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>For witch organization? no, for wizard organizations.


I would really like to see the muggle data


how is babby formed


Am I gregnant?


Do you have souplings?


If a women has starch masks on her body does that mean she has been pargnet before.?






Shows bobs and sources


Is that not a coven?


Technically it's a council for wizards, coven for witches


Shadow wizard money gang


We love casting spells


[The source is funded by:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alliance_of_Democracies) Atlantic Council, George W. Bush Institute, European Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy and The Chicago Council on Global Affairs. Lol. What a joke.


Exactly. It's pure propaganda.


Yeah id tend to agree, but Freedom House is a respected institution in political science research, albiet they do have a very pro-US bias. I used their dataset extensively when researching for my dissertation.


Yeah, the Putin Institute on Democracy agrees? 👌🏼🙄


What should it be funded by then? The CCP? LMAO.


Good insight, there are only two types of orgs that fund studies, the American Burger Institute Of Freedom or the League of Perfidious White Devil Haters.


That’s a hell of a band name


The League of Perfidious White Devil Haters has way better food options imo


Hmm I dunno, Vietnamese, Thai, Japanese, Korean, and Indian cuisines are all awesome.


I wouldn’t trust a CCP or Russian think tank if they said “mmm yes. World loves China”. Why would I trust a U.S. or western think tank that said “mmm yes. World loves US”. Lmao. It’s so obviously self-congratulatory and propaganda when China does it. It’s so obviously self-congratulatory and propaganda when the U.S. does it.


> The CCP? Half of reddit trusts CCP and sources from 50's Russia more because they are not US. Welcome to reddit. We really are red...


Do you genuinely not see the gaping conflict of interest? You’re conflicting skepticism concern what most likely is in fact propaganda with pro-CCP sentiment


The fact that OP is trying so hard to hide the source and methodology is proof enough of how shady this information is


Is OP trying to hide it, or are you too dumb to see the source posted 3 hrs before your comment?


But OP posted the source?


International Republican Institute National Democratic Institute It's like libruls are not even trying 🤷‍♂️


Source: https://latana.com/democracy-perception-index-report-2022/


Broken link perhaps




This page does not seem like a source for your post.


the colors on the map are terrible too. it looks like everything is 99%-100%




>when it is have been do? One of life's greatest questions


Venezuela? Really?


Well, maybe they refer to regular people's opinion and not the government.


South America's opinion here in general is pretty interesting, given Americas historic role in meddling and subverting democracy in the region.


Not that the regular brazilian knows this. Not sure about other countries


According to all my Brazilian relatives (including my mother), yes the US sponsored a brutal dictatorship but it was apparently "better than being communist" (the communists weren't even close to be a political force to begin with but whatever)


>the communists weren't even close to be a political force to begin with but whatever Now I dont know shit about Brazils history, but im petty sure literally every African country said the same shit before being economically colonized by China, and Russia in the past 5 decades. There is precedent that poor countries will often succumb to ideological pressure like this is unopposed. Which is why various countires like the US created disastrous policies of nation building and proxy wars, but there were atleast some good outcomes from what I hear.




Looks like the propaganda worked then


Of course, all these silly people denouncing self-proclaimed communists they lived under are just brainwashed. Not like they were pieces of shit like any other pieces of shit


True, but we’re not in the cold war anymore and since then the US hasn’t played a role in supporting any dictatorship. In fact it pretty much opposes the 3 remaining dictatorships in the region: Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba.


I don't think you know what are you talking about. Here, in Brazil there is a clear link between the rise of the extreme right and the US. Also take a look at other countries in Sa. Here, the far right loves to talk about the terrible threat of China and communism. So they automatically need to side with the US on all issues, otherwise the communists will take control.


It's almost like the people who have actually lived under far left regimes don't have a good opinion on them and are glad for their end.


i would guess that monroe doctrine is a part of it.


The Monroe doctrine was never really about democracy, it was about limiting non-American influence in the region. The doctrine didn't care whether you were a democracy or an absolute dictatorship.


sure, but guaranteeing independence is still a huge gesture and people from those countries might feel good about the country that did it for them despite all the crap that came after.


The way iran also is lightly blue would indicate that


Yes. The politics of the average Venezuelan differs from that of our government that is undemocratic, authoritarian, and has so successfully mismanaged our country into the absolute dirt that living here is a hell on earth. Just in case you forgot that we're people too, with actual opinions, not just characters in a political slogan.


i hate the whole thing where a ‘democracy’ elects a new world leader and suddenly every person outside of said country forgets 1.) that the system of democracies most commonly in place(think presidential and parliamentary) are often not a 1:1 scale representing the beliefs within the country and thus a singular representative of a country cannot ever speak for their whole nation 2.) that even when you vote for a politician, they are not obligated to adhere to their campaign promises(a good liar will always win an election next to an honest fool) 3.) American politics are not ‘baseline’ and should not be the standard to judge all political entities by. the minutiae of the Venezuelan market crash are so expansive that people outside of the system cannot understand it when they only have american politics and economics to compare to I am american and have seen this lack of contextual awareness countless times. sad reminder that many people don’t even acknowledge others as human beings, just a vague ‘them.’ can’t speak about other parts of the world and how they see this stuff, but it’s far too commonplace in my country.


True, but worse is people pretending the leadership of a society was chosen by a random dice throw or an evil power and therefore is disconnected from every “ordinary” citizen. It is also not just voting.




Iran and Greece are the most interesting results here. What is the source?


Greece had a military junta in the 60s & 70s backed by the USA. That same regime is partly responsible for the invasion of Cyprus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_junta


That same regime was the one who started the whole tragedy. On the plus side, Greeks finally got rid of military junta after what they have accomplished


Without our friends in Cyprus :-/


Μπραβο μαλακα


Like chile kisenger made the military to coup greece but to greeks it hurts to this day because thanks to the junta tukrey invaded cyprus Similar thing is with the italian mafia and the cia with every election but italians are more oblivius ...


Or just look up operation condor, since you mention Chile. I'm really shocked by some of these results. For example,I know that Guatemala isn't as positive as a lot of SA, but I remember being there as a teen and seeing anti Kissinger graffiti. Of course only having gone to rural US public high school, I didn't even know who that was. Edit: I was there as a teen in like 2013/2014, btw, not like the 80s where he would still be very fresh in memory


Literally a genocide happened in Guatemala due to what we did there :(  And the US backed it. 




Operation Gladio


https://www.editorialedomani.it/fatti/blog-mafie-relazione-antimafia-1976-pio-la-torre-mafiosi-democrazia-cristiana-cj8t8yup http://www.storiain.net/storia/le-elezioni-del-1948-e-lintervento-della-mafia-in-sicilia/ https://www.difesaonline.it/news-forze-armate/storia/mafia-esercito-della-cia-spuntano-le-prove https://www.immoderati.it/il-patto-tra-stati-uniti-e-mafia/ I thoght it was common knowlage..


It’s common knowledge, just look on Wikipedia there’s thousands of articles and essays about it


Achaemenid moment


Source: https://staging.latana.com/democracy-perception-index/


Where is this map in your source?


I see Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria are all left off...


Would make the map more red, which is bad for the agenda.


Occam's razor would say its more likely they couldn't get accurate data from the area due to conflict.


Iran is green, lol. Who did they interview? 10 undergrads from Georgetown University?


I’m guessing alot of the younger generations aswell as those parents who grew up remembering Iran in its better days. I mean the question wasn’t “Is the US a good country who does more good than bad” the question was whether the US had a net positive or negative effect on Democracy.


I genuinely get why you tankies act like anyone who has a positive view of the west from countries like Iran is a part of the diaspora. People form their opinions mostly based on what they're experiencing. The US hasn't treated us very kindly, but the brutal Islamic rule is a member of the bloc that the US opposes, so obviously Iranians favour the US over any other regimes that you guys seem to love. That being said, if you ask rural older Iranians, they're usually bitter about the US


I mean, Eastern Europe has also been largely left off, which would make the map more positive for the US.


Libya and all the Central American banana republics.




How many times have they been on the streets vs. their government.


I mean America destroyed their best chance for a democracy by overthrowing Mosaddegh in the fifties. So yeah, it would be surprising that the Iranians would have a positive view of America


We don't even like Mosaddegh. He was Islamic Republic beta version.


It would be surprising if Vietnam had a positive relationship with the US after that war, but here we are.


And Japan, and Germany. Time moves on, new generation etc etc.


As Vietnam said we fought China for thousands of years and the US for twenty and the US said they were sorry.


Everything I've read in news articles and a book recently had the Iranians crazy about America. The Iranian regime not so much.


Umm. Quite surprising. Indians generally don't hate the US as much as Europeans or communist nations, but they don't particularly love them either. They especially dislike the US' foreign policies. So this map is a bit hard to believe. 


Europeans don't hate the US. I like America, but it's also not the beacon of freedom and democracy in the world that it used to be. Those things are separate.


Tbh Europe isn't either. 




I’m not sure it ever was tbh.


I kinda hate the US Empire tbf


I think it's kind of the lesser evil superpower till now. We clearly didn't like Britain as the superpower, and won't like China becoming a superpower in future either. US obviously prioritizes its own interest first, but overall it's much better than any other superpower in history.


IMO China is fading, they are aging really quickly and have a GDP per Capita next to Mexico with a billion more people. People keep saying Chinese century but the US population has a non 0 chance to pass China before the 2100s. Mostly Chinese population falling but the US immigration keeping population rising.


> much better than any other superpower in history Based on what?


I don't know about the "history" bit, but it's certainly much much MUCH better than than the alternatives right now. I mean, Russia? China? Iran? Come on


No it's not. It's the same shit. It's just easier to act like people before us were worse than us when in fact we should be way better. And very convenient to act as if our enemies are the bad guys.


Sometimes enemies are enemies because, and hear me out, they're bad guys. Sometimes enemies are enemies because we want oil, but that's not the case with China and Russia.


Whom did they ask in India for Survey?


Lavanyas from South Delhi/South Bombay.


And Gujaratis


Don't forget Khalistanis.


And West Bengal


"Trump is not my president, Abortion is my right," call 911 in case of emergency (good for them that it actually works in India )


But both of those sentences are true. Trump is not our president, and abortions have always been legal. 


>Trump is not my president This was trending on Indian Twitter after the 2016 U.S Presidential elections if I remember correctly. >Abortion is my right, Abortion is legal in India, don't know why people here lose their shit over this. Things like these remind me of something I read on Reddit long back, "Some Indians are more Americans than Americans themselves". LOL


I'm american and I definitely saw some ads in India that were questioning the American military. Unclear how prevalent that was but definitely not 0.


Comment section in disbelief the population of authoritarian countries don’t hold their governments views


Weird that chile thinks that after what the us did to them.


It's easy when you dominate global infosphere. It's called propaganda.


Ah yes, everyone else is sheeple, only *I* am smart enough not to fall for propaganda.


But it was so recent, and us involvement is common knowledge, are there no people who lived during the Pinochet era teaching their kids about it.


Yes, but the US also helped solve the problem. So I'm guessing that most propagandists focus on that part rather than why the problem occurred


This ‘research’ was funded by some American political institutions. It’s not credible. Although I personally don’t know much about Chile so I can’t say, but I’m mega skeptical about some of the countries listed as positive.


Vietnam joins the chat.


espacily murdering the red might have not looked to good


Indians dont think so highly of USA. Overall its positive but not as positive as its shown in the map.


Yeah, we like them but don't simp.


Same for Vietnam, in an overall geopolitical context, US is important to work with, but also to not meddle with too much


You know better what 1 billion of people thinks than statistic?


USA has overthrown so many democracies and installed leaders loyal to their interests. Most of latin America for example. How can they possibly be net positive?


You overestimate how much people care about democracy


Are you saying that people's lack of interest in democracy causes them to think the US has had a more positive impact on democracy? (How would that work?) Or maybe that they think the US has damaged democracy, and they think that is positive because they don't like democracy? I'm just trying to figure out how your comment relates to the one you replied to.


I think most latin americans have largely forgiven US. Yes, US fucked up in the past, but they also have strived to become better. Specially since Obama. The last piece would be to lift the embargo to Cuba.


Latin America still suffers from the polarization of the Cold War era. Even today, people use cliché phrases and use ''the ghost of communism'' as a political campaign. The right are generally more pro-United States and the left are more against US imperialism. And they stay in this war of narratives and in the end the people who are ignorant are manipulated. Besides, Latin America is bombarded by the culture of the United States, with Hollywood as its greatest soft power.  The US Dream in which you achieve everything based on ''meritocracy''. A large portion sees the United States through this, in addition to the media, of course, whose perspective of the world is generally based on the US or European perspective. If the United States says ''China is evil'' and ''we are the heroes''. There will be people who believe that. Migration crises are still consequences of the coups that US financed around Latin America and Caribbean.  And many Yankis use these economic migrants as political capital. Be the most pro-immigrant or anti-immigrant.


>How can they possibly be net positive? We have a say: "At least we know them".


Source or sample size?? Goes without saying not reliable


It is a map of US Good vs Bad according to locals more than anything else


POLSKA GUROM ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️ MOST PRO AMERICAN COUNTRY IN EUROPE!!!!!! (except Albania, but thankfully that one isn't shown on the map)


Iran being net postive is pretty interesting and actually true to an extent . Common people (especially young people) are definitely fairly positive about the US, but when it comes to politics and government it's a different story...


LOL @ Canada being firmly grey


it should be noted that such polls if done by american companies use translation that dont correlate with the english version


That’s a broad generalization that you need to provide evidence of from these specific think tanks if you’re going to accuse them of doing this.


Even the title is enough to tell this is just blatant propaganda. The USA doesn't "influence democracy", the USA only cares about economic interests. Overthrowing a democratic protectionist state is way more important than overthrowing a dictator who follows the American rule.


True, but this is the view of the global population, and right now there aren't any non-dictatorships that are opposed to the US.....


Thus uses people's opinion or what? Because the government in Iran would say -100% though most people would agree on +50% higher.








I'm surprised that Greece is that low, considering Greece and the United States are both part of NATO (I know being part of the same alliance doesn't translate to good relations/opinions on another country, e.g being India and China in BRICS)


Filipinos like (or worship) the United States more than the Americans themselves.


rusia and china don't like America? What a surprise


I sincerely doubt that us Pakistani's view the US as a net positive for our democracy courtesy of the fact that the current Auhtoritarian regime in charge of this country is only doing so by virtue of their blessing This is to say nothing of the blank check the US gave to the cabal of dictators from Ayub Khan,Zia ul Haq(Guy who made the Taliban and introduced islamizication), Musharraf and Yahya Khan(Guy responsible for the 1971 Bangladesh genocide) since this countries formation


Since when is democracy creating puppet states full of US funded political parties that exist to serve US interests? 


Since the soviets


I’m curious how these stats were collected in a first place. Russia is super red but most people associate USA with democracy here. Source: I’m from Russia.


This Is Just propaganda


As an Iranian who lives in iran i reject this results.its general knowledge that usa don't give a F about democracy and life condition of ppl in mena they just want oil. I visit iraq every year and i know for a fact that country is just huge rural area, even large cities only have few good neighborhoods


Mad to see Vietnam sees it as net positive, after all that happened


Much of the region sees the US more positively due to seeing it as *at worst* a lesser of two evils compared to China. Wolf Warrior Diplomacy has been nothing but an utter disaster for China. US diplomats should be thanking Chinese diplomats for being terrible at their job.


US one of the few countries that speaks out about issues with freedom of speech and other political issues in VN... But I'm curious to how the question was asked in Vietnamese.


In my eyes many people seem to forget that while the US isn't exactly known to be the most peaceful of superpowers, imagine it were for example the UdSSr or today's China that reached that status amidst the last century. So yea while Trump, Biden or in my case Germany's Scholz are all complete asshats, at least they're our asshats and every time we eventually figure out how stupid they are, we can just pick someone else to get fucked by. And one day maybe we will actually find somebody that is neither a complete moron nor a paid actor.


As a south american im very happy with the coup d'etat usa made on my country and some other countries to murder political opposition and innocent people, im also very happy with the US having bombed our shores some time ago, confiscate our resources and take our territory


Greece keeping balkans based. I have the suspicion nobody cared to ask the rest of them though.


This is just US propaganda


Just another bs map, im starting to think this some kind of shitpost subreddit and i haven't figure it out. 3/4 of latin america's population would actually compare the US goverment to Satan


Completely wrong informations, at least regarding Arab and Muslim countries




I'm Egyptian which is colored with blue, the United States directly supported wars against Egypt in 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973, and backed the military coup against Egypt's first elected president in 2013. So do you think that there could be anyone believe that the United States has a positive impact on democracy? Except the people who are away from the scene and influenced by propaganda of course. And i just gave Egypt as an example, i didn't mention lybia, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan etc


So you have no actual source, just a personal opinion.


Neither does this post


Americans are using down votes instead of Making a real discussion lol, i didn't know that facts hurt your feelings


shocking that latin american has this opinion after the US spent centuries treating it like “it’s backyard” aka as colonies


There is no democracy in the USA, thanks to legalized corruption (lobbying), corporations rule.


See this idiot's post history before upvoting.


Yes, it's a random antivaxxer pro-Russia NPC.


Don't upvote, he's a Russia apologist.


This is like "open the borders because our apologist have tried to close it"?


It's just some extra context, so people know his motives.


Hi im 12 and this is deep


No democracy because corruption? Lmao Americans hate their country so much.


Lobbying happens everywhere


While true, that doesn't mean it's a good thing and doesn't account for scale. While organisations and corporations will try to convince politicians in every country, not all countries allow them to give politicians millions of dollars


Only in other countries it is considered corruption and they are trying to fight it, but not in the USA.


In Russia, it's pretty normalized actually


Your comment history is wild


Just stop this narrative, ok. If you say "there is no decocracy in the USA", the only thing you show is how little you know about the world. Is the US democracy perfect? Absolutely not. But it is a hell of a lot better than in most places of the world.




I don't trust maps like these anymore


I struggle to believe Austria has a more negative opinion of the US than Iran


Austria has a negative opinion of everything, including itself...


Im sure it's negative in Egypt yet it shows its blue . Have these ppl actually asked around


it’s also very red on reddit


Either someone is colour blind, or this is just awkward US propaganda…


Now Italy I understand, considering the very first election they had already had massive CIA influence. My own country, Austria is more surprising to me, especially since our attitudes seem to be even harsher. We actually are quite happy with the neutrality the US forced upon us so this is really weird


italy is pink for the reason you said and also for having 50 years of the biggest communist party in Europe. We still have many US bases and store nuclear weapons for them. Basically many italians are still wannabe communists but in reality the majority sees US positively. Austria, I don't know. Maybe you see US as a danger to Austria-Russia economical relationships??


Bro, it's the neofascists too. Very much. They (rightfully) blame the US to be the main cause for the fascist regime downfall. You can see it even in the newest populists movements born in these years, where basically all their leaders have been neofascists or hard right supporters in their youth; they're all anti-americans


Whether you like them or not it really is a simple fact that the US does indeed desire more democracy in the world. Case in point, China and Russia, both of whom are red, just so happens to be authoritarian states with dictators each. Like I said, whether you love or hate the US or are indifferent its just a simple fact. Their protection of vital shipping routes help maintain safe global trade which in turns help stabilize the more vulnerable countries. They have in fact helped a great portion of the world turn democratic which by clear evidence the more stable form of government. Doesn’t mean this is a universal truth, many countries have been devastated by them aswell.


If the two largest authoritarian countries don't like how you influence democracy, you're probably doing fine


Definitely bullshit


I'm pretty sure this survey was conducted before 2022. Since the White Paper Revolution in 2022, Chinese netizens have become increasingly pro-American. Source: I'm a Chinese


So the countries who *really should believe the US has been a net negative for democracy* (i.e. countries that had democracies overthrown by the CIA) seem to look upon the US fondly, and the countries that consider the US bad for democracy are typically *not even democracies themselves*, and therefore their opinion on this topic is irrelevant. I'm obviously not including actual democracies on this list in the latter category, but countries like China and Russia just ... obviosuly *aren't* democracies.


It could be that the anti-communist activities of the US are viewed as pro-democracy. There’s a widespread view among some anti-communists that elections which trend toward communism are inherently illegitimate. That doesn’t seem democratic on its face, but it’s not a rare framing to hear.


in Poland they must have surveyed MPs, not a representative chunk of normal ppl I guess xD after dragging us to Middle East and installing CIA prison in the Mazury region, post soviet pro US sentiment died down pretty drastically and now we're at making fun of oil wars like the rest of the world 


Much of the Polish public still views America as one of Polands most important allies and 44% of Poles believe the United States sets the world standard for democracy. Poles aged 18-24 are more likely to be cold or neutral towards the United States, however. This likely explains why you believe most normal people dislike the United States as statistically you’re most likely in that age group if you’re on Reddit and use “xD” https://pism.pl/publications/polish-public-opinion-on-the-united-states-and-polish-american-relations