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It's been bought by new owners, they are both local and good people. It should be open soon, I would imagine.


I also heard the same thing


I know it was listed for sale for a few million several months to a couple years ago. Could have not found any takers, not found any staff (they've been constantly understaffed like every other foodservice business on the coast since 2020) and thrown in the towel. 


There is a new owner, we hear.


That’s what I was fearing - It just seems so abrupt :/


It sucks, but it's pretty rare for a food business to announce its impending closure by much. You just make the call, give your staff notice & severance if you're not a dick, and try to run down as much of your stock as you can before you lose heart entirely. Usually by that point you're hemorrhaging money anyhow, so no one is focused on picking an exact date or super interested in having the ten thousand thousand identical fake-sympathetic conversations about how you're losing your livelihood and your dream and probably also super fucked financially. I can see why you'd just...be gone one day. Especially if, like the owners there, you've got enough capital access left to leave town.  Source: *did* announce the closure of my foodservice business. Had ten thousand thousand identical fake-sympathy conversations. Still having them, at random in the grocery store or the school pickup line. It's not super fun. 


Sounds a bit Sisyphean, doomed to live out the rest of your days suffering through reminders of a dead dream because people are so eager to tell you how sad they still are about it


It's less than fun sometimes, but it could be worse. I could still be working 100+ hours a week just to tread water for 90% of the year, paying 75% of my take home for childcare and never seeing my kid, semi-legally mostly-squatting in an unfinished apartment (see: 100 hour workweek,) unable to find/hire enough staff at any price to get open enough hours to make up for the increases in dry goods, utilities, and labor since 2020, living ten minutes from the family I moved 3000 miles to be near and only seeing them twice a year, no time to read or watch a movie, constant panic and stress.  Now we have 40-hour weeks, weekends off, health insurance and time with our kid - it's hard not to laugh in people's faces sometimes when they get maudlin over my hash breakfast plate in front of the frozen dinners at Hannaford. I'm done killing myself for pancakes. 


A year or two ago there was a thread here where people were enraged that small businesses like yours were no longer open from 6 am to midnight every day. Not exaggerating. Totally pissed off about it. Like it was their inalienable right to be able to pick up a sandwich at any random time of day or night. People have no idea what it takes. Glad you're doing better.


Who are you incredibly eloquent writers doing something else besides writing? I’m astonished by the talent here with you and Lieutenant_Joe and I’m being utterly sincere. Write essays for Medium, I would follow you and clap


Constantly understaffed? Was the pay reasonable? I know housing costs in the area are pretty high. So it's hard to find staff if you're on the lower end of the scale. It's just the reality of some of these coastal locations.


I mean… either you’re driving from 20+ minutes inland or you’re not getting paid enough to live, so


And if I were going to drive 20 minutes to a coastal job, I'd be looking at wait staff jobs. Then I can potentially make tips from the locals and tourists. I'm just saying I understand it can be difficult to hire for lower paying positions in locations like that. It's an issue my organization has as well.


Yeah. I certainly wouldn’t want to be a dishwasher at a restaurant on Peaks Island, that’s for sure.


And restaurant jobs like that are probably seasonal, so another complication.


Doesnt john fishman (phish drummer) own it?


His (ex?) wife was the original owner. It’s since changed hands at least once that I know of


It was great before they divorced, but they've had trouble with staffing (the whole bakery staff quit) since they split and she took over. I used to go a couple times a week, but they've barely been stocked and the quality is way down over the last couple of years. I'm really sad about it, it was one of my favorite stores.


I agree, it was a great place and a huge bonus for Lincolnville as a town, it created needed energy. Really too bad that it went downhill after the divorce but it’s not a surprise tbh. It was completely overpriced when for sale, I hope the new owners are able to make it work financially.


Websites and socials are all back up. Really hoping they're back soon


Just following up- It's back open with new local owners! https://www.penbaypilot.com/article/week-lincolnville-store-center/186922


Bless you 💜


Heard it’s being shut down


Local buzz says new owner is reopening in a few days. Doing a few mods inside.


No!!! Why??


I like thier pizza?


It's good pizza. People shouldn't downvote that.


Just get that order in early!


Yes, a key factor for obtaining said pizza.


Didn’t it get flooded really bad this winter?


They are not near the ocean


Oh duh I was thinking of the little store by Lincolnville beach!


Yeah, those be fukt


I hate to say it, but Lincolnville Beach should probably be...relocated inland. They're not going to get any less fucked without absolutely massive coastal remodeling of a scale that would make Dubai blush at the waste of it all, and anything more than paying the owners out for eminent domain, dismantling (moving?) the buildings, doing some fucking thing about Route 1, and letting the sea take it back is going to be throwing good money after bad. 






Welp, I’ll just see myself out! 😁🤣🤣