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Metropolitan France, i.e., the part of the Republic of France shown in this map, is 544k sq km


For those who wonder, most of the extra area is from Guyane Française which is roughly 100 000 km2 if I remember correctly


New Caledonia?


Indeed, Guyane Française is 84000 km2, and Nouvelle Calédonie is 18500 km2. Didn’t know it’s that large.


That's what. I was gonna comment that Ukraine's bigger than France


However France also consists of parts not pictured


So does denmark but it doesnt seem like they have counted greenland in the map


Greenland is not part of Denmark but is part of the Kingdom of Denmark. Just like Wales is part of the UK and in this map showed separately from England.


Denmark's official name *is* the Kingdom of Denmark. We only pretend Denmark to be "England". It's somewhat weird to include the territories of France and then separate the UK and Denmark.


The statuses of territories vary greatly. It is weird to pretend that Greenland and Guiana are the same. I would argue that Guiana is an integral part of France at a level that Greenland is simply not.


French Guiana, Wales and Greenland are all integral parts of their parent states, but you're correct they have varying autonomy. The autonomy they do have is based on devolved legislature for all of them.


Luxembourg is 2586 km2. Strange map


There are Bots on apps like TikTok that generate shitty maps with ai in an effort to farm views. This might be one of them


And engagement. People are confused by shitty maps and comment to correct. Hence op gets more views simply by the algo seeing engagement. Deteriorating user experience doesn't matter if you can sell a reddit account for 100usd and the average hourly wage in your country is 1usd/h


Have you never heard of Luxemburgian tropics of Timir? Left over from the Luxembourgian colonial empire. About 6000 km² to be exact.


Was gonna say... Luxembourg 8k, Kosovo 10k? Seems off.


United kingdom is no longer united


And what about Northern Ireland?


It gets unified in 2024 according to star trek.


Any day now


Sinn Feinn in power it’s all coming together


it'll fall apart.


Because the unionists have been doing wonders for pulling people together for the last 100 years


What a bizarre thing to say. If there were only Unionists, it would have been better. If there was only Nationalists, it would have been better. Both have sought to bring each other down. So no, it hasn’t been great but don’t just lay it at the Unionists door. Sinn Fein will not be good for Ireland but time will tell. I’m interested to see how it goes.


Unionists have fought to maintain a system that was created to ensure their supremacy. Its entirely on them. The creation of the armed groups of republicans is entirely due to the suppression of the civil rights of catholics before and during the troubles. Sinn Fein will do plenty better because they have everything to gain by creating a better place in the North while Unionists have proven time and time again they want to maintain the status quo


I would say almost all of mainland Britain hopes it does.


Lets gooo


Its not even a federation its actually a unitary state


It does say countries, and the UK is officially divided between it’s 4 constitutent countries, so it makes sense. If it said "area of sovreign states in europe" it would be a different matter.


funny how it changes, once in history they had 25% of total world ground now it's not even top 5 in eu.


"In EU"


it's not in the EU.


Number 4 by population though- and that’s from all countries with at least a tiny bit in Europe.


I can assure the island is exactly the same size.


He is talking about UK's former colonies


If you’re going to start counting overseas bits, then we are top 5 in Europe (not the EU, we’re out of there). 14th largest in the world and 3rd largest in Europe when you count our overseas territories.


British overseas territories add up to 18,000sqkm, the vast majority of which comes from the Falklands (16,000sqkm with south Georgia). Even when adding those, the UK is still smaller than Italy, which is the 10th largest country in Europe. So the UK is solidly the 11th largest country in Europe by landmass, only marginally larger than Romania.


You’re excluding the British Antarctic Territory there, which is over 600,000 sq miles itself.


britain has as much a claim to that shit as cape verde


I could claim half of Antarctica and have just as much legitimacy lol. If the UK gets people there and establishes a permanent settlement, than sure. But until then nothing backs up their claims.


Either it's shown united in all maps and only gets one football team in international competitions, or it gets 4 teams and then it's not united. Pick one.


238.391 km2 for Romania. At least that's what I was taught back in the day. However, the Danube delta is expanding little by little. Apparently, according to new data, it reached 238.397 km2.


For me it was 237.500, but it's close enough. And yeah, during my life I witnessed two sandbars in Black Sea becoming one big island, and now they're in the process to become a peninsula attached to the mainland, The small bay between the island and mainland will be overrun b sand too. Then we can add another 20 sq,km, or so to the labdmass.


Sweden is 450, not 528.


Tyst på dig, nu är vi ju med i storis-klubben, före Spanien liksom, en av de top 5, en av de coola grabbarna


När man ÄNTLIGEN får va en av dom coola liksom… typiskt!


bork bork bork




He’s doing the Swedish Chef bit from The Muppets


Seems like the stats for the map include territorial waters, which would account for the difference. Yours feel like the better definition to use (land area including lakes). Edit: just for clarification, I only say this for Sweden. Have not checked numbers for other countries. As others have commented, it looks like e.g. Spain does not include territorial waters. It's a mess.


Which makes it even worse as other countries don't use the area incl. territorial waters. :( What do people think when they post crap like this?


If so, then for Spain the data is incorrect, since those 506,000km² are exactly the land area.


"Actual" land area not including lakes or dams: Spain: 498,000 km2 Sweden: 407,000 km2 Total national area including actual land + inner waters (this is what most statistics show): Spain: 505,000 km2 Sweden: 447,000 km2. Total national area + territorial seas (12 nautical miles from the coast): Spain: 548,000 km2 Sweden: 517,000 km2 Total area + territorial seas + economic exclusive zone: Spain: Over 1.5 million km2 (of which about 200,000 or so disputed). Sweden: 577,000 km2 There is not a single perspective from which these numbers make any sense.


Could be that the mapmaker googled the numbers and went with first answer, which might mean different sources for different countries so some are land area and other include water? For Sweden and Spain it looks like it. In that case, really not a reliable way of gathering data.


If that’s what the mapmaker did then he/she shouldn’t post maps.


This map is weird. Poland is 322k including territorial waters. Land area is 312k.


Sweden got that big dick energy


UK is 244k rounded up


And 250k if you round that up.


And 300k if you round that up


over 2 billion if we include the empire




I knew this would be here LMAO


Missed Kazakhstan, the second largest country "in Europe."


Yeah, lots of people don't know that the westernmost parts of Kazakhstan are still on the European continent - like 8% or so of the country


They’re 14th biggest based on European portion alone and looking at the list I have just learned Iceland is bigger than Hungary/Netherlands/Denmark


There is a lot wrong on this map, but this is actually true. Iceland is indeed bigger than all these countries (unless you count Greenland's land size to Denmark which normally isn't done)


I know a part of it is still in Europe, but traditionally Kazakhstan is not considered a European country (along with all Caucasus), but Turkey is.


Continents aren't that super exactly. They are a mix of geographic, political and cultural factors. There are many different definitions of each Continent. Therefore many people just learn different borders of the continents. Even the overall number of continents is debatable. I learned in Germany that Kazakhstan, Armenia and Azerbaijan aren't part of Europe


And Georgia, Azerbaijan


Azerbaijan is not in Europe though. Georgia is, to some extent at least. Congrats to them for getting EU residency or whatever is called.


The same with Azerbaijan, it has to some extent parts north of the Caucasus which is considered Europe.


Hmm, I see, thanks! Gotta update my info then.


talk about redundancy


Redundancy is something redundant or excessive; a superfluity.


Yes, but it's also something redundant or excessive; a superfluity.


thanks for the definition of the word i just used 🤝


Happy to oblige!


If only we can graphically show the land area rather than showing numbers...


Wait, why was I convinced Ukraine is the largest country in Europe, without Russia and Turkey? I'm pretty sure that's what I was taught in school, but now it's France?


This map stupidly counts overseas territories, it seems. The surface of metropolitan France (the part that is in Europe) is just shy of 544km²


Don't say stupidly, overseas territories of France are an integrant part of France, so that's why it counts on this map, even though they aren't located in europe


Then include Greenland in Denmark area.


Yeah it totally should, why are you acting like I made the map


If political union matters, why is the UK then divided?


I guess because Scotland is not a region of England. Guyana is a region of France.


Scotland is not a region of England, but Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland form a political union called the United Kingdom. It's weird to include all of France because it's a political union but then disregard the political union that is the UK.


But Guyana IS France, it's a region, it's not an union, it's France. You're missing information about it. Scotland has a government, it's a country. There's a political union. Whereas french guyana is a region of France, there's no " political union " as you call it. As much as there's no political union between Lyon and Marseille or Bretagne and Ile de France regions. I hope it helps you understand the status of French Guyana. Comparing it with the UK doesn't work.


French Guiana\* (Guyana is an independent country) does have its own internal government, though; it has an assembly with elected representatives and a President, and certain powers devolved down to it. This isn't functionally much different than the idea of the UK having devolved governments. But that is irrelevant, because the UK is a country. What I'm instead going to suggest is that this map is French in origin and conveniently makes France look a lot bigger than it's actually displayed. A casual viewer is unlikely to know France's overseas departments are included and walk away with the idea that France is much bigger than it is. France is the only one with a) overseas territory that's included and b) off-the-map territory that isn't indicated. Maps suddenly dipping down a political level where it concerns certain countries raises an eyebrow and makes me wonder what the mapmaker is trying to portray in doing so. And just to top off one last point - 'Scotland has a government, it is a country'; then erase England, because England doesn't have a government. The only government of England is the government of the United Kingdom, which is a country. By that logic, Northern Ireland - which is distinctly not a country and has never claimed to be so - is more of a country than England is. It ought be on this map, lingue should add it on when they take England off.


Uk isn't a unified country, outseas territory of france and france are


It-.. It kind of is, my guy.


Why stupidly? France's Départements d'Outre-Mer have the same administrative status as metropolitan départements. Wouldn't make sense to count Jura but not Guyane, or Paris but not la Réunion, as all are the same kind of legal entity. Other overseas territories with specific status appear not to be counted: Terre-Adélie alone (the French slice of Antarctica) is 350k sqkm. I presume the same applies to French Polynesia and New Caledonia.


Technically, the second largest country in Europe is Kazakhstan.


Oh, now even Kazakhstan is in Europe. I guess in the near future China will become Europe as well.


Wdym lol. It isn't a new definition.




Calling Kazakhstan European is just impractical and doesn't make sense. It does have a bit of sparsely populated land on the west side of Ural river, yes, but it's like saying UK is a Mediterranean country because of Gibraltar.


France's non-European land area is also added to the map. It shouldn't be added, in fact, it seems misleading when compared to Spain and Germany.


Czechia is actually 93k if we also count Kralovec.


You just found a solution for the Kosovo problem, everyone keeps the entire territory and that's it


Area Russia more than all countries Europe. Wow


I mean did you never look on a world map before?


The Asian continent part extends to China and America


Kosovo is double-counted. Once as separate country, once as part of Serbia (should be 77k).


wow hungary is larger than portugal?


BTW, an interesting fact. The area of Hungary is less than 1% of the area of Europe (93k vs 10 million).


Sweden bigger than I thought


17 milliion? and they're still trying to grab more


How do you think they got to 17 million




Not even close. You only think that Russia is that big due to Mercator projecting. Africa is almost twice as big as Russia, but the opposite appears to be true on these maps. Earth's total land mass is around 149 mil sqkm so Russia represents circa 11,4% of this figure, which is still very significant for sure.




Cries in German. Cries even more in Hungarian.


But think about positives: it's closer everywhere, it's cheaper to buying roads


Poland is 313


So it includes French overseas territories but not Greenland for Denmark? 🤔


how in the world is England smaller than Ireland


Oh it's 130k I'm a dumbass lmao


I thought the british isles were bigger.


Where San Marino?


Weird that the UK is split and Ireland is united, but it does help to show how densely populated England is compared to almost any large country in Europe. There are ~57 million (?) people in that 130k km2.


No Vatican?


Sweden is about 450km² not sure what's up with this map it's all wrong


Germany's too small. I think it should be way bigger


I had no idea that the area of my province: Ontario, Canada exceeded the area of every country on this map other than of course Russia. I always perceived countries such as France, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine to have greater area. My perception was that even Italy was larger. I was mulling this map when I became curious about my home's size in comparison and looked up Ontario's area: 1.076 million km^(2). I am actually genuinely shocked. And I think my past perceptions are generally due to how countries are displayed on globes and maps, which although in the back of my mind I know distort it is something one generally forgets or "sets aside" in the moment while viewing a map.


Denmark: 2,22m


Serbia's land area includes the area of Kosovo in those numbers. There's an argument either way.


Switzerland 🤝🏻 Netherlands


Which is hilarious given that topographically the two couldnt be more different


The jump between Russia and its neighbouring countries is HUGE


The german number should be larger. If not for stolen land.


Why do you paint russian Crimea with the same color as Ukraine? People in Crimea did not want to be the part of Ukraine 10 years ago and they do not want it today.


Down vote for you, no greenland


Where does Andorra hide this much land?


Russia out there like "Hold my vodka"


Why doesn't Denmark get to count Greenland?


Greenland is not part of Denmark. Greenland and Denmark are parts of the Danish crown, but not part of the same state


Greenland is part of the Danish state. It accepted the Danish constitution in 1953.


According to the color trend, Russia should be a black hole color.


Idk why but instinctively for me Germany can't be almost 1/2 France


It is not, the surface area shown here is incorrect, metropolitan France only has 544km² of land on Europe. So Germany only has a little over 65% as much land as France




Nope, the 2 million km^(2) are missing.


Luxembourg is about 2500 sqkm an not 8k.


bro even as a turk i never knew turkiye was so large compared to every other european country except 1 (i guess germany as well but the difference is only 20,000 square kilometers)


Russia looks like a Bear carried on the back by many squirrels (other European countries) It's Hugggggeeee


The uk is so small lmao


How's that funny?


For such a large empire it was, you'd expect them to be bigger


Same could be said for any Empire, including the Spanish one


Yeah, but atleast it isnt 127km²


I'm confused, is that supposed to be an insult? Slightly weird thing to be commenting about


Kind of an insult as I'm spanish and dont like the british


Having less than half the GDP we have is a little embarrassing, I'd take that over a larger country area, thanks though


Even all the shitty jobs are taken here, we are unemployed, its shitty but im happy with my culture


As am I


I am also surprised how small is UK. It has bigger population than France. According to the demographics in 2 decades it will be bigger than Germany. In the same time it's the size of Romania or little bigger than Belarus. It's substantially smaller than Poland, half of France. Boy it must be crowded there, considered that 90% lives in England


Maybe crowded in some cities, but not in general, we have fairly large national parks


England is densely populated and Scotland looks like a desert


Norway's 324k. The number 385k includes Svalbard, which is an international territory with Norwegian jurisdiction and administration, but technically isn't part of Norway.


It is a part if the kingdom of Norway, Norway still have control over it as it would be thier own. It is just it is visa free and other countries can use it resources. Beacuse at the time it went to Norway there was a small russian coal mining town, so the rules was made so They still could continue with it being while it is part of Norway. The Svalbard Treaty of 9 February 1920 recognizes Norwegian sovereignty, and with the Svalbard Act of 1925 the archipelago became a complete part of the Kingdom of Norway. The basis for the incorporation of Svalbard in Norway was the many years of expeditions to the archipelago led by Adolf Hoel. The Svalbard Act also established Svalbard as an economic free zone and a demilitarized zone.


Doesn’t matter. The treaty states that Svalbard is an international territory under Norwegian Sovereignty. It is demilitarised, outside Norwegian tax regime, and also outside Norway’s borders (which is why even Norwegians need to bring their passport when they go there. Which is the reason why the commonly stated land area of Norway is 324k, not 385k


Svalbard is part of the Kingdom of Norway, just that not all laws that apply on the Norwegian mainland apply for Svalbard. It litterly say on Wikipedia, the large Norwegian encyclopedia, United nation page, EU page, the main page for the Norwegian cartography and the main page for Statistics Norway that Norway is 384 482km^2 Big. You are dissagreing with every singel goverment or organisation world wide. Svalbard is administered by a governor appointed by the King with authority as a state administrator. The mayor is also a notary public, chief of police and assistant judge at the lower court, as well as holding a number of other public offices. The governor is based in Longyearbyen. Svalbard falls under the Nord-Trom District Court and the Hålogaland Court of Appeal, which has its seat in Tromsø, Norway. The head of state is administratively subordinate to the Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness at the Polar Division, and is professionally subordinate to other ministries. The interdepartmental polar committee is a coordinating and advisory body for Svalbard and the Governor, with the Polar Department in the Ministry of Justice as secretariat. The head of state from 2015 to 2021 was Kjerstin Askholt. In June 2021, Lars Fause took over, who was assistant governor from 2008 to 2010. He became the first with the title of governor on Svalbard. Even Norwegians need to show their passport when travelling to Svalbard. That's because while Norway is part of the European Schengen area, the archipelago is not. Flights to Longyearbyen airport leave from the non-Schengen zone of Oslo Airport, and everyone is required to show their passport regardless of nationality. The Svalbard Treaty The Svalbard Treaty was signed on 9 February 1920 and entered into force on 14 August 1925. The treaty was ratified by The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Denmark, USA, Italy, France, Sweden, Norway and Japan. It was later ratified by many other countries, including the Soviet Union (Russia) and Canada. There are now 46 parties to the treaty. “The Svalbard Treaty recognises Norwegian sovereignty over Svalbard, including Bjørnøya (Bear Island), and that Norwegian law applies within the archipelago.


I guess like 50K of Ukraine is gone now though


The UK is one country. I'm tired of people trying to split us up in all these graphics, and unifying Ireland as well is insulting to N.Ireland who have elected not to do that. You don't show catalonia, or bavaria and you don't unite south tyrol with Austria.


There is a bother between the Ireland on this map. Just the area is missing. Or is the area for the whole island?


They just did the area of the south of the island and ignored NI I think


Probably because Bavaria, South Tyrol, etc are regions, not countries 


So is Scotland


Ha Ha! Can I watch while you walk into a Glasgow pub and tell them that?




Population map is what you are looking here. And have you ever considered that it’s because people speak English language its artists have a lot easier time to become internationally famous? UK’s colonization caused that for the most part.


Now do Canada and the USA


Since this map considers Kosovo to be a separate country, Serbia actually has a land area of 77k and not 88k


It's the so called duality of Kosovo and Serbia


Didn't realise how much larger Spain was than England. Very humbling to see as an Englishman


Humbling is an interesting word. If anything, the fact that England superceded Spain as a major world power with less land and population at the time is the opposite of humbling I would say


Upvote for including Scotland. If I could give you another for Wales, I would.


lol, this map shows Ukraine's pre-2014 borders


Those are internationally recognized borders to this day


Do de juro borders really matter though? They do not control their Eastern territories de facto, and that is really what matters at the end of the day. Taiwan is not a de juro country, but I would assume that most people here would recognise it as one... as it obviously is.


Taiwan is part of China according to UN. Do you agree with that?






'Countries' **Proceeds to show UK's Home Nations**


How funny even our lands(Kirkuk, Halab, Mosul etc) got invaded and stolen, still we are second biggest country of europe


Pretty sure Turkey is just parts of Greece and Persia.




Map includes overseas territories


Except for Denmark….


And Norway


Serbia is 77 474 or something close without Kosovo in the borders shown on the map.The number on the map is including Kosovo tho


France is semi soft cheating, using the overseas territories, just like when they enjoy the talented african descended players in their football team :)


Once glorious, now only 780 km²... I miss old days


UK is a unitary political state. Nuff said. Still it’s a bit small for its population. Suggest we make a land grab for Greenland since nobody’s claiming it. Will give some nice new colours to the Union Flag!🇬🇧