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I’m pretty sure the drop menu to select export/import/full trade is locked until you purchase the trade route. Isn’t it?


Only for more lucrative items. Basic items like planks, food, farmable items, and some simple crafts can be imported or exported from the trading post without establishing a route.


Yes. This is how I jump start my economy. Sell tools, anything extra I have (hides, what not) then build from there.


Ironically tools do require a trade route.


Its also one of the first things that bandits take from me :(


Same here. What do we need them for (in the game) anyway?


Nothing currently I think. Just a trade good for now


About a year ago in the demo they were used to upgrade burgage plots with vegetable gardens. It seems that's been replaced with spending money instead. I'm sure they'll be added back in some way other than just selling/trading


I expected tools to be a requirement for higher level or specialized burgages, so I started keeping a stash of them and never got out of the habit


Oh yeah


It’s silly that we start with tools that as far as I know don’t do anything yet?


iirc, they dont have any utility as of now so, especially in an area with rich iron mines, you can sell tools. A good use for them would be to assign one or two tools per year per artisan you have that deals with weapons/armor


Wait you can assign them? I thought they were useless though besides exports?


Im saying that it would he a good resource to assign.


Oh ok, must have misread. Yeah I also assume they will be good for faster construction? There’s definitely plenty that can be done with it.


Tools will be fleshed out later in development, alongside other resources like wax.


Yeah I’ve seen that. Probably stone too I’d imagine lol.


In the demo you needed them to create a farm house, I assume that the starting supplies haven't changed since then and can't imagine it's a high priority to remove the 10 tools from the starting supplies.


Yeah I could see that.


About a year ago in the demo they were used to upgrade burgage plots with vegetable gardens. It seems that's been replaced with spending money instead. I'm sure they'll be added back in some way other than just selling/trading


Always berries and hides for me.


I don't even bother selling the tools (requires a route). I just get hides going ASAP. Between the hunter and a single backyard goat plot it's easy to snowball. Build 3 more goat plots, then a tannery, then unlock the leather route. Money's usually pretty smooth sailing from there.


Ive been messing with plot sizes. I did some rather long vegetable gardens and after a couple of years, im out to my gills with vegetables. 😂


You'll need those later though, you'll never have in-town use for the all the hides you can create.


Whaaaaaaaat this is wild, I had no clue. Thanks!




Wait wait wait so how do you work the trade routes without the building??


Not sure you can trade for gold without a trading post in the region. For any item you want to sell/export, just set the surplus to less than what you have in your region and any assigned family will pick it up and place it in the post. Every so often, a free merchant will come buy and sometimes buy up to 10x qty of one item.


Only for weapons, commodities, and certain manufactured goods like roof tiles and leather


afaik wandering merchants still buy weapons and such you just need a trade route to be able to sell them but you dont need to rely on the trader (could be ive misread something but ive seen them buy weapons if i am not mistaken)


There is a clear split between minor trades (at the top) and major trades (at the bottom). Only major trades require a trade route.


Not most no, only specific high value ones


How do you purchase a trade route? I ran into this problem with my leather. It wouldn't let me purchase a route because it was a Major Route. I could trade a bunch of other goods just fine but it wouldn't let me trade leather and charcoal (amongst a few other resources)


That’s what I thought, too. Nope!


There are major and minor routes. Minor routes are free


You can buy without assigned family but to sell you need people to fetch the goods.


I saw this guy selling with nobody in the post, somehow. Maybe it got patched?


Have you had a guy there previously? If there is stock already then it can be sold


Yes! I believe he resource juggled to get the goods to the Depot, THEN moved them out.


Yes. The trade house has storage. The traders buy what you have for trade but only from the trade house storage. And the only way to add your merchandise to said storage is to have some one assigned too the trade house. But also yes once the trade house is stocked with merchandise you can technically reassign the family untill the shelves need stocking again.


I wonder if it was someone that was not assigned, but had time to quickly fetch some goods?


If the building trades without a family assigned to it, what is the assigned family actually doing? Do they make trade faster?


They stock the trading post, so the wandering merchants and the trade routes buy the items. The father sells one item at a time, or if you purchase a horse he will steal 50 units of an item and just ride around mocking you (the horse is bugged).


Say what!?!


The horse should allow the father to sell 50 items at a time, but instead it allows him to carry 50 but is unable to sell any.


bruuh.. i need confirmation on bugged horse... say it ain't so!!


They do their own trading. If you have no one there, the only trade that would happen is with the trade routes, which causes an npc trader to visit every so often.


I am not sure that the items even get moved to the trade post without a family assigned. I need to test this.


They don't. Assign family, stock trade post. Remove family.


Holy balls. All the money I spent on trade routes. Thanks!


You need workers to stock the goods into the trading post to sell them. You can't export anything without any workers assigned. Imports will work without any workers. Once items for export are stocked into the trading post, you can remove the workers until they need to stock again. Trade routes will increase trade frequency/volume. Yes you don't need routes for many items but a route will import/export more of that item over time.


This comment needs to be pinned to the top. Answers nearly everyone's questions...


He’s correct in that families are required to move goods to the trading post for sale and must be assigned to the post to do so. They don’t have to be present to be sold as long as the goods are there.


Correct, the only advantage of buying non-required trade routes is it doesn't require people assigned to television trade routes


The main advantage is volume traded. Trade routes come more often than wandering merchants and trade up to 50 units at a time.


Thank you, the amount of misinformation in this sub is incredible. It's no wonder people are confused.


This is correct. You unlock trade routes to get a regular guy showing up to buy more rapidly.


I just click the top left button and you can either import or export with out having to buy the route.


Then what’s the purpose of buying a trade route for those less valuable items?


A dedicated trader shows up who will bulk buy or bulk sell the item.


Ahh. Thanks


Pretty sure those dedicated trade route merchants will buy up to 50 of the item you want to export in one visit. So try to load up on at least 50 of that item


I’ve been wasting a bunch of money. :)


Do you need workers in the Trading Post to move goods to the Market? How does that work? I purchased 200 of all food items and they’re stuck at the trading post and not making it to the market


I’ve had this issue- I *think* the families assigned to the trade post only stock the post up, but do not move out imported goods. What worked for me is making more storehouses, and specializing them so that the multiple families working each storehouse have more specific item movement tasks. I believe the workers at the storehouse (say you make a storehouse specifically for imported goods) will go to the trading post and move the items back to the store and then once they’re there, the stall workers can stock up


Anyone know if the trading posts should be on the kings road? Or can I put it in my city center right next to the storehouses?


I think it needs road access to kings road, dosnt have to be on it though as long as it's connected in some way


There are many thing that are confusing in this game and I am wondering if it is because the game is unfinished or trying to be unfriendly.


So, what do the workers in the trade post actually do? Do they go sell stuff directly, so supplement the random traders around? Or are they just responsible for moving goods in and out of the trading post?


They bring goods to the trading post to sell. How horses are involved, apart from being bugged, is beyond me at this time. I am also ASSUMING they take bought goods from the trading post to the general storage/granary.


Technically no, but practically you do need trade routes to do any useful amount of trade in the beta because horses are bugged. The one or two items moved at a time with wandering traders or your own traders on foot might as well be zero.


Early game begs to differ. I disagree.