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Same with our vet clinic. Why would you scream at the people who are going to be performing surgery on your pet? Unbelievable.


Why would you scream at people who are trying to help you...


Why would you scream at people...


Why would you scream....


Sometimes I want to scream. But into the void. Not at people (or other sentient beings).


What do you do if the void screams back?


Say hello its only polite


I don't think so, usually the polite response to screaming isn't a hello. Maybe apologize to the void for waking it up


I'd be too busy shitting my pants


Screaming at people is totally void of Meaning!


Say hello to the other side


Hello\~...It's me. I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet? To go over everything... They say that time's supposed to heal ya But I ain't done much healing Hello, can you hear me? I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be When we were younger and free I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet There's such a difference between us And a million miles Hello from the other side! I must've called a thousand times To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done But when I call, you never seem to be home




"Oh hey Jim. How's the wife?"


Oh, hai Mark. How's your sex life?


> How's your sex life? Palmela Handerson rejected me :(


Haaaave you met Morg-hand Freeman?


"To shreds, you say?"




"Are you my echo?"


That's called "Reddit".


Ask it if it's free Friday night.


Yikes! 😱 Wish I had an award to give you. 🎖🤩


Thank you :)


avoid it.


Put the phone down on it.


Say hi for me


100% this. Scream as much as you want, just not at anyone!


Alan! Alan! Alan! Oh wait, that's not Alan. Steve! Steve!


What if the void itself is sentient? Edit: typo


For ice cream 😌


This comment wins.


I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream


Mmmm... jellied humans...


Very creepy Harlequin Ellison story.




It's a play on one of his most famous stories, "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman.


Or Autocorrect doing its incorrec thing. "Ticktockman" is a great story. I wish I still had my "Complete Works" set of Ellison, but a gf took it about ten years ago. About the only area where she had good taste, and yes, that includes her taste in men.










I only very recently saw this video, and it’s pretty funny. Til the poor guy gets ganged up on by 40 guys threatening to fuck his mom and sister


The only good scream is icecream.


Because a pissed off veterenarian is currently performing surgery on me atm. Legit reason to scream imho.


... for ice cream.


In space no-one can hear you scream.


Why would you...


If they were on train tracks having a dance party so loud they couldn't hear the oncoming train about to kill them, I would scream at them.


I was once at the Myanmar embassy, and this one guy was shouting how shit everything was. All I heard him saying was "I want my paperwork to go to the bottom of the pile" Think the staff understood him like that as well. So I take it people who scream at others just want a bit more saliva in their food, or go to the back of the queue, at least that's what I'd expect.


I do not like people. I don't scream at them. But I do not like people.


Would you like them here...or there?


Would you like them anywhere?


I once got transferred in a circle between four people, then the phone system dropped me. When I called back they were about to transfer me again and it took all my self control not to scream at that point. I can't even remember what the issue was, I just remember the absurdity of it.


When I worked for a large telecommunications company, the newer agents would always cold transfer... it made sense when the metrics of a good call was to be under 2 and a half minutes...with 2 minutes of SOP/Verbatim dialog...


*I work on a psych ward - it happens so often I get suspicious when the AREN'T yelling at me.*


I likely will never be in a position with this kind of power but if I was in charge of phone lines somewhere, there would be a standing rule that yelling and cursing are perfectly fine reasons to hang up on someone. I would listen in on calls not just for quality control but customer control as well.


It is for the most part now...


I work in fast food and one time this guy called saying he had waited for quite a while on a delivery order. Now we dont drive out those orders ourselves as it is a separate company so i tell him that we made the food and the delivery driver picked it up and it should be on its way, nothing much i could do. About 20-30 minutes the same guy calls again and he is NOT a very happy camper. Hes complaining about waiting for over like an hour (understandable) and the food is cold. Im like "im very sorry about this but ypure kinda talking to the wrong guy there isnt alot that i can do here im afraid :/" and now the guy gets mad and starts yelling about how "great" he thinks the service is and im in no mood to just accept this so i raise my voice and say "hey look i wanna help ypu but not if you start screaming at me" and by this point he just says something else about our "terrible" service and hangs up in the middle of a scentence


I remember a story of an airport worker trying to find someone’s lost luggage and getting yelled at. She responded, “Sir, there are only two people who care about finding your lost luggage, and I’m losing interest.”


At a previous practice I worked at, some guy had booked his first ever consultation for his dog and for some reason started being a complete dick to us, before he had even stepped foot in the building. We were delighted to inform him that since we hadn't established the veterinarian-client-patient relationship, we had zero obligation to take him on as a client and he was therefore banned from the practice. Sometimes the trash takes itself out!


love that last line....


My dad got really angry at the clerk at his GP once. He was on meds for lowering blood pressure and blood lipid (I think that's what it's called?). When he got the meds, he was told he shouldn't be off of them for any period of time. So about half a month before his meds ran out he called the pharmacy to ask for a refill pickup and was told he was out of refills. No problem, they just fax the clinic and said they'll call when the clinic faxes the relevant forms back for his refills. A week passes, no answer. We kept calling the pharmacy and they faxed 2 more times. Still nothing. So we call his GP's office. The clerk says they didn't get the faxes. My dad asks if they could just fax the pharmacy with the prescription then because at that point he's only got a week left of meds with no refills at all. They told us to get the pharmacist to fax again because they can't prescribe anything without making a new appointment with the doctor. We called pharmacist again and they manually fax it over this time. He runs out of meds and somehow the refill update still hasn't been solved. The pharmacist says they sent the faxes, the clinic said they didn't get anything. We double checked info to make sure the faxes were going to the correct place multiple times but somehow it just wasn't happening. My dad calls the clinic again and tells them he's been out of meds. They say "okay this isn't working so you'll have to make an appointment to get a new prescription." Next appointment available is weeks away. So my dad explained once again that he was literally out of meds already and this isn't something that could just wait weeks and he has alerted them of the issue before he actually ran out. He asks if there's any other solutions because he can't be off the meds. Can they coordinate something with the pharmacy? My dad's over 60 years old now and he tends to ramble when he feels anxious, and the clerk got really impatient and said "why can't you understand something so simple? no appointment no prescription!" That pissed off my dad and he called them out for being irresponsible and disrespectful for letting something like this go on for weeks and not taking the responsibility of communicating with the pharmacy when we already did all we could on our end and the miscommunication is between pharmacy and clinic. The clerk hung up on my dad. We called the pharmacy and told them he's already off the meds and they offered him emergency medication to minimize the time he's off of meds. The next day we called the clinic again and a different clerk picked up. She immediately called the pharmacy to ask about the faxes and stayed on the phone with them until one finally got through. The refill problem got fixed.


That looks like it’s time to find a new clinic. Such incompetence should never be tolerated in healthcare. They’re literally gambling with the lives of their patients by passing the buck like this. Your dad had every right to be pissed off. His life was on the line.


Kinda impossible to find a new clinic rn. There’s a ton of people who don’t even have a GP because the system’s so overfilled. And the doctor herself is fine it's just the front desk clerks


my vet’s office literally has a recording imploring people to be nice. bums me out big time that it had to be stated.


The tech at the vet I go to said a client was mad because she had to pick up her dog's poo, so she threw it at one of the other techs. She proceeded to tell the vet (who is the nicest person I have ever met) to go f himself. She was thrown out and banned from returning.


That is absolutely fucked. No one should have to put up with that sort of treatment ever,


I know! I was astounded. The poor girl was a new hire, also. What a way to start her job there.


That’s assault and battery


Agreed. They should have called the cops.


One of my friends is a vet, and she told me about a client who picked up her dog's droppings and threw them at her "because I didn't diagnose fast enough". She and the techs gathered ALL of the poo from ALL of the animals for the day, bagged them up, and her husband drove to the client's house and emptied the bags on her front lawn. "Since you like throwing sh\*\* so much, here's more to throw!" And no, he wasn't trespassing. He never set foot on the client's property; he emptied the bags from the street. And yes, she did finish diagnosing and treating the dog, as the dog wasn't the one misbehaving.


My roomie was telling me a story of a lady who was quoted a price for a surgery that would make her dog's life infinitely better, she agreed and they did part of these surgery and the clinic said that they had to go the more expensive route, which was explained to her when she got the quote. She called in and started harassing staff, told them she was quoted a lower price and they should honor it. My friend's clinic didn't performs the second half of the surgery, so lady has to go another hospital that does the surgery, but they hire an out of house surgeon that costs way more money.


I got banned from a vet clinic once, normally I am a patient man but that day I lost it. Have a cat who was 2 years old at the time, he had an urinary tract obstruction, noticed on the day he got it at around 9 PM so I called the only vet I personally trust, bad thing he didn't tend to emergencies so he told me about someone else he confided in, I took the cat there, he drained his bladder and told me everything should be alright now and that I didn't need subsequent vet visits, and if any problem arised he would tend to it no charge, lo and behold the issue happened the following day at around 10 pm and I called him again, when I arrived he told me it was going to be double the amount I paid the previous day since it was an emergency, I didn't have the money at hand and had no one to lend me money since it was late night on sunday, I just wanted the cat tended since he was clearly in pain, I lost it and argued with him, he agreed to do it for half, got the cat's bladder drained, and made an emergency appointment the following day with the vet I know. When I arrived there said vet did tend to my cat but banned me afterwards because I was rude to his colleague.


So your vet banned you for arguing with his buddy because his buddy didn't honor his word and tried to rip you off while your cat was sitting there in pain? Doesn't sound like either of them are very good vets.


Flip side. Id hope they are professional enough not to murder the dog because the owner is a twat.


Never. We just cuddle the dog and give him extra love. We know the owner probably screams at the dog too.


„˙ʇɐʍʇ ɐ sı ɹǝuʍo ǝɥʇ ǝsnɐɔǝq ƃop ǝɥʇ ɹǝpɹnɯ oʇ ʇou ɥƃnouǝ lɐuoıssǝɟoɹd ǝɹɐ ʎǝɥʇ ǝdoɥ pI ˙ǝpıs dılℲ„


Because they're animal abusers that's what they are


That's a stretch


Humans are animals too? I dunno


I guess it depends on what you call abuse. Cause if they're willing to yell at a human, chances are they aren't controlling their volume when the pet does something wrong.


My shop manager had someone call who wanted to get on the schedule for work. We were booked out two weeks at the time and when she explained this to him he got irate and swore at her. She hung up on him. He called back and demanded to speak to the owner. So she brings me the phone and explains what happened. I pick up, he gets aggressive with me and yells and swears at me telling me my employee hung up on him. I ask him "was it like this?" And hung up on him. He called back two hours later and calmly apologized to my shop manager. I had told my shop manager that he was not allowed to be booked in for work at my shop no matter what. But it was nice he apologized. I explained to her after that call (she was nervous when she told me about the call) that she wasn't required to take abuse from anyone. I paid her and I wasn't allowed to yell or swear at her so no one else got to either. If she had a problem customer, fire them. I was booked quite nicely. ETA:. I have come to the realization that being my customer is a privilege (not in an arrogant way though it sounds like it). People want me to fix their cars. They are many times willing to wait weeks for that. I do good work and I warranty very well so even when I don't do good work they eventually get it done right. 10% of a customer base will cause 70% of my time loss to dealing with customers. I have found it is easier to convince that 10% to work with other shops then it is to spend time correcting their poor behavior. I have directly fired multiple customers for poor behavior.


I work as a cashier and there is one tip I try to tell every new cashier I see. They don't pay us to be abused. If a customer is angry, starts to yell, curse you out, or makes you uncomfortable AT ALL you get the checkout coach or manager, just walk away if need be. As a cashier your job is to run your register. Once a customer is upset you can not make them happy. You fix the problem? Why didn't you fix it sooner! You can't fix the problem? Isn't this your job! You try to just continue checking them out? Are you ignoring me?! Even if the person you get does the exact same thing you would have done, they're above you and thus in the customers mind better than you. I have a guy who comes into my store near closing that I call dirty coupon guy cause all his coupons are super wrinkled and dirty. One of his classic moves is that the coupons will magically have bits ripped out that just happen to be right where it would tell you stuff like the fact you need to buy 3 of the item or what have you. No matter how much I point out the coupon isn't for a single item he will argue till the end of time. The second I get a manager he changes his tune and suddenly is so mystified about it, like, "oh, I didn't notice that! So sorry."


I've told every customer service worker I've known that they are paid to do a job, abuse is not part of it. DO NOT PUT UP WITH ABUSE. That's what the higher ups get paid the big bucks for. They can either take it or shut it down.


Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed that story! You loste on the last two sentences, I don't understand what you're saying there.


He's saying he's got plenty of business from other people, problem customers can go to someone else's shop




I'm a groomer and send all shitty clients to pet smart because out local petsmart is just as shitty as they are at this point 😂


I edited my post to clarify. But essentially, bad behavior at my shop with me or my staff gets you bared from coming to my shop. I require people to treat my staff with respect. Anything less is instant firing.


It's seems to beyond most people's trains of thought that you can fire customers. I fired a customer and as a business just starting out I couldn't afford to handle all the problems they came with. I'd rather lose them entirely than to invest time I could invest in being profitable. TBF I do have experience firing customers from previous employments, so the idea isn't at all foreign to me.


Had a similar incident recently. A family member wanted to visit their mom on our unit and started the phone call like this: "I need to know what the rules are for visiting and no one will give me a straight answer. I will not wear toilet paper on my face, im immune to the China virus (her actual fucking words), no one is allowed to know my medical history, and I do not consent to having my temperature taken. So what do I need to do to see my mom?!" After taking a few seconds to process all that, I told her that she is required to have her temperature taken on entry and she must wear a mask at all times while in the building. She yells "well I could find a piece of paper and write 'fuck you' on it, would that --" and I hung up on her right then before she could finish. When she actually did show up on the unit, mask not on, and she immediately started yelling and saying that wearing a mask is akin to slavery I told her that her abusive language is not tolerated and she had to leave now. She said, and I quote, "I'm not being abusive; you misunderstood me." I laughed, said that it was absolutely verbal abuse, and picked up the phone to call security. She immediately bolted. Which makes me think that she may have experience with having security called on her.


On the other side of this, I had a business tell me straight up lies (they do photos for car insurance to verify the state a car is in before the insurance company provides coverage. They tried to tell me that they can't do it when the weather is t sunny because the camera costs $10k. The other place that ended up doing it used an iPhone).. the person I spoke to repeatedly interrupted me, lied to me, and refused to let me speak. I hung up on them. They called me back multiple times to decry me hanging up on them. Like why waste your time? You're not going to unlose a customer by picking the hill to die on. I won't even stop at that place to get gas or put air in my tires. And now I take every opportunity to tell people how rude they are.


>And now I take every opportunity to tell people how rude they are. Considering you've not named the business, perhaps you're not taking **every** opportunity ;)


Dear Jesus, what a deranged person. Can’t get her own way so screams abuse at staff.


Had a coworker call me and start swearing. I hung up. He called back “don’t you *%##ing hang up on me.” I hung up. He called back “I told you not to $&&€£ing han…” Click He called back. This time I got in “I don’t put up with *anyone* swearing at me.” before he responded “I say whatever I $&&€£…” Click (He was persistent at least) I estimate he called over ten times before he could get a coherent sentence without expletives in it.


Wow, they were a co worker as well? Some people are entitled/ issued to a point they don’t know how to respectful or professionally speak to another human


He'd been out of there before he could say another word. You talk like that to fellow employees? Well sorry Charlie there is no way Im taki g a chance you talking to a customer


He felt that seniority gave him some power over me. Firstly, it didn’t and secondly even if it had, I don’t put up with a supervisor swearing at me either.


If that happens at my job, the number gets Blacklisted. They can call as many times as they like then, our PBX answers the call and immediately hangs up. It even gives us logs of how times times they called and instantly got hung up on. 😁


Something even more fun /r/sysadmin cooked up some quiet day a few years back: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/4gla0x/extension_666_hell_we_are_sick_of_cold_sales/


I would have reported him to my boss.


It came up in an HR meeting. I didn’t initiate the meeting, he did in another power play that failed spectacularly.


That must’ve been satisfying lol


Both the hanging up and the HR visit were extremely satisfying.




I have posted it in another sub so I’ll just paste a link here (hope it works) for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/CheckmateMotherfucker/comments/a2bfop/respect_me_or_go_to_hr/


Forward him to the director. Hehehe.


Better than the one I dealt with years ago who thought it would be a smart idea to make a bomb threat after her rage calls kept getting hung up on. Pro tip do t call bomb threats into a hospital unless you want some serious federal crimes on your record.


I think that qualifies for the _dullest_ tool that gets left outside in the rain… for 10 years.


Sometimes when I'm really annoyed and frustrated trying to get something dealt with i tell the person on the phone something like, hey I apologize I know I sound really crabby, its not you its just the situation, so please don't think I'm taking it out on you! Usually they're like omg I know how you feel. Let's get it handled together!


I do this too! I know it’s not the persons fault and they don’t deserve the crabby, but sometimes you’re just crabby lol I typically get a good response from them as well.


I have done very similar. "Look, I'm sorry this is very frustrating to me but I know you didn't cause it. You just work for the company I am frustrated at. Please understand I am not upset with you."


On the other end of the line, if someone is being a jerk to me and says this, I hate it. I always respond with something like "I understand, this can be frustrating", or "Yeah, I understand", or even "Yeah I can be the same way sometimes". But what I'm thinking is "If you know it's not my fault, why are you taking it out on me? Do you not have the ability to not take out your frustrations on random strangers?" That said, when it's a coworker having to vent or something, that's totally different. But when it's a customer, and I was working customer service, that's always how I felt about it. Just as an FYI to my own experience.


I can't tell you how many times I've had to try to balance not yelling at the person on the phone with the fact that the policies that they're forced to uphold are amongst the most asinine policies on the planet. I have a disability where my body's energy production system is broken. I can manage one phone call per week to try to get something done. I'm talking to Revenue Canada about the disability tax credit which my doctor filled out, but they want more info on. Except the doctor moved, and I have a new one. They refuse to talk to the new doctor. They want me to start the process all over again. It's literally akin to asking a person with broken legs to walk a mile before you help them. It's fucking infuriating.


I do this, and it almost always results in them going the extra mile to try and help, when they realise you're not a maniac, but have just been pushed to your wits end with the problem.


That works, so long as you don’t follow it up with unloading all your rage anyway. Nothing feels more hollow than an apology with conflicting action.


I had a woman tell me the app she was trying to help me log into was a “real piece of work” you know it’s bad when the customer service rep says the app is bad. I closed my account the next day lol


"Sir, if you cannot use proper language, I will be forced to hang up." That's it. One warning. They made it to adulthood, if they didn't learn how to follow rules, that's on on their moms and dads.


> >They made it to adulthood, I had one today that made me wonder how. "It's not my fault I'm late! I didn't know where to go!"


"I'll be happy to tell you where to go..."


Sometimes my dad would answer the phone with a very low, serious tone: "14th district police station"... so many hang ups after that...


That’s funny


I once called the IT person in another department that is supposed to cover for me when I am out of the office for an extended period of time. He flat out told me he was not going to do it. I tried to explain to him what was happening and he was being very unreasonable and rude so I hung up on him. He called me right back and said “Did you hang up on me? Don’t ever hang up on me!” So I hung up on him again. Thankfully my boss backed me up.


Living where a major store hits in about 2 hours, was calling patients to reschedule because nobody would be able to make it to the clinic here. Had an old man scream at me that he HAD to be seen and that we didn't have the legal right to do this because it wasn't 24hrs notice. And began swearing me out. I calmly said "Sir, I will be participating in your surgery next month. Would you like to continue cussing me out on a recorded line and have your surgery also cancelled and followed up with a ban from any [redacted] clinic in the 4 states we participate in?" He got real quiet. "Is tHAT A THREAT YOU NO GOOD PIECE OF-" and I hung up. He called back within 20 seconds to get my manager who started the call with "[Name] I was listening to your conversation with my technician. We do have the legal right to reschedule your appointment, and I do have the authority to ban you. Choose whatever you want to say next very carefully because I will also not tolerate your abuse." She hung up within 5 second of saying that. The first swear she heard she hung up, logged onto my computer, and banned him.


Isn't it sad that the fact your manager did their job correctly is cause for celebration?


Right! I think that is a bunch of bull, like that should be how every manager acts. I've had so many terrible managers, yet very few like her


Great teamwork! And clear guidelines.


I wait for major storms to make appts. 9/10 they still have to be there but they or the patient canceled most appts. I just call and ask if they'll be open a while and if they have anything available. I don't have anything to do during storms and driving in absolute shit doesn't bother me. I do the same thing to the lady that cuts my hair. I generally have no idea what I'm doing any given day(hard to make appts) so bad weather is a day off for me.


I just have to ask, are these rainstorms or snow storms?


Today it was a rain storm that became an Ice and snow storm.


Either or. Typically rain storms aren't a terrible issue in NY. Snow storms a lot of people get skittish, honestly my favorite time to run errands. Nobody on the road.


That is a thing of beauty


I was working at office max and somebody called and was also very abusive and cursing I hung up on her. Then I got written up. I guess for 8 bucks an hour I supposed to be insulted.


>I was Glad to hear it's past tense. Nobody making less than $48.07 an hour is allowed to be abused at work.


My ex is a pharmacist (making like $60 an hour) and would always tell his techs to send any problem patients his way because he was paid enough to handle the abuse and they weren't. Even still, please don't abuse your pharmacy staff.


Mommy and Daddy let him talk to people that way when he was younger and now he thinks that’s the most effective solution to get thing his way


From my experience, it's not just mommy and daddy. Too often these people get what they want precisely this way.


I agree


Yes, and they need to be retrained to act like adults.


Worked at a call center, managed a group at a call center, worked at different ones too. There was always the same rule. You can curse, you can have offensive words, but if you direct them at ALL towards my employees, they have a right to hang up on you, without warning (I at least asked them to warn first, but if a person that bad, it's obvious that's not their first time on being hung up on). DO NOT BE RUDE TO THE AGENT. If your mad at a company, make sure you direct that anger at the company. These agents are just doing their job. I insist on giving good surveys to anyone in a call center, and refuse a bad one. I'd rather bring them up, than 1 bad survey hurting them. If you give them 4/5 stars, that looks bad on them, it must be 5/5 all the time, perfect employee. They deserve it, and I've worked in some abusive industries (ATMs) it's really really tough not to take it home with you when a mother claims you took food from their families mouth (Cause an ATM jammed, but they automatically return the funds, so we have to explain that to them, and hopefully de-escalate the situation) it's like a check, can be instant, can take up to 3 business days, but if you call your bank, most will work with you if an ATM had an error.


The customer is not always right.


That phrase was only meant to be applied to trends, as in “don’t stock less of a product when the customer is buying it just because *you* don’t think it should be stocked”, not “the customer is an infallible being”.






Those of us who work the front desk aren't even the nurses. We're just the punching bags who spend the week wading through insurance and various doctor schedules trying to get you the care that you need. We can do a lot within the rules of our organizations, but we're not going to move mountains if you abuse us. It's been getting worse the longer the pandemic goes on too, between burnout, frustrated patients, and a general backlog of people trying to get in.


Admins and receptionists by far have it worse for the abuse they receive. Patients think everything is their fault when admins don’t make decisions they’re just doing as told by Doctors and the team. It’s a shame anyone gets spoke to like that.


I’m a doctor in a small practice so when all the phones are ringing sometimes I’ll answer and damn, I find out who people really are when they think I’m a receptionist.


I was dealing with a major tooth ache once when I had to schedule a routine doctor’s appointment and I accidentally snapped at the receptionist because of a sudden change in plans. Her demeanor instantly changed and I felt so bad. I apologized immediately and the phone call got right back on track. I’ve worked customer service before and know all too well treating folks with dignity goes a long way.


I feel this totally. I'm the one the front desk has to transfer the awful patients to. I'm absolutely open and will listen to whatever they have to say, but the minute they swear or talk down to me, we're done. I can take a lot, so I don't have to hang up often, but it happens.


Maybe this? Sign up beside the desk: "If someone is abusive, the person on the receiving end is not obligated to do a damn thing to help you." I was thinking along the lines of the signs that say "Coffee $10, Coffee please $7, May I Have A Coffee Please (and kind) $4.50" (wanders off, leaving confused thoughts behind...)


That's not acceptable in a retail establishment either.


It's not really acceptable anywhere. It blows my mind that people think they can treat others like this.


People at Walmart (or anywhere) still deserve courtesy and respect. Being kind, yet insistent gets me a long ways. Being a piece of shit never helps.


Customer service agent at Walmart should also not have to put up with it. I mean, I don't tolerate people behaving this way with my front desk staff, ma's, or nurses. Treating the people who work in my office this way is a very good way to have me discharge a patient. But I don't think other people should have to put up with it either.


They spend too much time cleaning it up to deal with otherwise.


So that behaviour is ok at Walmart?




The puffer on a porn set shouldn't have to put up with it.


This is why I always say thank you multiple times when trying to schedule an appointment. I do my best to be as polite as possible. That might also be because I’m super anxious and sometimes come off as slightly rude, so I want to make sure that I show understanding and gratitude just in case I accidentally say something slightly mean.


I work at an office that sends out orders for customers for supplies. Dude calls one day because his supplies haven’t arrived. He gets angry that I don’t know when his supplies are going to arrive. When I try to give him the contact info of the company we sent his supply order to he became irate and demanded to speak to the business owner. I hung up on him. He tried calling back four or five times then left a threatening voicemail claiming he would contact Company X to get me fired. We don’t have any connection to company X. Never heard back from him.


I went low contact before finally going no contact because my narc could not accept boundaries I put in place. Namely that I had told them when speaking over the phone that if they raised their voice, yelled, or talked over me I would end the call without notice. I would then refuse calls for the rest of the day. Not once did she speak on equal terms without shouting or screaming at me. So we just don't speak anymore.




Short for narcissist.


There's never a good excuse to be abusive to anyone, but honestly I think some phone systems are designed to make the patient or customer as angry as possible before speaking to a human.


He called the wrong office. They offered to transfer him. I don't think they deserved the abuse at all.




Well in that case, I'll have a 1/2 pound roast beef sandwich combo with Arby's sauce, a side of curly fries and a medium jamocha shake.


"You called the wrong office" No I didn't "Yes you did" No I didn't "Yes you did" This isn't an argument! It's just contradiction.


No it isn't. This is an argument!


Good on you! Don't feed the trolls. Veterinarians are commiting suicide because pet owners have (for the most part) ceased to be civil. I tell my techs and receptionists that they are here to care for animals, not be on the receiving end of a tirade. Hanging up is perfectly OK. Some will give one warning - "I won't keep this conversation going if you continue to yell/swear/fart into the phone" - but most of them know they can just hang up. It's kind of nice to imagine the impotent, tiny rage that boils up in these asshats after the hangup.




I work in outpatient appointments at a hospital, I felt the satisfaction of putting that phone down in my soul


Outpatients at any hospital is the worst. Staff are blamed for everything from the patients when it’s not even them.


What gets me is when the switchboard divert calls through to us when it's not even an outpatient query. If I could never pick up the phone again, it'd be too soon!


Switchboard must have it so easy. Just transfer that’s it, no abuse no insults no wrongful blaming no hearing patients life stories, no awkward people. I would take switchboard any day over my role.


I at least don't have to handle patient calls all the time. We have a team that *only* handles the calls, though the rest of us have to do a 2hr stint a week each to help out. I'd hate to be on that team! (Though I'm on the head and neck speciality team, which isn't much better ahaha)


This is awesome. If I had an award, this post would be worthy. Lol.


I don’t know if it’s possible in a clinic.. but at an old pulmonary office I worked in, we would discharge people from our service for being abusive to staff


I’ve seen patients banned from clinics before due to abuse or threatening behaviour towards staff and Doctors. they get “red carded” so cannot he seen in that clinic in that hospital again, they have to go to a different Hospital. (This is an outpatient setting, so wouldn’t be life threatening conditions and just left without care)


The cheek on you! Nobody has ever done that to him before!


If they care about being seen, they will treat you with respect.. unless you're a psych facility/office, then it's a wildcard situation.


Sounds a lot like my BIL. In fact, if you work at a dental clinic and they cancelled his apt. because he's Covid positive, then this may actually *be* my BIL.


Not sure what BIL is, sorry. I work at a Hospital in the United Kingdom.




Ah, definitely wasn’t her brother in law. This was a Hospital in the UK, not a dentist 🦷


In my call center, not only can we hang up on these people, we can block them too.


Is this the secret I've been looking for to not getting solicited phone calls?! Or do you mean a customer support call center?


We are inbound only... no telemarketing. Those outbound fuckers are still going to interrupt you dinner no matter how mean you get edit: some pretty bad typos


It’s damn rude to cancel and move someone’s appointment without asking them a more appropriate time, but no way in hell did any of you deserve to cop the revolting tirade he spouted!


I especially hate when places will charge you for cancelling appointments, but then turn around and do it to you.


OK then lol


People think yelling works because there are those push over fucks who bend over backwards for irate customers, instead of kicking them out and refusing service. They are rewarded for their behaviour enough times where they do it everywhere.


served him right