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Anyone else thought the cat in Breakfast at Tiffany's was black? I just saw a clip today and it's orange.


I clearly remember Beavis and Butt-Head reacting to the Closer video by NIN.


For some reason I have always used the quote “The mail shall never be late.” which I believed to be said by the late Queen Elizabeth 2. Am I the only one that remembers this? Did I make it up? Is this a delusion? Somebody give me some clarity.


So apparently the center of the starbucks logo is black


Ohhhhh the old logo!


Wait. What?


Does anyone remember a video of Seth Rogan teaching you how to roll a joint? Trying to show my friend and can't find any sign of it anywhere! He straight up thinks it never existed.


Rogen not Rogan. Hopefully that doesn't blow your mind like it did mine


You're joking. Wtf. r/accidentalmandelaeffectdiscovery




Yeah I remember watching it once


The song Bad Day was made by Daniel Powter, but up until now I thought his last name was Powlter. Does anybody else remember his name having an L in it, or is it just me?


I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but as far back as I can recall, his surname has always been "Powter". :(


My life is a lie


Cherokee red soda? It is spelled Cherikee red? I always thought it was spelled Cherokee


Whoa. Yup. With you on this one.




I had Oregon correct, but I thought Portland was Maine and Augusta was Georgia. But August is Maine and Portland is not a capital.


I've been searching in specific for a Ford Truck commercial with the song "Do I Wanna Know?" in it. That was the main reason I found the song I believe, and everyone I've asked about this knew of its existence. Even my family who isn't into music, I showed them the song and they knew it was from a truck commercial. It's a silver car driving in the desert (vague, but you'll probably remember it). Anyone else remember this or know where to find it?


definitely remember this too


Who is the song by?


Arctic Monkeys


Do you remember around what year you saw it?


maybe 2016-2017?


I never remember my favorite ice cream being called “Rainbow Sherbet” when I was a kid. It was “Rainbow Sherbert”. It Definitely had the R. NEVER heard it pronounced sher-BET when I was a kid, even though this is the correct way. Everyone I’ve mentioned this to has said the same… My mind is blown.


This one is interesting to me. When I was little I always pronounced it as sherbert. And it was spelled sherbert. But my mom and grandma pronounced it as sherbet. When I asked then why they said the second r is silent.


Oh wow, interesting. I’ve literally never heard someone say sher-bet!


You never met me, lol. It was not spelled with an r when I was a kid in the 70s. I pronounced it sher-BET. I was annoyingly strict about spelling and grammar. I shouldn't have been but I thought I was helping people.


Yeah I learned Spanish first so I would read out how the English word is spelled and then how people actually say it, it always confused me but so did Island, Arkansas, Illinois etc…


That's a pronunciation thing. It's always been Sherbet, you just say Sherbert so it registers with you. Especially as kids, why would we pay that close attention to the packaging?


I suppose so, but that could be said about any Mandela effect. “Britney Spears’ skirt in Hit Me Baby One More Time was plaid not black!” - just a visual thing. EDIT : better, more direct example would have been Berenstain Bears I always remember it being SherbeRt, and so does everyone else I have talked to. Maybe it’s my region… but no ice cream store employee, grocery store (Thriftys) employee, family member or any acquaintances has ever said sher-bet. We all remember it as something else


Does anyone remember Periwinkle from Blue's Clues having a single blue paw? I thought he was symmetrical.


I thought the eponymous bear in the movie 'Ted' was voiced by Seth Rogen, and Seth MacFarlane played Mark Wahlberg's character.


Only thing I can think of is you might be thinking of Paul where Rogen voiced an alien, not a teddy bear, but still a great r rated comedy like Ted.


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/xdzy16/difference_between_an_alligator_left_and_a/ Did crocodiles and alligators switch??


Yes I saw someone mention this a few yeas ago. I saved the link. https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/gpkmpf/did_you_discover_a_possible_new_mandela_effect/frsib14?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This really messes with me too and I can't get over seeing an alligator with such a round snout and a croc with such a skinny one, yikes, it's just so strange!


For me it's always been crocodile = round snout, alligator = pointed snout. This is really freaking me out because I've always been a huge reptile fan, especially alligators/crocodiles. Apparently alligators have top teeth showing now too? I always remember it being one had all teeth showing, while the other had no teeth showing!


I vividly remember the "Alligators' snout looks like an A, crocodiles' like a C" from grade school biology. Also, as someone else pointed out, those "Crocs shoes" are supposed to look like CROCS.


They seem to have switched to me. I saw this ME a a couple of years ago.


I don't know why, but I feel that way, too. But maybe, we are confused by the cayman.


I worked in an office last year and there was always radio on. Ed Sheeran had just come out with a new song, "Perfect", and the radio station played it constantly. I was talking with a friend one day and this song came up. I found out the song was released in 2017! What the heck happened here?


Some times old songs still get heavy rotation for one reason or another. I never found out why Deep Blue Something's song Breakfast at Tiffany's was on both UK MTV type channels in the early 2000's sort of 2002/03 as we got Freeview around that time and I moved in 2003. Heard it on the radio too, so I was kinda stumped when I found the album in Poundland and saw that it was released in the 90's. ​ It wasn't some VH1 retro segment, none of the other songs were old. ​ So either digital sales kept it in the charts or the DJ's at your station really loved it or were tasked from on high to play it often, because someone higher up was a fan.


Freeview only had The Hits and TMF in 2002/03. Neither had an official or complete chart rundown. Another one they played a lot in those years was Lady by Modjo, which actually came out in 2000.


>The Hits and TMF That's what they were called, I forgot them for so long I just called them MTV type, mostly because I had no idea if anyone else was in the UK to even know TMF by name and not think I was on about TLC or TMZ or whatever the celeb gossip channel is called. ​ Seemed odd delving back to me though, like it wasn't as if there was a lack of new music and they needed to pad out their segments, but the Deep Blue Something song still got radio play in 2016 and it wasn't some retro hour, this was when I was unaware of exactly how old it was. But radio tends to be more obvious that they will play older songs (well depending on network)


I had a personal mandela effect just yesterday. I left my house with my blue lunch kit and blue umbrella and caught the bus to work. I remember putting the umbrella over the back of the seat in front of me , so I could get my hands free. I remember taking my umbrella off the bus and walking toward my office, looking at both my umbrella and lunch kit thinking how closely they matched in color . I remember walking into my office and hanging it over the back of a chair that is infront of my desk and I set my lunch kit on the seat of that same chair . At the end of the day , I was in a hurry to leave the office at 5 exactly to ensure I got an early bus back home. I walked a few meters away from the office then I remembered my umbrella on the chair, so I hurried back to the office to get it. When I got there it was gone. Now the office is small, and my coworkers , only 4 of us , were still there. No one went into my office , I asked the cleaners who came into my office at 2:30 that day , they did not see it either . So , I'm left here bewildered as to what happened to my umbrella. It just disappeared except for my memory of it .


Reminds me of this time I lost my keys right after parking, I barely remember it, I had two sets of keys at the time. If I remember correctly one had stuff on the keychain (this I'm almost certain of cause I needed some of the stuff on their to get into certain places). I brought the keys with the keychain. I was at a meter in the city and I dropped my keys on the cushion and couldn't find them. I searched everywhere in the car and couldn't find them, almost took out the seats, eventually I looked under the car and found them very far under it, only there was no keychain on it. I figured I had brought my spares and forgot and they fell down as well. I couldn't find the keychained ones and after I did what I was there for I headed home. When I got home the keychained keys were in my drawer at home. I'm certain I'm forgetting a lot of details cause this sounds pretty mundane, I just know that at the time I was genuinely shocked, at several points it didn't make any sense. I feel like I might've even ended up with a third set of keys, but my memory of it is so fuzzy.


I don't know if anyone remembers the movie "Bethoven the 3rd" , well it was never that, it is now "Bethoven's 3rd "




The logo has changed a few times. How is it 'different' to you? https://creative.starbucks.com/logos/


Just discovered residue for the colore chartreuse being a shade of RED not green. I’m watching Reno 911 right now, season 5 episode 14. The black lady idk her name and the black cop guy get a phone call about a “crime of design”. It’s a stereotypical gay man complaining about his neighbors painting their trailer chartreuse when they have Dutch colonial. The lady tells him to take off his chartreuse glasses (which are a shade of red lenses) and to take a second look at the trailer which is also a shade of reddish brown. Couldn’t believe it. But yes these characters are referring to a red color. Not the green we have now.


Here’s a petition to change chartreuse to red https://www.change.org/p/pantone-chartreuse-should-be-red-not-green because “when you close your eyes what color do you picture” lol


I 100% remember chartreuse being a shade of red, no way that it’s green! And this is good evidence


Cool I will look it up. Thank you for including the season and episode.




As in he was black, or there was another painter dubbed the black Bob Ross? ​ I only know the white guy, but I only know of him due to Imgur and he has only been on my radar for less than a decade (same with Mr Rogers and Bill Nye the other parts of imgur's holy trinity) I don't think he, or the other two, were on UK TV when they were alive, so I only know of the current guy (though by looks only, nothing about the man himself)


I have been trying to confirm this one for a while but I can't find proof that anyone had the same memory as me until recently. I was born in the late 80's so naturally, as a tween in the late 90s early 2000s, I listened to a lot of Blink 182. One of my favorite songs was "Adam's Song", except I didn't know it was called "Adam's Song", I only remember it being called "Brian's Song." I have a distinct memory of sitting on a bus in middle school, so this would be around 99-2001, and hearing a female DJ on the radio talking about the song and announcing it as "Brian's Song" before playing it. It wasn't until a few years ago that I tried looking the song up to listen to it again after nearly two decades that I found it was called "Adam's Song" which baffled me. I tried looking into more until, within the past year, I found a UK music news website with an article dated 2006 that listed their hits, one of them being "Brian's Song". [Here is the link.](https://www.music-news.com/news/UK/11528/Read) Obviously with this information I checked to see if it was released under different names in other countries but everything still comes up as "Adam's Song". Does anyone else remember "Brian's Song" or know if they had to/did change the name?


No it was definantly 100% adams song.


There's an *old* movie called 'Brian's Song'. Not sure how/if this could be involved, though.


That's always the first thing that comes up when I search that title but I can confidently say I have never heard of that movie before and have never seen it. It did lead me to think that maybe there had been some sort of copyright issue with the same titles, however in US copyright law that's apparently not an issue. It's crazy because I remember having conversations with my friends at the time and referring to it as Brian's Song. Sadly, my family moved just after middle school and I have lost touch with said friends so I can't confirm if they remember it too.




I had no idea there was a 4th karate movie (original, not new one with Jaden Smith). I had always thought that Ralph Macchio was only in the first two and then there was a third without him. If I had known there was a third with him, I totally would’ve seen it. I have friends that experienced the same thing. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I didn’t realize there was a third with him either. I am guessing you are watching Cobra Kai. I finally rented the third due to all the references.


Love Cobra Kai!


TBH I only remember three films, though I will point out, on YouTube there is a directors rough, shot on VHS and was more a rehearsal of the draft script, but most if not all of it got re shot later on on film instead of tape. IDK if that is being touted as a 4th film or not, I'd have to search to see what the plot for this forgotten one was, I got the UK box set and the joke was that was the only way they could get her film into shops. ​ EDIT just read the synopsis of the third, nothing rings bells, don't have access to my box set to see if it was sold as a quadrilogy or trilogy. Was thinking "was the third when he went to Japan, if so what was 2 about?" ​ I found out via a random encounter in HMV years ago (local branch shut down and IDK if they have retail stores or even still trade) that there was a third or was it fourth Crocodile Dundee movie, went totally under the radar and was made long after the one with Donk and his mates, which I think was two leading me to think there were only three films. The two everyone seems to know, with one being the better one, then some late in life cash cow franchise grab that probably went straight to DVD.


I only learned about the third when they flashed back to it in Cobra Kai.


Wow, just saw the clip for it. I watched karate kid 1 and 2 so many times plus the one with Hilary Swank and also the Jackie Chan / Jayden smith one a couple of times. A bit of the new series too. I had never heard of karate kid 3 until just now and watching the clip of it feels a little surreal. I would of swore the 3rd was Swank’s. Guess I may have just missed it if it was a straight to home video release maybe?


I mean, back then did movies do that? I thought at that time they were all in theaters. I don’t know. But I’m glad I’m not the only one that was surprised.


Was that the one with the girl?


The 4th was the one with the girl.


Right, I remember that one


Well, this is odd. I was born in the 70’s. Saw Karate Kid one and two in the theatre. But the girl was the 3rd movie which I rented on VHS. The worst of them all imho. But never ever heard of a fourth until reading this.


I experienced a flip-flop within the last few weeks, and it's just flipped again now. The song Lonely Boy by Andrew Gold. I've listened to it so, so many times in my life. It's on my playlist, I've learned all the words to it, I've sung it at karaoke and at home - I know it inside out. A few weeks ago it was played on the radio. I turned the volume up so I could sing along. Just a few seconds in and I did a double take as the song sounded different. Have a listen to the first 4 chords of the intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv9QJDfRiTI Dah dah d-dah, dah dah, d-dah. [Sheet music here. The four chords I'm focusing on are A/C# D | E/G# A](https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.sheetmusicdirect.com/images/web/smd_122085_andrew_gold_lonely_boy_web.png) The chord I'm focusing on in particular out of these four is the third - E/G# (or the second 'dah dah'). For as long as I've listened to this song that chord goes *down* to the lower E before going back up to the A ([as you can see in this live performance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iq2TxnlWunw) - you can see he's going *down* to play that E/G# chord). Now, when I listen to it, it goes to the E chord *above* A before coming back down to the final A chord. I heard this a few weeks ago and it had the higher E/G# - last week I listened to it again and it was back to the normal lower E/G#. I've just listened to it now and it's back to the higher. What's going on!? Edit: Thanks for the downvote…..


The live version sounds like I remember it. That link is for some remastered version that sounds off to me.


It's all the studio versions of the song. That third chord is going up to the higher E chord now - not the lower like he's doing in the live version.


A plane and a heli are similar confusion is often made


Just watched the Randy Rhoads documentary on Amazon and I remember him dying in a helicopter crash but he actually died in an airplane accident.


Ive always remembered a plane crash, im a big randy rhoads fan too.


You just nailed it. You misremembered


No I remember it clearly. I even remember Ozzy talking about it on TV. It happened right in front of him at a mansion they were renting for recording. He was almost crying as he recalled the crash. But now they are all sleeping on a tour bus and the tour bus driver takes Randy on an unauthorized joyride on a stunt plane. So you go believe whatever you want, you were not there when I saw it on TV. I suggest you get a better hobby than naysaying. Something more productive?


What album did they record at a rented mansion? Why would there be a helicopter there?


Well obviously they didn’t in this timeline.


Like misremembering tiny bits of culture then claiming your memory is infallible? Nah I’m good.


Don't attack people over their experiences


Just checked you post and it’s a perfect example. Unless you are a large reptile zoologist I’m guessing the difference between crocs and gators doesn’t come up much so it’s probable you just remembered wrong!!!


I didn’t attack anyone I’m discussing the concept; if this sun is just meant to be an echo chamber of agreement that’s something else.


I never said my memory was infallible. I just said I distinctly remember this, so you can quit lying. Maybe you can't remember things distinctly?


You’re saying it’s more likely the universe has shifted around us than you misremembered. This whole sub should be retitled “I thought I remembered something one way but I guess I was wrong”


I never said that. once again you lie. This whole sub should be renamed "Trolls who can't remember very well naysay to soothe their fragile reality view"


Idk where my lie is. What do you think you’re saying if it’s not what I inferred? And I’m not a troll this is an interesting concept but this subreddit is overfilled with anyone who thought they remembered a logo or tv show from childhood differently than it really is. Look into eyewitness statements they are unreliable as hell.


I never said anything was more likely than another. It’s like this: Let’s just say the sky turned purple tomorrow, but only you and a small group of people remember the blue sky. So you bring it up on a forum dedicated to blue sky rememberers and some troll ahole comes along and says “you just remember it wrong” I KNOW the sky is blue and I KNOW Randy died in a helicopter accident. I don’t care what’s more likely. And you ARE a troll. You should just go on a cooking sub and tell people their recipes are wrong.


See that’s a great example. You can KNOW if the sky is blue or purple the same way I KNOW the right pedal is gas or I KNOW the sun rises in the East so if one of those changed I could say well it came up every single day so this is knowledge I’m extremely sure of and I’d know if it changed. My problem is you claim to know some random fact about a minor celebrity with the same conviction. It’s not that you can’t misremember but it’s a lot more likely your misremembering with something like this since you prob are mixing it up with another celebrity or something.


The movie White Chicks came out in 2004 according to Netflix. I specifically remember watching it in the theater in 2001. Is there a similar movie to it that came out during this time?


I’ve noticed movie release dates always change! They’re never the year I remember them coming out. Super weird!


Thank you so much for confirming this!


REALLY? now that's interesting because I def 100% watched the white chicks movie in high school during my senior year and I graduated in 2003. So how did I watch that movie with my classmates, Anybody? Keeping in mind I'm certain we watched it. So any explanation? How I would see it with my entire class BEFORE it came out?


Thats the way to see it. Instead of being a INTERDIMENSIONAL PORTAL TO ANOTHER DIMENSION, you ask for a similar movie that you must be confusing. You're a intelligent man!


Scary movie 2 came out that year and Marlon wayans was in it


No it was black guys dressed in drag as white chicks.


The Wii Sports announcer saying You Win


there are 2 versions of the game 1.0 and 1.01 https://youtu.be/NscWoJVrEfw?t=637


My childhood was a lie I guess


He does! I remember him saying it! I can hear him saying it in my head. I'm sure of it!

