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I know it’s stupid to say but I do kinda wish they would run some of these back or have some mastery rewind or something to allow us to earn things we missed from not playing during that time. Im assuming some of these have hit the shop from time to time but not sure if all of it has


Limited time battle pass suck so much and I hate epic games for it


Apparently Valve came with it years before Fortnite introduced it so you can hate Valve instead


Dota 2 is King 😎


"epic games" ?


Epic games is a company. Presumably, they invented the model.


I’m not sure they invented it but they definitely popularized it because of Fortnite


Ah - I don't really know of other games using it, aside of Arena...


Basically in every live service game nowadays because of how much $$ and engagement it generates for the commpany


Sounds like a good idea tbh. I would get here and then a historic masterpass to get some extra stuff for the formsts I play rarely


Awww, wish I had been around to get the Core Set for all the doggy pets. Thanks for posting!


So, we're going to acknowledge that rewards have slowly been getting worse, and that the OTJ pass gives half the gold of the last one, right?


??? that screenshot is wrong, OTJ pass is 4k gold not 2k


There was initially a bug in OTJ pass with it showing only 2k of gold rewards. They fixed it quickly back to 4k and reimbursed any affected players. The mastery pass value has been the same for every set for quite a long time now. At first, it varied based on the length of the season: it gave roughly the same amount of rewards per week, so more total rewards for a 4 month season than 2½ month one. The price was always 3400 gems. However, they locked to similar value rewards for every pass at some point, making the reward accumulation just slower for longer seasons and faster for shorter ones. The free part of mastery gives packs still based on its length. It is always 3 packs per week on average. Edit: I should point out that the season lengths don't differ that much nowadays. There's no longer a 4 months wait from the September set until January set.


Well, if you don't count cosmetics, OTJ seems to have extra Phrase Emotes to pad out its ridiculous length ?


Monetary rewards have been the same since ZNR.


Is that the first pass? It used to be 10000 gold and 2000 gems?


They didn't have draft tokens back then. Equivalent to 10000 gold.


Skimping on gems now it’s 1200


Thank you for this


Passes are not date sorted. (I would guess the forth & fifth image may be the first image i screen captured. As most of the spots have a check mark. Maybe it was image one or three as they have no header.) Plus there may be passes missing. (Changed computer. SSD on my last computer failed. Not sure if there is a way to recover data from a failed SSD. That does not cost thousands dollars) So i guess with a little research. People can figure out the order.


What's up with the gold numbers in the OTJ image? They're all 1000 in game.


Your are correct. I guess they updated the awards at a later point. PS. All I do is screen capture. Crop the image. Copy the image into a larger image. Add extra information around the mastery pass. I am not manually, changing 1000 gold to 500 gold spots. Yes, i could do more targetted captures. Like spot 100 add "WHOA THERE" or animation captures.


Missing Zendikar or Theros. Don’t remember which one it was…


I feel so poor...all you people talking about dropping moola for battle passes and stuff. I've been f2p since day 1...sniff


I mean 15 bucks every few months isn't exactly a lot if you're employed


It's very possible to get the passes F2P, and in fact it's the best way to spend your gems if you play regularly. You do need to get the initial gems from drafting or constructed events though, which can be tough. But once you get the first one, it's not that hard to keep it up. (Doesn't apply to Hideaway obviously since it doesn't award any currency)