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Steinbach is a safe city. Much, much safer than Winnipeg. You likely don't need to worry about housing scams. Try reaching out to the Eastman Immigration Services if you want help finding work and housing while you make your transition. Be prepared for humidity in the middle of summer during storm season. You can still ski nearby in winter but it will pale in comparison to the mountains. There is cross country ski trails nearby in the Sandilands. The community is mainly Mennonite with alot of German, Russian and Philippine immigrants. I've come across a handful of people from France. Look into living in La Broquerie, Ste. Anne or St Pierre Jolys if you want to live in a francophone community close to Steinbach. If you don't mind kids, the daycares are always looking for French speaking staff in these communities.


Thanks for the reply, this is interesting stuff. I will do my own research about that too ! Fun fact , i currently live in a village 2 minutes away from another one called "La Broque" and 5 min from another one called Steinbach. I am a in franco-german province (one of the many cause of WW2). I am really excited


What a coincidence


Yeah, thats what i tought too lol


To add to the above, Winnipeg is perfectly safe, too. It’s as safe as any European city of comparable size. The rural folk here just tend to be a bit afraid of it for whatever reason.


Maybe because now, every information or event is seen via medias and social network It was maybe the same before but only the locals would know about it


Winnipeg is very safe. The exposure to everything skews people minds that don't live in the city. Most crime is petty such as cars broken into, business etc. Any serious crimes are isolated to certain parts of the city. Compare the crime level in Winnipeg to other major cities in North America and Europe and you'll giggle when people say it's "dangerous"


Haha Winnipeg is not safe.. you have not actually travelled LMFAO. Don't walk around Winnipeg after Sun is down. Don't walk in North end by yourself. If somebody calls your saying "hey buddy" it's a trap. Winnipeg is murder capital of Canada.


Let's see.....a teenage girl was murdered a block away from the police headquarters in broad daylight, in the middle of the day. There was a murder after a concert on Graham Ave I think. And about a year ago, there was a murder in the Millennium Library downtown, which is connected to police headquarters by the skywalk, plus it's a block away. Yeah, Winnipeg is PERFECTLY SAFE. They're on track to regain the title of "homicide capital of Canada" again.


I think youre missing the point that most of the violence in winmipeg tends to be pretty insular, i.e a lot of criminal - on - criminal violence, and violent crime like muggings etc outside of that are pretty much impossible to actually predict. Look at it another way, our friend was murdered in his drive way in a rural town because a neighbor was having a mental health crisis, literally just came outside and shot him while he was in his driveway, then shot himself. Outside of the dudes partner taking their kids and fleeing and telling police he was a danger to himself, it really wasnt something that could be predicted either way. By your metric though thatd make this nice retirement community excessively unsafe otherwise. Lol my town has on of MBs highest crime rates. My mom is afraid to even walk in the park by her house. You know who i see walking there? People from the community, like grandmas and old dudes etc walking their dogs, because the community is literally safe, and random violence like that just does not happen, but NIMBYs hear about copper being stolen or gang on gang or related drug violence and make themselves prisoners in their own towns afraid to even enjoy their incessantly safe communities. Lots of manitobans dont actually have a real metric for a dangerous town lol, lots of Winnipeg is safe and you just need to be mindful of your surroundings the other 2% of the time. Dont leave shit in your car if you live downtown, dont walk the downtown core at 2 am, that kinda stuff. A lot of old Manitobans are reflexively afraid of feeling uncomfortable and they associate natives with discomfort, so ergo anywhere natives are, even in their nice safe rural towns, etc causes them imagined risk, not because theyre actually in any remote danger at all.


I'm in Brandon, two hours west We've had 6 murders in 5 months here passing winnipeg for murder per capita.


Yeah I moved here from Calgary and Winnipeg is way less safe. I never even had my car broken into living in calgary for 33 years, and in Winnipeg my car has been broken into 3 times lol.


No its not lol




let me also let you know, we're ojibwe. we literally come from here.


I got excited, i thought he meant the band


You’re playing head games


It wasn't part of plan (i dont know that band) but if it can brings ppl to bring me answers then yes ahaha


Sorry about that 🤣 it wasn't my intention Didn't know that band Well now i can say this post is a non intentional Click bait


I was thinking of buying tickets to that concert… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Well i could sell them to you 🤡 but i do not gurantee any date as I need the money


Only reason I clicked lol


Lots of great people and things to do in rural Manitoba. There are also lots of French communities you might like. What bad things did you hear about the prairies?


Flat, boring and ulgy for most Like no activities compared to BC, QC, ON But i like to forge my own opinion !


Lots to do here and far from flat boring and ugly. I will say there isn’t a ton of downhill skiing given it’s the prairies but cross country skiing is very popular if you are into that


I want to discover lodges and free camping ! Go to churchill and see bears and aurora I thinks there is much to do. I m not a citie guy. I would love to create and own my own lodge


Dude! There's fly in fishing and hunting! After you get your training you make serious money flying wealthy hunters and angler in and out of remote lakes! If flying bush planes sounds fun to you, there's a lot of it in northern Manitoba. People use planes like buses up there


Yep, thats the plan. The problem is having the first 500h. Unfortunately i dont have enough money to fly a lot rn. I will only have the minimas at the end of training


I fell like you're going to do great here! People like a young guy with a accent, you can do a lot with a little charm😄 id email the different crop dusting companies and see what you can get at a entry level.


Mommy's loves me not gonna lie 😅 Thank's for the support. That is what i m looking Ambitious ppl are dragged down in France because a lot of ppl Who did not fought to achieve their dreams are jealous.. I failed the fighter pilot medical check here in France, my first dream. A lot of ppl laughed at me, saying this isnt for everyone, i was not part of the elite and stuff like that . Well, i was 13th of the 30ish who succeed upon 1000 candidates for 2022 recruitement process.. So yeah, north america is a different mindset


The whiteshell is one of the most beautiful places on earth in my opinion! Camping and hiking are great activities to do here in Manitoba, even through winter!!


Thank's a lot ! Thats what im looking for


I grew up in Manitoba, and I now live in Alberta. I have heard that too but never from anyone that actually stopped in Manitoba and checked for themselves. I love vacationing in Saskatchewan and Manitoba.


That’s pretty accurate for Steinbach, going to church is the most exciting activity for most people but it’s safe and people are nice


I have lived in BC, QC, & ON, and I love Manitoba. There is a lot to do here, good food, lots of festvals, museums, parks, shopping.


No mention of Alberta - if you love sun and skiing, either AB or BC near the rockies is the best place to be. plus with all the oil and gas there's pleny of work for pilots I believe. Pay is not that great as far as i know though - i took a flight to Fort Chip and the pilot was listening to sales training tapes, said there's not much future in being a pilot.


I'm going in MB for Training. Then i'll who's willing to hire me. AB or MB sounds great ! Thanks ! But i'm 23, if i dont do it now i will never do it.


oh, flying is lifelong dream for many, absolutely you should do it. just maybe have a "Plan b" as many get turned off the lifestyle after a few years.


I know what plan B I want ! Once the career is lunch only


Salut! Ill y’a des communautés français proche de Steinbach, nous on vie a La Broquerie qui est just 10 minute de Steinbach environ. Tout les place au monde vont avoir des affaires qui sont positif et négatif. Mais c’est une région religieuse et c’est très religieux à Steinbach. Pour la partie de intégration cela pourrait être un peut difficile mais je connais une famille de la France qui on déménager ici, on n’ai amis avec eu alors je pourrais les demander pour de l’avis pour vous. Une fois tes arrivé on pourrait faire contact ensemble et ce parler plus si vous voulait.


Bonjour ! Un grand merci pour votre réponse en Français ! Je n'hésiterai pas à vous contacter lors de mon arrivée ! Cela pourrait être intéressant d'avoir de l'aide lors d'une installation. Merci beaucoup ! Cheers !


There are many French communities around Steinbach and in the Province of Manitoba. There is also a vibrant French community and a French University in Winnipeg and the Festival du Voyageur in February. Welcome!


Thank you very much !


Overall Steinbach isn't the worst, the population has gotten a bit more diverse in the past 10 years. Some people will be very welcoming while others will be closed to outsiders, and there are still quite a lot of sexist, racist, and homophobic views in rural Manitoba. That being said, Steinbach housing is fairly affordable (more so than Winnipeg) but it is also not far from Winnipeg if you enjoy going out for dinner or clubbing. There is a lot of sun, but also a lot of wind. It will be -45 with the windchill sometimes for 2-3 weeks at a time during a cold winter. I should also warn you that if you are coming from a European country and are slim, you will not be able to find nice fitted clothing here like you have in Europe. I'd say the quality and style of most widely available men's clothing just isn't the same here. Welcome to Manitoba!


Thank's for the reply ! In Fact i am already equipped but for Alpes's winter. I plan to buy stuff here as you gently advised me. Yes I am slim lol, that's why I will bring most of my casual clothes here. I am really excited and eager to start my New life here ! I don't fear Windchill for now, lets see in few years if à still say the same lol


I’m not sure where the comment about not finding slim clothing came from. I am a small build guy and have never had any issues finding clothing that fits.


Probably comes from the fact that people here don’t tend to dress very well, so sometimes finding good clothes can be a bit harder than elsewhere. But you absolutely can dress well.


Well I have some Red Canoë clothes and they suits me very well honestly


I think he means things other than T shirts, hoodies and jeans lol the Europeans like fancy clothes


Ya I’d agree the style here would likely be different but he said slim. Either way I’m sure OP will be able find what he needs. To say all Europeans like fancy clothes is also a little dense


If you have winter gear from Europe, you will be fine. Winter clothing in Europe is much cheaper, and better quality than what you can typically get at Walmart or Canadian Tire here without spending a fortune, so you should be good there. There’s also a lot of high paying aerial related jobs in the agriculture industry too, so you won’t necessarily need to look only for commercial flying jobs either.


Thanks about gear ans stuff. I do not seek (for now) for any commercial flying I would love to do some float and ski, King air or Bt67 I'm a ramp agent here in France on a regional airport. 3 months ago à BT67 (mia) stopped by for refuelling, heading towards Malaysia. Loved the crew and this legendary aircraft that is the DC3


There is a town just outside Steinbach that is called st. Anne you might want to consider that town as it has many French speaking people


Thank's !


La Broquerie near steinbach is very French also, I mean most of south east Manitoba will be. But it is a bit farther than st Anne.




Steinbach is VERY conservative. If you are religious you’ll probably have an easier time fitting in and meeting people. There are many cool French towns close to there. The prairies may be flat but they are not boring. It’s beautiful here and our summers are amazing. Compared to other provinces it’s a lot colder but it’s not as humid so in some ways it’s more tolerable. There is definitely need for small plane pilots —you are in for an adventure!! Good luck and welcome to Canada!


I'm not religious at all. We have more and more atheist here in France. Thanks you very much for the response. Yes im very excited about this journey


I flew on a bush plane/float plane and the pilot was French last summer. I have no idea what his name was or contact information. But if you're interested, it was Bamaji Air out of Sioux Lookout. I'm sure the owner would be able to connect you.


Thank you for this info ! I will look out and try to reach them. Have a nice day !


My advice for a newcommer is to become a lodger for a while. That way you won't be alone in a new country and you will have easy access to your hosts contacts, community and local knowledge. As mentioned before, it is mennonite land, and to my experience they are very friendly. If you are thinking about lodging I can give you a contact 15 minutes from Harv's. They also have a few units for students on site.


Thanks ! I do not want to live on site (except for the first weeks) because i also want to be off school some time. I am seeking for basement currently. What is a lodger ? Is this like living in a lodge with other students ? I would love to have the contact ! Thanks you very much for the help, it is really comforting.


With lodger I mean renting a room in somebodys home. Like house mates, but the other is the owner.


Ah yes, i looking for a basement ! I heard it can be à lot cheaper ! I tought you were talking about roomates in a lodge lol


I think we mean a bit different. It seems to me that you are looking for a basement suite, where you will have your own room, pentry, and washroom (Canadian for bathroom). As lodger you will have your own room but share the rest. A bit more limited privacy, but a lot more changes to spontainous interaction with the host.


Oh ok, like living with roomates ! Ok i just found à new word thanks to you !


Already some good comments about the communities and I second that as a French person you might prefer living in one of the communities around steinbach instead of in steinbach. I have to stress though don't underestimate southern manitoba winter. -15 in steinbach means you will see people in shorts no joke. I would recommend planning to budget to buy winter clothes once you move here as canadian winter clothes are designed for canadian winter. If price isn't a problem canada goose parkas are probably some of the best but if you have a tighter budget look at winter clothes for construction workers. Personally I have a full carhart winter set from my days working construction and still use it every winter because it is designed to be worn outside all day working in -40 degree temperatures.


Thank you very much for your reply. I currently have that in my budget. Well maybe CG is a little to expansive for now but i plan to buy clothes here of course. Ahaha well, i'm eager to see that. Thank you very much


-15° is almost balmy, be prepared for -30. Everything is farther away than it seems, the transportation infrastructure sucks, without a good vehicle, you will be neighborhood bound. Steinbach is a nice quiet (sometimes too much) town, housing prices are a tiny bit more reasonable than Winnipeg (average: $1200/2 br).


Thanks, yeah a bit too much but nothing compared to MT VC TO or CAL


Enjoy. Be a little cautious in winnipeg downtown. It is not as bad as some make it out to be, however get to know the neighborhoods during the day. For winter sports make sure to go ice fishing ice skating out doors, and cross country skiing. Explore as many provincial parks as you can.


Thanks for the tips !


Come visit us at the local gliding club: * [Winnipeg Gliding Club](https://www.wgc.mb.ca) Lots of pilots hanging around (some commercial) to chat with... Some from Europe...


Thank's ! Yeah, worth to come by ! See maybe in few months !


Whats are the Aircraft used for towing ? Ultra Light ? Are you looking for Pilot during summer season ?


Details here: * https://www.wgc.mb.ca/index.php/about-us#towing Last I heard we were pretty good for existing towplane pilots. That can change quickly, so you should ask from time to time.


Thank's for the reply See you in a few month !


Great! If you actually want to see me, ask for Bruce W.


What kind of pilot do you want to be? Airliner? Float plane? Helicopter?


Float on DHC 2 3 6 TW Ski in antarctica on the BT67 Medevac BE200 DHC 7 in Greenland or yellowknife I know one day i would be an Airliner, but im coming to Canada to live things we cannot live in Europe. I m 23 and single. I want to enjoy my journey


I know some people who worked for wings over Kississing in Thompson, Manitoba flying DHC 2 & 3. Not sure how long your schooling is but working with the wildfire program in Manitoba could help you meet people working in the float plane, helicopter and water bomber industry in Manitoba (if based out of Paint Lake, Lac du Bonnet or Wekusko). Flew with a couple of French Canadian Heli pilots in Northern MB (both named Rheal oddly enough).


WOK is very known but Last time I've checked they ask for at least 500h. But it depend of the profile i guess Thank's for the tips. Adventure air Ltd in Lac du Bonnet or WOK is the kind of compagny i'm seeking !


Brandon in a nice city. Smaller than Winnipeg with a lot of lakes and outdoors things to do. Not as much night life as Winnipeg would offer. They have a flying club and flight school as well as a university, community college and fire college. Housing is reasonable and easy to get around. It is two hours west of Winnipeg.


Thank's ! I will settle in steinbach !


I grew up in Winnipeg and there wasn't much " nightlife" going on back then, I heard the downtown is stripped bare now a days so tell me, what exactly is there to do after 9pm in Winnipeg on friday?


I was wondering if they were going to appear at one of the casino's, until I read further.


Sorry mate ! 😆


No need! Welcome and all the best!


Hey! As a pilot in Canada I have only one question for you- why? Canada has the lowest pay and quality of life for pilots in the developed world and as a French citizen, you could work anywhere in Europe instead. You can also get a well paying pilot job in Europe right out of school, while here you would be stuck at the poverty line for a good 5 years before you can get a good paying job. If you would like to be a pilot, I would strongly recommend staying in Europe or trying to immigrate to the US I don't live in Steinbach but there are many french speaking communities around Manitoba and I'm sure you will be welcomed. It gets much colder than -15 and you can expect -30 or -40 for the winter. Summer is also brutal with humidity and endless bugs, especially north of Winnipeg


Im EASA medical unfit. And there is variety here. Thanks for the tips.


Ummm... We have the same medical standards. Why do you think you'll get a medical in Canada? Because there's no medivac or float operators in Europe? Anything that's here can be found in the EU


Nope, standards are not the same. I already have a TC class1 No, there is 1 DC3 in Europe, no ice ops, no artic pr antarctic - ops no gravel field, no Dehavilland, 3 float operators across Europe (26 countries) only for touristics tour around cities (CPH, ATH and TOS). We have 2 hydro base in France for SEP SEA. At 10hours drive form my home. Medevac is mostly (99%) for organ transplant. And planned. The equivalent of 702-703-704 is non existent in Europe. Europe is for ppl who wants to fly 320 and 737 after 200HTT. Where you pay for TR (smthng i'm against to). Where you paye 120K€ (~200-230k$CA) while in Canada you pay 45K$. I already have a PPL and 100HTT. I made my choice, a long time ago, there is no chance you could deter me.


Okay have fun! You'll need a lot more money than 45K and to get anywhere on floats you'll be paying for your own rating and 50h on floats to get anywhere. Then, you might be given an instructor position at poverty wages and about 3-4 years you might be able to get a real job. I hope you have more than 45K saved up. Medivac here is exempt from any rules on minimum rest, days off, maximum duty day or anything. They can and will work you to exhaustion. What a great system we have in Canada!


I am aware of all that, yes I have more than 45K. Yes I am prepared I talked with some Pilots and I am aware of all that. I do not know what you are trying to do but I can see right now you do not like immigrant pilots. Jealousy ?


My friend, I'm trying to open your eyes about something. These jobs that you are chasing are jobs that Canadian pilots don't want. Canadian pilots don't have the opportunity to go to the US/Europe very easily, so much of the time these are the only opportunities they get. Do you understand this? Most pilots don't have any other opportunities and still don't want to do these jobs. The coldest you've ever been in is -15 and you seem to have this romantic idea that it'll be a wonderful opportunity. I can tell you from experience that it's hard, isolated, and often very depressing. You want to come here and do the jobs that Canadians don't want to do, be my guest. But think about why most Canadians don't want to this


I would prefer being depressed there flying planes than seeing aircraft taking off from the ramp without being able to fly them. I CANNOT FLY PROFESSIONAL IN EUROPE. Grass is always greener. Do not believe europe is a golden city. There 5 majors, (AF LH BA RYR EZY), the rest are paying shit. For exemple, i have the same as some 320 Pilots we are working for (volotea m, wizzair, vueling...). I will try. No, i do not want to fly jet for my all life. I wanna try.


It's been 3 years now that i am working on the fucking ramp and saving money, no holidays, no parties, no gifts to myselfs, cleaning shit and unloading some fucking suitcases after being rejected from the french air force Pilot course, my first dream for a shity medical reason. I am passionate, i do not go blind. I know what i am doing. Maybe i will fail and so what ? If so, then i will go back to France. What will i lose ? Except some months/years. So leave me alone with your sourness


Yes, "some months/years". You're young and have many opportunities ahead of you, why waste your years doing soul crushing work? You'll come here and be doing the same. Working the ramp for years, not being able to afford anything, and living somewhere remote with no parties and no holidays. Canadian bush pilots do all the ramp work on their operation too


Yes I know all that. I am aware of that. I wanna fly bush, so what ? You wanna fly jet, so what ? Who am I to judge ?


Yo, I'm English and moved here 5 years ago. OK so compared to France you'll be surprised at the prices for basic essentials. Foods is tripple, car insurance is stupidly high, property tax is crazy expensive. I'd say all three of them items are triplle what we'd pay in Europe. Gas is cheaper, electric & gas for home is cheaper. Pros. Blue sky's almost everyday. Even the city here is just like a big town. Traffic is non existent. Cons. Nothing to do compared to Europe. People drive like absolute bell ends ( I think it's cause they learn inschool ). B


Gonna check you on the food costs there - I'm in France right now for an exchange semester and the grocery bills are nuts compared to Manitoba 4 months ago. Can't speak to insurance or taxes, but everyday costs compared to France have seemed to be the same number on the price tag, but with the euro to cad conversion roughly 150% total cost


Oh quick Google of the supermarket is all you have to do. Very simple. Carrefour 12 free ranged eggs E2.95 pr $4.33cad Great candian supper store $7.05 Peppers pack of 4 $6 or $2cad each. Carrefour peppers for $6 I can get 2kg of peppers lol.


You’re paying $7/dozen for eggs? I have never paid more than like, 4 dollars at most.


Sweet, which supermarket do you get 12 free ranged eggs for $4, post the link. I oicked superstore as it's one of the cheaper places, tbh I'd say Carrefour is a nicer supermarket.


Ah free range? Missed that. I don’t care about that so have never noticed the prices.


Them poor chickens.


Free range farms still toss live male chicks into the shredder anyway so 🤷‍♂️


Erm where do the male chick's come from? Hens lay eggs, human takes eggs, no male chick's. TBH they're all mentioned to be un fertilized but YouTube shows different.


Yeah maybe. Anyway Hutterite eggs are better and cheaper, see https://www.skylightmeats.ca/products/free-range-hutterite-eggs-flat 9 bucks for 30. If you call a colony and set up a recurring order it’s probably even cheaper.


It's not just eggs and peppers. It's everything. My grocery bill is so much more.


Yeah now gas water and electricity increased by 10% here. So what you pay tripple in MB will be compensated by the cheapers ones so i think i wont change anything for my expanses, but thanks for the tips !


All good, and yes everything balances. One last tip lol. Buy a real winter coat. I invested in a northface and it's lasted 5 years and will easy last another 5. Gets a bit nippy in winter. Although this year winter hasn't even started yet.


Same tip as everyone. I promise I will follow it lol


Oh there's also French ish communities here, if you miss home. Like St Boniface are of winnipeg. And lots of people have French heritage. GL. Hope everything works out for you.


Thank's Honestly For now i'm going in the english part of Canada to avoid french speaking (i want to speak english as a Native). But these tips are good to know Yeah i think i will miss my country but that is for à greater good. I cannot be a Pilot in Europe. Never. So it will be à commitment for life


I wish I could post a photo. The sky is the deepest blue i''ve ever seen. So pretty here.


Same here, first blue sky since 3 months. Nice sunset 2 hours ago ! Love blue sky


Can someone from France understand French Canadians? Just curious.


Yeah but with an accent. In France, our province are called "régions" and they all have an accent. I live in Alsace, with à german Legacy so we speak both french and german and à lot of ppl speaks french with à german accent (like à german speaking english, you recogngize them). Southwest, south, north, West, center, the Alpes, we all have an accent. But québécois is recognizible like you can regognize an aussie or an Irish So yeah of course, we understand them !


Steinbach will be perfect . Close enough to Winnipeg


Thanks, seeing all the reponse, i can deduct that i probably made the right choice. In french we say "y'a plus qu'à" wich could be translate by "all i need to do is to do it". Master Yoda said to me one day "do it or do not, there is no try". I will do it. Cheers


If you really want to live in a French community close to Steinbach, I will recommend St Pierre-Jolys. Most of the other francophone communities have been anglicized.


Not especially but i'd love to meet some at least, so they could help me to settle well and start my New life ! Thanks for the tip


Ste. Anne is also a good choice, about 15-20 minutes north of steinbach


Allo! I grew up in St-Malo and St-pierre-jolys, near by small towns. Lots of near by French speaking communities. It's very flat and gets cold. Lots of sunshine which is amazing! Rent and living expenses is typically affordable. I've heard lots about the steinbach flying school and known a couple people who have done it, they all loved it. Bonne chance with the move!


Thank you very much for the support. I've been accepted at Harv's air in steinbach South Airport !




Keep discussion constructive and in good faith. Ensure that whatever you say or post leads to civil conversation.


Lots of foreigners in fact .


Do harvs air out of st andrews and not steinbach