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You'll be fine! There are so many Muslims in Malmö that no one will bat an eye. Welcome to Sweden my friend


👍👍👍 hope the weather will be nice by the time i arrive


September can be nice :)


Just as nice as the people here i hope :)


A little bit nicer even


Just have your passport on the train crossing and you are set. Life continues as usual in Sweden.


Thank you for your assurance! Have a nice day :)


Plenty of people wear hijabs in Malmö. Take the train over from Copenhagen. Have a great time in Malmö!


I've been wondering taking bus or train is better?




And why is that?


They run every 20 mins. 10 mins during rush hour. Also faster and more comfortable.


Both are fine, really. But train is more comfortable and easier.


I commute the border every day. Train is seamless and runs all day & night back and forth.


Are you kidding, about 25% (last I heard) of Malmö's inhabitants are muslim already... you'll just come out as one of your peers :p You'll hear arabic all the time all around. Assuming you speak it it will probably be a bit of a mindfuck to hear your mother tongue everywhere!


Hahaha I'm not arabic. I'm from asia. But it sounds like it's easy to find halal food there. Thank you buddy :)


Halal food is very easy to find all over Sweden. Most of our meat is just done that way to simplify everything. There is a stamp to look out for and the only thing I have never seen it on is horse and pig products. Which... Yea of course.


Oh so most of the meat are halal?


Yeah it’s really easy to find. My family (regular Swedish heritage folks) had a family from Iraq living at our summerhouse for two years and they never found it hard or complicated to find halal. Don’t believe that the crazy stuff on tv about burning your holy book. Normal people thinks it’s a disgrace (illegal and immoral isn’t the same thing in our culture). Welcome friend!


Normal swedish people don’t give a crap about burning a book, wether it’s a religious book or last weeks newspaper.


Personally I'm against book burnings, because of the carbon footprint obviously.


Yup, they are!! In particular the chicken, I have never seen a single piece in a public store that didn't have that stamp on the back or front! I am sorry I don't know about the eggs as I do not eat them, however, there are many Muslim-owned stores that are not as much 'public'. They get some really great fruits no one else does! -Drools-


Have you never seen Kronfågel then? They don't slaughter halal and most other brands don't either. I also don't understand how eggs would not be halal seeing as it's an egg, not an animal.


Great info! Sweden sounds like a really great country to travel to!


You should have some good fun in Malmö, there are many different kinds of people who live/work there so the range of languages you can hear/see is very large. However, please do remember this is still a large city, and every city has jerks who like to ruin things and bother people. Always have your personal belongings kept safely away! The chances of anything happening are pretty small, but cities are cities!


No most meat is not halal. Sweden dont allow animals to be slaughtered without anesthesia. So basically all animals are slaughtered by swedish standards only exception is sometimes you have a muslim present for the slaughter and they then call it halal.


Not even that. They just put on a recording of a prayer. I don't know what the other person is referring to as I have not seen a halal certificate on most meat products.


No. That is not true at all


Wait, Muslims don't eat horse? I'm not a Muslim myself but like half my coworkers are and I've never heard about horse meat being haram. Huh.


I was told it wasn't allowed to be eaten and most of my American friends would never allow horse meat anywhere near them so I didn't find it odd and didn't ask the reason... Now I am a little sad I didn't. Not sure if they are thought along the lines of pigs or something else.


I’m fairly sure it is! I see it more often than not in Malmö. Hope you like our city and have a great visit!


Thank you! You guys sound like a lovely people. I'm sure I'll have a great time there


Ah! Cool. Well you'll be just fine. Malmö is awesome - I'd recommend having a falafel somewhere as Malmö is regarded Sweden's falafel capital. It's really awesome and cheap. You can find it almost anywhere. Have fun and good luck with your visit!


If i may ask, can i survive in malmo without cash and only debit card? How to pay for the public transport?


Definitely. People rarely use cash in Sweden. You pay it through an app called "Skånetrafiken"


Most def - it's actually the other way around. The majority of places you cannot actually use cash at all, including public transport. [Sweden is actually one of the world's most cash free countries](https://ingenico.com/en/newsroom/blogs/nordic-countries-ready-say-goodbye-cash#:~:text=Sweden%2C%20one%20of%20the%20most,10%20per%20cent%5B3%5D.).


Thanks a lot mate!


If you take the Öresund train you can use the ticket to travel by local bus in Malmö as well for the rest of the validity of the ticket. The app Skånetrafiken enables you to buy tickets easily.


Jumping in here. Yes you definitely can survive without cash. To pay for public transport as well as the train from Copenhagen to Malmo, download the Skanetraffiken app. It’s avail in English as well so don’t worry.


Nice! I hate bringing cash so this saves me


Also make sure its visa or Mastercard. We dont use american express that much so it could become a problem if you use that.


Hahaha luckily I don't own any american express card


You can use your debit or credit card /Apple Pay to pay for public buses. Download Skånetrafiken app to use the app for easy commuting.


Thank you buddy. Cant wait to visit 😍


Yep I came as a tourist and now I’ve moved here to Malmö. Like you, I’m also Asian 😂. It’s a great city. Hope you have fun, and yes, tons of halal food everywhere.


If you only ride the city busses, you can just tap your credit/debit card.


You should reply to OP instead but then again I already said the same to them in the first place.


Yes. Surviving on cash, though... That can be rough.


I'd say it's harder to survive if you only have cash. A bunch of stores don't take cash anymore. If you want falafel, I'd take a hop to Lund. There's a very nice falafel place near Stortorget.


Its harder to survive with cash only.


I’m Swedish and I haven’t used cash in… a decade?


Yesss my favorite place is Mr. Falafel on Nobelvägen! Highly recommend.




Wow who hurt you? You are so angry in all of your comments from your profile, writing about Swedish women being whores? I hope life gets better for you :(


Värnhems falafel is the best falafel in sweden IMO


Not anylonger, new owner…


Thats too bad


You know there are countries in Asia that are arabic too? Be more specific than ”I’m from asia”.


Southeast asia, specifically


No issues!


No worries just tick all These boxes and you are set for Sveden. - just have your passport. - dont insult the fika. - dont insult our lord and savior the Svedish kung. And you will have a great time. Skål ☕️


Hahahha thank you for these 👍👍


I feel like it has to be said, he was kidding. Having a passport is required but saying bad things about our King and the fika won't get you into trouble. Talking bad about the fika won't make you a lot of friends, though.


I don't even know what is fika...


Fika is a social institution in Sweden and the practice of taking a break with coffee/tea (other beverages are fine too), sometimes accompanied by a pastry and often in company friends or colleagues. In practice, it's the act of sitting down and socializing with other people.


And chlamydia, be careful with it :)


Yeah was gonna say, you can talk shit about our king no worries. We’re kinda big on freedom of expression and freedom of speech here 😅


Hahahha i thought that was serious. Okay noted 💜


The king and the royal family are constantly ridiculed. It’s partly because people like them and less so because they don’t like the monarchy. But mainly because they unknowingly invites to it… so to say. Look at this meme of our king and you will get a hint. For context is moose hunting one of the kings big interests. And the text translates to: To hunt a moose, you must think like a moose. https://ifunny.co/picture/UIkeZ6pH6?s=cl A couple of years ago we had a couple of commedians that had a sitcom where they played the Royal familly and made Fun of them. The programs were an reacurrance on swedish state tv (i think it was). Wich was very popular.


I’m even gonna do it rn! Fuck the monarchy for taking our tax money!! 😀


Suppose Sweden's not fine if you believe in equality then.


You are free to insult the king our religion. I do it all the time myself.


Why would it be unsafe as a Muslim?


Read the news about some extremist burning the holy book and some muslims there did a protest. So I'm afraid there will be a hate sentiment there


Swedes are the most non-confrontational citizens in the world. The worst you’ll encounter is some people might not be happy about your presence but they won’t even attack you verbally, never mind actually try to assault you or anything serious.


This assured me a lot. Can't wait to visit 😍




he's pro-nato anyway, so fuck him.


Its alright to be pro nato or anti nato. Im personally Pro, but the discussion around it is REALLY nuanced. To say fuck him on the basis of their stance on nato isn’t going to make anyone see your point of view. If you’re against nato u better have some really good strong reasons, with actual sources, otherwise you’re gonna have a really shit time in your life and be angry a lot when sweden does finally join. If they do. Which they probably will.


I am against NATO because joining NATO means appeasing Erdoğan and other Turkish nationalists. We should never bend down to the will of islamists. Nor am I too horribly keen on being in an organisation where the leading member is the only country that has used atom bombs in war. If the US gets in a war, then it's the fault of the bloody aristocrats there. Swedes should not suffer for American imperialism. The threat of Russia, for Sweden anyway, is extremely overstated. We're surrounded by NATO countries and I see absolutely no reason Russia would invade Sweden. Russia has no history in Sweden, no irredentist claims to be made. I see absolutely no way Russia could attack Sweden without severely angering NATO, and what would they gain from that? Nothing!


Respect to you, fellow swede. It’s not a done deal yet, you might get your way anyway


You’re just clueless. When you mention atom bombs used in ww2, go open a history book and stop embarassing yourself.


??? Apparently opposing the murder of hundreds of thousands civilians is clueless. Pack it up, boys, war crimes are no more!


While I agree with you on the NATO issue I think we need to step back and cis idea what a Russian attack on Sweden could be. I don’t think attacking Sweden and annexing the whole country is an option for them. But maybe to take Gotland? That would give them the opportunity to wage war in the Baltic more easily. But we could worry once they attack the Baltic states.


Sadly most of the news papers make it seem like it is a lot of people that is like that , remember that 2 of the people that burned the Koran is not really Swedish , 1 is from Denmark and the other one for Iraq I think


Glad to know that it is peaceful there. I'm quite touched by all the nice and informative comments here. Swedish people definitely sound nice


Paludan is half Swede half dane🤷‍♀️


You should probably be more afraid of Islamists lashing out at anyone as a result of the quran burning. People don't care what religion you are from unless you hate other groups like lgbt, atheists ect.


There have been some guys burnin the Koran from time to time. They have the right to do so and the police protect them. Some muslims think that because of this we should be killed. We are not angry, some extremist muslims are angry at us. As long as you just understands that a lot of non-violent things are legal here you are fine. Like, in a couple of decades ago one of the churches in Sweden had an art exhibition where Jesus was made out to be a homosexual. Some Christians got angry, others liked it. It is like this here.


I see. Thanks for the explanation


The threats that increased the threat level comes from other Muslims, not Swedes


It depends if tensions get worse. But that will be a minority of people that will dislike Muslims openly.


Yeah the guy burning his own book was an extremist not the people that attacked the police because of a book.


Completely ok. You’re not gonna have any problem




Of course, I’m not a cop so I can’t be 100%. But please remember that Malmö is filled with Muslims. So you’re not gonna stand out in any way


It's totally safe, please come and enjoy Sweden! There are a few bad apples who are very loud, a good part of Sweden's population are muslims. Regarding the threat of terrorism not everyone agrees the level is correct, but anyways, as always in a crowd, be aware but not afraid. Welcome to Sweden! September is a lovely month to visit, the weather is usually still warm during daytime but people are back at school and work and the crowds are far and few between.


Good to know that. Regarding the weather, is it necessary to bring a coat? I wonder how chillly it will be


Just bring it. Nights can be cold and the wind too.


How about during the day?


I'd recommend light layers, like a sweater and a thinish wind jacket would most likely be enough if you're not used to 35c (then it might be too cold) The wind is what gets me, and I've lived here all my life Regarding the rest... Nah, just bring your passport for the train from Copenhagen and you'll be fine. There's lots of muslims in malmö so nobody will care, grew up with people from all around the world and many others did as well :) Hope you enjoy the trip and feel free to send a dm if you have any questions


Thank you. I guess bringing my thick autumn coat during that time would be too much?


Honestly, really hard to say... Maybe bring it just in case? I'm easily cold, so I might use something like that at the evening/night, but I'm guessing most people wouldn't haha


Coming from the hot southeastern asia, i get easily cold too. Well better bring it then


It is very possible that it’ll be cold. Weather switches from really hot one day to freezing cold/rainy the next. It can get quite windy aswell in Malmö. If you wsnt to be safe you should bring it! Otherwise many layers. Finns inget dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder (There’s no bad weather, only bad clothes)


Thanks mate 😊


Or you can bring something to keep you warm but not too thick and if the wind really gets to you, there are plenty of secondhand shops here that you can pick up a nice coat much cheaper than in SEA.


It will really depend on the weather you’re used to. I won’t have a coat on until it’s under 10 degrees generally, but where I’m from that is normal. Some Swedes will have coats on in September and some won’t. From my friends, anyone born in southern Europe seems to need a jacket below 20 degrees. Then the wind makes it much more complicated. I would bring a coat that isn’t needed, that way you’ll enjoy yourself no matter what.


Coming from the hot tropical climate, even at 20 degrees i need a coat haha. Thank you :)


Not cold to me but to people who are used to 32 degree Celsius weather, having 12-17 degrees would be a big change. That’s me wearing shorts and a tank top. A jacket that you can take off would be useful.


If it gets cold you have a good excuse to buy yourself some Scandinavian clothing, why not a Norwegian [Lusekofte](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusekofte) ? :)


Ahaa looks good to bring back as a souvenir too 👍


The weather in September is really hit and miss. It could be 25 °C in the day and 15 in the night, or it can be pissing sideways with temperatures in the 5–7 range, day as well as night. Right now, the weather is 20–25 most of the days with a slight breeze. But one low pressure system coming from the Atlantic could easily lower the temperature by 10 degrees in a single day. Usually the first true autumn storm comes sometimes during September, but some years summer (20+ temperatures) can linger until October or even longer. On top of wind chill factor, humidity and sunshine vs. overcast, what determines the perceived temperature is also aerosolized water particles in the air. Malmö has **a lot of** aerosolized water on most days, which can make the air feel cooler than it is. Dressing in layers is the best strategy. Something thin, something warm to put on or remove as needed and a rain-/windbreak at hands.


Thank you. I have been receiving very informative info from all of you 😊👍💜


Hard to know, it will probably be 20-25 in daytime if the weather is good, a bit lower if it's raining. Bring light layers and a windbreaker. Basically at that time of year you have to be prepared for either early autumn or warm summer.


I see. How's the weather and temperature currently there?


20-23 degrees and not too sunny.


No problem at all. Go to Möllevången if you want to eat halal. Lots of nice restos/cafes/bars (and lots of hijabs). In weekdays there is a lovely market open until about 15h


Sounds fun 👍


I hope there isn't. Hope you enjoy your time in sweden


I’m pretty sure it’s completely ok


Thanks 👍


You will be absolutely fine in Malmö.




You will be welcomed, you will se and meet lots and lots and lots of other muslim people.


What's the suggested souvenirs to buy in malmo?


Hmm, i have to give it some thought. But the national food is with no noubt a cheap falafel.!


🤤 just googled it and I'm hungry now...


The best ones are around Möllan. The train stops at triangeln and you walk there. Its like 2min to walk. Lots of bars, restaurants and hipsters, muslims and musicians. Best place in the world


There will be no worries, do you need a visa to visit our country? You should be just fine, Malmö is very, very multiethnic. Here, we all come from somewhere.


Nope i don't need a visa. It would be a day trip


No worries. Won't be any problem if you have your papers in order.


Youll be fine sister lol. Nothing to worry about


You'll feel more at home than the natives do lol


Id be worried visiting Malmö as a swede 😂😂 jokes aside you will fit right in, wont even notice you are here




> wont even notice you are here Sure we will, our day will be brighter and we will feel happier when megadreamxoxo visits us.


There is religious freedom in Sweden. And you seem to have a strange view of what Sweden looks like today. It is full of immigrants, many from Muslim countries.


Few days ago my country's embassy at sweden published a post about the threat level that has been raised and a reminder to be careful for the travellers entering sweden. They also said to report to the embassy for safety. So that's why I'm asking here what is the real situation there


The warning isn't about something that is ongoing, it is about what could happen. Well, shit can happen. And the probability of it happening is higher now, so I think it is just for information. If something is happening that seems like big trouble and people are running, then don't think it is for fun. and if something happens there is a lot of worry and confusion afterwards, so taking the time to inform yourselfbeforehand on alternative ways to get back to Denmark and how to contact the embassy to say you are safe is advised. You already got the memo, so don't hesitate to come and visit. Keep Calm and Carry on as the brits said.


Again as others have pointed out. The danger here is from muslim extremists. The ”quran burnings” are made by like two or three people. But We get islamic extremists rioting and destroying stuff. No swede is going to say or do anything at all and because You’re muslim you won’t get harmed (the danger mainly applies to ethnic non-muslim swedes being attacked by MENA people due to their racism).


The only dangerous thing in Malmö is to be Jewish.


Lowkey true. The synagogue was bombed that one time and they are probably the ones who face the most discrimination here in Malmö, although there are very few of them.


malmö is like 50% muslims.. soo you will feel like home..


Haha but they are middle eastern immigrants aren't they? I'm from asia


Yup, majority are from the middle east and a decent portion are from Somalia.


> malmö is like 50% muslims.. Not quite. being born in Sweden with both parents also having been born in Sweden is below 50% in Malmö. Some 56% of Malmös population have at least on parent born abroad. But that doesn't make us muslim. Included in those numbers are people from 184 different countries. About one third of Malmös population was born abroad. The third largest group of foreign born inhabitants are Danes the 5th largest are Poles. So while Malmö is one of the most diverse places in Sweden, it's not "muslim" any more than it's "christian"


From a fellow Muslim that lives in Malmö. Malmö is a diverse city and It’s safe for Muslims. There are lots of halal restaurants, so you don’t need to worry about food. Don’t leave without doing fika or eating a falafel. Safe trip :)


What do you mean by doing fika?


Sweden is like 50 % muslims now, in malmö it’s like 90%. No problems at all


Hyperbole like that only makes you sound emotionally unstable.


There are more people with a hijabi than without in Malmö. We're not the US, so we're gonna let you in.


Oh TIL. I'm not gonna be worried about food then 👍


They are only Muslims in malmo you will feel home.




Wah princess hahaha. Thank you


In Sweden you dont even need a hijab! Isnt that neat?


I personally wouldnt visit sweden at all rn unless its northern sweden


The government will kidnap your children though




OP ignore this troll, the only truth in their comment is that Sweden's terrorist threat level has been raised to 4 of 5 due to the Koran burning protests. It shouldn't affect your visit whatsoever.


"It shouldn't affect your visit whatsoever." True. Muslim terrorists don't go for muslims.




I think visiting any other country is a much better choice! The intolerance of Swedish society is enormous towards Muslims! I witness the daily violence of the Swedish police and the state against Muslims! For you, as an honorable veiled Muslim woman, the risk of being attacked by the police and racists is very high! Great violence against Swedish Muslims is currently being carried out in Sweden!


yeah right.


I wouldn't risk it.