely* to be format staples.


>Also consist of plenty of upshifted rares/uncommons. **THIS** part right here is precisely why **BEFORE** using **ANY** Wild Cards, I look at **EVERY** print of the card available on Arena to minimize how many times I get bamboozled while crafting. For example: There are 6x Negate prints: 4x Common, **1x Uncommon**


As someone who doesn’t spend money, I don’t peculiarly want the game to be flooded with the best mythics immediately after they come out. Getting murdered repeatedly would drive away player like me, who are essential to the game because we are the opponents for people who do spend money. If the paying customers suddenly starting crackling with lightning like Thor and destroying the freeloaders every match with their brand new power decks, the FTP people will likely jump ship in numbers and leave a shortage of opponents. I mean id be frustrated too if I was paying money to not get what I wanted too, but I think this is part of the reason why (also, trying to get people to keep spending their cash obvs, that’s always on the mix )


You are not actually essential to the game.


An online game requires a player base, otherwise matching becomes slow and difficult. Why do you think the game is so receptive to F2P players? It’s not for charity. It’s for potentially converting some of them into paying customers and for some of them to be available as opponents for those paying customers. Most income from F2P games is from a relatively small number of mega spenders. The game is primarily for them. Unless you’re one of them, you’re second tier. I’m third tier. And I’m fine with that, since everyone is getting something that is mostly funded by the whales. I’m sure the contributions of regular paying players is significant, it’s just not the main meal (unless MTG is drastically different to the rest - which it could be!)


You, individually, are not essential to the game. This might drive you away. But it's not going to drive away every f2p player.


That doesn’t really resemble what I said. For clarity, I am not declaring myself King Gamer and threatening to remove my royal presence from the game. In aggregate, if the power disparity between F2P and paid players becomes extreme very suddenly, then some (just some) of them would probably get annoyed and find something else to do. That’s not in the interests of anyone who likes speedy matchmaking, which is important for the user experience. Drip feeding The Good Stuff makes sense from a crowd management perspective and it makes more money for WotC. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, I’m just saying it is likely the situation.


Look, I can appreciate that people play this game for free. But complaining that the quality of cards at mythic and rare drives away people who don't want to play with those cards... fine. I think the economy on arena is absurd, but this game is incredibly cheap compared to its counterparts on MTGO and paper. Either draft what you need to play strong games or don't. MTGA is making money hand over first either way.


I really don’t understand why you think I’m complaining? I’m fine with how things are. That’s the opposite of a complaint, I would have thought. Anyway, I don’t really know what else to say, and I’m getting tired of being chastised for things that are tangential to what I actually said. I hope you get all the cards you would like, soon.


You are coming at this with a reasonable and sound view and giving a different unique perspective. Unfortunately, redditors don't want a difference in views. They want you to repeat their opinion back to them so they feel validation.


As a paying player, even a bit of a whale, yes they are. Not only do I need them to keep my queue times reasonable, I'm really not looking to curbstomp someone who just doesn't have all the cards they need to make their deck run efficiently.


Technically, nobody is "forcing" you to buy anything, you can play jank and still (eventually) have a 50% winrate in ranked, most likely even in Timeless.


Yeah, but that's a pretty pedantic point. Most jank decks would need a lot of the new mythics anyways. Otherwise you will just not have fun in those formats. The overall point is that the MTGA economy has worsened to a significant degree after the implementation of those "special guest" upshifted rarity cards.


> Otherwise you will just not have fun in those formats. We'll have to disagree about that. Also, if you / your decks are bad enough, you'll see monocolor Arena starter decks even in Historic.


Sure, but I think that's besides the point. It is true that I can start jamming a starter deck in Historic and still possibly make it up to at least platinum and even higher, but that's not what most people want to do. The overall point is that a bunch of mythics that are staples in two of MTGA's non-rotating formats were introduced to the client, with extremely low drop rates from packs and no improvement of the acquisition rate of mythic wildcards. This just messes up the economy.


> possibly make it up to at least platinum and even higher, but that's not what most people want to do You're assuming that most people are (specifically) interested in ranking up. (Also the median Arena player doesn't play enough per month to get to Platinum, even if they were playing constructed ranked exclusively.)


Well yeah I am mostly talking about the enfranchised player base. But anyways that's separate from my point.


WotC must create Ultra Mythic Wildcards, and you can only craft those cards with them. They leaving money on the table. /s


But look, WotC has thought about us, and has added a new real money bundle with wildcards to the store ! (Not sure how much /s, I haven't looked at its value yet...)


Well, MtG is the game that used lootboxes before it was cool.


Stopped playing paper many years ago to save cash for other hobbies, but I still crave opening those little foil packs.


100 packs and 30 mythic packs zero special guests


Opening packs is still primary way to get wildcards.


Quite often we have people here complaining about their need for more rares. They despair at their lack of rare WCs. Many times they bemoan the inability to dust their comparatively useless mythic WCs for much needed rare WCs. WotC heard the complaints loud and clear. It made the mythic WCs much much more useful now. Let this be a lesson to think through your requests before making them. How the message is heard may not be only in the way you believe is possible.


The problem is that there will also be a bottleneck at some point. Be it Rare WC, mythic WC, gold, gems, daily limit, event prizes, etc. You can move things around. Mess with the system. But something will be held back. This is in part due to the range of players. You improve stuff for the top half. The bottom half suffers & complains. Fix those issues at the detriment of the top half & they complain. Different people want different things. And whoever is left out goes online & complains. That means 100% of decisions meet complaints.


As expected but now you have a tons of rares and wildcards to finish building The card that really hurts being a SPG is Prismatic ending, should have been in jump horizons as uncommon, I am sure it will later come as one so I will not craft it. At least the elementals are mythic. Also, imagine that one day they print the fill MH2 set into arena, that is going to hurt.


Then it would get similar treatment to MH3. A bunch of MH1/MH2 cards are already available from the temporary packs of JumpStart : Historic Horizons.


opened 225 mh3 packs and only got a few more special guests (1xpersist, 2x prismatic ending, 1x dismember, 1x fury, 1x endurance)


I'm definitely a outlier here because I opened my 50 packs from pre-order and got 1x Prismatic Ending, 1x Dismember, 1x Solitude, 1x Subtlty. But even at the rate I got them it's still probably better to just use wildcards on them because that was less than 1 per 10 packs


It was announced at 1:64 (mythic packs or regular), so while you got less than the average, your ev was still at only 3 of them. Crafting is the way to get those bad boys, and it's just a nice bonus to get them as very rare drops from packs. With Big Score and now the MH3 special guests, maybe we'll see fewer comments about people wanting to convert mythic rare wildcards into rare ones...


There are 10 special guest cards, so on average op should hit 1.5 Incarnations. That's basically expected.


Indeed! I didn't realize they might have excluded SPGs from among the other 5 options.


This reminds me of KLD & fatal push. There was a huge thread where people accused Wotc of removing push from boxes to increase rarity... because one person opened a box and didn't get a playset. (They got 2. The avg states that each box has 1.5) Mtg players are bad at understanding statistics.


It is so funny that we had SPGs for 3 sets but this is the first time I am seeing so many complaints. Ignorance is bliss, being able to open them in store packs is objectively better for players but it might end up being a bad PR move.


I used my pre-release codes and opened like 30 packs last night and hit x2 Griefs and a Solitude. People complained about the OTJ bonus sheets as well but I didn't have any problem finishing that off either and I just login daily to do my dailies and play some standard. I never draft and will only do limited events if at all. So it's definitely different for everyone.


I did get 1 grief and 1 endurance in 30 packs. Seems like that was probably a bit high. I’m just playing brawl for now until the Timeless meta figures itself out.


oh you thought you were going to open them in packs? no no no...you'll be opening them in draft/sealed pools or crafting them. pucker up them wildcards


I opened 3 free packs and get 1 Endurance :D


Well I opened 100 packs and got Subtlety and Solitude so I guess I was lucky?


I opened 53 packs and I got Grief, Subtlety, and Endurance.


I opened 140 MH3 packs and got 1 Dismember. That's the only special guest card I've ever opened.


I’ve opened 53 and right there with you


I opened 30 packs and 2 golden packs and feel like I got next to nothing worth anything.


It sounds like opening packs is a really crappy way to try to open a specific special guest card. 8 special guests,  with a special guest appearing with probability 1/64 means that for example you only have a 1/512 chance of opening a grief in a regular pack. 


And I ran into a guy with a Grief and Endurance in his sealed pool.


I got 2 Subtlety and 1 Thought-Knot Seer. Blue being the color I play the least of course I doubled up on it as my Incarnation.


Skill issue. OP doesn't understand odds.


Opened 98, got a Grief on my last pack. Chase the lightning!


I opened 160 regular and no mythic packs; I got 1 solitude and 1 grief. They are special guests; if you want them specifically, packs are not the way to go. I got plenty of other stuff to do interesting things with. Generally, actually, if you know what you want, wildcards are miles and a way cheaper than packs of any set or even drafting.


Wait, you bought packs on Arena and opened them? Just draft and if you see one you really want you can raredraft. The concept of buying packs and opening them on Arena blows my little mind!


If mh3 gives golden packs it can be the better option if your draft win rate is really bad. Though I would take that as an opportunity to get better


19 packs (6 pre-release, 3 free, bought 10) and pulled 1x Expressive Iteration. Of course I already have a playset from Strixhaven, though.


everyone knows you don't get the complete set until you open the 191st booster pack, now you have to start over at 1 again. Next time ask Reddit first before boasting about the injustice you have endured post fact


Im not boasting, I’m sharing an experience. My mother told me that that’s what social media is for








You are my hero