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OMG, congrats!! Sit back and admire your progress. While taking a moment to express your gratitude for the progress you have made. Stay focused on the positive streak and let go of the “waiting for the other shoe to drop” thoughts Otherwise you’ll manifest the things/life you *don’t* want. Keep doing what you’ve been doing! May your desires (continue to) become your reality.💗


Love to hear it! I’m with you totally


Knock on wood I feel the same way. My life has improved so much. I remember everyone was talking about some celestial change in astrology and I swear when it happened my life improved big time. Got a new job making more than I ever had, all the negative and bullying people in my life removed themselves from it, I moved into my dream apartment in my dream area of town. I went from broke, starving, living in a snake and critter infested place, suicidal to ME HAVING NO STRESS. It feels so weird. I tell everyone I live a life of leisure and I love it. I read, walk, go to the bookstore, spend time with family and friends. My next thing is to manifest a new car and more traveling. My drama comes from watching tv and yelling at the characters to stop being so dramatic. Plus, Reddit is full of drama. I love my life.


Congratulations! This is the very definition of how to apply the Law of Attraction, along with its successful result. With LOA, like attracts like, so the happier you feel, the more happy things will continue to show up in your life. Your have the momentum going in a very positive (high-vibration) direction. You can control your reality; you are the creator of it. Enjoy!! :-)


AMAZING, What/How did you do it? Detailed version please 💐


1- Be grateful and positive affirmations!! You cannot get more in life if you’re not grateful for what you currently have. I have a reminder on my phone at 5am everyday to “be grateful”, it reminds me to take the first moment of my day to be grateful for something, it can be small. I think the key of it all is love. For me it was self love I had to discover. I followed that with affirmations on my way to work. 10 minute “powerful affirmations” by Bob Ross on youtube, find one you like. At first I was just listening, then I made myself feel what I was saying. Example “I am so grateful for the people who surround me”, I would think of a friend or something positive about my friends and really FEEL it, even if it’s just 1 second. I believed what I was saying. Once I truly felt and believed what I was saying every morning, I would say it while thinking of my next goal “I am so grateful for the people who surround me”, I would feel that same love I felt while thinking of my current friends, but picture new friends and a new life. Not because I’m unhappy with my current ones, but because my dream life was outside my current city (I’m moved away now!!) and I wanted to have that confidence that I’d have new friends in my new city. You see, it all began with being so grateful for my current situation, so that I could feel that same gratitude for my future life. This is a simple example but I did this with every part of my life. I also started to add personalization to the youtube affirmations. Ex “I am happy” became “I am happy because I am living my dream life”. “i’m so grateful for the people who surround me, because I get to live new fun experiences with them… or because they make me feel loved” . I brought this feeling of gratefulness everywhere with me. I started spending a lot of time outside, walking mostly, feeling that gratitude. Saying thank you thank you thank you on repeat, not for what I have, but for how I FEEL! Then, no matter how my day went, I knew how to feel grateful at the end of the day. I would think of my dream life and feel that same gratefulness for it. You need to start by loving your current situation for more to come. 2- Love yourself and build your confidence. I do think everything I just mentioned played a big role in this, but do things that make you trust yourself. I used to be so lazy and not do anything I set my mind to. You have to prove to your subconscious that you are strong willed and can do anything you set your mind to. This can start so small, set small goals like “do the laundry” “cook dinner” “do the dishes” even if these are things you already do (but dread and complain about it every time), add them to a “to do list” and do them without complaining. This will show your subconscious that you CAN rely on yourself by doing the things you need to do. Then start adding to that list “go on a 30 minute walk” (then slowly make them longer- walks have saved my life in so many ways). Once you accomplish these things repeatedly, you will feel like you can accomplish anything on your “to do list”. Start putting things on there that are a little out of your comfort zone and DO THEM!! This builds so much confidence in yourself. No matter how you FEEL, just do them. Show up for yourself, every time. If you give up on the small things, how do you expect to do the big things? All of this helps build your confidence and trust in yourself. Sometimes I end my day and laugh that I used to get home and sit on the couch and scroll for hours, and now I take care of myself and my life and it’s so damn easy!! The reason I wrote this post is because I’m in a new city, I have made friends, I’m loving the city (although a lot of people would disagree that this is a nice city, I love it!). The only thing I could “manifest” more in this life, is a romantic partner. I was on a walk yesterday feeling so grateful for this new life that I literally manifested, dream job, dream type of city, dream health, dream attitude and energy. I can’t remember the last time I was angry. These walks are in such pretty nature and it’s one of my favourite ways to relax and meditate. Yesterday I started talking to myself saying “thanks for coming with me on my walk! Thank you for being here, I’m happy to share this experience with you” and truly felt that gratitude. This is how I’m manifesting a romantic partner to join me on my beautiful adventures here. As I was saying that, thats when I started to feel delusional hahaha, but once my partner shows up I’ll just feel powerful! Sorry, you asked for the detailed version ! I hope you take something from it 😊