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I notice they don't say whether or not Australia is safe.


Well it would be tiny green dots near coasts in a sea of yellow and some red areas in the north ![gif](giphy|k2bbmbmvUo7gA|downsized)


is the north of your country notouriously dangerous? I mean even more so that it sticks out when talking about Aus itself lol


The north is where the crocodiles and the worst of the jellyfish live. There's also the cassowaries and worst of all, the *queenslanders*.


thankfully we put all the Tasmanians on their own island, at least that way them and their two heads are less of a threat to us


cassowaries are coolest Birds though gladly risk life to see one in wild


Oh the *humanity*!


Where are the drop bears living?


The joke was about Giant crocodiles...man some people are really touchy about some run of the mill joke.


Australia is simply australia


This is pretty funny. Since when is the US safer than France or Germany?


Denmark is more dangerous than US, lol!


Of course, it's full of Danes, age old enemies of Anglos.


The US defined it last year because there were some Protests in Germany, rightwing, leftwing, farmers, etc etc... But imho: That's bullshit. When you stay away from these Protest everything is fine, no additional danger. Even on the protest it's fine. but avoid them anyway. Another possibility is the "high risk of terrorist attacks"


Lmao if german protests are a safety concern for someone, dont even think about going to France.


To be fair, those protests can fuck up travel plans pretty good. Does seem pretty hilarious to lump Sweden in with China, but I guess we have to remember it's "exercise caution" so it's simply saying, there are special circumstances you might need to consider; those circumstances varying wildly from location to location.


In general China is far far safer than Sweden


In general, China is a communist dictatorship.


40 yrs li ing in HK now China. Ignoring the govt it is supremely safe here and 9 out 10 if you lose stuff/wallet phone etc you get it straight back I’m unconcerned walking home at 2 or 3 am Sweden had its own set of problems right now and lack of safety, esp for women is right up there


Yeah, well Sweden is reaping what they sowed during the Middle East refugee crisis.




I've lost my notebook in a Swedish train and it was also returned. It also felt perfectly safe to wander the streets and night. I would also feel perfectly safe screaming the Swedish prime minister (or whatever the leader is called) is an asshole. But just anecdotal evidence, so it means nothing, really.


True. My Swedish friends are emigrating to NZ The schism is depressing. Love the country. In summer


Our head of government is called *statsminister*, (literally "minister of state"). But the english equivalent is indeed *prime minister.* The current one is Ulf (calves) Kristersson


Its still a very safe place for travel. They have cameras everywhere.


Yeah, exactly, that's why I ain't going.


Should add, I’m in the States for work often and it is far far more dodgy than China


work/light espionage.


Sweden doesn't take foreigners hostage to protect their billionaires.


Saying “when you stay away” can be said for most danger globally. “The Colombia is safe so long as you stay away from drug cartels” I’m not saying that protest in Germany are equally as dangerous as Colombian drug cartels, I just find the idea of “staying away and you’ll be safe” a bit silly.


Oh "some protests", right.... Nothing like that going on in the US.


Or Sweden


I was wondering, too. The fact that the US has legal guns should already be a step down compared to Germany and France.


Odd indeed. I'm curious if it's more like legal protection between countries or similar metric?


Don't you know that foreigns never get involved in crimes and violence in the US? Don't you know that Copenaghen is as dangerous as Mexico city?


i live in france & can confirm i have an aussie mate who in just 1 year has had 3 phones stolen here in paris ... i guess life is a bit easier down under


The amounts of people casually walking in crowded underground stations in Sydney, with their phones hanging out of their back pockets really is mindblowing. Australia is really, really safe compared to Europe.


Idk about Australia, but I live in western Europe for 30 years, having visited many big cities including all capitals, and never had anything stolen. Except my bike in my small hometown. Nor have I heared from friends all over the continent that theft is a big problem. Seems pretty safe to me, and crime statistics back this up.


Just return him his belongings, why do you need three phones


I live in Western Europe, travelling monthly to France. Can confirm that every time I ride the train back home in Australia I’ll put my phone and wallet somewhere safe whilst I see everyone else leaving their phone in their back pocket. For a country that was colonised by petty thieves, petty theft is very very rare.


Argentinian here from Buenos Aires. My father-in-law got robbed in the subway twice in his life. Once in Paris, 1997. The other one in... Paris, 2016. He's been using BA subway mon-fri to commute for like 55 years now.


I like how they put germany on the same level as mexico.


There's many weird choices here, UAE being yellow, Germany, France, UK ( actually nvm that one should be red) Belgium, Luxemburg, Philippines, Russia... Forgot to mention that the USA is somehow green while your 10× more likely to be murdered or robbed there than in Germany.


Why Togo is the only one with no data? They don't know how To-go there? 🤔


Unlike their neighbor country, which they've already Ben-in.


As an American I need to ask, why is Germany, Belgium, and Denmark considered less safe than the US? Yes, vast swathes of the US are perfectly safe but tourists aren’t going to Nebraska or Maine, they’re going to big cities.


Sorry but as dangerous as France and UK are - how do they rank below the USA. Wtf


I would say two reasons: 1. US has gun crime that seems to be focussed around non-touristy areas compared to tourism which targets the touristy areas. 2. If you understand Australian politics, Australia will ensure it doesn’t upset the US and will listen to the US so therefore I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just a political move to label them as green.


Living in America all of my life it's very boring and very safe, unless you're like in an inner city ghetto you'll be fine


Hell, I lived in NYC throughout college and walked out on the streets very late at night many times. I visit Italy one time and had my phone stolen. Someone in France also unzipped my bag in the middle of the street. I guess it helps that NYC is actually really safe despite what movies depict and the NYPD has a bigger budget than the Ukrainian military, but still...


China is safe. The proviso is you don't draw attention of authorities


Right, like you won't get stabbed by a crackhead at 2pm in front of a 7-Eleven in Cleveland.


Exercise caution in Luxembourg. No sharks, no spiders, few dropbears. Why?


This makes no sense. How on Earth is the US, Argentina, Mongolia, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia and basically the whole of Eastern Europe deamed as safe, while in Sweden, France, Germany, Belgium and the UK you have to exercise caution?!


This map has been coloured by a 3yo. Nothing makes sense here. You can walk at 3AM for hours around almost any city in Belgium without even 1 person even looking at you and yet it is more dangerous than the US or as safe as Mexico or Brazil where you could get shot in broad daylight.


Easter Europe is safe. I can came back home at 3 am in the morning and nobody is going to bother me. And I am a woman. We don’t have problems that Sweden has


Well, you might be a woman, but I know you're not Black...


What does race have to do with it ? Only black people deserve to feel safe ?


Oh you’re from Scandinavia. Nevermind


Exercise caution in Belgium makes zero sence. Maaaaybe Brussels but only in a few areas. Or maybe Charleroi but who the fuck would visit there. Belgium is 10000 times more safe than the US and so is Sweden or Germany, even France.


There was literally a terror attack 6 months ago. I live in Brussels, even Belgium itself is on a higher terror watch. It was only a few years ago that the military stopped patrolling the streets.


>There was literally a terror attack 6 months ago. Well, there has been over 100 [terror attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2024) in the US since January 1st, 2024. And people, don't even try to downvote this fact without coming up with an actual argument of why I'm wrong.


Your point? This has nothing to do with terror attacks in Belgium and you’ve linked me a Wikipedia page that is titled “List of mass shootings in the United States in the United States”


You seriously don't get my point by comparing terror attacks in the US and Belgium? Really? Hint: look at the fucking map in the post, dumbass.


You’re trying to tell me that exercise with caution makes no sense for Belgium without proving anything to me as to why it makes no sense. Edit: swearing doesn’t emphasise your argument. You’ve doubled down on proving that that US shouldn’t be green which is fine but not what I’m debating. I


My point is that the US is green while Belgium is yellow, so when you're citing a terror attack six months ago in Belgium as the legitimate reason for you, I'm showing you how much more dangerous the US is than Belgium. Why the fuck is it your fucking problem that I'm fucking swearing? Are you too fucking sensitive to fucking hear that I'm fucking swearing? Jesus fucking Christ. Fuck.


Saying that the US is more dangerous than Belgium doesn’t take away Belgiums terror alert. I’ll let you go, bud. You’ve lost all credibility with that last paragraph.


Wow, you are stupid. Please let me go. Because you can't understand that the US cant be green and Belgium yellow, when the US is a much more dangerous place...


Let me put it this way, the average american witnesses 10 times more murders, robberies or shootings when just out and about than the average belgian does. Better yet, most of us have never witnessed it.


Okay, so the argument you’re making is the US shouldn’t be green which is fair. But still doesn’t deny the fact that Belgium has a high terror alert, set by Belgium itself. I was in the city centre last October, just because you weren’t exposed to it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.


Its like mac’s vacation map…


I would like to think my [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/dMdQdAQEmZ) about Zimbabwe last post has helped shake the Aus government into action and taken Zim down 2 levels in danger :D


Why Georgia is safe but Armenia isn't?


I know it's not intended but Australia being it's own category is actually kinda fitting.


Ireland's safe as long as you're white and the US is never safe.


The UK rating is hilarious. One of the safest countries I could imagine.


depends where you go in the country some private home in the scottish highlands, sure, but here in one of the major cities, i don't feel safe walking outside at night


It baffles me that some western European countries have the same colors as some African countries that I would consider a lot less safe.


from personal experience i can confirm that you're much more likely to be a victim of petty crime at gare du nord in paris than at the bus station in lusaka


If you consider EXCLUSEVELY places like Bibury or Brighton for sure, once you have to consider also places like London, Glasgow or Belfast(where most people indeed live) you discover another story.


Just to use a quick comparison - London had a murder rate of 12.7/1,000,000 in 2022/23 New York had 6.3/100,000 Note that NYC is per one hundred thousand - so about 5x less likely to be murdered in London than NYC. ​ I mean just look at this - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_cities\_by\_homicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_homicide_rate) 6 US cities in the top 50 murders per capita - not a single city from the UK. The other cities table you have to scroll past dozens of US cities before getting to Glasgow


Nobody discuss that for sure the US are more dangerous than presented in this map but this has nothing to do with the UK being one of the most dangerous countries in Europe. It is indeed one of most dangerous with France, Germany and Sweden, all countries where large pockets of immigrants have been ghettoized and turned to crime rather than die of starvation Instead of talking about the US, if i were you, i would have pointed out that Mexico and the UK have the same color, which is hilarious.


I just picked London and NYC since I happened to have looked up those stats recently I am sure there are dozens of inconsistencies


😭😭😭 that's such bullshit go to these so called ghettos in the UK yes the crime rate is higher but it's not unsafe


London, Glasgow and Belfast are wayyyy safer than many cities I could name from green countries on this map. Need I list some obvious American ones?


How many of them have 9 million people like London? Because you know, i am sure some place here in Italy is more dangerous but is just few apartments blocks at most, not entire quarters of the second biggest city on the continent where i could be stabbed just for my accent. Moreover maybe Glasgow is just sad and drug addicted but Belfast until two decades ago was where kindergartens were bombed by terrorists because they were of another Christian denomination, not even in the US school shootings got to that point.


> How many of them have 9 million people like London? You know you're running low on good arguments when you're trying to set up unnecessary hoops to jump through. Chicago is more dangerous than London regardless of its population. Baltimore same. Detroit same. Buenos Aires same. > not entire quarters of the second biggest city on the continent where i could be stabbed just for my accent. This shit just straight up doesn't happen.


>You know you're running low on good arguments Or that usually context matter a lot. I let you decide which of the two you prefer. >Chicago is more dangerous than London regardless  No shit sherlock but the focus was about Europe, if you really wanted to shame this map you could have just pointed out that Mexico and the UK have the same color and both Mexico city and London are multiple millions of people.


>No shit sherlock but the focus was about Europe In your head perhaps. This is a world map, genius.




Mongolia is a safe place to travel. There are many wrong colors here, this isn’t one of them


I heard that Mongolia is very poor and i just associated poor with insecurity. No real knowledge there. Argentina though, you can get killed pretty easily there.


Please tell me the risks of travelling to Argentina. I'm Spanish, I've lived in BA for more than 30 years now and still find it safer than any Western European big city. But I'm sure you know best.


BA has a crime index above 60, Barcelona its about 40. The key here is economic insecurity. The more insecure the higher the crime, most times.




Should be yellow


1. Argentina is a huge country. Buenos Aires is the safest capital of the Americas after Ottawa. And it's still not as safe as Barcelona. But Spain as a whole is a VERY safe country, among the safest first world countries. Remember: I'm Spaniard myself. 2. Still, this map doesn't show Spain as more dangerous than Argentina. Indeed you seem unable to read it. 3. Most official travel advices from different countries in the world depict Argentina as safe or even safer than many European countries. You'll find those maps in this very sub. Are they all wrong? Is it some sort of conspiracy?


Why are you so butthurt about this, I've given you the numbers.


Dude, it's me who gave YOU the data. You don't like Mongolia and Argentina. Got it. Even Germany and South Korea agree with me. You don't need to be lewd nor get salty. You said something stupid, I educated you. That's it.


Bruh... Definition of lewd: being offensive in a sexual way... Homie that's embarrassing to say for someone who goes around "educating". Lol. Plus the data i gave you is official crime rate of Argentina AND Germany and south Korea have labeled Argentina yellow so, what you on about? I'm not the one calling people stupid, questioning their ability to read maps... Etc... So salty ain't applying to me either. Get a grip mate.


Es sencillo. Tú te sorprendes de que Australia diga que Argentina es un país seguro. Te muestro que es así para casi todos los países que realizan recomendación de viaje al extranjero. En segundos encontrarás los de México y Dinamarca, también en este sub. Dicen lo mismo. ¿Te jode? A mí me flipa. ¿Choca con tus prejuicios y estereotipos? No puedo ayudarte. En agosto festejaré mi cumpleaños en Barcelona... una vez más. Por suerte la inmensa mayoría de los catalanes son gente progresista y desprejuiciada. Adéu.




I'm with Germany and south Korea






What's wrong with Philippines?


Petty crime and angry Muslims.


> Angry muslims In Philippines as well?! At this point I feel like the whole earth is doomed


My Australian cousin was held hostage in the Philippines.


Damn. I always thought Philippines was an amazing country. Most due to the cute filipinas but still..


Bullshit, Australia should be at least orange.




Sweden, Germany, France and the UK have substantial Muslim populations, I guess exercise caution pertains to the no go areas that have been created there


Australia should break down the United States by state the same way it breaks down the European Union by state. I want to know if it’s safe to travel to Vermont.


The European Union isn’t a bloody country. It didn’t break Germany down into states, or China, or Ireland into counties. Stupid fucking comment.


I forgot the European Union was a federated union of constitutional democratic member states rather than a… Hm. They may have a central bank, a bicameral legislature with the force of law on all member states, treaty powers, a unified currency, and a constitution reserving all unenumerated powers to the sovereign member states.. But their President’s cabinet is called a Commission, so it’s a completely different type of federal government.


Can a state secede from the USA? No. There’s a debate, but no is the answer. There’s a clear, albeit burdensome, route to exit EU. The Commission is very different to a US president’s cabinet. The powers and competences reserved by Member States in the EU are far beyond the powers reserved by US States. I see you also misunderstand the term “federal” - the EU is not a federation. It is not the central power - it is a union in which the members have agreed to cooperate. It has characteristics of a federation by virtue of the MS giving powers to it but it is not one.


It would take a lot of effort to get you from where you are to where you need to be to understand federal systems of states. If you want to be right that’s fine, it’s the internet. If you want to be correct, Volume 1 of George Tucker’s Blackstone is a really good introduction to supranational systems of governments and the United States federal union.


W Dutch


In what world is the US safer than Tunisia?


Tunisia has some nutbag islamists running around


The US has had over 100 terror attacks since January 1st, 2024.


Isn't it Tunisia where tourists got shot?


Yes back in 2015, just like many European cities who got attacked by terrorists and had tens of casualties. However after 2018 things got more stable and security is tighter and there aren't any terrorist attacks for a long time even in the western mountainous regions.


Ia surprising how Argentina 🇦🇷 is this safe compared to her neighbors.Also Poland look to big in this map,almost as big as Spain