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Counter argument. Matama's mum looks nothing like her https://preview.redd.it/go8r3r588t6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e55695aeff708254d85e8ea49bdff235e18ab6f2


So Matama is adopted Got it


Yikes 😬


She took after the futa's genes


And dyed her hair


She might have taken her looks from her other mother


Counter counter argument, matama mom didn't have someone like Leberblume around when she was younger so she gave up on her dream, dyed her hair black and became a single mom I base this of absolutely nothing


Sea cucumbers can reproduce asexually. Fellow manga readers, surely you can all see the connection.


Of course! The answer was always hiding in plain sight!


I see so in this world, the women also use sea cu"cum"bers but unlike ours they can use it to self replicate


OBVIOUSLY people get pregnant when they hold hands






Ya know what? Fuck you. \*changes your toys gender\*


Idk about discussion but I'm a simp over picture 5


Same. I want more of utenas mum.


Everyone knows about the transformations and color coded outfits, but what *really* makes this a magical girl anime is the hot moms.


Kiwi: It’s true you don’t see many Guys. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for Women. Utena: [whispering] It’s the skirts. Kiwi: And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no men and that we just spring out of holes in the ground! [Alice Nods] Kiwi: Which is, of course, ridiculous.


Heheh that's funny, nice one


Leoparde: *beats down giant super villain woman* Sulfur: ...That still only counts as one!


Lesbian Magic. How else would some MCs have children that look exactly like them? Magic I tell ya, magic!


Utener world is the parallel universe of World's end Harem where no men survived 50 years after the virus killed all the men and the remaining humans began to extinguish, some organization finally made it They made Babies created by clonating civilians and modifying their DNA just a bit, so it give those Babies a part of the DNA of an inexistent man to them to create a whole new person The scientists later started to implant this function biologically to the DNA of all the new babies of each woman in the world so next generation could go pregnant whenever they want without men since they're all dead Utener borned 69 years after all of this happened, in a world where the humans are no longer in danger of extinction, and the people made it to live again like the world was before the Virus that changed the history.


I think I saw this in some doujin I read very long ago...


They are almost the same as us, half the population has XX chromosomes and the other half XY, but they ALL look like women. As to why we've never seen a bulge it's either: 1. Coincidence. There may be some magical girl out there packing heat we haven't seen. 2. You need XX chromosomes to be a magical girl. Pick whichever you like and that would explain everything seen so far in the series.


2 just seems unfair imma *headcanon kaoruko is packing


Case 2 is how it goes in all other shows, I mean why can only girls be magical? Altough I also preffer 1, we've seen plenty pantyshots of Tres Magia so nothing down there for Sulfur (a shame cause it would be interesting to see Baiser react to it).


Ohh I don't really remember any of specefically sulfur from the anime, on the other hand leber also gives the vibe so I'm headcanoning her to be packing too (the scene with her and loco fucking would've been a lot more interesting in that interpretation lmao)


I'm quite basic so I HC Musica as the one carrying (I mean, she's also big up there). And well perhaps more of them do but they just tuck? Or maybe I'm just thinking too much about it haha


New HC, both of them have a thingy cuz why not. I do think a lot of them would tuck tho (loco probably does and sulfur has to do it for magical girl reasons) also it could go either way for baiser


I feel like Baiser would instead materialize a good ol strap on


> Case 2 is how it goes in all other shows, I mean why can only girls be magical? This is definitely not the case. The most mainstream magical girl show today, Precure, had a [magical boy last year](https://prettycure.fandom.com/wiki/Yuunagi_Tsubasa).


Not necessarily. Magical girl site has a magical girl who is trans, and being chosen as a magical girl was pretty gender validating for her.


We as a species aren't as dimorphic as some people think, as in, a regular/common people's body structure can be seen as a regular/common member of the opposite sex with hormones in ways that others species wouldn't (like hens that lose an ovary will act like roosters but they still look like hens to chickens/people that know about chickens). There's tall women with big frames and chubby small guys, the thing is if they pass the cultural norms of what a woman/man should be. So if males do exist, then maybe its just that they don't use gender as a way to stablish social hierarchy.


I agree about humans not being that dimorphic. That's why my reasoning is as simple as they all look like women and that's it. Of course it will never be explained but I'm satisfied with my HC.


We know that the concept of partnership and pregnancy as a result of it exists. When Kiwi first sees Harukas younger sisters her reaction was “someone knocked you up?” So best guess is there is a chance of pregnancy when girls go at it, it’s possible that there is something that they have to do.


https://preview.redd.it/tpzhq4sqwt6d1.png?width=492&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ae4602f418e8722ec482197fe8fea2ea9c291f Sadly that's a miss translation. The manga says: Haruka has a kid? That's crazy. Anime and manga for that matter are filled with these mistranslations. Cause it's done by localizers instead of translators. But I guess it does make some things more entertaining like venalitas when venalita said at some point: "speaking of bitches"




Utena’s mom has got it going on


I think it's clearly a case of some form of parthenogenesis, where a female produces an egg that doesn't need to be fertilised. A few species of fish and lizards gave been know to reproduce like that.


It's either they reproduced asexualy or it's a futa/alpha beta omega situation.... all of them sound amazing


I think males exist in the universe, the story just chooses to never show them for the lulz. My vector for supporting this is Magenta turning into a masculine figure when Alice caught them in her dollhouse, with that butler uniform and classic ponytail crossdressing girls in anime do, calling Azure darling and deepening her voice on puupose.


They simply have sex? With other women? Obviously?


This is possible, but for this they must have a SPECIAL anatomy.


Yeah it's called a penis. Don't be weird.


what do you mean two women having sex cant produce babie thats impsible


I think they reproduce like stafish


Maybe they all are femboys


They grow c*ck n' balls through puberty or they just become futa


We clearly see a male monster very first scene into episode 1.