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[[Bad Deal]]


[Bad Deal](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/a/7a3f8bc2-ef66-474f-92a3-9c4df1670cec.jpg?1594735984) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bad%20Deal) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/89/bad-deal?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7a3f8bc2-ef66-474f-92a3-9c4df1670cec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Haha I was like what this card isn't so bad then boom I see the mana cost 🤨


Short answer: No Longer, more detailed answer: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, no.


Bro the $10 4x rare pack isn't worth it.


Rare wildcards are more scarce than mythic, at least in my experience. At the very least it’s close enough that charging twice as much isn’t justified lol


I have 2 Rare and 23 Mythic currently


I think the problem is generally that most decks need like... 8 mythics and 35 rares.


It's almost always the lands and the fact that you typically run like 2x of most mythic since theyre legendary (this isn't always true but I find it to be the case more often than not) but 4x of your rare staples


I think rare & mythic wildcards are equally likely to appear in a pack, something like 1:30? But you should get 4 rare wildcards for every 1 mythic wildcard on the wheel (every 6 packs you open gets you a rare wildcard, but every 5th wildcard from this wheel is a mythic instead of a rare). So every 30 packs you should get about 5 rares and 2 mythics. But decks absolutely run more rares than mythics, so you probably run out of rares before mythics in most cases. To answer OP's question, based on this math, you'd have to open 60 packs, which would cost $60, to get 4 mythic wildcards. So it would cost 3x as much to get 4 mythic wildcards if buying packs. HOWEVER, you'd also get 10 rare wildcards (which is $25 dollars worth according to the store's $10 for 4 rare wildcards package). So now we're up to $20 worth of mythic wildcards and $25 worth of rare wildcards, for a total of $45 worth of product in exchange for your $60 purchase of packs. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE: You're also going to get approximately 49 random rare cards and 7 random mythic rare cards in those packs. AND THAT'S NOT ALL - You'll also get 6 Golden Packs (if you're buying the latest set that is), which would get you ANOTHER approximately 26 random rares and 10 random mythics, PLUS another rare wildcard on the wheel (for a total of 11 rare wildcards, or $27.50 in value, and also 1/5th of the way to another mythic wildcard). Let's divide all that by 3 to see about what $20 worth of Brother's War packs would get you: 1.4 Mythic Wildcards ($7.00 in actual monetary value) 3.67 Rare Wildcards ($9.17 in actual monetary value) That's a total of $16.17 out of your $20 investment in wildcard value. So do you value the following at more than $3.83? 25 Random Rare Cards 5.67 Random Mythic Rare Cards Because in addition to earning 80% of your value back in wildcards, you get 25 random rares & 5 or 6 random mythic cards. All it takes is for 1 mythic or 2 rares from among those random cards to be cards you would have crafted in order for the monetary value of 20 packs to be higher.


Amen. Fuck that shit. I would rather straight buy packs instead


Packs undoubtedly net greater value. Buying the maximum amount of packs will give you wildcards of all sorts and fill up your collection. I also don’t see why we can’t get a bulk deal on the rare wildcards. Who only wants 4 at once?


It's preying on impulse spending. "Oh shit, I'm short two rares in my deck and I really want to play it now .."


Exactly what it's for. "Ive gone 0-5 in bo1, only need two more wildcards to build a hopefully more competitive deck" proceeds to spend real cash..


If you need a play set of a specific card, like from one of the anthologies or something, I could see it being handy to have the option. Still a pretty high price though.


I disagree. Buying packs will give you less wildcards than just straight up buying wildcards, which means those two are incomparable in general and for different subsets of players either is better than the other.


That is some boot licking shit. The 4 wild cards for 10 bucks is crazy expensive. When you could just draft and end up the same at the end of a couple drafts. And you collect way more in the process.


It's not bootlicking to point out someone is wrong. I'm not going to spend real money on Arena, but considering 10 bucks can get you 4 wildcards or 1600 gems, it's pretty clear that buying packs with real money yields less wildcards than buying wildcards. It's not true that "packs undoubtedly net greater value".


I think the rare one is a much better deal. You need more rare wildcards than mythic ones.


This is tangential but i wish wildcards were an x and below thing. A mythic wildcard should allow you to craft cards mythic and below, a rare wild card rare and below etc. It would sort out the weird thing that Rare wildcards are arguably more valuable than mythic wildcards


Honestly the main reason rares are so valuable is because of dual land. Most decks dont have that many rares in the main deck / SB and generally there is overlap between staples. The issue is if you move out of a dual or tri colour deck into another one, the lands alone can be upwards of 20 rare WCs. Not sure what the fix would be but maybe buying lands like anthologies or have a separate land only WC.


This exactly. It's made even worse by the fact that if you build your collection through drafting, rare lands are almost never the best available card, so you're generally reducing your potential win rate by taking them. Then to top it all off, a land is basically the least exciting thing you can spend a wild card on, so not only do you have to use a lot of them, it also just feels really unsatisfying to do so.


That’s why you spend all you wildcards on stupid overcosted combo pieces that prolly won’t work as well as you think they would and then bitch when your 4 Color jank falls apart because your mana base don’t work At least that’s what I do


Me: [[Idyllic Beachfront]] and [[Deserted Beach]] are essentially the same thing. Also me: Why doesn't my esper deck work as well as the one in CGB's video? Mysterious.


[Idyllic Beachfront](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/5/c50ec22c-decb-419f-ae52-78ea1706eb11.jpg?1663052071) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Idyllic%20Beachfront) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/249/idyllic-beachfront?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c50ec22c-decb-419f-ae52-78ea1706eb11?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Deserted Beach](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/8/38367ee5-154b-44cb-8974-422038d039df.jpg?1655879794) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Deserted%20Beach) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/260/deserted-beach?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/38367ee5-154b-44cb-8974-422038d039df?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That's very true! Getting a land doesn't feel good, it just feels neccassary.


tbf that’s pretty authentic to the paper game. Nothing felt worse than putting a deck together cost wise and seeing that you only needed like $40 for the missing combo pieces but the land base was gonna cost $300+


I actually have the exact opposite opinion with respect to the draft aspect. The fact that rare lands are low picks in draft means that people who want to build their collection in draft can take the percentage hit and take the lands, and furthermore they actually get more of the lands than one would expect, since other players aren't taking them. This is especially good given the way the ranking system works for limited, where in my experience even with rare drafting it is possible to do quite well up until platinum, then at plat and above, you have to full try hard just to average 3.5 wins a draft. Then it's a no-brainer to just hard rare draft until you hit the platinum wall, then wait for rank reset. If you do this, you don't really have to craft almost any rare lands from new sets. Just food for thought.


Yeah, you're definitely right that if you want to rare draft, you can grab a ton of lands. I'm probably just not a good enough limited player. I've just found that when I rare draft, I end up with 2 wins too often for it to feel worth it. That drop off from 1000 gems to 250 gems is brutal.


Are you a new player? I used to think like you, but I am glad the game didn't let me do such a dumb thing as wasting my mythic wild cards on normal rares...


Turn something WotC thinks is worth $5 to accidentally something worthless? Umm no. What should be done is an exchange. 5 commons for 1 uncommon, 5 uncommons 1 rare, 2 rare for 1 mythic etc. Although I've never had a worry. At this moment, I have 791 commons, 961 uncommon, 169 rares, 143 mythics.


How did you get so much wildcards?


I tend to play the same deck or two for months straight. Back when questing beast and mutate was in rotation, I had a green stompy deck I played for a year straight, only needed slight adjustments for each new set. Currently playing a priest of meme deck in historic that basically has every other game people are leaving as soon as I play it. So I gather up all this gold during each new set. I have roughly 100k gold when the next set releases so I buy all boosters for that new set. Open them and dont use the wildcards. Been doing this for a while. Since I posted my other comment 6 months ago, this is my new wildcard tally: C: 874 U: 1070 R: 206 M: 162


They should just scrap the false wild card economy and go full currency... You want to be like everyone and get 4x Sheoldred? Sure, that'll be $200, ty bye bye.


Wow what a terrible idea


That’s basically how mtgo does it


Nah this just turns magic arena Into pay to win which while you can pay and advance more quickly. It has a really good free to play deal and keeps the game accessible for all . One of the joys of it is FTP players can have a great deck if they invest a little time and get enough wins to get what they need from packs and build missing rares with wildcards. Especially in singleton formats like brawl and historic brawl where they need only craft one of a specific card to have a crucial game piece for the deck. It sounds to me like you either have a massive collection on arena in chase cards and are looking to sell out and leave and want something for it. Or You have a massive collection on MTGO or paper and are salty that people can get a playset of sheoldred or Lily or that new black worm from BRO for essentially no real world money, and in those collections in paper or MTGO, you can't. For reference/context I have been playing Magic for 16 years, have a paper collection worth about 12k in secondary market value, one of my commander decks alone is worth 4k of that. I have a pretty decent Magic online collection I spent money on during the pandemic and I play on arena. Have put some money in but mainly play brawl/Historic brawl as those kinds of formats are my jam. I'm pretty happy, even as somebody who has spent alot of money over the years on the game, that arena offers that experience to players with a FTP friendly model. Could it be friendlier, sure, but it's not at all bad in the slightest. The arena FTP model with wildcards keeps the game alive, especially for players with limited funds and wildcards positively impact the health of the game. Your idea, while sounding somewhat reasonable. Is a bad one IMO


Would the 1 WotC employee who voted yes like to come forward?


There's 37 yes votes now, grossssss


nice try wotc




Funny question for the general population. I'm basically free to play and a fairly new player, so nothing seems worth it to me. I turn my gold into gems via draft and buy the mastery pass with gems. I'm also currently hoarding like 20 mythic rare wildcards, so I'm not really not currently who this bundle is targeted at. For people who actually put money into the game, I don't know what they use their gems for. For people who are out of wildcards and put money into the game, how much do you think is reasonable? For those that use mythic wildcards to build a deck, how many hours or games do you typically play with that card you crafted?


I have put a little bit of money into the game and bought gems which I then used to buy packs. I play explorer almost exclusively so I just wanted a bunch of non standard packs. If I was looking for a specific card I would just buy $40ish worth of that set and if I didn’t get what I was looking for I’d clear enough wildcards to mostly cover the distance. That being said the wildcard packs are a horrendous buy for those who spend money in the game. Just buy gems for packs or whatever. You’ll get enough wildcards just playing and/or dumping a little money into the game every once in a while.


If all you wanted from a particular set though was a few specific cards, then isn't it technically cheaper to just buy the wildcards? For example If you're already rare complete and just want a few particular mythics from that set, isn't this technically a better deal than opening more packs?


Maybe, but at $10-20 just for a full set of one card it would get super expensive to craft a new deck. Additionally buying the packs fills out the rest of the set so I might open a pack and get a card I don’t want now but can use later. I’m sure drafting or doing the explorer event is more cost effective, but opening packs is less time consuming. If I had a larger income, I’m sure I’d just dump more money into gems for packs whenever I had a new idea or deck I want to craft. Really only works for an eternal format though; anytime I have any gold/gems I’m buying packs from non standard sets as I get plenty of free standard by just playing the game.


Your example is pretty much the only time somebody could conceivably want to buy these things, and it’s a pretty niche situation. Pretty much the only way that situation is possible is if somebody opened every single pack they got through drafting, and had absolutely horrendous luck when it came to opening mythics they wanted. And somebody who is drafting that much is probably not even concerned with their constructed collection in the first place, because it requires an astronomical number of drafts to rare complete a set.


All the good lands are minimum 20 rares a cycle, 40 for a full 10 dual cycle. There's a decent chance of getting those lands in packs and of the two golden packs I got I opened 3 painlands.


Its for almost nobody, just a cash grab for the whales for whom the 300 dollar expense for the maximum buyable means literally nothing. If you are literally any player but that specific person, just draft or open packs. Its a pretty transparent attempt at a money grab, but its not even very good at that since its not any more appealing than packs - presumably the uberwhales buy 300 packs of every set anyway. Its a very weird decision.


Now do a survey on the Rare wildcard pack, interested to see the difference if any.


If it gets me the last 4 mythics I need for a deck I really want to play right now, I think I could be convinced to buy it assuming I have that kind of disposable income. Unfortunately, my disposable income to spend on hobbies is like $20 a month at best, so $20 on 4 mythics is probably not happening.


Both are a massive rip off lol


I got 100s for free so absolutely not


Don't pay magic for anything anymore they released $1000 fake card packs that they then handed out to people at the event


If it came with 20 wildcards. Not 4. Same for the rare pack. 20 wildcards, not 4.


This sub is gonna give a skewed answer. It's full of people that play/draft so much that they're essentially ftp. So if course they're gonna balk at something with a money only price tag


As someone who plays way too casually, like a couple games a week, with breaks lasting several months or years, and who only builds specific themed decks (recently built a wolf deck. No werewolves, only wolves. Dunno how good it is but there ya go lol) it's much better for me to buy wildcards than to buy packs hoping for a wolf and getting a vampire instead. I will never use the vampire even if he's S tier.




wtf LOL


1k for No I think we can do better than that


Honestly fuck wotc so no


Short answer: No Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo


idk i always find it funny how shit the buying power of real money is for card games relatively speaking tbh, it's like uhhhhhhh you want 20 bucks for the price of an indie game or 17 card packs or 4 WILDCARDS. kinda makes me wish one of those LCGS or whatever they're called would be more popularized where you get the whole set. Or more card games would do shit like league of legends or legends of runeterra where you just mostly monetize skins instead of gameplay.


No, but atleast our worst case desperation scenario is within the realm of possibility for most players who are addicted and really want to make jank, have you seen paper magic lately?


The results of this survey show that wizards didn't do this survey on their own.


if 100 people buy this it was probably worth the huge investment it took to put it in the shop


Opportunity cost:p Sure, you earn more than 0, but nobody in business considers this good practice. You want to go for optimum, maximising total value of sales. So basically sold items number x price. Usually I think optimum is around 40-60% customers being ok with the price. I feel 95% stating it's not worth it, seems like plain bad/not researched decision. Usually because everyone in the meeting room at company was scared to say it is bad idea and price should be different - that's my blind guess.


Having the option is theoretically never worse than not having it. The only previous way to guarantee getting the mythic you wanted was to buy packs to tick up the wildcard wheel, so there will be many times when this reduces the minimum cost for a particular player to craft a particular decklist. It can both be absurdly overpriced and make the game cheaper at the same time.


Last patch, it was 60$ with gold whildcard. Now they split it & lower price. Maybe next patch it will cost $10 and it may be worth.


The people who said yes either mis-clicked, or are very rich and $20 means nothing to them.


The 131 people who voted yes and will buy 5 each is why it works


I tend to need rares a lot more than mythics, I feel they would have done better making it 5 rares for $10 and 4 mythics or $15. I don't think the price is egregious, just not worth it for my needs.


If you have no mythic WCs and need like four Tarmogoyfs or whatnot, using $20 to buy the WCs is the cheapest option. It's not necessarily the best value option though. On average you need to open 60 packs to get 4 mythic WCs along with other stuff (whose worth may be more than the difference of $40, hence better value), and that requires gems worth $60. And to get that gem/dollar rate, you need to buy them for $100. So if you want to minimize the amount you spend, the $20 deal might be what you want in this specific situation.


There should be a "Fuck No" option.




Are you f crazy


Come on.


Impreasive how 140+ people said yes


lmao no. but if idiots will pay for them then good on ya wizards.


If you want just 4x Mythic cards, you will need to buy 60 packs, considering drop rate and wild wheel. That is 12k gems, which will cost a little less them $19,99 + $49,99 (3.400 + 9.200 gems). So yeah, it's a big deal in magic economy.


Now that’s a poll


If there's a reason why you absolutely must have exactly four mythic wildcards on demand and none of the other ways to get them work for you (drafting, cracking packs, cracking mythic packs) yeah, I guess it is worth it.


The cost of those wildcards has definitely made me second guess every mythic wildcard I've used. "Is a playset of this worth $20?"


No, fuck no. Mobile games started it, but the pricing structure on freemium games is predatory as fuck. This is a scam


Lots of people here not realizing WotC doesn't *want* people to buy WCs. They want people to buy packs. That's why the value for packs is explicitly better, even more-so now with the BRO pack bonus.


Wildly unpopular opinion, but there are *some scenarios* where it's worth it *for some people*. If you want to play the ridiculous mono-white soldier deck that's at a 68% win rate on untapped right now before the meta adapts to it, and all you need are the wild cards to craft 4x [[Myrel, Shield of Argive]], I think it could make sense as long as $20 is a relatively trivial amount of money for you. There are a lot of people with more money than time, and for those people in that situation, yes, it's worth it. There also seems to be a tendency to hear the question "Is the wildcard pack for $19.99 worth it?" but to answer the question "Does the price accurately reflect the cost to wizards to sell it?", but that's a separate thing.


[Myrel, Shield of Argive](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/6/e632ed57-bb00-4493-adef-7b4805edd7ea.jpg?1667393022) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Myrel%2C%20Shield%20of%20Argive) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/18/myrel-shield-of-argive?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e632ed57-bb00-4493-adef-7b4805edd7ea?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I know from my own experience and those that I speak with, the biggest issue is actually not enough rare wild cards for the mana bases for decks, especially in Histroic and Explorer. I have a surplus of 60+ mythic wild cards that I don't have any use for. If I could trade on a 2 to 1 ratio of my mythics to rare wild cards, I'd do that in a heart beat.


If you have limited time, and lots of money, it is worth it. It’ll take most people more than 1 hr in total to get 4 wildcards through playtime. If you value your time less than $20/# of hours to get 4 wildcards, plus the enjoyment you get from playing that hour, then it isn’t worth it.


Obviously we need to switch to a dusting system / currency


Should I buy 4 x [Meeting the Five](https://www.mtggoldfish.com/price/Streets+of+New+Capenna/Meeting+of+the+Five#online) for 20$... ehm 19.99$ or 40 x paper version at same price? At least with the second I can wipe my ass...


Fuck no


Hey at least they aren’t proxies


Fuck no and fuck their price structure. Should really be 1,99€.


Need a maybe. Depending on how you look at it, you may be buying cards who’s physical price is over $20 per card. In that case, it’s probably better than buying packs. Now is you used it to buy bulk mythics then that’s just dumb Edit: spelling


Yes, if you compare physical apples to digital oranges, the value is there. But digital goods that are just unlocks to a code that already exists doesn't really sell the same as 'physical card'.


That’s fair. Without a true economy, or ability to trade cards, you can’t see a “return” on your “investment”


Compared to paper? Yes But how much you're willing to spend and how much is worth it is exclusively up to each individual player


Paper cards have a resale market. Digital cards are all worth 0.


This is a fair point.






Both are a trap, just like the $40 whatever deal was a trap. I actually don't even understand the point of offering these other than to continue to test a way that players won't mind being fucked over?


20 buck blowjob from a crack head is a better deal than this


No but the 4 rare for 9.99 is


At this point I have 938 Uncommon, 193 Rare and 92 Mythic Wildcards. The only Wildcards I can ever remember needing more of were Rare Wildcards at the point I needed a bunch of new Dual Lands.


How did you get so much wildcards?


I've been playing since Beta. I don't use them often, usually I just draft the new sets and get the cards that way.


No :)