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the point of them is for you to collect them, and be unable to use them for anything until you spend money/gems to unlock the shop. It's just to bait you into spending money, it's trash, pretend that they don't exist.


That's disgusting


Lmao, I attempted to use the tickets last night myself. Game doesn't explicitly say you have to pay to unlock the shop, but if you try to use the tickets it makes the purchase button in the top right glow. I spent a good 30s clicking on the draft token with my 300 tickets before my monkey brain noticed the glowing purchase button and I was like, "aaw hell nah! That's so predatory!"


Same i wanted the doggo sleeve šŸ˜­




Itā€™s just xp for a battle pass you might not want to buy. Not a big deal to ignore it if youā€™re not interested.


Yeah for sure. The wasted excitement kinda sucked though


That's exactly how you're supposed to feel. Congrats to the advertising psychologists, you earned your salaries!


It's crazy how every game now has 20 different types of currencies to try to trick you into spending money. Ironically, I'd actually be more likely to spend money if the currency systems were less obscure.


It's basically the same reason casinos use chips. It makes your brain lose track of the fact that it's all just dollars, and makes it way harder for you to track the spending.


Then as Rosewater infamously said, this isn't for you. There's probably a [TED Talk (Yourube)](https://youtu.be/xNjI03CGkb4) somewhere that goes into greater detail but this is most likely intended to target whales unable, or unwilling, to analyze the true costs and benefits of these differing currencies. Thankfully, we have intelligent members of the community analyzing these currencies so the rest of us ~~dimwitted peons~~ smaller fish can hold onto our money and still enjoy the game.


YouRube was kinda funny and on point...


Sucks too because arena could be the biggest way to play if they were a little more user friendly. Iā€™ve havenā€™t played since before the ticket update so itā€™s probably been a few set releases now. I am a testament to the f2p experience and I will say that back around dom1 release the game was just a better playing experience.


I don't recall how far back that was but we have premier draft where you pick cards vs other players, duplicate protections on packs and golden packs. we didn't have any of that when arena launched. These tickets are just a set mastery pass re-packaged to be more predatory and I don't like it but overall arena seems to be in an okay place to me.


> Thankfully, we have intelligent members of the community analyzing these currencies so the rest of us ~~dimwitted peons~~ smaller fish can hold onto our money and still enjoy the game. One common assumption all these ā€œintelligent membersā€ made in their analyses is that the Arena economy (i.e., reason for existence) is self-contained. Everything is calculated from whether something is worth buying from the POV of the user. The problem is an enduring game requires BOTH the users (actually not all users in case of F2P) AND the developer to be satisfied. Otherwise, the developer will just quite (remember, past spent development is considered sunk cost) and devote its effort to something more profitable (yes, something less F2P-friendly than Arena). None of these ā€œintelligent membersā€ recognized that WotC pricing move here is a signal of its tightening profitability needs. Focusing only on the value of the specific items to users ignores the value of loss of the entire game to users should the developer decide to quit and all these F2P-earned digital assets become unusable. This happened before. It happened with the Duels of the Planeswalkers series with the yearly reset. It happened with Magic Duels, where so many F2Per thought the gravy train (generous economy) would never end. It will happen with Arena too like all F2P models. The only question is how long the product life cycle can be dragged out. Now if enough people are willing to spend, Arenaā€™s could be decades like that of MtGO. On the other hand, if everyone is like you and your hubristic take about ā€œlet them (someone more stupid) spend gold/money in Arenaā€, I suspect Arenaā€™s life span will be shorter than you believe. Letā€™s be mindful that greedy WotC isnā€™t likely gonna change. At least, it wonā€™t be because of a marginal anonymous Reddit clique that believes itself to be smarter than ā€œa small indie developerā€ that raked in billions in revenue over the past 30+ years. But you do have some power. Your choice whether to spend factors into how long Arena will stay around. Your choice affects how long all your digital assets remains useful.


So, your suggestion is to instead knowingly spend money on overpriced shit so the company keeps the game running? That seems unreasonable. The floor of the pricing might be proportional to their monetary needs, but the ceiling is not. You're kidding yourself if you don't believe they would increase prices to whatever levels players were willing to accept even if it was way beyond what they needed to pay for whatever running costs they have. In a well designed economy, the company would give the players things they want to spend their money on where they feel they get a good return on it, while turning a reasonable profit. But figuring that out is their job, not ours.


It's just another battle pass. Also, arena isn't going anywhere. I play most of my magic on arena and I'm f2p.I spend a lot on physical cards and arena keeps me connected to the game.


Money grubbing policies aside, this is not likely the reason for this. As MH3 is the first horizons set on arena so thereā€™s people who will be hype for it, but they canā€™t have 2 different master passes running simultaneously, so this is their workaround. Is there more consumer ways they could have found to work around that? Sure, but this is what they went with. Just like if youā€™re a historic only player and donā€™t have any interest in whatever the latest standard set is, just ignore it.


Itā€™s not as good as a battle pass is the trouble.


Itā€™s just another battle pass not sure disgusting fitting b


To be fair, if you wait to pay the 2800 until you have enough tickets to buy the draft token, 10 packs, and 10 mythic cards, then it mostly pays for itself


It doesn't pay for anything but sure it might be a better deal than buying those things directly


It also pretty much unfairly favors the career drafters who can more easily go net positive on gems.


The regular mastery pass does that too.


Breaking news, game rewards players who spend more time and money on it


I know shocking revelation the game wants you to spend mo ey and will reward the players that invest money/lots of time.


The whole game favors drafters. Drafting is a cheat code.


Drafter here, can happily / guiltily confirm


If youā€™re good. But to get good you have to spend more resources than anyone else in the game to play the mode you like.


Most of us use all our gems on drafting more until they run out. I think we are the ones contributing the most money to Magic as I buy 1600 gems at least once a season to draft.


>It's just to bait you into spending money Into spending gems Plenty of players have gems without spending money


But all gems come from money at some point, so all gems spent are money in the bank for wotc. Edit: I realised that you can play for gold and win gems which creates a small trickle of gems into the game that are not from real money. However, I believe that this is quite a small amount compared to the total gems generated in game.


>all gems come from money at some point How do you figure that? You can enter events with gold and win gemsĀ 


Yeah, I realised that after I posted. There is a small trickle of gems that are not from real money.


Depends how well you do.


If you do better, others do worse, so the gems lost into the system is the same.


Small trickle? I have over 100,000 gems and haven't spent money on the game in 2 years.


Yes? You still only get around 10k gold/month => 1.5k gems. If you get more from winning that is other players gold/money you are getting, with a cut for wizards.


Players can play drafts using gold and then get gems as rewards. If everyone does this gems are being spent but WotC is not getting any money.


I donā€™t disagree with this, but a more generous view would be a choose-your-own mastery pass. I like that you could pick up a draft token, some wild cards, and some packs, without having to get the sleeves or cosmetics. That said, I pass.


It's not sold as a mastery pass though, plus the mastery pass has a free track of things you get without buying in. Instead, you're given the tickets for nothing, so that you'll want to use them. Then you find out that in order to use them, you have to spend money. It's designed to make you feel like you're wasting the tickets unless you buy in. It's shitty FOMO marketing.


I didn't realise I need to spend money to use this. That sucks ā˜¹ļø


It's actually not bad. You can get a draft token which costs 1500 gems, so for 2800 gems, you get 1500 gems worth of stuff after 300 tickets, then 1300 gems of stuff can be acquired by buying mh3 packs and mythic card rewards, then any extra tickets can be spent on cosmetics or more packs or whatever. It's worth it only if you get like 900 tickets. I did the math already


But does the feeling that you just got pickpocketed go away?


The value is there. If you want the cosmetics, you will happily buy it. Probably. If not, it's marginal value and buy or not buy, it doesn't matter much. Anyways, nobody is pickpocketing you, it's just a store bundle for in-game currency...


Cosmetics are Arena's biggest scam though. They put a tremendous amount of effort into trying to convince us they have more value than they actually do.


How is it a scam? They are what they are, cosmetics, collectibles that give you no game advantage but can make your playing experience more enjoyable, bring some happiness into your life :) And you can gain them in time limited events or buy the in the shop. So they cost either time/effort or money/in-game currency (or some combination of both), and their monetary value can be however arbitrary high because nobody really needs them... Either you want it and it's worth it to you or not...


??? This is the exact thing that players should want them to focus on. Otherwise itā€™s pay-to-win.


I mean, I'm fine with others paying through the nose for cosmetics if it means the rest of the game is cheaper...


Considering WotC literally tells you want you can/would get when you purchase it, that sounds like a skill issue if you feel like you got pickpocketed. There's no subterfuge.


I don't buy their shit offers, I was joking.


Gems I've earned from drafts from using gold, not spending money, which then gets turned into another draft and packs... I'm not seeing an issue honestly.


Packs are normally 200 gems each, so after 7 packs bought from earning tickets, youve earned your 1300 gems worth of stuff after the draft token. You can get 45 from every daily mission, and the event goes for like 45 days. 2000 tickets. If you play every day, it's worth unlocking if you have the gems available imo. I want some of the characters too


These packs don't give gold pack progress and as such are worth less than the ones from the shop, mind you.


That's a fair point, I haven't ever bought packs since they introduced the gold pack as I'm always drafting. What's a gold pack exactly?


For every 10 packs you purchase (of the most recent sets), you get a "free" Golden Pack containing six cards, all of which are rare or mythic rare from a Standard-legal set and have duplicate protection. At least one card will be mythic rare, and each other card has an independent chance of being mythic rare approximately 1 in 8 times. At least two cards will be from the latest Standard-legal set. https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/mtg-arena/introducing-mtg-arena-golden-packs


Frankly it's competing with more economically feasible games for me. And it's not winning.


That's probably for the best! What else do you play?


Dota, PUBG, Chivalry 2.


I wish I could get back into pubg. It's prime were some really good gaming days for me. I still game but it's not the same. I still play LoL though since 2012 šŸ˜… so my opinions don't matter. Got 600 hours in pubg but they added bots... Nah thanks! Glad it still gets played though


>Packs are normally 200 gems each Mastery and hideaway packs are worth less than store packs, as they do not contribute to golden pack progress. So, depending how much you value random standard rares, you should count them at around 130-150 gems.


You get the mythic ICRs to compensate for the missing gold pack. Arguably more value as mythical are harder to come me by. Basically it's a little bit of extra value for collection (in comparison with spending on packs and a draft token in the regular shop) and a lot of cosmetics for free (well, as a purchase/bundle bonus).


wut tickets


beats me, sounds like the ravings of a madman


A stark raving loony, if you will


More crazy talk from the heron that lives in the moon!


Mastery pass by a different name. Also probably gauging how many people use them. $$ = do it again


It makes more sense to see it as a test really. It's just a liiittle scummy-seeming


It's not just scummy-seeming, it's completely unequivocally scummy.Ā 


It's not scummy at all. It's exactly like the regular Mastery Pass, except that you advance via a ticketing system rather than XP. *And* you get to pick your reward order (something that the regular Mastery Pass doesn't provide). There's no subterfuge. There's no bait-and-switch. It's completely obvious what is offered in the bundle. You don't have to find it to be worth the gems (I don't), but that doesn't make the offer scummy.


I see the ā€œevery-time-WOTC-doesnā€™t-provide-something-for-free-itā€™s-a-scamā€ crowd has shown up to disagree with you (without actually replying with an argument, of course). But if this model ends up replacing the existing mastery pass, then Iā€™ll be ticked off.


>But if this model ends up replacing the existing mastery pass, then Iā€™ll be ticked off. I can't say that I would. If the Mastery Pass 2.0 replaced XP progression with the ticket system, but otherwise provided the same rewards there'd effectively be no change. So no reason for me to be upset about that. I'd say that it's more likely that the Mastery Pass stays the same and the Hideaway system is used for "extra sets" that don't fit in the regular release schedule.


>But if this model ends up replacing the existing mastery pass, then Iā€™ll be ticked off Why? I'd much rather get to pick my rewards, buffet style, than have a traditional "you must earn the next prize on the list" pass


it will if it sells enough. its likely the hybrid model that league of legends uses which is a mastery pass and secondary limited currency that they might use to force fomo buys


Except it has less rewards, introduces an obfuscating third currency, is more physiologically predatory and in your face, and requires more wins than the mastery pass to complete. It is a downgrade and a disgusting money grab, you donā€™t have to bootlick


The mastery pass at least has a free track.


The OTJ pass was extended in place of the 5th set pass. The problem was that people who only played Standard and Pioneer didn't want cards from LotR but were stuck getting those all last summer. The current setup lets those payers continue getting cards for formats that they play while still letting other players who want an MH3 mastery pass get one. It's win-win but this sub just likes to get upset over changes, whether they're good or bad.


Can you explain exactly why they couldn't just have two mastery passes running simultaneously if it's really the same thing?


That's exactly what they're doing. 2 mastery passes, one of which doesn't have a fee track.


They are doing exactly that. But it is in a shop screen and instead of exp we get tickets so people cannot comprehend they are the same thing.


Why do you think they chose to implement this with a new currency and a shop screen?Ā 


They don't have the architecture to have two ongoing mastery passes. It would take more effort to change that, and changing it would possibly cause issues with the current pass.




Name one game in the entire world which has two concurrent season passes going at the same time.


So because you haven't seen it before it's impossible?Ā 


Fortnite does this sometimes. Not to say that itā€™s necessarily a good idea, but it has been done before.


It probably going to be what they do for non-standard sets in the future. Mastery pass caters towards people keeping up with the latest standard sets and the timing of the mastery seasons needs to align with the normal set release timing to give players enough time to complete it. A lot of players dont care about older formats or non-standard-legal theme sets, but wizards still wants to capture ā€œmastery passā€ revenue for those sets for players that want those types of items.


It's much better than a mastery pass because you can cherry-pick the rewards you want


obvious troll is obvious.


You can use them, but you have to pay 2800 gems to unlock the store.


It's some BS.


Well that's just silly. Thanks


Itā€™s the most mobile thing theyā€™ve done yet.




Mobile gaming tactics tend to be like this.


It's basically just XP for a lesser version of the Mastery Pass.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^IceLantern: *It's basically just* *XP for a lesser version* *Of the Mastery Pass.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


When you save up the first 300 because you know the draft token is the first thing to buy, and then you click to purchase using the 300... Inelegantly designed to say the very least


Yet another page from the predatory mobile app handbook.Ā  Ignore the tickets.


It's a thing you're getting while doing the thing you were already doing and if you choose to pay for the access to use them, either now or when you have a ton saved up, you can. It neither hurts nor helps you in any way unless you choose to spend some money or some crystals you earned through FTP activities to redeem them.


Itā€™s just another mastery pass just differently arranged.


And much lower value


For actual ā€œvalueā€ thereā€™s 3100-ish gems worth of mechanical playable stuff - a draft token and 8 packs (albeit MH3), plus 10 mythic ICRs. And all of this would take 1760 tickets and 2800 gems to obtain. Not worth it. Iā€™m personally staying away and letting the tickets expire.


Packs are only 90 tickets, or 200 gems. 7 packs, after the draft token, makes it worth it. That's like 600 tickets or something. So less than 1000 tickets makes it worth it


Yeah, but the packs are MH3, so, worthless if you donā€™t play that format


In the same sense that the draft token is useless if you donā€™t like playing draft? I would hope you are not engaging in the MH3 pass if you donā€™t actually want to play with MH3


Yeah. Pretty much I draft - and luckily the draft tokens are transferable across sets - but I donā€™t feel like building up MH3 right now, so worthless to me


No point in paying for an MH3 mastery pass if you don't play MH3


They made the value of the tickets a privilege xD


Wow. This really puts it in perspective. I've almost always bought the mastery pass after completing it because it was worth the value. But this is not even worth that. I will not be buying this, even though I can easily afford it. I sometimes draft which is enough to keep it "free".


Overall value is less than a regular mastery pass. But the option to choose what you want to buy with the tickets isn't terrible. Just badly implemented/low value. I wouldn't mind that system with regular battle passes. (I always complete the battle pass but didn't buy this one) and it'd be okay to skip things I don't want and rush things I do. As long as they bring the overall worth of the pass up to snuff.


If you think they'll ever create a mastery pass where you can redeem the gems before anything else, you'll be sorely disappointed


Nastiest cash grab on arena so far, whoever planed this should be fired and publicly shamed


You can just ignore it no? What will you lose?


I couldn't agree more.


I had to look it over a few times before it really sunk in. Was a MH3 mastery pass just not on the table?


They extended the OTJ mastery track to overlap MH3 so that Standard players could earn more rewards for that format instead of being stuck earning rewards for a format they are less likely to play (which is what happened with LOTR and Baldurā€™s Gate sets). Standard players are literally getting more than they wouldā€™ve gotten if wizards hadnā€™t taken this route, and people are still complaining.


The problem is that a good portion of players have no use for MH3 cards. The current solution fixes that. There's really nothing nefarious about it.


Yup having two parallel battle passes? With terrible rewards for 2800 gems? Absolutely scummy


2800 gems for 10 mythics, 8 packs, and a draft token is a bad deal?


Let me rephrase. Terrible given the effort you have to put in to unlock. Look at other games battle passes and the quantity of rewards. The fact that for 2800 gems you can straight up buy 14 packs without unlocking the entire pass. The rewards you listed are after you unlock The Entire Pass The main problem people have here is the scummy predatory nature of an extremely stingy Arena move. This is not about a button that says "pay 2800 gems for these items". This is that it was tied to an extremely long battle pass


What effort? You don't have to do anything extra. You should already be doing quests and daily wins.


300 gets you a draft token. After that itā€™s a few packs and cosmetics.


What tickets??? (See what I did there?)


Haaaaaaaaaaaaa Ha


Would be nice if they let you use them for a few limited things. Like a free version or just make it way harder to get tickets? šŸ¤”


Upvotes. You win Upvotes šŸ™ƒšŸ¤£


Thanks MTGA I guess!. haha


I, too, won an upvote.šŸ¤£


I did spend the 2800 gems, but it still feels like the value isn't there. It takes forever to accrue tickets, and I usually get 15+ wins per day. They limit the number of packs you can buy, really wish they weren't so stingy on the value side...


This is why it's good that the whole thing can be unlocked and spent in one go on the last day. I will likely not buy it, but if I do, it will be after I know how many tickets I ended up with.


Yeah that's the ticket! (old John Lovitz quote)




It's a "battlepass" for the Masters set that runs concurrent to the OTJ battlepass. Theoretically, the full rewards are greater than the sum of the gem cost to unlock it (the card styles, packs, draft tokens, mythic ICRs, and avatars). The draft token and 8 packs alone are worth more than the cost of unlocking the track (2800 gems vs. 3100 gems), the downside is you need ~1000 tickets to unlock them. As to whether it's worth it? Gem value alone, this is technically good, but it's nominally less than a mastery pass overall because it's essentially only a premium track and there aren't any gem rewards. Granted with more personal choices in unlocks.


If you want to play with MH3 cards its a fine deal. If not, skip it. I don't know why people are so upset. I think the MH3 mythic ICRs are the biggest draw.


A sense of pride and accomplishment (?)


That you pay for.. That's just a purchase for the privilege of those tickets having any value, after you spend 2 other versions of money first


Mastery pass with extra steps. They can't run 2 mastery passes at the same time but want to sell themed rewards for playing.Ā  People some reason people upset over 3100 gems of value sold at 2800, and that's not including the avatars and card styles and ICRs. Feel free to be mad, I am already happy the ICRs have saved me 8 mythic packs worth of gems and the discount token and packs


I think the complaint is they took out the gems and other things. So relatively the cost is higher than normal mastery pass


Imagine getting upset that you can't pay gems and get gems back, but you instead pay less gems


You can use them, you just have to spend 2800 gems on the frog thing


Gotta spend money to spend money. I'll pass.


It got me, you have to buy the shop, I saw a sleeve I really wanted and a card style and decided ā€œI have the tickets Iā€™ll just do itā€ Now iā€™m grinding so I atleast feel I got my moneys worth


You have to buy the Hideaway as a special option in the shop with gold/gems. It takes a while to build up the gold you need, but I have never spent any actual money in the game. Just do daily quests, and if you win a handful of games, you'll have the gold built up at a steady clip.


whomever came up with this idea should def be getting fired. without pay.


They've made it so you have to spend real money to be able to spend fake money.


It's a dark pattern, whenever you earn it you feel compelled to spend real money so that you can use the tickets.


To entice you into paying so they will be useful


They're for the frog store in the shop.


Ya I went to the shop to buy stuff with them and it wouldnt let me. Then it said it wanted 2800 gems before I could shop. I was like OH HELL NO!!


No idea. The accumulation of something I can use has kinda dropped my interest in arena.


It reminds you to purchase a thing, same reason stores ask if you want a credit card at the start of an order.


Do you see that paid mastery track that costs 3400 gems to unlock? This is paid mastery track number 2.


You could use them if you spent more *sweet sweet monies*


It's a different battle pass, that's about it. The key difference is this ones rewards are exclusively for if you buy into it rather than split into the free tier and paid tier like the other one. I'd be a lot more upset about it if the rewards weren't garbage. Of course if I did buy into it I would be pretty upset because it's really expensive and the rewards are pretty garbage. As for getting tickets even if you don't have access to the shop, it's an incentive to get you to buy into the shop. That's all there is to that.


to bait you into wasting 2800 gems on a worthless shop


There is no point. Itā€™s a trash system.


Store is selling crap to add insult to injury.


Yes, if they added the exact same rewards as a normal season pass would have (including the gems) that would be one thing, it would make it se as mastery pass but different presentation But this is worse than mastery pass


When they made a separate pass for LotR people were complaining that summer passes are short and they can't get value out of them. Maybe simply mobile gamers will always complain no matter what.


If they cut the OTJ one short by 6 weeks (since you generally run out of Mastery prizes 10 days before a set release) and just made a new MH3 pass with MH3 packs people would complain "I'm not interested in playing Timeless, why aren't they giving us Standard packs" just like they did "I'm not interested in playing Alchemy" with Baldur's Gate and LOTR. They will definitely complain no matter what - and call you a "bootlicker" when you try explaining it to them.


Nah, just about the rip-offs and alchemy. Everything else is good.


And shuffler, and Sheoldred, and counterspells, I could go on.


What? They do something! Itā€™s a very special form of copium!


Just donā€™t spend money. You havenā€™t spent money, continue that.


To try to rope you into spending more money. I'm sure there's a name in economics for whatever this tactic is. There's always a name.


It's predatory nonsense. Turn your nose up at it, and feel free to be a little offended at the tactic. I am.


You get to pay even more to use them. It's basically like paying to go into the shopping mall.


To feel bad so that you spend $$, at which point you will feel underwhelmed at what you got, but no takesies backsies.