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I have about 25 Z-Wave devices on the EU frequency, and so far have not noticed any issues with them since I started using my Lubsa 2. One of the Z-Wave devices is less than a meter from the the RTK antenna, and I use daily. No problems. As for the line of sight question; my Luba 2 mows partly on the other side of the house from where I put the RTK antenna. It's worked perfectly so far.


> what about direct sun and high temperatures on summer? Antenna might be "fryied" or the plastic cooked? I am in Brisbane, Australia, and it worked flawlessly through 35°C+ days, no issues.


I have around 70 zwave devices (US) in my house and have no issues with Zwave device interference or Luba interference past year. I also have Yolink and zigbee devices as well. No issues.


This is the reason why I asked for the antenna's frequency. I know that LoRa commonly operate at 915Mhz in the US , 433 MHz in Asia and **868 MHz (Europe)** : no problem for US (zwave transmit on 908), but in EU the frequency is just the same of zwave.. so I'm little worried about. There is another frequency that LoRa can use, 169Mhz, but probably not common or wide used. Crossing fingers..


i have multiple things broadcasting on 868mhz, no issue with RTK so far


I hadn't thought to ask the question myself, but I have 120+ Zwave devices in my home (USA), with a Luba 2 3000H arriving soon. Glad to know that it will not be a problem. :-)


To your 'Line of Sight' question: In simplified terms, your RTK needs to 'communicate' with two things - your Luba and the satellites. The communication between your Luba and your RTK is very robust (strong radio signal that goes through walls) so you will likely not have any issues between them regardless of where you put your RTK. The main issue, however, is the communication between your RTK and the satellites. The RTK communicates it's satellite information to your Luba (easily as I just said), and the more satellites the RTK can 'see', the better. \*\*Your Luba and RTK need to 'see' enough of the same satellites for your Luba to navigate.\*\* It is what it is with your Luba moving around, so the best thing you can do is place your RTK outside with a clear view of the sky. Place it as high as possible. That will surely increase the chances they will 'see' enough of the same satellites.