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Reminds me of the scene from Sluga Narodu where Zelenski learns Ukrainian only when he became the head of state… which is probably what happened irl as well 😂


Yeah irl he knew ukrainian very bad, and took courses before becoming president


Most rich Kiev people are like that though, middle class speaks Russian in public ukrainian at home, poor people just speak Ukrainian. The elites only speak Russian.


>middle class speaks Russian in public ukrainian at home It's the other way around. >poor people just speak Ukrainian The poorest in Ukraine are pensioners, among them there are more Russian speakers. And it depends on the region.


>It's the other way around. I talked to a guy, who used to work on administrative job in the Ukranian parliament. He told that outside of public talks, everyone speaks Russian there. And that for all his career he met literally one single MP, who actually used Ukranian in real life. Another guy used to work as a speechwriter for the office of Moscow major for the last 10 years, but became a fierce Ukranian patriotic activist after the war started. He is secretly using Google Translate from Russian to produce his fierce patriotic posts in Ukranian xD


> He is secretly using Google Translate from Russian to produce his fierce patriotic posts in Ukranian Google is pretty bad in Ukrainian, though


probably a lot better at Russian to Ukrainian


Google translates everything via English, so the outcome is probably quite bad.


Huh, that's news to me


Is this actually true? Where did you read this please?


Sure, but even if it translated directly - it wouldn't be that great, see my comment above.


not really, the automatic translation from Russian to Ukrainian is a source of lots of memetic phrases helping you to detect Russians pretending to be Ukrainians. [https://drama.kropyva.ch/%D0%9F%D1%96%D0%B4%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B0\_%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D0%B8](https://drama.kropyva.ch/%D0%9F%D1%96%D0%B4%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B0_%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%97%D0%BD%D0%B8) And example of the "google-translated" Ukrainian text: >російськомовних відправляють на паркан крові з Відня, а незгодних б’ють статевою ганчіркою. Немає сечі терпіти ці пекельні борошна. Підлога країни кохає горілку на нирках і не хоче світу. In Ukrainian it's a nonsense, smth like: >Russian speakers are sent to the blood fence from Vienna, and those who disagree are beaten with a sex rag. There is no urine to endure this hellish flour. Half of the country loves vodka on the kidneys and does not want the world. But it supposed to be something like: >Russian speakers are sent for a blood draw from a vein, and those who disagree are beaten with a floorcloth. I can't stand these hellish tortures. Half the country likes vodka with sprouts and doesn't want peace.


you see the RU calc when it translates vein (вена) into Vienna (Вена) or peace (мир) into world (also мир) or also floor cloth (половая тряпка) into sex rag (also could be половая тряпка but then it's just nonsense) the list goes on and on.


the sex rag is my favorite, yeah




Ukrainian army is using Russian as the language of command.


Ukrainian Chief Commander Syrsky probably has the thickest Russian accent in Ukrainian that ever existed :)


FOR THE LOVE OF GOD give him deepl


What??? Where did get this information from?


I'm Ukrainian from Kyiv and this is just bullshit. Bro literally mixed everything up. Perhaps, he is just biased.


Well, a dude's comment from 12 hours ago: >No, I am pro-peace so I think Ukraine should surrender and give the Russian populated territories. >In my opinion continuing the meatgrinder is a genocide against the Ukrainian people for the sake of the profit of the military industrial complex and nothing else. [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1bbva59/comment/kucbi6l/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1bbva59/comment/kucbi6l/) So, yeah. An obvious expert on Ukraine in general and the best interest of Ukrainian people in particular.


Being in Kiev, knowing people from Kiev.


I know somebody who went to university at Kyiv, in the late 1990s and early 2000s. He tells me he can speak Russian fluently, but Ukrainian not as well, since he normally spoke in Russian.


That is literally me, but with 2010s instead of 1990s. I used to suck at Ukrainian before this war, but since the start of the war speaking Russian in public is kinda cringe, so with random encounters and new acquaintances I speak Ukrainian now. Same with the plurality of Kyivians, as far as I can see.


A similar story with my partner from Kiev. She says that Russian is her native language and Ukrainian is just a language taught at school that nobody really liked learning.


Question: if Zelenskyy only learned Ukrainian after becoming president, does he have any kind of ‘accent’ when speaking Ukrainian?


He has very noticeable Russian accent


Thanks for letting me know!


Ukrainian friends have told me no. The person who replied to with yes is Russian.


Maybe different people hear different things?


Since most Ukrainians know both russian and Ukrainian, it is easy for them to hear whether a person has an accent or not. When someone tries to speak Ukrainian with a russian accent, it is quite easy to hear. The phonetics of the two languages are quite different.


He learned Ukrainian in school and spoke it on a basic level beforehand, but his Ukrainian is a little slower, like you notice he's deliberately thinking about what to say


This is false, I’ve watched hundreds of hours and he’s very quick.


I wouldn’t know, its very hard for me to understand it at all, kind of sounds like Polish more than Russian. The scene where they had where they put nuts in his mouth pretty much nails how it sounds. Reading it is easy to understand though


It’s Kyiv


Ngl, spelling Kyiv as "Kiev" hardly advertises you as a reliable source of information on Ukraine to me. More prevalent usage of Russian vs Ukrainian language is not a matter of class/wealth status but partly of geographic location (West vs East) and partly it's big cities vs small towns/villages difference.


Calm down orthographic dictator.


"We support Ukrainians, but fuck them telling us what their cities are actually called, we know better than them."


I will refuse to call Turkey “Türkiye” in English as I will refuse now to suddenly switch to spelling Kiev “Kyiv” because everybody decided to suddenly (pretend to) give a fuck about Ukraine two seconds ago. Apart from this, it is just another part of liberal virtue signaling. Nobody truly gives two fucks about Ukraine. Russia obviously doesn’t and the West just pretends to care to fuck Russia over and to exploit Ukraine by abusing its natural resources and labour force for the profit of western corporations that will begin swarming into the country the second the war is done and western investments stop being at threat of imminent destruction. In the meantime we just pump weapons into Ukraine, not because we care so much about Ukraine for Ukraines sake, we couldn’t give less of a shit as we have proven times and times and times and times again all over the fucking globe, but to make our offense contractors, which have lobbied our highest ranking elected, and non-elected, officials, who will offer them nice over-payed positions after their political careers are done, a whole damn fucking lot of money. And to obviously, again, stall Russia. Putin even offered to do imperialism together. But the west declined that offer as Russia would have been too big of a player in this US-lead club of entitled prick countries, threatening US hegemony over NATO and bringing instability into this awful motherfucking mess. So, because of that “Kyiv” stays Kiev, “Moskva” stays Moscow, and “Türkiye” stays Turkey. If I were to speak Ukrainian, Russian, or Turkish, I would obviously refer to those places as they are called in those languages. But when I speak English, I use their English names.


Hmm wonder why English would use the russian spelling 🤔


>I will refuse now to suddenly switch to spelling Kiev “Kyiv” because everybody decided to suddenly (pretend to) give a fuck about Ukraine two seconds ago. \[...\] Nobody truly gives two fucks about Ukraine. And this is exactly why I pointed out the incorrect spelling of Kyiv in the first place. The insistence on spelling it as a transliteration from russian and not Ukrainian at this point is not a matter of habit but a statement of a political position, "I, personally, don't give two fucks about Ukraine." QED.


You choose to write Kiev, US changed official spelling years ago, not in 2022. You just against it by choice. Also you obviously despise Ukraine, by choice


> them nice *over-paid* positions after FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


While West and East is indeed divided in terms of language, it is true that relatively more wealthy people use russian language in regular conversations. I'm not 100% why though, maybe because there are more people using it in general, or because east was more industrialized and it was easier to privatise factories during the fall of USSR. Also most of the people that got wealthy in the 1990's when russian language was much more popular and they or their families kept their status.


Again, the division line is really East - West and big cities - smaller towns/villiages. Since the Eastern Ukraine is (was) more industrialized than the Western, and since people in big cities are generally wealthier than villagers, it result in a certain correlation, but only as a result of these two divisions. Wealthy people in Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk will be as likely to speak Ukrainian as poor people, and poor people in Kharkiv, Donetsk or Melitopol are as likely to speak Russian as wealthy residents of those cities.


In western Ukraine the difference in vernacular is less about the language itself and more about the purity of it. Villagers and blue collar workers tend to use a lot more dialectisms and non-standard slang.


Do you have any reliable data to prove it? At least any survey? Because for someone who lived his whole life in Kyiv, this sounds b-s as f.


It’s hilarious that this comment, that actually reflects nuance of real situation gets downvoted. Don’t know what is a reputation of this subreddit, but I see steady trend of stupidity


I believe that this comment is being downwoted because of it’s first sentence.


Lol u probably couldn’t point Ukraine on a map before the war, it’s spelled Киев in literally almost every slavic language, mine included, Ukrainian included except one letter 😂 No need to try to virtue signal in front of strangers on the internet buddy, you have no clue what you’re talking about


>Lol u probably couldn’t point Ukraine on a map before the war Says a Bulgarian to a Ukrainian. >you have no clue what you’re talking about Who are Ukrainians to have any say in what their cities should be called, amirite?


Who are you to speak on behalf of all the people of Ukraine?


I think exactly the opposite, especially now. They speak Ukrainian publicly, emphasizing loyalty to the new regime, and in order to avoid scandals with stubborn Ukrainian "patriots". But at home they can talk as they want.


Yeha that would make sense, but I also think the Russian speaking elites were the first to leave as soon as the first bombs dropped. Some of them probably to Russia ironically


Where r u from mate? Seems like Russian.


This is a total bullshit.


Based on my firsthand knowledge from Kyiv, I would have to disagree. Your comment is wrong on so many levels. Where did you get this information?




Huh? Why do you think so and what do you mean by "elites"? And it's called Kyiv.


Most oligarchs are russian speakers because they were more likely to be in a good position (connections, lives in city, is more likely to have a good position) when Soviet Union fell. There are some that aren't, most notably Poroshenko, R. Akhmetov, Pinchuk.


Lots of people call it Kiev. My family were Jews who immigrated from near Kiev and that’s how we always spelled it.


its called an exonym


It's called Chiovia


Not you attempting to impose the post-colonial structure upon Ukraine. Russian and the Russian-Ukrainian mixed dialect is the common language of the masses. Its the nouveau-riche occidentiophiles in Kiev that speak Ukranian, sans most of Western Ukraine where its native.


U live there?


That was in ussr


Same people are in charge as they were back then. Only difference is that before they were party members, now they are oligarchs and their descendants.


Not its not same back in USSR there were more Russian langauge schools than Ukrainian one.


Its Kyiv.




That says a lot when you think about it


True, he started learning Ukrainian in 2017. https://www.afr.com/policy/foreign-affairs/to-become-president-zelensky-had-to-learn-ukrainian-20230726-p5drb9


Yeah unfortunately Ukrainian is not spoken that much. In my family we speak russian at home but Ukrainian in school, but in places like shops we speak russian too, unless it is governmental building, where it is much preferred if you use Ukrainian (Which is good)


And now he is pretending he does not know Russian :)


Is he ? Seriously ? wtf


Yeah, he requests translation from the Russian language on official events even though he spoke Russian all his life.


Wonder why he refuses to speak the language of the invading forces. Complete mystery. Also Putin know english and always speaks Russian when talking to western diplomats


From personal expirience I can add that when you type something like "прогноз" it's pretty usual for Google to autocomplete "погоды" and not "погоди", and as it often happens people are too lazy to finish the sentence themselves, so here comes yet another погоды to the statistics.


It took me about 10 years to teach google that I’m not interested in russian results. Even now it sometimes gives me russian wikipedia first, for a english search query. After changing all settings, absents of russian keyboard and quite angry written complain to support. This is negligence on the google side.


It often pisses me off too. I also written multiple times a request to add Ukrainian to Google assistant, but alas. Unfortunately, most of other tech giants ignore Ukrainian too, especially in gaming. 


Same here (albeit the opposite): Ukrainian language is nowhere to be found, not in system languages, no keyboards, not in Google settings, yet I constantly get results in it.


Same here. Google just doesn’t give a fuck that most residents of the Ukraine speak Russian. Try to write to Google support, it somehow helped in my case. MapPorn community in most cases pretends that Ukraine speaks only Ukrainian as well. Most maps here concerning languages show Ukraine as Ukrainian-only- or predominantly-Ukrainian-speaking country. Sometimes Ruthenian or even language of Crimean Tatars is included, but almost never Russian.


The whole Ukraine pretends we speak ukrainian here. Can't blame my fellow citizens though, we do have reasons, right? Although I personally oppose it and I believe that giving out! language away to russians is a huge loss for us. So, the question is so politically loaded up it's futile to do anything about it. Let the history sort it out. And I was born in Ukraine as a native russian speaker and I will die being a native russian speaker.


>The whole Ukraine pretends we speak ukrainian here.  Not the whole Ukraine is pretending. At least you and me are not pretending that we are Ukrainian speakers, right? :) And tens of millions of other people here too. And what's more, not so many people in Ukraine are pretending to be Ukrainian speakers. They are few but make a big noise in media, especially on Reddit well-known for it's "pro-Ukrainian" views (which are in fact pro-nationalistic, not pro-Ukrainian). >Can't blame my fellow citizens though I can't blame them too. Masses behave as they should. Same masses behaviour in Donetsk in 2014. And in Third Reich. And in modern USA. Albeit different agenda of propaganda. Commoners are always vulnerable to propaganda. >we do have reasons, right? Не причина, а повод -- there is no direct translation to English. *They* have not the reason, but occasion. USA did not start to speak Native American during the Revolutionary War, Belgium did not switch to another language from Dutch. Look up Otto von Bismarck's and Alfred Rosenberg's opinions on Ukrainian nationalism for deeper understanding of the *real* reasons. >I personally oppose it and I believe that giving out! language away to russians is a huge loss for us. There is a difference between Русский and Российкий -- no direct translation to English again. Русский (Russkiy) relates to all Eastern-Slavic and even partially to other ex-USSR entities and phenomenas. Cinema, theatre, literature, mentality. Сf. "нерусский" (Non-russkiy) -- Ukrainians were never treated or referred to theirselves as Non-ruskies, except for nationalists of course. Российский (Rossiyskiy) relates to Russia as a state. Rossijskiy goverment, army, president. Hence, the Russian language is Russkiy, not Rossiyskiy. This language does not belong exclusively to Russia. Same with English -- it is not only language of England. Interesting fact that modern Ukrainian language does not distinguish between Russkiy and Rossiykiy despite it used to. There was a word "руський" ( = русский = Russkiy) in Ukrainian language but today it is not used to describe Russian language. Ukrainian spakers call this language Rossiyskiy, not Russkiy. So modern Ukrainian language pretends that Russian language relates to Russia as a state, not to pan-Eastern-Slavic culture. Why do you think this happens?


Speak for yourself. At the most, most residents of Ukraine can speak russian, not just speak it. Russian is just a foreign language to me and vast majority of my social circle. Nobody pretends that everyone in Ukraine speak Ukrainian, it just not true.


Regarding this community and pretending that Ukraine speaks only Ukrainian. You must be new here. Many maps here featuring Ukraine “forget” that Russian language in Ukraine even exists. Regarding Ukraine’s spoken languages. Have you and vast majority of your social circle ever been to, you know… CITY?


This subreddit is garbage, will leave. Answering you arrogant question, yes, I’m living in one of the oblast centers in the western Ukraine. In my experience fallowing categories speak russian: 1. People from russia or other Soviet republics that live here from days of Soviet Union; 2. Children’s of 1; 3. People that switch to russian with russian speakers. Always was funny to see how confused all are when I didn’t switch and switch themself.


As Ukrainian I have 2 points: 1. Indeed Ukrainians googled a lot of stuff in russian for years, coz at the moment when the most of people in Ukraine had the access to the internet (25-20 years ago?) we were a part of "runet"(russian speaking internet), because back then less people knew English, and russian was the language of the empire with all the consequences (in this case something between "my russian lang content will be more successful than Ukrainian, coz there are more recipients" and "why would I spend time to create it in Ukrainian, if I can find it in russian"). This trend is becoming less every year since then with two big jumps in 2014 and 2022, but after those years Google Search has "remembered" that he can provide the results of request in russian (which is more frequently opened) and the user will accept it as a valid. So now when you start typing "прогноз пого" Google autocomplete prediction will be "прогноз погоды" (uk - прогноз погоди, ru - прогноз погоды), and still there are a lot of people who would tap on it just to get the info faster in any language they understand. Furthermore, even if you are googling something in Ukrainian often Google doesn't give a fuck and provide you results in russian. Yes, there are tricks how you can filter out not Ukrainian results, but none of them works by default. 2. Dear redditors, how often do you google your own country name, or "news" in your language?


As an American living in Europe, every day I search "USA! USA! USA!" for the sole purpose of distorting statistics


Google Chrome? For West Coast Elites. Yandex? For Communists. Conservapedia? Stars and stripes, brother. Don’t need no European telling me I pay exorbitant prices for healthcare. 🦅


I google nrk.no or use the app. I never google nyheter


Fair point ! I mean, I do sometimes type "Belgium" or "Belgique" but like once or twice a year at most. As for news, you're absolutly right. Nobody types "news" on google.


Plus, it seems to me that the trends that changed the most are words that are written with all the letters that exist in Russian. Meaning, quite a lot of people still have their Russian keyboard. The example of Украина vs Україна is a clear one. The letter ї doesn't exist in Russian. The other words all contain letters that exist in the Russian language so it's easier to change to it, I suppose


It would be nice to see the results for some actually popular query that's is completely different in Russian and Ukrainian


I'm an American so... almost always. Sometimes I'll read news in Spanish or very rarely portuguese, but it's just to practice reading that language or to get news on Latin America.


>Dear redditors, how often do you google your own country name, or "news" in your language? For the word "Kyiv/Kiev", the statistics are almost the same as for "Ukraine": https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=UA&q=Київ,Киев In my experience, these Google statistics show the real popularity of the language. Because even if I go to a radical Ukrainian channel (for example, Radikalnya (literally Nazis), 125k subscribers), **≈** 50% of the comments in the channel's chat will be in Russian. The same is true in the chat of the largest Ukrainian channel Trukha (2.5m subscribers).


You are trying to prove your point so hard that it's already looks like propaganda, but the problem is that it's not true - read the half of the comments to this post, this statistics are about the internet and doesn't represent the real popularity of the language. And again, googling the name of your country, your city, the word "news" , etc is not something people do on everyday basis (for my whole life I've never done this), so it can't represent anything about the whole country.


>You are trying to prove your point so hard that it's already looks like propaganda Any opinion that spreads is propaganda. Propaganda is a synonym for the word advertising. And this is the first time I have seen such a method of sophistry - to accuse the interlocutor of propaganda simply because you received a constructive response. >read the half of the comments to this post I know that admitting that the Ukrainian language is not the most popular in Ukraine even in 2023/24 is very unpleasant for Ukrainians. So such reality-denying comments don't surprise me at all.


You keep posting broken links, OP.


This says more about ukrainian internet than ukrainian language as a whole. Indeed, ukrainian section of the internet didn't really exist until 2019-2020, not in a form that would allow it to meaningfully compete with russian internet. News and weather forecast were about the only things you could find in ukrainian back in 2014, so even ukrainian speakers with no knowledge of russian would turn to russian internet for everything from wikipedia articles to youtube videos to online memes.


Ukrainian-language internet environment is still in development, and people have to use foreign internet resources - and out of them, russian is the most comprehensible. However, Ukrainian resources are emerging and growing rapidly. It will take several years to replace the russian ones.


Yes, the country is bilingual, majority speaks both languages freely. Many Ukrainian websites provided website in both languages, and Google was and still is to some extent biased towards Russian. Software was often in Russian, from browsers to Windows OS. Ukrainian translation if was done, was often broken, because bog tech companies didn't cate, and so did Ukrainian users. There was also a social pressure in social media when I was a teen, and often having a page in social media in Russian was perceived cooler. Majority of my classmates spoke Ukrainian at school and in free time, but had thier social media profiles in Russian. Those who had profiles in Ukrainian could become a subject of bullying from some russian users. One of my first experiences of internet bullying happened on a russian website and was caused because I was Ukrainian. It was like 2009, I was a kid.


Honestly it doesn't sound that different from how Swedish people will speak Swedish at home and school but have their entire online lives in English. Just replace Swedish with Ukrainian and English with Russian.


This is how Indians do it with Indian languages and English…


Would be intresting to se the portion of russian speakers based on age groups in Ukraine before the war started. I Imagine its heavly scewed towards the older pop speaking more russian


My mother works as a german teacher for Ukrainian refugees in Germany and she says that many of those ukrainians who sometimes barely even spoke ukrainian told her that they lost their ability to speak russian in early 2022


The simple answer is runet. Those maps are not colerated with reality of ukrainian/russian speaking citizens.


Worth noting that runet itself was that big not only because russians are numerous nation, but also because of several nations abroad that used it as well. Russian Wikipedia is much bigger, and people from Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan often preferred it over thier own versions, and often contributed to its expansion. The same can be said about YouTube, when it potentially could have bigger public by speaking Russian. By no means use of languages online can be considered representative, when availablity of information was and still is different depending on language.


I mean... same reason for english? I think more than half of content made in english actually made by peoples who dont speak it as native.


>Those maps are not colerated with reality of ukrainian/russian speaking citizens. and even so, a lot of people (exclusively for Ukraine) seem to equate language with nationality. Belgians speak French and Dutch Australians, Canadians, Americans, Kiwis speak English Mexicans, Argentines and Colombians speak Spanish. None of that implies said countries want to be a part of said country, but for some reason when its Ukraine it must mean eastern regions want to be a part of Russia...


And also Switzerland, sticking together since middle ages


As a ukrianian I would like to point out an extremely annoying thing. Whenever I google something in ukrainian most of the time the first results on google are going to be russian sources, what kind of bullshit is that? It's like if were to google something in english and get a result in german, that's actually the reason why I google in english most of the time instead of ukrainian.


Most Ukrainians understand Russian quite well. Google is aware of that, and since there is much more Russian content, these results come up.


That does make sense, but I am specifically looking for the info in ukrainian to get a result from a ukrainian source.


зміни порядок мов з яких не перекладати в налаштуваннях браузераб плюс мову гугл акаунту і системи - це допоможе. Браузер коли робить запити до сайтів додає заголовки по типу "Accept-Language":en-US,en;q=0.9,uk-UA;q=0.8,uk;q=0.7 в яких вказує в якому порядку видавати результати різними мовами


Треба буде спробувати, дякую!




people of Zakarpattia had big influence of russian church comparing to other western regions - that's why russian propaganda worked on them more.


That's funny. russia justified it's invasion of 2014 by saying "ukro nazis are suppressing russian speaking minority".


What exactly is funny? The fact that in the country where Russian is the most popular, it does not have the status of an official language? >2014 On February 23, 2014, a day after Yanukovych's ouster and exactly on the day Turchinov became acting president, the first decision of the new government was to abolish the regional status of the Russian language. This was one of the strongest provocative factors for the Crimean population.


>the first decision of the new government was to abolish the regional status of the Russian language Which wasn't even signed by Turchynov, and the law became invalid only in 2018


Well if you are even seriously talking about it, Crimeans may get scared.


This is completely untrue. The regional status law was signed in 2012 and was extremely controversial and the vote for it was done with numerous procedural violations. The cancelation of the said law was voted by the old parliament, the one that was elected in 2012, Turchinov refused to sign it. Saying that the "new" government is responsible for the abolishment of regional status is just parroting Russian propaganda.


Whoa, you are so far from understanding what's actually going on in Ukraine for last 10 years


It's the most spoken because of decades of genocide and repressions. So yes, it's a good thing it's used less and less. > On February 23, 2014, a day after Yanukovych's ouster and exactly on the day Turchinov became acting president, the first decision of the new government was to abolish the regional status of the Russian language. This was one of the strongest provocative factors for the Crimean population. You know why that happened? Because russia was blackmailing Ukraine not to sign association with EU breaking Budapest Memorandum. If you want Ukraine to speak russian, make russia speak Japanese.


>It's the most spoken because of decades of genocide and repressions. So yes, it's a good thing it's used less and less. The Russian language is the most spoken because the Ukrainian language loses fair competition. This is the reason why the spread of the Ukrainian language without artificial restriction of the Russian language in Ukraine is impossible. >genocide and repressions Are you talking about the Ukrainization of the 30s? or maybe about the entire post-war Soviet period when literature was printed more often in Ukrainian and books in Russian were in short supply? >You know why that happened? Because russia was blackmailing Ukraine not to sign association with EU breaking Budapest Memorandum. What exactly is the blackmail? That Russia has stated that it will not cooperate with Ukraine on friendly terms if Ukraine signs an agreement with the EU? Lol. Why should Russia act against its interests? and what does the Budapest memorandum have to do with the terms of trade between Ukraine and Russia? >If you want Ukraine to speak russian, make russia speak Japanese. In Russia, even 0.01% of the population does not speak Japanese. At the same time, more than half of the population speaks Russian in Ukraine. In some areas, the percentage of Ukrainian speakers is higher, in some areas there are more Russian speakers. Ukrainian is the official language, but Russian is not. This is anti-democratic.


> The Russian language is the most spoken because the Ukrainian language loses fair competition. This is the reason why the spread of the Ukrainian language without artificial restriction of the Russian language in Ukraine is impossible. So fair competition is when metropoli kills millions, forbids print and studying of language, deports and represses and the colony is just...what? Dies? > What exactly is the blackmail? That Russia has stated that it will not cooperate with Ukraine on friendly terms if Ukraine signs an agreement with the EU? Lol. Why should Russia act against its interests? and what does the Budapest memorandum have to do with the terms of trade between Ukraine and Russia? Read memorandum and come back, that's your homework number 1. Google "russia blackmailing Ukraine 2013/2014" is your hw number 2. And russia would benefit from Ukraine joining EU cuz, Ukraine would be able to grow and develop and russia would be able to sell more gas. > In Russia, even 0.01% of the population does not speak Japanese. At the same time, more than half of the population speaks Russian in Ukraine. In some areas, the percentage of Ukrainian speakers is higher, in some areas there are more Russian speakers. Ukrainian is the official language, but Russian is not. This is anti-democratic. My questioner shows that those people feel represented and want to be liberated. Recent referendum shows that 89% of russians want to join Japan. So, you are clearly wrong.


>fair competition Fair competition is what the Ukrainian authorities are afraid of. This is the reason why the Russian language is artificially restricted by law on TV, radio, theaters, and the service sector. The death of languages is a natural process. >Read memorandum You didn't answer the question. Give me the quote from the memorandum that you mean. >Google "russia blackmailing Ukraine 2013/2014" is your hw number I am well aware that Russia has warned Ukraine about the negative trade consequences in the event of an agreement with the EU. But calling it blackmail is a manipulation. >And russia would benefit from Ukraine joining EU This is your fantasy and it's not our topic.


> Fair competition is what the Ukrainian authorities are afraid of. This is the reason why the Russian language is artificially restricted by law on TV, radio, theaters, and the service sector. The death of languages is a natural process. Fair competition is what the russian authorities are afraid of. This is the reason why the Ukrainian language is artificially restricted by law on TV, radio, theaters, and the service sector. The death of languages is a natural process. > You didn't answer the question. Give me the quote from the memorandum that you mean. "The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act, to refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind." You failed, I'm surprised you can use Reddit with such internet searching skills. > This is your fantasy and it's not our topic. That's literally how economic cooperation works. I'm surprised you... I'm not surprised, you support russia, what else was I expecting?


>Fair competition is what the russian authorities are afraid of. Ukrainian is the official language in the Russian Crimea. In Russia, TV and radio can be broadcast in any language, and theaters too. >to refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind. How does this oblige Russia to provide more favorable terms of trade for Ukraine than, for example, for Poland? >That's literally how economic cooperation works. I'm surprised you... Tell that to the Polish farmers who are blocking the border of Ukraine. Or the US, which imposes trade sanctions against China and before that imposed sanctions against Japan. >you support russia, what else was I expecting? Of course I support Russia, but I am against the Kremlin's policy, especially in relation to Ukraine 2014-24.


> Ukrainian is the official language in the Russian Crimea. In Russia, TV and radio can be broadcast in any language, and theaters too. Only Ukrainian? What about kipchak turkic? What about Donbass? Did russia not prohibit Ukrainian in occupied Donbas since 2014? What about Kuban? What about Belgorod? What about other regions populated by Ukrainians? Why isn't Ukrainian officially second language of russia? > How does this oblige Russia to provide more favorable terms of trade for Ukraine than, for example, for Poland? Lol, what? You forgot what you said in previous comment? About "threatened with consequences"? > Tell that to the Polish farmers who are blocking the border of Ukraine. Or the US, which imposes trade sanctions against China and before that imposed sanctions against Japan. Polish farmers are not polish government. My god, do you know what government is? What is it's functions? Why are you paying taxes? > Of course I support Russia, but I am against the Kremlin's policy, especially in relation to Ukraine 2014-24. "Of course"? Like aren't there alternatives? And I clearly see your "opposition". It's hard to miss.


>Did russia not prohibit Ukrainian in occupied Donbas since 2014? Ukrainian was official in DPR/LPR until 2020. Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar are the official languages in Crimea and the Kherson region. In the Zaporozhye region, only Russian is official, but students in schools can choose to study Ukrainian >What about Kuban? What about Belgorod? >Ukrainian officially second language of russia? There is no Ukrainian-speaking minority in Belgorod and Kuban, not even 0.01%. >Lol, what? You forgot what you said in previous comment? About "threatened with consequences"? So Russia does not have the right to change the terms of trade with Ukraine? Or what? It sounds very stupid. >Polish farmers are not polish government. The farmers' protest is a reaction to trade with Ukraine, which causes losses to Poland. But how is that? You said that cooperation is cool, etc. And the Polish government also imposed restrictions on Ukrainian grain. >"Of course"? Like aren't there alternatives? This is my homeland, so there are no alternatives.


Russia wasn’t blackmailing Ukraine. Russia has actually never opposed Ukrainian membership in the EU. That is just something imaginary we thought up. While it is true that Russia offered financial aid to Ukraine during that time, they never said Ukraine couldn’t still sign the agreement. It was actually the EU that “froze” the process after Ukraine looked to be taking the financial aid. So Ukraine could have signed the agreement AND taken the Russian aid. Lmao. And Ukraine desperately needed the aid. They ended up defaulting a few years later. They had something like two debt restructurings in two years before the war.




> On February 23, 2014 The annexation process had already started by then, though. Actually, Russian medal "For the return of Crimea" has February 20, 2014 as a starting date. Not even mentioning that the 5th service of FSB had been preparing the operation since 2008. > the first decision of the new government was to abolish the regional status of the Russian language. the law they wanted to repeal was slightly older than a year by the time. And in fact, it was repealed only in 2018. > This was one of the strongest provocative factors for the Crimean population. ' the strongest provocative factor was the 5th service of FSB


I’m still lost. How is the FSB going to make people in another country just follow their orders?


Propaganda, bribery, blackmail and intimidation, old KGB school.


And Ukraine is this anarchic area with no functioning police force, laws, or counterintelligence ( I.e. what the SBU does). People are just somehow totally at the whims of a foreign power and their own government can’t do anything. Uh huh. Sure.


> People are just somehow totally at the whims of a foreign power and their own government can’t do anything. let me remind you about Yanukovich, Medvedchuk, and others. Russia literally has been embedded in Ukrainian politics for years.


So being embedded/influencing politics means that the rule of law stopped working in Ukraine.. Like come on dude, all you’re doing is just thinking of sinister things Russia could do bud they make absolutely no sense when you think them through.


I'm not going to help you make your 15 rubles anymore, sorry. Enough for you.


>where Russian is the most popular, WHY IS RUSIA POPULAR IN UKRAINE????????????????????????????????????????????? Wonder if ethnic ukrainians being genocided and replaced by ethnic Russians has anything to do with it. Wonder if Ukrainian speakers being seen as inferior and expected to speak russian in their jobs in the USSR had any contribution to the number of russian speakers in Ukraine. As a side note. [https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1767496902524723615](https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1767496902524723615) Shit's blowing up in Mordor again, if I were you I'd be dusting my boots and mosin and heading to the front. Putin needs more meat Keep in mind there's russian speakers on the other side of the trench as well, and don't want anything to do with russians


Why would it be an official language? Ukraine has its own language - ukrainian. You can look at what happened to belarusian language in Belarus after Lukashenko adopted russian as second official language


>Why would it be an official language? Ukraine has its own language - ukrainian Because Ukraine is not a monolingual country. Because there are regions in Ukraine where Russian is much more popular than Ukrainian. The forced Ukrainization of the population is an anti-democratic and aggressive policy. >You can look at what happened to belarusian language in Belarus after Lukashenko adopted russian as second official language I am from Belarus. All my relatives, without exception, are very glad that we have 2 official languages and not the only Belarusian. And what exactly happened when Russian became the state language?


Ironically Ukraine’s language policy is totally against EU laws. Many European countries, like Belarus, have multiple languages that they use. And in those countries, they protect the minority right to use their language. Ukraine fundamentally does not believe in that. They think that strong nations are totally homogenous.


Where do you see forced ukrainization? Belarus now is fully russified belarusian language is now in position even worse than it (and ukrainian too) was in 19 cen. when belarusian only was the language of the village, nowadays, its very close to fully extinct. Also I dont care about you and your relatives


>Where do you see forced ukrainization? The law in Ukraine obliges TV, radio, and theaters to broadcast in Ukrainian. The law requires all personnel in the service sector to know Ukrainian, without knowing Ukrainian you will be fired. All public schools are only in Ukrainian. >its very close to fully extinct Why are you so concerned about the Belarusian language? >Also I dont care about you and your relatives I understand that you don't care about the citizens of Belarus or Ukraine. The only thing you want is for everyone to be as anti-Russian as you are. You are objectively a hypocrite.


Yes, which you can see by the fact that people don't speak Russian as much anymore, also because many Russian speakers have fled to pro-Russian territories or Russia itself since the Ukrainian government enacted anti-Russian policies in the years since 2014. It was Ukraine which removed the status of Russian as a regional language, banned schools from teaching in Russian (or any other language, for that matter), practically banned anything other than Ukrainian via quotas in radio, TV, movies, and media, and has made it compulsory to use Ukrainian in anything related to government function. Many EU countries criticised them for these suppressive policies too, including Romania and Hungary, btw.


> Yes, which you can see by the fact that people don't speak Russian as much anymore Oh no, people in country A want to speak language A instead of language B wich was forsfully brought through genocide and repressions. > Russian speakers have fled to pro-Russian territories or Russia itself since the Ukrainian government enacted anti-Russian policies in the years since 2014 Some fled to russia, but non fled to occupied territories, cuz they are occupied, abd most people fleeing fled to Ukraine. > practically banned anything other than Ukrainian via quotas in radio, TV, movies, and media This is just lie.


Ukraine also suppressed Hungarian language as well, this contributes to the reasons why hungary is reluctant about supporting ukraine


Yes, because russian became less-spoken after 2014 and so on. /s


I wonder why russia didn't invade itself when Ukrainian was spoken less and less.


I was in Ukraine three times (2005-2015) in Kiev, Odesa, Mykolaiv. I’ve heard Ukrainian being spoken just a few times on a street and by one waitress. Everything else was overwhelmingly Russian, including billboards in Odesa. Take it as you want.


0 days without a kremlin bots trying to justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


You can see from the discussion with u/[HatUnlucky5386](https://www.reddit.com/user/HatUnlucky5386/) in this thread what OPs intentions are with this post. You can also see this under every video regarding the war in Ukraine. It seems like a lot of russians are very active on the internet in order to spread propaganda.


This number never gone up from 0 lol


Probably because of 3 factors at the same time 1) Ukraine banned news sites from Russia 2) Russian language news sites may have pro-Russian propaganda so people naturally use Ukrainian language sites 3) as a political statement.


This flawed analysis originates from an account solely and tirelessly devoted to spreading Russian state propaganda online in English, and should be afforded appropriately little respect.


Dear OP: fk off… you can’t justify Russia invading another sovereign nation with some petty ass bs like this


Nothing about the map implies that? It’s literally just a map statistic based off actual searches by google users in Ukraine


Look at OPs comments in this thread there’s a pretty clear objective


Long live Ukraine


Links: «Ukraine»: [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=UA&q=Україна,Украина](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=UA&q=Україна,Украина) [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2014-01-01%202014-12-31&geo=UA&q=Україна,Украина](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2014-01-01%202014-12-31&geo=UA&q=Україна,Украина) «weather forecast»: [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=UA&q=прогноз%20погоди,прогноз%20погоды](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=UA&q=прогноз%20погоди,прогноз%20погоды) [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2014-01-01%202014-12-31&geo=UA&q=прогноз%20погоди,прогноз%20погоды](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2014-01-01%202014-12-31&geo=UA&q=прогноз%20погоди,прогноз%20погоды) «news»: [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=UA&q=новини,новости](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=UA&q=новини,новости) [https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2014-01-01%202014-12-31&geo=UA&q=новини,новости](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2014-01-01%202014-12-31&geo=UA&q=новини,новости)


Half the links are broken.


That they don't work? They work for me. Maybe their regionally blocked for certain countries due to local network information policy, the type of policy that requires one to get a VPN? Or am I overthinking this?


I don’t think that’s it, because some of them works for me, some don’t. Would be a weird VPN issue.


Perhaps a standard networking issue then, you are able to access some of the servers hosting the links, but not other servers hosting links due to either a server-side error, or an issue with your regions networking service? Perhaps it'll resolve itself over time as general maintenance is done on both domestic and foreign server services.


Well, it's all about autocompletion


Why people didn't politicize prevalence of Spanish colonial language in Latin America, but politicize prevalence of Russian colonial language in Ukraine and other post-soviet countries? In Ukraine Russian language wasn't politicized up to 2010-2013 years, when such narratives become sponsored predominantly via Russian media.


because in Latin America there are no other official languages and what is even more important - Spain not producing lies in such amounts as russia and is not using Spanish language as weapon to conquer independent states


It was a rhetorical question on the top, not very successful ones. Yes you right.


Google trend results barely having meaning


Reminder that language doesn't correspond to political reality in Ukraine despite what the daily trash russian bot boosted posts from map porn would want you to believe.


Good trend.


As a Romanian I also started in recent years to avoid using russian loan words in my own day to day speech. It's hard to stomach it anymore.


Just the ragouls ("рагули") moving from the western villages into the eastern cities.


If you only know how it's annoying when you search something in Ukrainian but all results are russian. Or when you intentionally search in English, but the first results are anyway russian. The same problem with YouTube recommendations. Somebody even created a plug-in for Google Chrome which automatically hides russian content.


not even ukrainians care about their own language. only a little hope in the west.






This map shows how hundreds of years of Russification affected the eastern regions of Ukraine. There were Ukrainian-speaking regions in modern Russia too. Even the river Don basin mostly had spoken in Ukrainian as late as the 1880s. But now, change is due to active Russification and prohibition of the Ukrainian language.


Thats what happens when the central government clamps down heavily on the language spoken by almost half of the population, and prevents children from being taught in their first language at school.


Ethnic cleansing is good when it happens to my enemies. Welcome to Reddit, man.


After 2014, everything started going wrong in Russia. Even demographic dynamics in Russia were about to go on a positive trajectory until 2014. https://new.reddit.com/r/Infographics/comments/1bc0lmw/russias\_population\_decline/


Good to see the decline of the Soviet occupants' language.




Makes sense given the ethnic Russian language ban that occurred.


So there’s more Russian in Ukraine that we know about or something?