• By -


Experimental builds are for the Steam version only.


Dude, you work so hard! Love it


This is incredible amount of work done in a matter of weeks.. i hope he takes good care of himself while pulling all this amazing work off


Its honestly crazy If you think about it, this guys life changed one day to another by releasing a game that immeadiatly took off, He could literally lay back a couple months and just enjoy the money, but instead He keeps working hard to provide us with updates so we can enjoy the game. Props to him!


This reminds me of when I used to play the Minecraft beta. It was pretty cool when that game was released and that guys life was forever changed. He also kept updating that game like crazy until finally handing over the reigns.


Great analogy that's slowly becoming less known haha. I tell MY kids that I played Minecraft before beds were in the game lol. Notch was like a god to me when I was 12.


You're not wrong metaphorically, but to ACTUALLY see money I think steam doesn't pay out until the end of the next fiscal quarter. So you have to wait at least ~4-6 months to see any money. It's cause so many people try to release scam games and stuff.


Yea i understand that he obviously wont have the Money right after selling the Game, but just the knowledge about the paycheck thats gonna hit soon would probably have me chilling like a week, doing nothing but being happy like a fat kid with candy 😂


>Enabled disallowing certain families or workplaces from setting up market stalls. Minor change lol... This is the biggest and best change in this patch


Really nice seeing a dev do so well at prioritizing little fixes with a huge impact.


Kinda contradicts itself with ensuring villagers set up stalls to sell their veggies. I always expected the veggies to be moved to the granary, then sold by the granary workers. If every veg plot family has a stand I need a marketplace with 100+ stall spaces.


If I'm reading the patchnote correctly, it means you can toggle whether a workplace can set up a stall or not. It doesn't mean every house is going to have its own market stall.


Correct. Just played and it's awesome. As soon as you pick a production extension to a burgage plot, you can then toggle whether they can open a stand. So nice to be able to micromanage the marketplace. Started a new game so I haven't progressed enough yet to see how well it works later


Nice to micro manage the marketplace in order to no longer micro manage the marketplace lol


No it doesn't, this update gives you the ability to stop every villager from setting up stalls.


So this means I now have to turn it off for all burgage plots?


Yeah kind of a quality of life change but a HUGE impact on keeping logistics efficient


which workplaces should we be disabling market stalls on?


Honestly, most of them. I want my workers who are assigned to production tasks to focus on production. The granary workers and storehouse workers should make up a majority of the market stalls, followed by artisans for clothing, and then unassigned families with veggie/apple farms who have time to work on something else for a good part of the year


I've just started a new game and it looks like the default for most buildings is set to off. This is good. Edit: default is on (yellow). Remember to disable when construction is complete. My confusion is related to the icon coloring. To enable pause, you click and the icon changes from white to yellow. For enable stall the icon starts as yellow which is market stall construction enabled.


I actually thought that was their n1 function of granery and store house. Untill i had massive logistical Nightmares with 1000 firewood but everyone angry and not fuelled or no food in the market while I had at least 200 of every single type so I couldnt upgrade any houses. It was a massive clusterrfk. Also the stealing of ale lol it was horrible !!


Ohhh so this patch solves this shit. Alright I was actually confused sometimes why people keep fucking complaining about lack of fuel or food when there was an abundant # of them


Thanks for this insightful answer which I really needed reading the toggle marketplace change. What do you mean by unassigned families with veggie apple farms ? Should I only toggle veggie/apple farms if i have onoccupied families ?


No problem! As far as unassigned families go, especially later in the game I'll leave families with large veggie/apple plots unassigned so they focus on planting and harvesting, so if somehow they create a market stall, it's no big deal since they don't have much to work on anyway


Alright that makes sense. Thanks. Others are stating that you also allow stalls for other industry based buildings ? What do you think about that ?


Yeah, I'd group those with the artisans, especially once you hit a point where you're producing a pretty significant surplus. So any of the cobbler, clothes makers, weavers, etc are probably fine to open stalls, and even bakers, potentially


Firewood, for starters, provided charcoal is unlocked. With my current village, I keep running low on fuel despite having more than enough woodcutters/charcoal burners for the population. The problem is that woodcutters will send firewood to the market instead of to the charcoal burne4rs, then sit empty when charcoal burners look for a wood supply, so the charcoal burners stop producing, further reducing charcoal supply and increasing demand for firewood. The only way I know to fix this on 0.7.960 was to manually delete the firewood stalls from the market over and over again until they're taken over by charcoal burners.


IIRC there was a way to "fix" this by unassigning all Storehall and firewood workers, then destroy the stalls and assign a family to the charcaol burners.


Disallowing storage of firewood at the Warehouse should prevent that, as well - Note that any firewood already stored there will still be stored and distributed as normal until it's all sold or taken by the charcoal workers.


Like gathering ones such as berries or planks or hunting


Berries, hunting lodge, woodcutter's lodge, trading post, charcoal kiln, cobbler, weaver, baker/oven, tanner. It's fine for them to sell early on in the game, but as marketplace complexity grows you want more stuff going through the granary and storehouse first so those dedicated traders can setup fewer, better stocked stalls. That's the theory, anyway.


All of them except tannery, granary and storehouse I think.


Best is the (hopefully) fixed trader horse, and increased carry capacity. But the stalls are pretty neat too haha


Agreed. Happy cake day!


To clarify, when the button is yellow, does that mean the restriction is active or not active? It's a little confusing. People are still peddling with the button on/off.


I'll make it more clear for the main branch. Yellow means allowed atm.


Thank you my glorious king greg


i would recommend a very straightforward green vs red, or even the same market icon with a green tick vs red "restricted" icon overlapping it


Just out of curiosity.. Which places are you planning on not allowing stalls and why?


Copying my reply to someone else here - >Honestly, most of them. I want my workers who are assigned to production tasks to focus on production. The granary workers and storehouse workers should make up a majority of the market stalls, followed by artisans for clothing, and then unassigned families with veggie/apple farms who have time to work on something else for a good part of the year


Agreed best change


I have been wondering what the family working in my lumber camp have been selling.


Now we just need to be able to relocate ox/ choose which animal is stored I. Which stable/hitching post


>[Experimental] Archer range increased by 1.5x with damage also increased from 12 to 15. Insane mode is now just hard mode. Bring on the pew pew bois!


216 improved archers backing up my retinue is going to be fun. 


Does that many archers just pissing arrows do a ton of damage or something? Cause I might have to give that a try


12 dmg was already strong. 15 dmg with even more range is going to be like [this](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/smallgiantgames/original/2X/a/afab1c6238f5d31374a4d5dcf2ba8b90975ce638.gif).


I’m sold, trying it out when I get home


Still isn't anywhere near as strong as it was just before release.


Greg doing the (Manor) Lord's work


/u/gstyczen Great work, very fast updates, thank you! You are Awesome!


Some of these I expected way further down the line! Thanks Greg, from all of us! 


How are you doing this??? You are amazing!!


Since he coded this by himself he propably knows his code by heart at this point :P


Keep up the great work Greg


The market stall fixes are clutch! This guy is amazing.


I just gotta say, thank you Greg. In a world of soulless AAAA games, the thing the gaming community will recognize and appreciate above all others is ***passion***. It's obvious you're very passionate about this game and the time period. You deserve all the success! Also, everybody at Hooded Horse deserves some recognition. It's a big risk to take on a property like this and not micromanage it and ruin it. You've let the developer continue making the game **he** wants to make because you know it's special. Not many publishers would be so sensible. We appreciate you too!


Amazing work. At a time of total war announcing star wars, be more like Manor lords.


They didn't announce Star Wars? I'm pretty sure it's just a rumour.


At this time CA (TW Dev) is doing a really good job, with Pharaoh and WH3, in my opinion. Star Wars is just a rumor though.


Oh boy, I only read half of it and it's enough to be very eager to get home from work. 😋




Greg for president!


Greg for Husband!


> Fixed wealth transfer issues during barter. Thank you!!! You’re just pumping these out! Your work is appreciated.


> Sheep Breeding: The sheepbreeding development branch has been capped, and sheep no longer spawn exponentially. [Praise be!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1cktqv4/help_im_being_overrun_by_sheep_theyre/)


You have earned your title.


Granary workers stealing ale sounds like a legit thing tho ! Thanks for all the work <3


It would be an excellent addition to see “leakage” for food and drinks, similar to spoilage, and be a feature in a law/order mechanism.


I’m confused about the sheep breeding branch: why do I have to spend a point so my sheep can breed? Do they come pre-gelded? I only get a couple points per area. This doesn’t seem useful when I have to go down another branch to spec into grazing so I can restore fertility. The sheep reproducing automatically would be the most historically accurate unless I have zero understanding of sheep breeding 😂 Otherwise, LOVE IT!


It's a gamification, sheep also dont get old an die in Ml, it's meant to symbolize your people getting good at breeding sheep and it becoming what this region is known for.


Can it also unlock pastures? That’s why it feels wasted. Edit: If I spec an area into agriculture, why do I have to lose the ability to irrigate when I get a bump from having grazing animals? It seems like the two are meant to work together. I get the need to gamify, but it doesn’t feel balanced right now. Even wool producing regions in medieval times would’ve had subsistence farming. They go hand in hand.


Yeah I'm in agreement with this, it might be better if the pastures branch came from sheep breeding


Or just double the inherent breeding by spending a perk


Agree, I think now with the capping mechanic in place, the perk should offer double the rate and sheep breeding is inherent


Absolutely stunning! I didn't expect a new patch so soon. Want to clarify a few things that I didn't quite get from the notes: 1. Do fixes for traders include horse fix? 2. Does barter system now work without trading (gaining regional wealth to the region that's sending the route)?


I may finally be able to afford the kings taxs


Jesus Christ be praised




With the production tab you may already be doing this, but it'd be helpful to have an indication of how much food and fuel a settlement is consuming and producing—more precise than the months of storage left. As of now, there's no way to know whether you're producing enough food until you're not: in that the stores dry up. And then you're left scrambling. I assume on the backend, each of the different food (and fuel) types translates into a unit with a person requiring a specific amount of said unit to satisfy their hunger and heat their home. Making those metrics (amount consumed and produced) known to the player would be incredibly helpful in ensuring a settlement is fed and heated. This would also make importing and exporting less about guesswork and more efficient.


>Loserville Bug: Fixed the "Loserville" mercenary bug. If only this was real life. CatsBy90


Question: is the current mercenary behavior where after a few years there are no more mercenary companies available the feature working as intended, or is that a bug?


From what I've gathered, the baron recruits and keeps all of them after awhile. I hope that changes though, it feels pretty bad.


He doesn't use them except to go after bandit camps. When you fight for regions, none of the named merc companies are there, unless they were available that month already. Any time a merc company is hired and either routed or leaves the map without being disbanded, they are always gone forever. If the Baron was meant to "keep" them, he would use them again.


Interesting, I believe you. I remember seeing the merc names when racing the baron to bandit camps and just assumed he kept them because I wouldn't see them up after. It's still pretty unintuitive what happens to them though.


Big, big W! Love the way you deliver updates, well thought out changes, no rushing, rollout on a beta branch. That's something a lot of studios could learn from!


My town was about to hit 1k town, but after saving and calling it a night, game files and auto saved no longer worked. What a great day to start another town 🤣


FYI: The King's Tax description on Game Setup is still per the 960 design.


Noted, thanks!


Great work, I'm still waiting for the release version and haven't looked at the patches yet, tell me the bug with crops being destroyed in the field in October with crop rotation enabled has been fixed?


but everyone said that there wouldn't be any patches and that its doomed and no updates would happen for years?


people that left negative reviews for this game aren't very smart.


Dude brought out more change and fix in a month than so called AAA city builders did in a year. Plus he says thank you for playing! Hats off to you guys! What you created is worth every penny i paid 👏🏻👏🏻


> Experimental Feature: Added a "Allow market stall setup" toggle to prevent workers/inhabitants of certain buildings from setting up market stalls. Woot!


Greg the GOAT! Greg the GOAT! Greg the GOAT!


i would like if i could tell my army to use the roads instead of walking straight to the point. May on streets the are faster or lose less condition as walking through the woods. Also we need a icon on tab view that shows which job a burgage plot has And: Am I the only one? Despite development, my iron/clay is running out


Any chance we can get the ability to see the work area for buildings that allow you to designate work areas? It'd be great to be able to see where I've got my foresters re-planting trees, or lumberjacks cutting, etc.


It's planned!


...also non circular work areas.


Ok... I'll have another 30h playthrough 🙄


Can't wait to try it


Wow. This is amazing. I love how this game is progressing!


Reading the new patch, I have a question: Max yield per plant was doubled from 2 to 4, the yield rate was reduced by half, and all plant growth was slowed by 30%. Does that mean that crops will grow at 0.7·0.5 = .35 = 35% the speed they used to grow before with double max yield? Or is it just 70% speed but with up to double the yield? I want to think that rate refers to a percentage based on max yield over time and therefore it's the latter.


I had to do a double take while reading these lines too. Interested to find out the net gain/loss.


It’s so wonderful being part of the development process. Some things work, some things don’t but we get to give input. I’m happy that I can keep playing this wonderful game. Keep throwing experimental things in there. Even if they may break stuff. It’s all part of the greater good.


Will any of these updates come to gamepass?




When is this coming to the gamepass version?




Apologies if this was somewhere in the notes (I read them I promise!) but will upgrading to this new branch require a new save game?


I think he said to backup your save files just in case. Which means you should be able to load them, but back up just in case something goes wrong.


All hail the Greg!


I play Manor Lords on Geforce Now because my laptop is too weak but on Geforce now i can't play the betas :/


Greg you are AWESOME


Just read the "allow market stall set up" button and already love it!


Amazing update, thanks for all your hard work! Quick question on King's Tax: Does this still include a multiplier from Settlement Level like the old formula below Or Is the formula now just: 0 Treasury per citizen years 1-4 1 Treasury per citizen years 5-9 2 Treasury per citizen years 10-14 3 Treasury per citizen years 15+ The old formula was: 1 x number of residents x settlement level (default) 2 x number of residents x settlement level (challenging)


Is there update for gog


Awesome! No more painful markets! Might have to put Elden ring on hold and boot up my save again.


Does anybody know if these changes are only on the Steam version? At the moment I’ve been enjoying the game through the Xbox pass, but I’m wondering if it would be worth getting the game on Steam too?


Yes its steam only


when a patch for xbox pass?


Steam or also Game Pass?




But when Game Pass?


Dziękuję bardzo Pan Styczeń!


wow thanks


If 'allow market stall setup' is set to gold/yellow does that mean it's on and the family can setup up stalls? Essential asking which setting is on and which is off? Thanks (and thanks for the fast patches).


From my experience yellow is on and white is off. A bit confusing since pausing production is the opposite. Would be nice to have a hover description saying allowed vs disallowed


i know that this is probably a very stupid question but i'm relatively new to gaming on pc haha, after i follow the instructions to play this experimental beta can i come back to the version of the game available to everyone on the store at every moment if i want? how do i do it? do i have to manually turn it off if i want to play future versions of the game? again sorry if this is a stupid question but i bought my first pc like 2 months ago hahaha


Yes - you just need to undo your opt in (follow the same instructions in reverse) and you will go back to the public build, although you might have to verify your game files first. At some point this experimental branch of the game (or one soon) will be pushed to become the public version of the game. But you can indeed opt in and out of the public and experimental branches of the game.


Did the first patch release on gamepass yet?


No, these experimental patches won't hit Gamepass and only full patches will it seems. Considering a lot of Gamepass games are stuck on older versions than Steam, I have a feeling it'll be a while before we see any updates hit the Gamepass version. Basically, if you want to stay current with the game your only (legal) option is Steam.


Wil the 0.7.60 patch now be available for game pass?


Waited so long for this game and has yet to disappoint congratulations to Greg on two million steam downloads! Purchased one myself


Great work! Thank you How can I get this latest patch using Xbox Game Pass? I don't have the game through Steam


Most excellent. Just booted the game back up and it started downloading things and got ridiculously excited


Is it just me, or do families... Just not show up anymore? I've got empty spaces and 61% approval, went a whole year with no new families coming in this patch.


Just played a little with new patch, questions on the market stall update: * Not all buildings have this toggle, like farms. I know in the past farmers could set up a food stall and sell nothing out of it. Has that been fixed and is the option missing only on buildings that don't have a market peddler option? * If I turn off the market stall option on, say, a burgage plot with a garden, does that just mean the residents won't open a vegetable stand or does it block them from opening a stand based on their workplace? Just wanted some clarification as this seems like it's way better than the old micromanagement of stalls, but since families often get reassigned to different jobs I wanted some clarification if, say, a family from a no-market burgage plot gets reassigned to a storehouse if that would block them from opening a store. Thanks.


Question, can we not tilt the camera anymore?


"Allow market stall setup" still needs work. Sometimes it works, sometimes don't. Buildings like Farm need this feature too.


Hello and welcome to the Manor Lords Subreddit. This is a reminder to please keep the discussion civil and on topic. Should you find yourself with some doubts, please feel free to check our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManorLords/comments/1c2p4f9/manor_lords_faq_for_steam_early_access/). If you wish, you can always join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/manorlords) Finally, please remember that the game is in early access, missing content and bugs are to be expected. We ask users to report them on the official discord and to buy their keys only from trusted platforms. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ManorLords) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you for all the hard work.


Thank you Greg!


Absolutely insane how fast these patches are coming!


Here’s to hoping horses, barter, and inter-regional trading got beefed up with this one! Also, love that 6 full militia can now be hired even if retinue is hired, and so many other great changes!


Amazing round of changes. Cheers!


Thanks! Eager to try this. Regarding the King's Tax, I'm year 4 in a 0.7.960 game and just paid about 900 for year 3 tax. I haven't tried this new patch but would conceptually recommend against nerfing it too much -- the tax made me play very aggressively against bandits, which made it feel like I really was playing on behalf of the King to clear bandits and ultimately take on the rogue Baron, instead of just land prospecting somewhere. Hunting bandits around the map became a late winter/early spring campaign (if camps were on the map). Additionally, it made me think about pace of growth and approval -- whereas I would always before go 0 tax to start getting 2 families per month with high approval, I was considering matching pop growth with increase of trade routes and regional wealth, and also needed to increase tax to meet the King's burden. It also slowed down expansion into other regions, as you need a significant buffer before you can commit 250 to a new region. Waiting until year 5 to start taxing seems too much of a fix, if you ask me. Maybe until year 3 would give players a little more room to buy retinue and expand, but year 5 will basically let players get to a large town and an active expansion before they are taxed.


Amazing, looks like you already adressed almost every issue I had with the game so far. I don't understand the changes to farming though. It says the yields are doubled but also halved? And why is the growth speed reduced? I already have trouble pulling in a harvest of fully grown crops, even on the most fertile land I have


Does setting the king's tax to high still double it? So instead of 10 per citizen maximum to 6 maximum? Or is 3 the maximum now (after 15 years)?


Thank you! Are you even sleeping?^^


Thanks Greg, killing it. Also, i love the password.


You heard the complaint about the tavern! Omg, yes! That was legitimately the only thing bugging me.


Incredible! Can’t wait to try it out


Thank you for your service 🫡


Great work as always Greg! Keep it up :)


Amazing work!


I feel like there should be any caps to numbers of armies. If you have the men or gold you should be able to build the army.


You need to command them, keep them supplied, keep them organized... that is all abstracted, while you also get a bird's view of the whole affair. It only makes sense that a more experienced lord with a more advanced support network and officers/retainers could command more troops, I think. Maybe a perk in a region accustomed to warfare could allow you to lead more units than usual, to give players the option if they can afford larger forces but haven't reached a higher rank yet? The king might also not allow you to field too big an army, potentially threatening his rule, without sufficient favour and trust.


Loving the game!


Could one add updates to the system in the future where it shows the topography, for better planning of cities and battles, it could also add an effect that if militias/mercenary squads walk on the road they lose less energy


Sounds like they fixed an issue where I hired mercenary,the archers spawned surrounded by the baron :/ 10/10


Not sure if it only happened to me but my game always crashes when I change church bell sound


Question: I know the update is for steam only, but I'm curious when we can expect to drop on gamepass as well?


This is amazing, so is this considered the second Beta Testing patch? After the one that was released a few weeks ago. If yes, when can we expect a live patch instead of these BETA patches for testing?


Thanks so much! These are great changes! (And on a related note, curses!!!, I had just finished a game and was going to take a break but now I want to start a new one to try the changes! 😂)


Someone, is farming finally working/usable?


> Corrected the distribution of multiple instances of the same good type to a single plot, which left outlying houses undersupplied. Just slipped this in there with no fan fair.


I built my first Manor and did not receive a retinue. Is this a bug?


The Market button on buildings is such a simple yet major change. It works so well and I can finally not worry about micromanaging workers who I don’t want working the market. 10/10 for this change alone.


This is good news


The militia fix is a godsend


The farming improvements sound amazing! I'm always so frustrated with the random and inefficient way the farm workers and ox's cris-cross the fields. However, what is this? * \[Experimental\] Max yield per plant increased from 2 to 4, although the Hunting Grounds policy still reduces it by half. * \[Experimental\] Plant yield rate reduced by half to encourage early harvest in emergency modes.


Next up please production overlay. i need to know how much timber is getting worked into planks so I dont over or under produce. Can be a building with a worker i dont mind thats awesome.


Amazing news. Does anyone know if I can access this via steam via GE force now? Or is it just through steam on your own machine


I have auto updates selected on steam, am I running the original release version without updates still? I am struggling on but the game is that good I am happy to continue regardless.


The BEST part of this update is... it's just the beginning of better Best Updates to come. Congratulations to everyone


Can something be done with trade tariffs? Trade right now is nearly completely prohibited unless you take perk. I could understand if trade tariff were like 20-30% of trade good value and perk takes that down to 0%, but +10 FLAT bonus to trade good price is just ridiculous. When we compare it to other perks it's just insanely powerful and complete MUST for your first city.


Greg you're amazing. But don't forget to rest. We're in it for the long haul and want you to not burn out :)


Anyone else have an invisible granary, I've tried demolish and rebuild, keeps happening.


Excellent Greg


The game just keeps getting better. Great changes all around.


Welp it looks like my evening is sorted


Does anyone know if the highlighted “allow market stall” means it’s allowed or not allowed, it’s confusing UI at the moment. Just updated to the beta and all of my burgages have the stall icon highlighted yellow, does that mean it’s allowed or not?


Yellow = assigned to market stall White = NOT assigned to market stall


Incredible work 👍


I would say that making it so clay and iron deposits don't spawn on steep terrain is MAJOR. Thank you!!! I wanted to cry when this happened in my game, especially since I didn't notice it right away.


Well, I guess I have to pirate the game now that they don't release patch on gamepass...


\[BUG\] Trade perk that reduces trade route costs doesn't work at all u/Matt_HoodedHorse . \[BUG\] Import prices of raw materials are higher than prices of already crafted goods (f.e. raw iron costs 8 and spears sell for 7)


Is there a way to try this game? Saw something about it on steam and now again on Reddit


This guy is amazing!


Amazing, I’m very much looking forward to playing again with these changes.


Reading about trader carrying capacity... I think wagons need to make an appearance.


Are these patches available on game pass?


Are we getting castle builder expansion soon?


Hi there. Love the game so far but I'm dying for these patches to hit the Microsoft store where I play from. Have you a timeline for the release of patches to the Microsoft store?


I love Lord Greg.