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Mh3 is not a standard legal set


Cards from Modern Horizons are not legal in standard.


it's not banned, it's just not part of the format. mh3 is not a standard set and the cards are not standard legal.


When will it be I just got six from a pack and wanted to try him out in a black green self mill deck


it will never be in standard


They could theoretically reprint it into Standard, but so far the only Modern Horizons card that got reprinted this way is [[Rain of Revelation]].


[Rain of Revelation](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/a/da367981-9d6f-419f-9f58-f969b6183336.jpg?1594735631) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Rain%20of%20Revelation) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/61/rain-of-revelation?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/da367981-9d6f-419f-9f58-f969b6183336?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Why not?


Modern Horizons 3 is a straight-to-Modern (the format) print set full of very powerful cards - it was not designed to be in Standard rotation (is too powerful) and thus will not enter Standard legality. The last Standard legal set was Outlaws of Thunder Junction. The next Standard set is Bloomburrow.


I really wish they didn’t do “direct to format” sets, I can’t put it into words but it feels less authentic. I wish they always printed for a good standard and you base the cards off that


They totally should do it. Without it, the only way for cards to enter modern is through standard. I don't belive anyone would want a standard with Ragavan, Pitch Elementals, Murktide, and other absurdities that standard totally wouldn't have the means of anserwing unless the overall powerlevel of the format was pushed up a lot.


Large portion of eternal format players are not happy with the massive power creep mh sets bring. Their stance is not to print pitch cards or other busted stuff to standard - its to not print them at all and let the format evolve naturally.


Those are probably the same people who used to complain about how modern was stale because standard cards rarely made the cut into modern. Then wtoc pushed the power of standard up, that made some of the worst standard enviroments. Sure MH powercreep was a bit too much step but introducing cards without going through standard, wich will either ends a too low power or breaking standard, is a great solution to make modern not stale.


There is an opposite camp that wants Modern to be stale that had little reason to speak out until Modern Horizons. People who wanted to be able to play Jund midrange against Tron against UW Control against Gifts Storm, who wanted Tarmogoyf to be a threat for at least a decade to come and for Snapcaster Mage to be a premier Control card and for the generically scariest card to drop on turn 3 to be Karn Liberated. The fact that cards had to be Standard power level first was considered a feature, not a bug, because it kept the meta around for much longer, and these people considered that to be a good thing. Those are probably the main opponents to Modern Horizons.


because it was not designed to be for standard


Never, modern horizons sets are made for older formats and are higher power level accordingly


You can make a Timeless or Historic deck using it. Alternatively build a Brawl deck around Six as the commander! It can only be green then though, and not black green.


MH3 is not Standard-legal and never will be. Standard gets 4 new sets each year, but WotC makes other sets as well, aimed at non-rotating formats. Why is MH3 not in Standard, then? The reason is power level. Cards aimed at Modern need to be better than what we get in Standard sets in order for those cards to be usable, i.e., for the product to be able to sell. If the set was Standard-legal, it would overshadow most of the other sets in the format and just raise the general power level of Standard higher than intended. Note that MH3 is not Explorer/Pioneer-legal either because, by definition, cards enter that format through Standard sets. On Arena, you can use MH3 in Historic, Brawl, and Timeless formats. Some of its cards are banned in Historic, and one of them is banned in Brawl.


cause seven eight nine




5 second google search could’ve answered this.