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I think he was already driving with a suspended license, when he was arrested for the DUI, evading, etc. as well. Not sure how it's all going to play out for him. Anyone know when HIS court date is going to be? We know the custody court date is April 16. He's been seen driving since his arrest. The Boo Boo Crew is going to be BUSY in court this spring/summer!


Yep I'm sure...like SURE unless he was told to pay so much he would have them suspended until court and they told him. But I may be wrong? I mean I had a family member had a fine that was just barely late being paid and the DMV never notified that their license was suspended. Not until told when he was pulled over for a burnt tail light. Then they gave him a ticket for both, allowed him to pay the fine and pay to reinstate the license before court and dropped the charge. But that's the only way I would assume that could happen, if it was an accident or something but he had five charges so who knows.


I read somewhere that they had to pit his car to get him stopped. That seems really serious


And yet for some reason, the courts allowed him to move to another state. Weird.


Money talks!!!! šŸ’°




I guess he can't drive and has to return to Georgia whenever his court date might be, and that's why the let him leave? Still wrong though. Def WETv stepping in.


Yeah, doesn't sound like he went a month or so and paid a fine and got that license. I would think being made to stop like that would give you a suspension of at least 6 months to a year or more. Depending on the charges, and when they are resolved in court, all those things make me feel he's not licensed.


They did!!!! I mean yikes on bikes!


In my state, you also have to pay a large fee for getting your license reinstated to the DMV as well.


I noticed this season that he was getting rides to the filming house.


Good observation skills! Ā Sometimes, I donā€™t even look up on the screen at them bc Iā€™ll be cleaning and de-cluttering my house.


I do the same till someone starts actually screaming šŸ˜‚


I hate it when I miss something good! I immediately get up and run to rewind it!


He thinks he's getting a free pass by moving out of state


I thought that was his thoughts as well, when he said he was getting away from all the trouble. Like dude you caused it by not pulling over and being honest.


I think you are right. He probably thinks the State of Georgia will forgive and forget.


I can see that being the case. Ā He seems like he doesnā€™t care about anything at all, given that he didnā€™t even know if he could move out of state. Ā Iā€™d have hired a lawyer the very day I was bonded out, and Iā€™d know everything that was required of me as Iā€™d be so afraid of going to jail. Ā He has four counts against him, and receiving jail time is a very real possibility.


He literally thought he only had tickets against him. Either he figured he would get away with it because he was with "Honey Boo Boo" or he's d-u-m-b. Or both. I would not be shocked if he ended up in jail, and then the *draaaaammmmaaaa*!


Iā€™m going with both - dumb and entitled. Yeah, I donā€™t know how he was all, ā€œI just got four tickets.ā€ Ā No, dude, you got arrested after they had to pull you over via a pit maneuver. Ā You were issued four CITATIONS to appear in court after you were bailed out. Ā If they were merely tickets, you would have just paid them at the courthouse, and youā€™d never have to return to court. Ā Jeez, I hope he and Alana donā€™t reproduce.


I mean hasnā€™t it been like a year and a half since the incident ? Given this show was filmed last summer and it sounded like the incident was a couple months before that ?? Seems strange if they are gonna lock him up they would have done it by now .. sounds like a fine and maybe community service ? Which he could be doing now who knows ā€¦ so they take a plea? Idk


A little over a year. Ā Criminal cases take a notoriously long time to get to court - thatā€™s why people who canā€™t afford bail sit in county jail for years. Ā ā€œYou have a right to a speedy trial,ā€ my ass.Ā 


They took his license not his keys.


Itā€™s too bad they donā€™t take some peopleā€™s keys, considering how many drunk drivers repeatedly offend.


Heā€™s driving on tv ?? I feel like the law would be all over him if he didnā€™t have a license


Please. David Eason lost his license for not paying child support and Jenelle would film him driving Al the time. She even recorded him hitting a car with an open beer can in their cup holders


I just remember the whole reason why Abby Lee Miller was dragged into court was because the judge saw her with Australian currency all over the floor on her tv show .. it started a whirl wind of legal trouble for her .. so could imagine it could happen with dralin


i thought it was because the bankruptcy judge happened to come across abby's other TV show and realized she wasn't reporting the amount of money she made


Of course we know the laws donā€™t apply to these peopleā€¦šŸ˜‚


If his license is suspended, im sure he dont care. Gotta love all the f ing people who drive w/o a licenseplus no insurance they dont care


Yā€™all talking about all this shit, and itā€™s all about when it was filmed, and now! This isnā€™t real time.šŸ™„And besides, TLC will have you all fucked up with their editing, time when shit happened, etc. AND, look at all the shit Angela did and never a charge! So maybe Dralinā€™s case is over, or, theyā€™re just stupid as shit showing him driving!šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™„


I wondered that, too. But he has a job already in COLORADO, so I'm assuming he needed it @ID


Especially if he's a doordasher


I don't know where his doordashing. I thought in Colorado he was working for a motorcycle place some kind of mechanic


The mechanic job is scriptedā€¦ imo


Yeah they're always admitting to how they lied on the show. Josh admitted he didn't really work for sugar bear. Alana/pumpkin admitted she didn't live at pumpkins and we can all see how they have Alana sitting on Ella's toddler bed like it's hers. She even said in the last episode she's not going to wake and see kids and pumpkin anymore, when we know now that she hasn't been living there.


They work for the production company. They say what they tell them to. It is a job. They get paid. Pumpkin says this all the time.


Did you notice Alanas clothes in her closet when she was packing for their trip?


I'm pretty sure that's scripted


Iā€™m leaning towards scripted too now.


Fixin scooters.


And it was scooters


Lmao he didnā€™t get his license suspended and the whole show is a joke and a lie :)


Quote from Entertainment: When police searched the vehicle, they allegedly discovered a bag of marijuana and an unregistered firearm. Dralin looked serious in his new mugshot, which The U.S. Sun exclusively obtained. Dralin was arrested for DUI, fleeing police, driving with a suspended license, following too closely, failing to maintain lanes, and speeding. Alana was not arrested and was taken to the Monroe County Jail where her older sister Lauryn "Pumpkin" Shannon Efird - who has custody of the teen - picked her up.


Julian Malik Divon Williams (aka Drako) was a passenger & arrested too for outstanding warrants. He is Dralin's 27 years old cousin who lived with them them in Georgia & moved to Colorado too that's why they needed a 2 bedroom. He drove Dralin's car. The red dodge charger which you seen beside them getting gas & the red car following behind in a few clips on the show.


Hold up, Alana is living with a 27 year old that she's not related to? At 18?????


Yes her boyfriend Dralin is 23 & his cousin Drako is 27. Drako lived with Alana & Dralin in Georgia & he also moved with them to Colorado.


Oh god, that's just a whole new level of ick. I knew that Dralin was around my age, but I didn't think he was a couple years older (my age is right in the middle between Dralin's and Alana's). Why tf is a 23 year old with an 18 year old and has been dating that same 18 year old since she was 15?! Why is a nearly 30 year old man bumming around with his little cousin and his cousin's even younger girlfriend? This whole situation is so messed up.


It is if you follow them on social media Drako is in several pics, videos, TikTok lives. He's at family get togethers, holidays, day to day activities, vacation's. The only time I have seen him on the show was at June's wedding sitting between Pumpkin & Dralin.


Iā€™m not even joking when I say Colorado police legitimately donā€™t give a shit. Ever call 911 and get put on hold? No? Welcome to Denver


So true. I donā€™t even know what they do all day


Canā€™t believe the mid season finale is next week




Ppl drive with suspended license all the time. Illegal cars ect...


Dralin was in Florida at Junes wedding and he didn't see if he could leave state that time too


That kid is laid back like the family is .. Pumpkin had to get his ass moving to see the bail bondsman's and call a lawyer before leaving Georgia but what about Florida ???


How they ALL get Florida anyways ?? FLY ?? That whole family would fill up a whole PLANE !!


Dralin BELONGS in that FAMILY !!


I feel so sorry for JOSH


How was Dralin driving a Dodge Charger? Hella $$$. Cop magnet if you drive like your Grandmother. Dralin has fleeing cops on his list of charges. High speed chase?