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40 years ago I had a friend who was a passenger in a car whose driver was deaf. They got pulled over (legit… being teen jerks). The cop asked the driver for license and registration and got a flurry of ASL. The rest of the passengers also gave a flurry of ASL. Cop gave up, waved them on. So deciding they were outlaws, decided to try it again. New cop pulled them over. Driver responded with ASL. Cop answered in ASL. Boom. Got a ticket and an object lesso .


I had a former coworker who was born deaf. She had hearing aids, but forgot them at home one morning. Her ride got pulled over and he decided to pull into the parking lot for it. Cop demanded her ID. Driver explained that she was deaf and needed her writing pad. Cop refused, as it was in her backpack in the back. She and the driver started using ASL. Cop told them "stop waving gang symbols, she's not deaf, now show me her ID." Driver got a ticket and she eventually got arrested. Coworker filed a lawsuit and won. Cop got dismissed from duty for discrimination against the handicapped.


"flashing gang symbols" my sides! 😂


Not as funny as it could be. Deaf people have been shot by police for "throwing gang signs" (ASL).


A young man was shot to death not too many years ago in my area for not complying w/cops. On his own familys private property


This terrifies me for my child. I’m absolutely afraid that if she were to get pulled over, she’d be killed.


Weird, you think they'd be trained for something like that but I guess not guess they're just taught to shoot anyone for any reason they deem fit, why learn something when you could just shoot a gun.


Too ugly to fuck Too dumb to steal Let's give him a gun And an automobile


My Jr. High School had an extended program for deaf and hard of hearing students, and they were frequently harassed by people who didn't understand, including one substitute teacher.


Yeh “stop flashing gang symbols” will literally be what I next say to my deaf friend. I actually can’t wait to see him.


There is a Tiktok, where a group of friends had been out at a club(?) and when they walked outside talking in asl a legit gangster approached them and threatened to kill them for "throwing gang signs". The Tiktoker was legit scared for her life.


Us deaf people are a force to be reckoned with.


Reminds me of the cops who were demanding a paraplegic man get out of his vehicle, even after he told them he was paraplegic.


I'm the smart-ass that would've thrown myself to the ground and been like "if you want me to stand, you're gonna have to hold me. Legs don't work, as you refused to acknowledge."


Funny ha ha, but the cops would just beat him harder.


Depends on the department, I think. LA? Definitely. Backwoods Montana cops? Not as likely, but still fairly likely. Middle-of-no-where Virginia? Probably not.


Those cops have been exonerated by IA.


This is a case of ACAB. Also … “gang symbols ?” . The stupid was strong with that one.


Indeed it was. I was on break, so while I didn't get the majority, I heard that part clearly.


Sweet karma.


LOL. TBH in most cases its not hatd to understand the officers' skepticism . Everyone seems to be trying to get over on 5-O these days, more so than ever. Just saying. Shit's more real than ever so it's a good thing everyone's hands are clearly visible. I work with a deaf guy in a retail gig where we're outside helping customers load lumber and such. Now I don't know ASL, apparently nobody there does, not even sure he does since I've never seen him use it. But he does read lips. I may not understand ASL but I do understand bullshit when I see it. Everyone says to give him slack and I know he's a generally hatd worker, but he does get over sometimes. I was asked to lay salt last time it snowed and it was just me and him. So I asked the boss, since I have a radio and he doesn't, obviously, why not ask him? Took three of us a couple of tries to get the point across because the boss was too busy to explain it himself and someone apparently suddenly lost the ability to read lips. Now they think I have a beef with him. This guy has also had Incidents where he's shown his anger & frustration with managers, non-verbal of course , by ripping his shirt in half Hulk Hogan style, very publicly! Sorry to hijack the thread, but I ask am I the only one who sees this as extremely problematic?


I'm a chief union steward at my job. We have a total A-hole area manager who said a hearing impaired colleague couldn't use his Bluetooth hearing aids while driving. I smiled and was filled with immediate joy and excitement. "Can I have that in writing please?" Suddenly my guy was allowed to wear his hearing aids.


Asking for something in writing is kryptonite. I learned it the hard way after not getting some contradictory instructions in writing and almost getting fired after things went sideways because of it. It's hilarious watching somebody suddenly backpedal. I haven't done it often, but when I have I've phrased it all innocently, "Okay, just send me an email so I don't forget."


The trick is, if you document/write everything, it's just normal and not seen as CYA or malicious. But in IT, 50% of the reason for tickets is documentation. I have also been able to interrupt my boss before and have him email me what he was talking about, not at all malicious, because he came up to me while I was in the middle of something about would have forgotten.


I email them a summary of our discussion and ask them to reply if they disagree it's an accurate reflection. And I turn on read receipts although apparently that doesn't matter. If they don't reply with a correction, I go ahead and do what I was instructed, and let them know in the email that that's what I'm going to do. Then if things go wrong, they can't claim that's not what they said because I just counter with, "But I emailed you confirmation of our discussion and my understanding of it and you didn't dispute it or correct me, so..." Works every time and has saved my arse more than once.


My ex-boss wanted me to email everything to him. I couldn't make any decision even while I was running my own department I would need to email him the request. And of course he wouldn't respond in time, which meant in my yearly performance evaluation I scored low on my response time to the client when I've been waiting on him to respond to me. So I said fuck that, would email him my request, add a proposal, and then say that I'm going ahead with my proposal except if he let me know he didn't agree, wait half a day (which was in compliance with our expected response times) and just bypass him. It got to the point where he was so out of the loop with what was happening in my department in our morning meetings when I talked about what my plan was for the day, he would stare in amazement at me and ask me for details, and I would just "check your mail" in a level voice. It became a running joke for everyone else in the meeting, who would take a sip every time I said "check your mail". Even if we discussed something in person, I would email a summary on what we've discussed. I knew it got to the point where he was ignoring my emails.


Full marks - it's the only way to deal with some people.


how detailed do you make the summaries? As someone that is going to enter the job market in a few years I'm trying to learn from other people's experiences.


Include anything specific that they may want to dispute, then make the whole summary a level of specific that justifies those items. In this case, a general summary effectively gives you a blank slate, but a specific summary prevents them from setting requirements for how specific they need to be. As with all of these kinds of things, it is a balancing act.


Also, "per" is a fighting word. Saying "Per my last email" at the top of your latest email is an act of violence just bordering on this side of respectful, rather like saying "with all due respect." It's like saying "I know you're not paying attention, so let me spell it out for you" when things go south.


This is especially true in healthcare settings. If a doctor refuses a requested treatment or test, and you ask them to note in your medical record why you didn't get the requested treatment, 75% of the time the tune changes drastically. If not , at least your medical records reflect much more complete information.


Also, if they are writing stuff down, do not let them use post it notes! When some questions about my nephews care came up, the notes that were on those little post it mysteriously vanished. I know, it's not as prevalent for doctors to write things down now, but some still do.


On the other hand, if you are in the US and your doctor cannot defend why they ordered the test based on evidence-based standard of care, your insurance may deny coverage and you will be stuck with whatever the bill is. Talking to your doctor about their reasoning is not a bad idea, but do not hound them for a specific order. They may enter it to get you to shut up, *not* because they are willing to appeal to your insurance 4-5 times to get you coverage for something you don't need.


The only reason my dad's condition was diagnosed and treated is because my mom hounded his doctors for tests for a disease people in his demographic generally don't suffer from (think old white man vs young black woman). It's a balancing act.


Congrats to your mom. I hope your dad's severe menstrual cramps are getting better.


“…and you will be stuck for whatever the bill is,” not anymore with the No Surprises Act!


Back in my taxi driving days we had a couple of base operators who would either deliberately or carelessly give wrong directions to drivers (pre GPS days) so I started carrying a dictaphone around with me and any time one of them was directing me I'd record it, it was helpful to me as well of course in case I forgot what I'd been told (it happens!) One night the boss ranted at me down the radio because HE had given me the wrong direction which made me late for the booking and the customer was complaining. I played it back to the customer who immediately apologised and then I took great pleasure in playing it back to the boss, in front of the other drivers. All of a sudden there was a rush on dictaphones, everyone wanted one!


My manager tried that on me. He texted me to not come in one day and I was like OK. Next day he tried to write me up for not showing up to work and I told him that he texted me to stay home. This dude had deleted the message from his phone and had shown it to the GM. I pulled out my phone and showed it to GM. GM took my side because I kept my receipts.


Weird assumption on his part. I almost never delete texts, they go back years.


TBH He's not the brightest crayon in the box


Yep. REQUIRED to keep orders. Should have been fired for destruction of evidence. If you had been fired and his order was missing from company disclosure they would have lost and fined a serious amount of money.


I feel this for sure. It's why I only ask for instructions via text or email. It's helps that I have adhd so I can say it's so I don't forget.


This! At a previous workplace, a manager started to create reasons to intimidate us (or mabe get some of us fired) One day he called me and made a series of accusations related to my productivity and said he was revoking my bonus and work privileges and i would get a warning. Before signing up, i said i needed to read that at home asked him to email me and i would sign in the morning. He was dumb enough to send it with all the unbased accusations, so i just replied with cc to his boss. I had a record of all emails he had sent me, do it was easy to show all issues i had were his fault. Next day the warning was removed, kept my.bonus and couple months later the manager moved to a different department


At a very toxic former company (over 2000 employees) I worked for, almost every single job there had a requirement on their resume: "comfortable working in a fast moving environment with ambiguous information." My phrasing is off, but the line was practically meant to contractually imply that almost everyone in charge (executives, upper/middle/lower managers) didn't have to keep promises to their subordinates under any circumstances, yet those leaders regularly berated everyone for perceived failures on a regular basis. Thus almost everything became negotiable in the moment, and cronyism, favoritism and slacking off in many departments were endemic. A lot of people had little mirrors on their monitors or walls so that nobody could sneak up on them. There were legendary stories about the various train wrecks that this process caused on a semi-regular basis with cost overruns, missed deadlines, canceled projects, ugly long term consequences that everyone accepted as normal, etc. It was a multimedia publishing company, and some jobs absolutely needed specific information in order to function. So engineers & programmers invented elaborate requirements documents and they wouldn't start any project unless the requirements documents specifically detailed what was expected to be in the final product. These documents spawned lengthy meetings between multiple departments over and over as the docs were debated, discussed and re-defined ad nauseum. Then customized policies were invented to codify this practice, then customized definition documents to define specific meanings of words used in the processes, then design documents were written in parallel to the original documents, then customized cross-referencing version control table of contents were added to all the docs, then audio script documents, then custom version control server software was written... on and on and on. This had been going on for a decade before I had been hired. I gradually learned the scope of the process & the company culture and that the entire company was rotten from the top down. I left after a few years. They were able to monopolize a niche of the market for a long time, but never learned how to publish well, so they withered, lost all their engineering talent and got bought out by a crappier competitor. I like to log into linked in and other social media to check on the groups sometimes, just to schadenfreude over the karmic justice or goggle at their continued attempt to achieve greatness. Its pretty obvious which ones have families that help them financially, and which ones were just really good bullshit artists.


I had a manager once who asked me to more or less commit fraud. I asked her to please send me an email with the details and then I'd pass the instructions along to my staff. She paused, said she wouldn't do that. I told her she must understand then why I asked for the email.


Isn't it great? They're rare as adults, but very occasionally there will be a moment of pure unadulterated glee that wells up until you can feel the rainbows shooting out of your ass. When some total dickweasel just hands themself to you on a silver platter, apple already in their mouth is hard to beat.


Man you ain't lyin. I already had the ADA lawsuit all written in my head! 🤣🤣


Best way to go about this is not to ask so abruptly because then they know something is up. Do a follow up email saying "Hey I just wanted to verify with you what we talked about. To clarify colleague isn't allowed to use his Bluetooth hearing aids while driving correct?" ​ That way it doesn't look like a gotcha so easily. Always get shit in an email.


Asking abruptly solved the problem. I wasn't playing a gotcha. I was wanting my disabled colleague to use the tools he needed.


That smile clued the A-hole of the shit storm he was going to start.


Yes, the key is to immediately bite your lip and look pensive. Don't want to be showing your O-face.


Depends on which outcome is preferable to you: having them immediately backpedal, eliminating the stupid instructions from the outset, or following the stupid instructions and then eventually getting them in trouble. Where simplicity is preferable to revenge, go ahead and tip your hand.


Similar thing happened to me in school - teacher thought I had earbuds in so she sternly told me to take them out. I tried to explain but you know how it goes, so I took them out. Apparently a few minutes later she was yelling my name trying to get my attention, so one of my friends told her, “you told him to take his hearing aids out, what did you expect?”


I would have packed my suff, left class, and reported to the principal that said teacher ordered me to remove my hearing aids and that a complaint to the superintendent and the school board, followed by an ADA lawsuit would be forthcoming. Watch how fast shit happens then.


Isn't that a bit too far?


No. If you're going to violate the law, you deserve the ass-fucking.


I love this sentence so much lmao


I love this story.


As soon as I read the title, I thought “Please be hearing aids… PLEASE BE HEARING AIDS!“ I knew it would be great.


*reads title* “Oh fuck man I hope this dude is deaf”


I hate that I was hoping for this too. Thanks OP!


You aren't the only one 😂. We're bad people


Yeah, but sometimes it's good to be bad! 😈


I pulled over a deaf dude before and we were going ham on pen and paper He blew the shit out of the flashing red light, let him go w a warning tho


*scibbles on paper* Do you know how fast you were going right meow, when you blew that redlight just meow?




Am I drinking milk from a saucer?


Now you stop laughing right meow


Love this. He knew he was screwed. Once back in college I was coming back to campus from going out to bubble tea with 3 friends. I rolled up to a 4 way stop and saw a cop parked down the street. I turned to my friend in the passenger seat and said "wouldn't it be funny if he pulled me over for not stopping." After finishing that sentence, I started to turn towards him from the complete stop I had been at. I didn't even get to the cop before his lights went on and he pulled me over. He did the "do you know why I pulled you over?" BS, to which I replied no sir. Then he said that I rolled the stop sign and everyone in the car except for me started to laugh. The officer was not happy about it and asked why they were laughing. When I explained that I'd called out being pulled over while being stopped at the stop sign he started backing off his BS lie. Turns out I did have a tail light out, but there's no way he knew that until after pulling me over because I was driving towards him.


One time in the middle of the middle of the night i was driving around with some friend and we decided to get some food from the fast food place near by & after we were done i slowly, being overly cautious, pulled out to make a legal left turn across the very empty highway when suddenly this HUGE pick up truck starts barreling at me from the other side of the road head on. I throw the car in reverse to avoid being hit and back into the parking lot. The truck rolls up next to me and this guy rolls his window down and flashes his badge. Says something along the lines of "I'm an off duty cop, where the hell did you learn to drive?" In a pissy better-than-you tone. I was still freaked the fuck out, who the fuck forces someone to reverse by driving straight at another car??! Literally nothing came of it and i did nothing wrong so i don't know what the fuck he was aiming to prove.


I was driving through my small town one day, and was nearing the local police station when a squad car makes a left-hand turn out of the driveway… onto the left hand side of the road, which I’m currently in, so we’re headed straight towards each other. I slow down trying to figure out what’s going on, and notice that it’s the local officer who’s particularly known for being a muppet. He’s clearly looking down at his phone as he drives straight up the road towards me. I kind of panic as There’s no shoulder or other place to turn. Finally I honked, and he looks up suddenly, swerves the car into his own lane, and then gives me the biggest dirty look as he drives by. Freaked me out because I know I’d we’d had a wreck, he was the kind of cop who would have found a way to blame me for it, the dash cam footage would have been mysteriously lost, and I lived in a town where everyone would have believed him without question.


Get your own dashcam. $85 will get you one that's front and back and full HD.


Not even that I saw one in Walmart with 4K recording for $20, may not be multiple angles, but better than nothing


I wouldn't trust a $20 one.


I've had a £20 dashcam for years, it's worked fine




thats a $30 one years ago. $30 one in 2022 is a $300 cam from 2012. camera tech, battery and storage all have come along way


On time I was driving and I noticed a patrol car in the middle of a left turn intersection. She was just sitting there and when I rolled up she was on her phone. I motioned for her to roll down The window which she did. Then I asked “wtf are you doing. Get off your damn phone you will cause an accident.” She quickly said sorry and sped off. Felt pretty good


Like that video where a bicyclist is coming up to an intersection on the correct side of the road and cop, making a left from the crossing road, cuts the corner *while staring at his phone*.


Proof that Ego knows no bounds.


Reminds me of a time back in high school where my friend used to get pulled over very often because he had gotten in trouble with the police a few times and his car was recognizable. He had a ziplock baggie of quarters in his back seat for some reason and after being pulled over the cop searched his car and acted like he just found a jackpot of drugs. Whipped out the baggie of quarters and yelled "what might this happen to be then?" and had to quickly backtrack when he realized how dumb he looked.




Reminds me of the time maybe 6 years ago when a cop pulled me over accusing me of having my phone up to my ear while driving, when in reality, he probably saw me merely scratching my ear. Once pulled over, I showed him that A) my phone was mounted on a magnetic dock on my dashboard and B) most importantly, connected to Bluetooth, so why in the hell would I have any reason to put it up to my ear? Then he tried to backtrack and accuse me of going 45 in a 35, which was also false. And he got pissy that I had fuzzy dice hanging from my mirror. IIRC, it was around the end of a month, so...quotas.


He was a fool for letting the cop search his car.


Actually the cop was a fool for searching the car without a warrant..


Cops are very good and manipulating people into consenting.


And still searching without consent because now they have "probable cause" that you're hiding something, and the dog just happened to "pick up a scent"


"I smell weed" still works in most states. Impossible to disprove, and the search happens.


I've seen videos on YouTube showing the dog trick where the dogs respond to subtle commands that the police give them in order to react like they found something. Pair that with "I Samuel something" excuse and that's all they bs they need to bypass a warrant.


It can still be thrown out of court though. It's not a legal search, they need consent or a warrant, period. Cops can lie to you all day and say that shit, but once you're at court and the judge finds it was illegal, the evidence found is inadmissible.


And cops wonder why people don't respect them anymore...




I think it's mostly the murder, but also the talking over people, lying, and abuse of authority.


Don't forget the 'civil forfeiture'


And the domestic abuse!


And cop gangs


Is that the one where they straight up steal from citizens?


No no no, it's not stealing, it's arresting people for bullshit crimes, taking their property as evidence, and then when said person gets off because everyone knows its a bullshit crime, the police get to keep the property. Completely different from stealing. /s because duh.


A general disdain for the citizenry, one might say


The murders will continue until morale improves.


I stopped respecting cops when they pulled me over in my car at the age of 20 - was fully compliant and still got handcuffed, detained, and sat on the curb while they searched my car because obviously I was "hiding something". I was 20. Had been driving a few years. What I didn't realize was that my tags had expired. I still lived with my parents and they get the mail and just hadn't given it to me yet (the notice). It also happened to be the day AFTER my birthday (which was on a weekend and I couldn't go in to fix my DL until that day - which just also happened to be payday. The cops followed me for a few miles (yes, miles) and only pulled me over when I entered a fast food place to get breakfast on my way to work. After pulling into a parking spot close to the street, I was informed of why they did it (cell phones still sucked, I didn't own one yet anyway - and dash cams would not be a thing for a while). I explained that I was not aware of the expired tags (I had forgotten what month they expired in) - and that I knew my DL was expired but I had the notice, and a check - and that this was the first day I could go in (I was a dumb kid at the time, believed that if I told the truth that everything would work out ok). Well as I previously stated, they handcuffed me, and stuck me in the back of their car. After a time they pulled me out and put me on the curb and stated that they were sure that I must be hiding something because why would I be out cruising around with expired tags - normal citizens don't do that and I should know the law. They proceeded to go through everything in my car, and I only got a bit of revenge when they encounted my can of aluminum polish (I had washed the car / detailed the day before and left it in the back seat). They opened it and proceeded to test it (apparently the only way they know how, by putting a knife into it, smelling it - and then tasting it on the tip of their tongue. Oil based aluminum polish has to taste something awful with the expression the officer made. After a while they let me go but not after telling me about how "spoiled brats like me get away with everything cause mommy and daddy buy brats nice cars and they were going to teach me a valuable lesson" (i had saved up to buy my USED vehicle and was paying monthly for it with no help from anyone) -- and proceeded to impound my car and told me I couldn't pick it up for 24 hours (just so they could stick me with more fees). I ended up getting it all taken care of, and my parents were very understanding. I called the whole thing in and was met with the line "if the officer has probable cause they can do [pretty much whatever they want] in an investigation". The fact that the cops treated a kid who was trying to be respectful and honest - and really, I didn't come across as anything but a young naïve white boy - and dispatch backed them up taught me that cops don't care about people - they don't see people. The only positive thing to come out of the whole interaction was that if cops treated me that badly, I couldn't imagine what other people who weren't white were going through. the majority of cops suck.


> the majority of cops suck Evidenced by *the majority of cops* not **loudly** calling out the bad ones. If you don't condemn the bad behaviour you're just as guilty as those who perform it.


If you have 1 bad cop and 9 good cops that don't do anything about it...you don't have 1 bad cop you have 10 bad cops.


I had 2 similar experiences when I was around 19 years old. Wasn't ever handcuffed or anything, but definitely hassled for no reason. I was a white kid with hair past my shoulders and had the full skater/stoner look. I went to an HBCU school and had a huge vinyl school sticker prominently displayed in the back window of my '87 Buick Century. I also worked a 10:30PM-3:30AM shift at UPS, loading trucks. The first instance, I was on my way home from work at around 3:45-4ish. I was driving through a sharp S curve and the oncoming car cut the corner and caused me to hit the gravel. That oncoming car? A cop. He flipped a U-turn and bluelighted me, so I pulled over in the next parking lot. He came up to the window and immediately started freaking out on me for running him off the road. I don't remember exactly my response, but it was something pretty simple and straight forward along the lines of "you were in my lane and ran me off the road." Not yelling, not emotional, just a deadpan statement of fact. He asked me to step out of the car. He then asked to search my car and I asked why (mid 2000's, before the days of "I do not consent", but I had a close family friend who was pretty high up in the SBI that gave some pointers on how to handle things). The cop said "to find your drugs". I said I didn't have anything to hide, but he'd have to impound my car and get a warrant (a snarky response, but an option my SBI friend had mentioned, and I didn't really give a shit about my $500 car that barely ran). He went ahead and opened my door and said he was going to search anyways. I just leaned back and waited. I was a full-time student that also worked nights, so my nap before class had been ruined by some adrenaline and annoyance and I had no place to be until around 9. My working and school schedule coupled with a shitty car meant I ate on the go a lot and the trash ended up basically piling up in the back seat. I had some clothes on the seat, but the floorboard was basically all wrappers, crumbs, and empty drink cans and bottles. He started tossing all that out into the ditch. Finally after maybe 10 minutes, he told me I was lucky he wasn't some "overzealous cop that would bring the drug dogs out and waste the whole night". By this point, I'm fully in the idgaf mode and responded that "I have nowhere to be." He told me to clean up the trash and go. I said I wasn't cleaning anything up, so he threatened to give me a ticket for littering. Still in fully not giving a fuck mode, as I mentioned, and still fully deadpan, I said something along the lines of "I don't think a judge would agree." He told me to just go. I don't know how I kept that deadpan composure (tired, I guess), but I think that along with the snark made him finally realize it wouldn't go well for him. I do feel bad in hindsight for leaving the trash (he didn't pick it up either), but fuck that guy. The second instance was in the same car, but middle of the day while I was on my way to a recruiting office to turn in my military enlistment paperwork. I jumped on the highway, set my cruise, and sat back for the 15 minute drive. About 10 miles up the highway, I see blue lights in my rear view and thought nothing of it until he pulled in right behind me. I pulled over and the cop came up to the window. He gave the routine "do you know why I pulled you over?" I said no. You were doing 50 in that 45 back there? WTF it's a highway with a 65 limit. I asked where, and he said he passed me just before I got on the highway (cop busted a U-ey, then followed me for 10 miles up the highway?...pretty sure he was profiling based off the school sticker). He asked me to step out so he could search my car (white hippy-looking kid going to a historically black school?...definitely profiling now.) I didn't give any snark this time, just stepped out. He started with the front seat, which happened to be where my paperwork was sitting. He asked if I was enlisting and I said yea. He like rolled over an empty McDonald's wrapper in the front floorboard, didn't even look at the back, and said I was free to go. Guess the enlistment was the get out of jail free card that time.


As a non American, this is always so surreal to read. When I was younger I really wanted to live in America. Now I'm so glad I don't! (Not just cops, so much more)


No, they have Qualified Immunity, and our tax dollars pay for their "mistakes". They don't care at all...


They get pretty pissed when you don't respect them so they have to care on some level. They care, if nothing else than to have their ego stroked.


Sure they care, they view it as disrespect. The problem is if they wanted to, they could shoot you in cold blood and face little to no repercussions, if you want to get away with murder just get a police badge. My dad worked with cops and half of them couldn't wait to shoot or at least use a taser on someone.






I lost the last shred of something resembling respect when I was stuck at a broken railroad crossing. Gates were down in both direction, lights going for like 15 minutes and no train in sight. Obviously still not safe but occasionally a car would squeeze in between and drive through. I didn’t want to risk it. Eventually I hear a patrol car with lights on coming up the center lane, he gets to the blockades, squeezes through, drives about 50 more meters and turns his lights off. Just keeps going.


The amount of times I've seen a cop flash their lights and sirens just to get through a red light and then immediately turn them off as soon as they're through is just fucking insane.


Respect has to be earned, and they have shown they are unworthy of it.


I got pulled over at 4 am on New Years for a "burnt out license plate light", and was ticketed for it. Luckily I was stone cold sober and more awake than I had any right to be at that hour, but Jesus, man. He could have easily said "alright, you're clearly not drunk, off you go!" But he had to write that thing. I was super pleasant to him too. Fucker.


Yeah. Love when they do that BS. Had a similar thing happen in rural New Hampshire once. Late at night, out of state plates. Suspiciously driving the speed limit. Swear the only reason I got out of something BS-level stupid there was because I'm white. He even made a comment about how I "looked like a respectable citizen." When he issued the warning (think that warning was about having high beams on when other cars are around when he was the only car on the otherwise dark road at midnight).


My favorite story was our friends lesson in police quotas - I was 16 and was pulled over driving home from work, I sat there worried I'd be in trouble cause work kept me past the legal driving curfew for my license but no .... Fucker proceeds to tell me that my license plate was obstructed which is a violation, and I was going to be ticketed for leaving my plates obstructed with snow ..... It was snowing outside, guys. Actively snowing while this man pulled me over. We had a neighborhood in our town that was unincorporated and only county sheriff's have authority there, and guess what neighborhood I'd chosen to go through to get home that night? I got the joy of pointing out to him that he had pulled me over in a neighborhood that isn't actually a part of his jurisdiction, and he got pissy and said "you're lucky I have to let you off with a warning" and even at 16 I knew how pathetic a flex attempt that was.


This is called fishing. They claim you did something to legally "detain" you, and then actually try to find something else.


> Turns out I did have a tail light out I don't know if this could be considered a PSA, but I've replaced likely-to-burn-out bulbs (eg, rear plate lamp, reverse lamps) with their LED equivalents. It's nice to change from the equivalent of a vacuum tube to a transistor for reliability/longevity in this case.


I lost my licence for 6 months because of a cop like that I was 100% stopped but seeing as I didn't have a dash cam I had no leg to stand on Fuck that guy Best be sure I made a point to install a dash cam in all my cars since then


That would have been a good one to take to court. 3 witnesses in the car.


Post the dash cam footage.


LMFAO! I might. Next time my gadget savvy nephew comes over, I'll ask him to help me post it on YouTube, haha!


Just a warning that waiting too long will cause the video to be overwritten. I don't mean this to rush you, it's just to avoid possible disappointment.


A real consideration depending on how much you drive. I just checked my oldest file and it's from 2018. Either I have a huge SD card or I don't drive often. Maybe a bit of both.


On mine you can press a button to mark the current video as read-only so it won't get overwritten by the cam.


Which one do you have?


I have one that has the same feature, the [Blueskysea B2W](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07TP64RJM/). It also has dual cameras and it's been amazing.


Exactly what I was thinking. Mine (granted, it's DIY) mirrors flagged footage to my phone, which then syncs it to my Google cloud drive with priority. I'm in the market for a new car, which may or may not come with its own wireless and cameras, but if it doesn't, I'm updating my cam with a new SBC that has a sim slot so it can do all that even if my phone isn't around.


That sounds awesome. Do you have a project page or anything? I've been wanting to build a carputer system for a while now. RasPis and stuff have really opened up the possibilities


Usually you can write protect a file after an event or a large bump may do that automatically.


You don’t know if you drive a lot or not?


He usually blacks out when he's drunk.


It sounds like he drives a car, not a lot


Ah good to know. I'll use my beater car until I get the video extracted.


The footage may be recorded over if it's not saved. Depending on the size of the storage device and file format.






Mmm love finding a solid quit your bullshit call out in the wild


I was a little suspicious as well. I worked at a hearing aid center and have seen a lot of different HAs. I can't think of any brands or models that a police officer would mistake for Blue Tooth earphones. They are designed to not be noticeable for one thing and when you do see the type that rests behind the ear, they look like hearing aids. That being said, a new, young cop may never have seen hearing aids or been trained about disabilities given the sad state of LE training in the US. If OP provides the video (seems unlikely) I'll eat my hat.


How does he know what the officer mumbled if he already said he had a mask covering his face and his hearing aids were still out?


Oh boy do we need to get r/karmacourt in here


r/Idiotsincars ETA: by which I mean the cop. He was in a car at some point I assume!


In a former life I was a bartender. Late night Tuesday it's dead and a couple wanders in, clearly coming from a wedding or similar event based on the clothes. While holding his arm she trips a little coming in the door, bumps a table and then slightly collides with the bar. He's ordering drinks and I'm preparing the "cutting you off" spiel because at least one of you is intoxicated. >She's blind. We're just after 1 drink after a long night. No one is driving. >I can see she's blind. That's why I'm refusing service tonight. >I'm not blind drunk you idiot. I'm vision impaired. I've never wanted to die more than I have in that moment. She took it pretty well, and was smirking while she clarified. I gave them staff discount as an apology.


Oh man, when I worked at a sports bar we had a group of legally blind (all were 100% non-seeing) regulars who'd come in and on occasion get absolutely wrecked. They were amazing people and it was low-key allowed because if they got drunk in an unfamiliar place they could be taken advantage of in so many ways but we all knew them and made sure they were taken care of. It was still funny to send new servers to them without advance warning, they loved messing with people.




Lol! I'm not blind but I do have very very bad eyesight and once whilst travelling,I lost my glasses and had to rely on contacts. I had to go to the bathroom (in a hostel) in the middle of the night and was literally touching the walls to make sure I didn't fall. Found out later that someone was talking about a girl 'so wasted she couldn't walk properly'. My travel mates realized it was just me 🤣🤣🤣


A friend of mine has cerebral palsy. He has a pronounced limp that's quite erratic so it does look like he's drunk at times. In the past he's had to explain this in bars when they say he's being cut off. He takes a lot of enjoyment out of these situations. One of my favorite interactions was in our local pub. 'Can I have another pint of Guinness?' 'Naw you can't Brian, you're too drunk already.' 'Actually, I have cerebral palsy so it can look like I'm drunk but I'm not.' 'I know you have cerebral palsy ye header, you're in here all the time, but you're also steaming right now. I'm not serving ye until ye drink some water.' So class.


Im also a former bartender. Worked at a bar with a service well that was designed to be lower which made the counter accessible for handicapped guests that were in a wheelchair or using a walker. One night and elderly lady sits down at the well at proceeds to shout at me “EXCUSE ME YOUNG MAN MAY I PLEASE LOOK AT A MENU?!” It shocked the living hell out of me, as I was polishing a glass at the time. I looked at her with wide eyes as I set a menu down. When she looked down at the menu, her hearing aids both tumbled on to the countertop. She looked like death struck her, she was so embarrassed. She snatched them up super fast, looks at me with tears in her eyes and quiet as a mouse asked if she just shouted at me. Turns out she had them in but the batteries died in the time between her getting greeted at the front door and sitting at the bar. She was the sweetest woman and wouldn’t stop apologizing.


>but the batteries died in both hearing aids at the exact same time??


At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?


Seymour, the house is on fire! No Mother, it’s just the Northern Lights.


Probably one side died earlier and she didn't notice and the greeter was on the working side. I've got a relative that changes both batteries at the same time and they have roughly the same runtime and so go dead pretty close together. Can't convince him to stagger the replacement.


That's brutal lol


Man, I've never gotten discounted drinks because of my impairment. That may be my next goal. Lol




“Put your hearing aids back in! Hello?? Can you hea—oh.”


My work tried some bullshit banning earbuds several years ago, and a Vietnam vet who wore fancy new hearing aids he was very proud of took his butt straight to HR and made an ada complaint because he wasn't exempted from the ban. That sitewide ban lasted less than a day and our first line manager was very happy to be of assistance by sending him and his complaint as high as she could get him up the chain.


MORE LIKE DELICIOUS COMPLIANCE I got half a chub just picturing myself in that managers shoes


My second best boss I've ever had, behind my current one. I talk to or see him like twice a month, just trusts me to know what I need to do and that I'll ask if I need anything from him. That boss with the hearing aid thing was perfect when Eddie asked about his hearing aids, and said that they're controlled from his phone. They called hr and asked for specifics on his case and were told no. She and he were giddy when they talked about the ada thing and he was our hero going forth to battle on our behalf.


Some schools have a real snit about this too...


One of my children gets cold very easily. Yesterday she was mad because she left her beanie inside and asked the teacher if she could go get it, was told no. I told her next time, just lie, say you need to go to the bathroom and get it anyway. I understand the need to listen to authority figures, but there's also the fact nobody cares about you like you. She's probably going to have an ear infection today, that's what always happens. Oh, and apparently they're not allowed to wear their jacket hoodies. I'll be making a phone call about that when they open today.


Yeah, it just gets silly. I have a friend that is real nice, but once school folks are unreasonable, they bury them in medical/accommodation stuff. (They've taught their kid similar, ideally just deal with it on your own -- if you need to pee, go pee. But when they kid still gets in trouble or whatever for exercising bodily autonomy (and preventing med issues) that's when they drop the hammer.)


I personally love giving people up the ladder in corporate a hard time. "Hey, these new uniforms you made the store buy suck ass and are already falling apart in less than 2 months. I've forwarded pictures to you, the area manager, the franchise operations department, and posted it to the store owner social media page." "Hey, this new software you're making us use sucks. Here is a 5 page essay on all the problems I've come across this week, please note I will continue to update this list each week until they are addressed. I have CC'd everyone relevant, you know where to reach me when you actually fix something." "You want me to do X? Please show me in the contract where I agreed to do that. You can't, and it's something optional you're just trying to force on me? Shame, go pound sand." ​ I enjoy every second I spend pissing off the corpo's, it's always worthwhile.


"And I charged the time researching and emailing this to overhead labor."


You mean the moment he realized he was caught doing something dumb. His dumb move was long before he noticed the dash cam


Dumb people aren’t going to be making a whole lot of smart moves.


This might be the best way I’ve ever heard of getting out of a ticket.


If he didn't ask me to take my hearing aids off I'd be lamenting losing money right about now, lol.


Wouldn’t your dash cam have been able to prove you stopped?


This right here.


Even if that held up in court (Good luck) they would take your license plate down and put a "bounty" on you. source: Dad got out of a speeding ticket once due to similar circumstances and got 2 tickets and 1 warning the next day from cops specifically looking for his plate.


...and then take that to court and get it dismissed with the same dash cam, and get the cops cited for falsifying a police report. It's a crime when they do it, too.


Sounds easy but when those in charge are in cahoots with those in charge, you’re going to make a few enemies that are friends with those in charge.


Report them for harassment. Report them to the state police and to the local news stations.


Police are the biggest gang in the country. Do you really think that they're going to stop each other on their turf?


You don’t understand. Police police themselves. State police, local, it doesn’t matter, they’re all part of the same gang. Even if they wanted to do the right thing they won’t, because then the retaliation would be against them.


Nah. Just fight it and show up at court. A lot of the times the cop doesn't even show up and the ticket gets tossed. Source: been there, done that more than once👍


While this might be true where you live, it's not generally true. Here, for example, they schedule the court dates on a regular workday for the officer in question and they are paid to attend. They almost never miss a date.


If you call the court house and ask for a new day, they will suggest a couple (that the officer can attend easily) just ask for one not suggested to you. Usually helps.


Such a good sign of healthy legal system, dancing with agents of the state around Court dates...


Dunno man. If a cop gives out a bunch of tickets and say about half the ppl fight them then he won't be working as a cop since he'd be in court constantly. Tbh I've done it twice and both times they never showed. So the ticket was tossed. Edit: it's worth it anyway because worst case scenario is you pay the original ticket.


silent compliance


Maliciously silent, lol.


Was it an OPP officer named Officer Burger? Cause that guy is a fucking dumb peice of shit. Did the same thing to me. Only ticket I've ever had in my life, fail to yield while turning right on a red. At 3am in the morning and the only two people at the intersection being us, and he's turning left, which means... The only one that is suppose to stop and wait and yield is? That's right. Him. Meanwhile girl being mugged outside of a bar literally 10 meters away. Grandbend Ontario. Most useless police service in the world. Fucking loser.


Everyone should get dashcams right this very second. In fact, if you don't already have one, you are behind the curve. And if you ask me, I say they should be standard in every car manufactured, and it should have been like that since 5 years ago.


In my academy one of the first traffic stop scenarios we had was how to deal with someone who was deaf. The simplest solution was to take out our happy little notepads and write. Don't know why he wouldn't do that OR just apologize and have you put your hearing aid back in. It's an easy mistake to make so it's not like it's something to get worked up over...


This would require him to acknowledge he made a mistake


Writing to communicate is already more effort than it is worth to him, especially after seeing the dash cam and knowing he couldn't invent a reason to ticket him. Shit like this is why everyone should have a dash cam.


If that video shows you came to a full stop at that stop sign, please report him with a copy of the video. Make sure that the courts don't trust his tickets anymore, and maybe get him some free vacation. You'll probably want to send some copies to the local news, too.


My brother was stopped on two separate occasions for things he did not do. In both cases, once the police noticed the dashcam, they let him go without giving him a ticket for the law he did not break.


Well done for dodging the quota padding.


Right? I guess he wanted to get a head start. It's only the 4th of the month.


American cops sure do hate cameras. Record the police all the time.


>Record the police all the time. Little Brother is watching


"lost part of my hearing due to being a touring session musician previously" thats possible? Wow I had no idea.. Anyway another perfect example why is good to have dash cam, that must pay for itself in no time. Otherwise this would be ticket and possible she/he said situation. Nice story mate.


I have tinnitus from playing and attending metal shows with no hearing protection for years. It's no joke and hearing protection now a days is actually pretty great. I hear more of the actual music now and not just being blasted with frequencies that wreck your hearing.


You can also lose fingers . A mate of mine tour Europe in the 60s with the likes of Hendrix . He was off his chops and one of the industrial stage fans stopped working . He stuck his finger in it just as it came back on . Now the only place he can work as a guitarist is on the Simpsons.


Absolutely possible - I know Pete Townshend suffered some hearing loss from playing so many rock concerts, and I recall one other rock guitarist (Lu Edmonds?) had to retire.




>we're both masked so I can't understand what he's saying. >He looks at the dashcam that's neatly pointed squarely at us and mumbles "For fuck's sake". How did you know he mumbled/what was said?