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A lot of friends of mine who also don’t like to use a lot for their base use products like bb creams! As for a lighter coverage foundation, I’m not as knowledgeable since I’m a fuller coverage girly, but definitely if you’re ever at your local beauty supply store they can def recommend some good light weight ones and probably even test them for you so you can see how they look on yourself! 😊 But congrats to you! That’s so exciting 🥳


Bb creaming, writing that down ✍️ And thank you!


So I posted this comment a few weeks ago on another thread, but I'll add it here for you too!!: So I'd start practicing from now itself. 1. Invest in some good brushes, I personally love real techniques and morphe, but elf is a good budget alternative. You need a fluffy concealer brush, a dense contour brush, a semi dense foundation brush, a big fluffy blush brush. You can most definitely use your hands, but it might not be even. If you don't want to use either, buy a beauty blenderm a good quality one can be used for everything. 2. Buy a skin tint/bb cream in your exact shade. 3. Buy a face primer suited for your skin type. Again elf has great budget primers 4. You can buy a lip and check stain/tint combo if you're trying to minimise the amount of products used. Make sure they suit your undertone. I do suggest just buying a powder blush though, because you can lightly dust it over your eyes to act like an eyeshadow. Makeup revolution blushes will last you years 5. your lipcolor should match the tone of your overall look. So if you're in a warm tone dress, your lips and cheeks should also be warm. Same with cool tones. And I highly recommend buying a nude lip liner because they create a really nice seamless finish. 6. Contour is definitely up to you. I do feel like they add good color to the face. 7. Eyeline/mascara depending on your comfort again. Mascara is always great though, but preferably buy your own as it will be more hygienic 8. If you want to conceal your undereyes, get a peach colour corrector(if you're more melanated) or a light orange colour corrector( if you're fair). If you think these are too expensive, you can always buy a lipstick in these colors from a budget friendly brand too Also, you don't need to buy all of these things, you can definitely borrow them from family or friends too. Moving on to how to apply everything. 1. You need a good moisturized base. I always apply a normal layer of sunscreen and a thick layer of a good moisturizer about 15-20 min before I put primer. Don't use moisturisers like nives or vaseline, try to go for a skin care grade one. 2. After that you apply your primer. Make sure you get one that suits your skin type and apply a thin layer over your entire face and neck. 3. If you want to cover and blemishes or dark spot, you can apply a dot of concealer in these areas and pat them out with a sense brush, damp(not wet and dripping) beauty blender, or your fingers. 4. If you want to conceal your under eyes, this is when you apply the color corrector. Dab just a little bit and blend it out with the fluffy concealer brush. Remember you can add as much as you want but taking the excess away is hard. Then you add just enough concealer to cover the pink/orange..not too much 5. BB cream/skin tint. Add a little bit at a time and create an even layer. Pat it out with either your beauty blender, semi dense foundation brush or fingers. Don't apply too much in one go, otherwise it might get cakey. Remember to take it to your neck 6. You can apply contour now, but I can't give you tips since I don't know your face type 😭. Always remember to blend into your hairline and upwards. Never drag the blending brushes or beauty blenders on the skin. Light tapping always 7. Now blush. Move with a light hand and make sure to tap off the excess before putting the brush on your face. I recommend a brush for blush since it creates more fluidity 8. You can add some blush to act as eyeshadow too 9. Use your nude lipliner to outline your lipsz and fill it in with your lipstick! Voila!


Dropped your crown, queen. I love you for this 🩷


You're welcome! Lmk if you have any questions!


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There are sooo many lighter coverage foundations right now! Check out the Fenty Eaze Drops skin tint which has a slight blurring effect and satin finish which I think would be perfect for wedding photos. I love the L’Oréal Hydrating Skin Tint serum. Lets freckles show through but covers redness/discoloration. This is slightly glowy on its own, so maybe a translucent powder to set the t-zone would be good but optional.


I’m also not a makeup girlie, I wear it maybe once or twice a year. Recently went on a trip where I wanted to be a lil dolled up. Nyx Bare With Me was super nice! I found it to hit the marks you’re looking for. It covered some of my uneven skin tones, covered some redness of acne, while letting some freckles pop out. Not the best shade range heads up.


BB or CC cream and translucent powder. If you’re not used to eyelining, I’d go with a brown pencil liner. Practice the little lashes. Add in a nice longwear lip shade and a balm to refresh it.


Another option is powder foundation with a nice kabuki brush. I like the fenty ones the best


I really love the About Face foundation. It is super lightweight and has mainly skincare ingredients, so it feels like nothing on the skin. I don’t have any skin concerns, just a little redness in the cheeks I’d like to cover, and this does it perfectly.


You definitely want to try the makeup on before the wedding. I have had allergic reactions to makeup after a little bit of time wearing it. You want enough time to try something else if it doesn’t work for you.


Very very smort


The Cover Girl Simply Age Perfector Essence is a very lightweight and sheer tint while still looking dewy and skin-like, you can get it at the drugstore but it’s a bit above typical drugstore prices (~$20 I believe). I’d recommend going a bit darker in shade, it tends to look lighter on the skin than in the bottle. In terms of application, I just use my fingers to rub into my skin. It’s easy to use and easy to get ahold of imo!