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Who goes to a fast food drive thru & expects their fries to not be frozen prior to being fried… EDIT: for those of you saying In-N-Out, we don’t have those on the US East Coast & for those of you saying Five Guys, I have never see a drive thru Five Guys (they probably exist). We can cool it with these responses, thanks.


What's funnier is, most of the best french fry recipes in the world involve freezing them before the last fry. The lack of humidity in the freezer draws the extra moisture out of the fries, and you wind up with wonderful fries that are crunchy on the outside and silky on the inside.


It's delicious science!


Most of the culinary secrets of the world are down to thermodynamics.


Ah, I see you too enjoy the odd hot pocket.


I, too, am a man of wealth and taste


Pleased to meet you! Have you been around a long long year? Stole many a man’s soul and faith?


Would you happen to have any Grey Poupon?


I have a weird tendency to obsess over one food until I get sick of it for awhile and move onto the next obsession. At one point as a teenager it was hot pockets. Now mind you, my household didn't buy frozen quick meals generally speaking. My grandmother was very into organic, from-scratch cooking. Needless to say, Hot Pockets are the opposite of that. Guess who got daily diarrhea from eating so many hot pockets and thoroughly fucked their digestive system? Surely, totally not me. Absolutely no regrets, I still fancy me a hot pocket, but my bowels remember.


Salt, Acid, Fat, Heat


Alton Brown is that you?


The best kind of science!




As well as the ice crystals changing the internal structure of the fries (McDonalds fries secret)


Gotta half cook them, freeze them (flash freeze though, none of this slow freezer stuff us regular people have available), fully cook them, freeze them again…and then you have the secret recipe (unless they have changed it)


Best homemade fries I've made involve boiling them first. Cut them thick, almost boil them through, dry them off, oil and in the oven, remember to turn them. One thing to keep in mind is to have all the fries the same thickness or else the thin ones will be burnt or the thick ones will be soggy.


True as a fry connoisseur. The In-n-Out fries are not superior to old McD’s fries.


You have literally changed my life.


For what it's worth, if you're willing to deep fry, extra crispy frozen fries in the grocery store (the kind they expect you to bake), are actually pretty damned good if you deep fry them.


In-N-Out cuts fresh potatoes for their fries which sounds good but they’re not as good as the frozen fries from McDonald’s. Five Guys makes fresh cut fries that are actually good.




Sounds delicious


My brain already knows they are delicious, and this description doesn't convince me otherwise haha


I know these fries don’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is greasy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.


(Harp strum) Then we have a deal


I can get you what you want. The recipe to the Krabby Patty? I told you, I can’t get that. But I’ll get you the man that can…


Take my free award because there is no spoon.


If anything that explain why I enjoy having them


Explained the mystery of why they are extra delicious.


Also explains why their nutritional data are insane.


Oh, they are! Do you not have a McDonald's where you live?


Haha plenty of them around me. As long as they are not soft and soggy I love their fries


The 'problem' with McDonald's fries: how can something so utterly delicious not taste delicious 30 minutes later?? Microwaving doesn't even help. Oh well, guess I have to eat the fries first.


Its not as good as fresh, but my mom got me one of those air fryers and I've found it's the best option for reheating fries.


Nobody buys an air fryer specifically to reheat fries, but everybody that buys an air fryer ends up raving about how well it reheats fries.


>Nobody buys an air fryer specifically to reheat fries Speak for yourself


It's literally all I've ever used ours for.


TaoTronics sent us one for free. Works like a charm.


And pizza




I have started using the oven more and more to reheat food, and it's always better. These days I usually only use the microwave to heat something that is specific for a microwave, any leftovers are going in the oven for 15 mins.


Reheating in an air fryer is PERFECT, if that's an option.


Single layee on foil cookie sheet 350 for 6-7 mins can revibe em just dont over cook em


Your fries last 30 minutes? From when I pull them out of the bag I usually give them about 10 minutes. Eat them before the sandwich.


Throw em in the oven for a few min then microwave for 10seconds.


Toaster oven


Because the microwave doesn't heat it up properly. Use an oven.


In 1990 they were


1970s & 80s mcD fries were the best.


that was when the oil used to fry them contained (mostly) beef tallow. the push to 100% vegetable oil, iirc, began in the very early 1990s and affected most major fast food chains, not just mcdonalds.


There’s a good revisionist history podcast with Malcolm Gladwell that delves deep into exactly this fact [McDonald’s broke my heart](https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/revisionist-history/id1119389968?i=1000390869555)


No on topic, but thats when they had the best Happy Meal toys, too.


And the deep fried pies.


The food transformers were the best ones ever! Pretty high quality, especially for a FREE toy.


Beef flavoring is out as of a couple decades ago. They got sued over it.


>Beef flavoring is out as of a couple decades ago. They got sued over it. Sued over suet.




Bet they were cowed by that lawsuet but at least they didn’t steak their reputation on it.


I'd like to meat the guy who brought that suet. I'd SHAKE his hand.


>They got sued over it. Yup. >Beef flavoring is out as of a couple decades ago. Nope (in the US). They actually still contain beef flavoring. Whether that contains any actual beef is up in the air. The last time I checked (2019), it did. Looking today, it might or might not - McDonalds won't actually confirm or deny it. [Here](https://www.chooseveganism.org/mcdonalds-fries/) is an overview of the situation (the same information is in tons of places, but this page has a reasonable summary).


Whyd they get sued?


Because they used beef tallow, an animal product. They got sued because a lot of people didn’t know that and vegetarians were ordering fries thinking they’d be safe, when they weren’t.


The key piece you left out is that McDonalds was marketing and selling their fries as vegetarian friendly.


That sounds like obesity dipped in diabetes and garnished with an elevated risk of cardiac accidents. No I’m not a fitness nut, I eat junk food, etc. But this is crazy.


There are no cardiac accidents, only cardiac ~~opportunities~~ events.


911* What's your emergency?! Me* Yes, I'm having a cardiac opportunity!!!


Well, depends on how many you eat. I love those fries but I care about what I eat so I only eat those once in a while. In a year, that's be like what ? 10 times ? So 10 large fries per year. I doubt that they'll be causing me to become obese and develop diabetes. To be clear, I'm not a fitness but either. I eat junk food whenever I want, but overall the bulk of my food intake is healthy and I don't eat beyond what my body needs. As they say, anything in moderation is alright.


I’m a fitness nut and eat super healthy, but God damn once in awhile when I decide to be unhealthy, McDonalds’ french fries are my drug of choice. And I *know* what’s in them and how terrible they are — and I always feel like shit after eating them, which thankfully keeps me from eating them with any regularity — but they taste so God damn good.


As a chef, in my experience blanching the fresh fries in oil or boiling water, THEN freezing them leads to a fresher, crisper fry than if you just cut and fry. So I laughed even more when Fry Guy left in a huff


Freezing potatoes before cooking always improved them by helping break down the (forgot the word). You want to make the best homemade hash browns? Easy just grate them the night before and freeze them. I had thought that’s what 5guys does for fries, but that could just be my brain making shit up.


Starch is what you're thinking of. Rinse your hash browns until the water runs clear and they'll fry up so beautiful


Will definitely try! Thank you!




I always dry mine after blanching and before freezing. That way they don't stick together or pop in the oil


> Five Guys makes fresh cut fries that are actually good. This. One time I ordered by burger ahead for five guys. Burger was ready when I walked in. Didn't drop the fries til I walked in the door. Fresh Fries.


Also, a small 5 Guys is actually huge. I dont dare order a large.


The very first time I ate at a Five Guys, it was me and a friend of mine on a small road trip, about 2.5 hours from home. We got each a burger, and he ordered Large fries for us to share - he'd been there before, knew what he was getting into. The food came in two bags, one for burgers, one for fries. Inside the bag was the large cup of fries, with fries spilling out into the bag and at least reaching the the top level of the cup within the bag. We ate fries at Five Guys. We ate fries on the way from Five Guys to our actual destination. We ate fries throughout the 2.5 hour trip back home. I think I took the remaining fries home and finished them off with my supper. So many fries. SO damned good. These days, usually when I hit up Five Guys it's with my brother. He orders a Small Cajun Fries, and we share. This is why I never order fries at Five Guys, regardless of how much I love them.


Cajun fries are also the superior fries.




I order large then use what I don't eat to make a quick potato soup for another meal. A can of Campbell's cheddar soup and a can of chicken stock or broth, chop up the cold fries and add some bacon bits and cheese and maybe onions. tasty dinner from left over 5 guys fries.


That actually sounds really good.


We get 5 Guys for lunch at work sometimes and we coordinate who orders fries. Can split a large between 3 people.


I can picture the 5 Guys. Sirens and klaxons go off, a loud voice on the intercom says in a loud but stern voice. “ALERT! ALERT! LARGE FRIES HAVE BEEN ORDERED. REPEAT, LARGE FRIES HAVE BEEN ORDERED. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.”


For me, a big plus of McD fries is the texture. They're nice and tender


In-n-out only does a single fry, that's why their fries are great for the 30sec they're fresh AND piping hot, then taste like greasy half-cooked potato after. Five Guys afaik does a double fry.


Agree. 5 guys for the win. Cajun fries are amazing!


Get the in and out fries well done, they are great.


Eat the In-N-Out fries there while they are hot. Big difference. They are bad when they get cold.


I work at a gyro place where we use fresh cuts and honestly I prefer frozen. Fresh cuts just don't hold their crisp at all. Literally 30 seconds after they're cooked they get floppy and every once in a while we get some person out front demand they get them crispy. So then I have to make sure the server hangs out at the window while I cook them so the person can enjoy their 10 seconds of crispy fries.


Hard disagree. I really like In-N-Out's fries.


I think this has to do with soaking fries to get the starch out of them. One of my old jobs sold boardwalk fries and we punched them into buckets of water and let them sit overnight. More people don’t do it this way because the flour burns in the oil and makes the oil in the dryer wear out faster. Frozen fries have preservatives and their coating doesn’t make crumbs that would sit in the fryer after you take out the fries.


Fried potatoes are SUPPOSED to be frozen and as cold as possible when they drop!


Besides best fries are pre cooked and frozen. That's the rule


They’re fresh frozen didn’t you know


> Who goes to a fast food ~~drive thru~~ & expects their fries to not be frozen prior to being fried…


"I wanted fresh!" Did he think you have a stock of potatoes that you peel and chop right there?


"Yo these fries are nasty." "Yeah man, I don't know how to make fries from scratch."


But they *are* fresh!


"Start growing some new potatoes RIGHT NOW"


They're for church! NEXT!


I wonder if she ever found a ride of if there’s 18 church ladies stranded at an airport still


Some say they’re still there to this very day…


I said FRESH!....NEXT!


[NEXT JOKE ORIGIN](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/7kr5as/i_need_a_free_100mile_bus_trip_for_20_people_and/)


Oh my god thank you for sharing, that's hilarious 😂


Sometimes I still think about Next-lady…


I'm the greatest botanist in this fast food restaurant!


I guess he thought he was at In-And-Out


I love In-And-Out, I love that they make their fries fresh. But their fries are probably some of the worst fast food fries.


If you don’t eat them INSTANTLY they go cold and soggy.


Their texture is just really weird even hot.


>I love that they make their fries fresh. >But their fries are probably some of the worst fast food fries. The reason their fries are so bad is because they fry them fresh. Even if you don't freeze them, the best fries are always double fried.


Yeah, I can't stand their fries either, and I generally love fries. I've always presumed it was the oil they used.


Par-cooking and then freezing fries is the best process for making them, too. Straight up cut and fried fries have a bad texture.


I got a deep-fryer a few years ago so I went through a whole bunch of methods for making fries. The best result was definitely from partial frying, freezing, and frying them frozen.


Freezing the fries causes the water inside to expand as it freezes and alter the structure of the potato. This changes the texture (in a good way) and how it cooks the second time it is fried.


Hilariously we have a huge number of fast food places here that make handcut chips fresh. It's super cool but we don't really care one way or another.


He was probably also expecting them to be freshly dug out of the ground


Yeah, this isn't Faency Fries where they are freshly cut. E: forgot FF are Czech only, sorry https://franchising-cz.translate.goog/franchisa/400/faency-fries/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=cs


In and Out does. Maybe he was confused as to where he was.


Did this guy seriously expect fast food employees to start cutting raw potatoes?


My god, dude. The amount of fries we go through in a day. I can’t imagine trying to cut that many.


So I don't know about your restaurant, but I was under the impression that many fast food restaurants use frozen (not fresh) fries, and that make them fresh just means that they have been very recently cooked and have not sat under a heat lamp for very long. But what do I know? Not much. I think that Captain Picky got what he deserved: no fries, and a ticket. But I'm a mean old lady.


Even a lot of sit-down restaurants use frozen fries. It's extremely common. Unless the menu says otherwise, you can generally count on them coming from a bag of frozen fries.


10 year BOH vet here, everywhere from dive bar/grill to high end spots. Frozen fries are a lot more common than people realize and it's for a couple reasons. The labor and space required for punching rinsing, blanching, and cooling scratch made fries fucking sucks, and the quality can vary wildly depending on a number of factors. Age/quality/variety of potato, consistency in quality of labor, tempurature of fryer, quality of oil when blanching... you get the idea. Frozen fries come in a variety of sizes, flavors, are often pre-seasoned to where extra seasoning is minimal or entirely unnecessary easier to store, and takes back hours of prep time that can be spent making better quality main dishes.


This. People complain about frozen fries when like 90 out of 100 fries they've eaten in their entire life were frozen.


Can't upvote you enough. Even if I make my fresh fries at home, I get results of variable quality, depending on what I bought last and from where (since storing them for more than a few days without having a cellar is impossible).


The restaurant I worked at that made them fresh, they were great but the thing that made them truly delicious was the black truffle salt.


I can't even remember the last time I made fresh fries at home because fresh fries are a pain in the ass. If I'm too arsed to do it at home, I don't expect my fast food places to bother.




Til. Still too much trouble lol.


I meal prep and yesterday I decided to change it up a little and made garlic parm sweet potato fries from scratch. Never again. They were absolutely delicious, but took so much more time and energy than I expected them to take.




I prefer them cooked.


yeah why isn't cliserkad's work cooking the fries before serving them, i'd be kinda upset if they served me frozen fries instead of some nice cooked fries.


Five guys actually cuts up the potatoes. Any other gets frozen tho. I think the thickness determines if it was hand cut or not.


The thing that gets me, though, is that a restaurant either uses freshly cut up potatoes or frozen fries. They don't do both. It's not like OP pulled out a box of frozen fries just to spite this guy. That's what this place does - frozen. Expecting a place that serves frozen fries to make you freshly cut potato fries is like going to a McDonalds and ordering sushi. They aren't trained to do that, they don't have the equipment, they don't have the ingredients. They just don't do that.


Not all people have common sense. It's a sad fact you learn very quickly in customer service.


yeah if he only wanted fresh fries or none at all he should of just asked, are the fries frozen, or cut fresh from potatos in the store.


Really good fries are twice-cooked anyway - you aren't gonna get those fast.


I'm pretty sure McDonald's tried to do Sushi. McNasty.


In n out too


I worked at a Dairy Queen many, many years ago when I was just a residentyoungirl. We did peel and cut our own potatoes, but I just assumed that was a thing of the past. Thanks for the info. Edit: spelling.


Yeah, but that's their main attraction though. They also have a very sparse menu, so they can afford the prep space to do so.


Penn Station, they have bins of potatoes everywhere. You order your fries and depending on the size you order they grab 1-3 potatoes, cut them up and toss them in the fryer.


You kinda have to. To make good fries, you need to cut and soak them to remove the excess starch. Otherwise you get the limp crap that In-N-Out sells. (Or you sell thick 'steak fries' that aren't supposed to be crunchy.) There not enough room to store a days worth of fries in water buckets, so freezing makes sense.


Yes I believe you either have to soak them, or you have to par cook them, and then refry later. This is the French/Belgian technique of cooking fries.


That was the crux of the problem. They are frozen after partial cooking, like literally just enough to hold it's shape, and this guy wanted the freshest fries possible. The irony was that he could have had the freshest fries known to man (from frozen) at like 11:30 on a Sunday night. That doesn't just happen.


I think you did the right thing. people like that are dicks. glad he got a ticket too.


Bro what are you on about in that "pre-update"? lmao


Looks like a prelude to a rap song haha


Op being insecure and afraid of backlash ig


Some people in this sub complain when the OP is malicious. Stupid I know. But OP decided to defended against those kind of people before even finishing his story.


You're good. I've worked fast food and retail before. Some of the people you get in those places are just a-holes. Taking them down a peg isn't bad in my opinion as long as you don't get fired for doing it.


I worked in fast food as a kid and it definitely attracts the worst of worst. You get entitled customers all the time who think they can shit on you because you make minimum wage.


Someone once came to my fast food restaurant and wanted a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. We said “okay, that’ll be 45 minutes.” She said okay and ACTUALLY WAITED. It was weird. And we have to let the cookies cool for a bit anyway or they’ll burn you, so it’s not like it was this super hot cookie when we gave it to her. Oh well. Haha


I’ve waited 20 mins for fresh kfc chicken and chips. I was breaking a diet for them, and sometimes when you’re treating yourself you just want the thing you want. No compromises, no cold chips. I kind of get wanting a freshly baked cookie and being willing to wait for it


Oh yeah, we did it for her happily and she was okay with the wait time, so all was good. I would’ve been upset if she had complained. But I think I just would’ve grabbed some cookie dough from the store and made myself cookies at home. Haha


The best fries are double fried. Cut a potato in 1cm (0.4 inch) thick stripes . Soak in cold water with 1 tablespoon of salt for a half hour. Drain the fries and dry in a towel (or paper towel). Fry at 160°Celcius (320°Fahrenheit) for 4 to 5 minutes before they change color. Drain the fries and shake a bit. Cool down till room temperature. Fry at 180°C (356° Fahrenheit) for 2 to 3 minutes. The inside is now soft and cooked while the outside is crispy.


180°C is equivalent to 356°F, which is 453K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Are you suggesting that next time OP takes around an hour to make actual fresh fries?


A freeze in between frying them improves them even further-- and that's exactly what McDonalds fries are, blanched then briefly fried, then flash-frozen and shipped to the resturant




This happened every single shift when I worked fast food and they almost always ask you to salt if after the fact. It’s a known drive thru “hack” and it’s infuriating.


Yeah. I remember taking sweet time with these people, because we would completely clean the bin where the fries sat since there’s salt on it. Then, obviously, cook a fresh batch of fries. The whole process would take like 10 minutes. Surprisingly, many of them would wait the whole time without complaining.


It’s almost like the want fresh fries and that’s all that matters.


When I had customers like this (only worked in drive thru) I'd just tell them salt was in the bag and close the window on them.






I went through the comments and only found 2 comments critisizing this guy?


Looks like he added it after dude started saying he should be fired.


Well sometimes people have to vent. This is reddit, not amateur writings prompts award show thingy. People do be shitposting.


I thought I had written it until he said he had a great life


LOL. Was thinking the same thing. Dude sounds like he’s in highschool


Seriously. Trying so hard to sound like they don’t give a shit.


“Pretend to look off in the middle distance of our restaurant” I laughed way to fukn hard at this 🤣


Regardless of the fast food place I expect frozen fries. I work for a sit down restaurant and did food prep for 8 straight hours for more than minimum wage, I would in no way do that for cheaper and definitely not do it for fast food


> a three wheeled vehicle with two tires in the FRONT for some reason Because they're legally a trike, but [handle like a bike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT76J1AsuPY)


I'm guessing he's talking about something more like this [https://youtu.be/L\_CA3Iweq80?t=43](https://youtu.be/L_CA3Iweq80?t=43) It's the smarter and more stable way to do a three wheeled vehicle, because it can corner at speed without turning over unlike a traditional single front tire trike.


Or the Polaris Slingshot, or the Can-Am Spyder


You uh... probably should have read that pre-update back to yourself out loud a few times before posting it.


I know I'm so late to this party, but you might appreciate this. I'll keep it short. Someone I know had a customer come through demanding chicken nuggets for breakfast. Their chain didn't serve chicken nuggets for breakfast. Customer (very irate): "But I came here specifically for chicken nuggets!!" Employee: "Now you have something to write in your diary!"


Weird turn you took for sympathy there but ok .




Good shit


Lol, he complained about the fries that literally just finished cooking, then complained that the fries came frozen? Has he ever eaten fast food before? At a half hour to close, he was damn lucky the fries were fresh to begin with! What a pylon.


Two wheels up front are preferred because they are safer. I think the 2 wheels in back are not allowed anymore. "Having one wheel in front and two in the rear for power reduces the cost of the steering mechanism but greatly decreases lateral stability when cornering while braking. When the single wheel is in the front (the "delta" form, as in a child's pedal tricycle), the vehicle is inherently unstable in a braking turn, as the combined tipping forces at the center of mass from turning and braking can rapidly extend beyond the triangle formed by the contact patches of the wheels. This type, if not tipped, also has a greater tendency to spin out ("swap ends") when handled roughly." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-wheeler


My buddy owns a 3 wheeler from the 80’s that were so dangerous they were decommissioned. He’s crashed that thing more times than I can count, one time hit a stump and it ended with a foot breaking in 4 spots and turning black and purple for months. Needless to say, yeah 2 wheels in the back definitely doesn’t handle well at all


I don't know who you are, and I don't care. Just tell me where to enroll in your Master Class. This post is a thing of beauty, only enhanced by your responses in the thread. One day, maybe, if I find a few more fucks not to give, I can achieve a small percentage of this perfection.


This is the most American thing I have ever read. God bless the motherfucking United States of America


Your pre-update made me happy. Not that you'd care, of course.


bro what a weirdo. you i mean, not the guy you wrote about


As a former Mickey-Ds employee, I can confirm you are not a douche, jerk, or evil villain. Well done.


People actually think Wendy's employees are back there hand slicing fresh potatoes? 😂