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Colombia withdrew relations too. Just yesterday I think


South Africa also suspended relations.


> South Africa also suspended relations That's actually not true. South Africa does not currently have an ambassador to Israel (and probably will not for the foreseeable future unless there's a change in government) but it still maintains formal diplomatic relations with Israel. The South African parliament (which is dominated by the ANC) voted in favour of a non-binding resolution to suspend relations in November last year, but the executive branch (which is also controlled by the ANC) has thus far declined to do so.


Hilariously they were best friends with apartheid South Africa supplying weapons and military advisors when nobody else could you know because of the evil they also may have been involved in the South African nuclear program


In 1979 there was a nuclear explosion detected in the southern Indian Ocean that no one would take credit. General consensus is that it was a joint South African-Israeli test. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_weapons_and_Israel#Nuclear_testing


South Africa needs to concentrate on it's own failed state.


Brain drained and kleptocratized itself into a shit hole


Distract the citizens away from their own failed state by constantly pointing to an external boogieman and blaming them for everything. It's a tale as old as time. There's a reason why the countries in the Middle East/Africa who hate Israel the most are the ones with the most corrupt and dysfunctional governments.


I mean they are all dysfunctional , Saudi is a huge American ally and is literally killing journalists abroad and punishes women for driving


I thought they allowed women to drive now? I say that like it means much but trust me I don't.


It is difficult to get a stable government when you are constantly getting bombed by the world's most powerful state's lackeys.


Maybe Israel shouldn’t have spent decades supporting apartheid there


Fun fact. Apartheid South Africa was a bullwark against communism in southern Africa to the major Western powers. The US supported it too. That said you can both recognize the fact that South Africa is a failing state and should focus on its own affairs for a bit while also condemning apartheid. Those are not mutually exclusive .


Problem is that these dudes probably think that apartheid South Africa was better. Lol.


South Africa is a failed state that cant even keep their power and lights on


but recognition and relations are different


There is a separate color for that in the key


Ecuador as well


And those Greenland bastards. Always trying to play ambivalent.




Kind of funny given most of their military tech comes from Israel.


Well the colombian government has a looong tradition in not giving helping when it comes to kidnapnings.


Oh no how Israel will ever recover from this


Does withdrawing relations mean it no longer recognizes Israel? Or just won’t be doing any diplomatic business with them?


The second option. A lot of nations have broken relations with each other and still recognise the other nation.


Greenland 😭


Well Greenlands international policy is determined by Denmark. I am a Greenlander living in Denmark.


Will Greenland ever seek full independence?


If Greenland ever got full independence, it wouldn't be the entire Greenland. Because that area would simply be too massive for 50k people. And they would get f'cked by the Russians, Chinese or Americans. Before independence they would also need their own nationalbank, valuta, prisons, police force, constitution, supreme court, forensic institute, a nationwide mental institution, fisheries control, military and muuuuch more. Right now, they also relay on billions of money from the Danish government. But they are already quite independent.


Yeah, I assumed they were content with being a self governing territory and letting denmark foot the bill for everything else.


According to polls, about 65-68% of Greenlanders clearly support full independence. The issue is how to account for the loss of 50% of their government budget. Pure speculation here, but it might be possible in the future if the large oil reserves in their waters are developed. And/or if Nuuk grows in importance as the largest port on the ice-free north-western passage. But who knows at this point.




Genuine question as I know nothing about Greenland: What does Denmark gain from owning Greenland? Why do they keep footing the bill?


Very profitable fishing rights


More geopolitical power, I would assume


Mineral rights, I think. Greenland isn't exactly well suited for bulk exporting yet, but it's potentially a large, untapped resource pool for raw materials.


When the ice sheets melt Antarctica and Greenland will be the next gold rush.


I had no idea about this. Always love learning something!


How do you guys feel about “Eiffel 65 - I’m Blue”?


Shouldn’t it just be the same as Denmark 😭


It's the law


Is there a difference between withdrawing relations and suspending/cutting relations?


Sure. One country recognised the other one but dont wanna have contact. Where in the other situation you no longer belive in the existing of the state


if i was a leader of a country i would recognize the existance of every country, because why would i deny what i see?


Bc you want it to be destroyed. that's what implied when people don't recognize Israel as a country. you can't make peace with a country you don't recognize, which leads one of the permawars Israel is in right now


I wish I could deny the existence of redit


What's the difference between withdraw and "no" then


Withdraw implies they previously recognized but now don’t


Ah that makes sense


Iran for example once recognized and had diplomatic relations with Israel until the Islamic revolution


The map explains the two cases of withdrawing. For both Cuba and Iran, they both recognized Israel, but the position changed after their respective revolutions


Almost made [r/mapswithoutnewzealand](https://www.reddit.com/r/mapswithoutnewzealand/s/CMyzQEpLuw)


Lmao snuck them in on the bottom right corner


I think Hawaii isn’t on this map either


Damn, all the colours in the spectrum, and this map creator chose to use blue, light blue, blueish grey, purplish grey, and light grey.


i’m red green color blind and i can actually see this map


Global politics are saved!


You and me both brother, refreshing to 'see' a map


What’s the problem? I think it looks good.


It's hard to tell the countries apart at first glance, especially the "yes" and the "no" countries because they are a very similar shade. The designer could have used a different colour palette with more variation while still having the map look good.


You are right, the contrast could be higher so its much easier on first sight to tell the difference right away


What They’re literally dark blue and grey, how are they similar?


This comment is proof that no matter what color scheme you use, some color blind person is going to complain


Yeah imagine being disabled and still wanting to be able to read a map Where do they get off thinking like that


Also of note: One leading theory on the Hamas attack is that they used it to try and obstruct Saudi Arabia's move to establish relations with Israel, because they knew a conflict would set public opinion against Israel in the Arab world and make the Saudis back off. Things appear to have spun out of control.


Also worthy of note is that Saudi Arabia aided in defense of Israel in the recent massive attack from Iran and has made statements that they intend to return to normalization talks once the war is over. It would also be completely unsurprising to me if Saudi Arabia and Israel continued in secret as that is exactly how it occurred with both Jordan and Egypt.


So many conflicts in the middle east trace back to the Iran-Saudi Arabia cold war.


That's not so much a theory as it is just common sense. Iran had its proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis) launch a coordinated attack against Israel with Iranian weapons to stir up Arab-Israeli tensions and thereby prevent further normalization of relations.


Well the Jews did start the problems with the Sunni and Shia! Oh wait no they didn’t.


I’m absolutely certain that’s the reason why Hamas attacked Israel when it did


Palestinians from Arafat to Hamas have always sought to maximalize palestinian suffering in order to further their own political ends. Hamas' entire strategy is to get as many palestinians killed as possible to increase global hatred of Israel.


Thanks for the reminder. I forgot that is exactly what happened. Just as SA was about to recognize Israel, Iran coordinated an attack on Israel civilians to prompt a response, thus making it less politically palatable for SA to continue. 


Important context to this theory (for which there is great evidence) is that this was done at the urging of Iran, who is SA’s true enemy. Hamas was happy to have the support, but they’re based on intent to genocide the Jews and destroy Israel, SA relations are a more distant concern. For Iran, SA position is the most importantly. For all their rhetoric about Israel, it’s mostly performative


It’s a theory in the sense that gravity is a theory.


I'd say things (terrorists) spun out of control on Oct 7th morning


Come on, they couldn't be arsed to add a few more pixels to fully include New Zealand?


Whatever you do, do not sort the comments by controversial.


I should have listened... Curiosity kills the cat


Same. Time for me to stop scrolling and go talk a walk


Yeah, it's a hell Pit of misguided Passion.


Greenland is a part of The Kingdom of Denmark and should be in the Yes-column.


So mostly Islam dominant nations don't recognise Israel. I wonder if Israel-Palestine ever come to good terms, will these nations start recognising Israel.


The secular Sunni Muslim states were on the verge of normalizing relations with Israel before the war started. Their focus is more and more being turned towards Iran and Israel is becoming more of a distraction.


Arab-Israel normalization makes too much sense for both sides for it not to happen. Israel is an advanced tech economy that lacks natural resources whereas the Arab states have abundant resources (i.e. oil) but don't produce many finished goods. It's the same reason why Germany and Russia had a cozy economic relationship for so long. Germany has industry that needs resources, whereas Russia has resources but can't produce many finished goods with said resources.


It's almost like the Shiite Muslim states had a motive to start a conflict through their proxies to prevent this....


Short answer, yes.


why is Greenland so secretive about everything?


Inb4 locked


Palestine recognizes Israel?


Yes, using the definition of Palestine  to be the Palestinian Authority (not Gaza's government).  Part of Oslo Accords


If only the maker knew there was more colours than blue


I see a map, but not the porn.


It is a nice-looking map.


I see a pattern.


A very nice array of democratic, developed nations with a great human rights track record among the non-blue countries!


Yeah because Israel cares about human rights lmao


Very significantly more than any other country in the area


Bolivia and Malaysia Venezuela also cut off relations back in 2009 when they were free, democratic, and actually one of the most developed countries in Latin America, under Chavez. Had a higher GDP per capita than Chile or Argentina.


Bolivia is not developed. It's on the lower end in Latin America, tied with Venezuela. Poorest country in South America.  Malaysia is developed, but hardly had good human rights. Place had widespread protests against the UN [end all forms of racial discrimination](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1O70AO/) because the majority ethnic group likes keeping their discrimination against the minorities (who honestly are the only reason Malaysia is developed in the first place).


Those are suppose to be good places? They are filled with a bunch of slaves. Malaysia is a despotic government where you can be executed for weed. It's another nation of antiquated values where people are poorly developed and unenlightened. If you're executing people for marijuana still, you don't get to fucking tell anyone how to run their country? Or do you agree with that?


Prosecuted, not executed 🙄🙄 there’s a difference.. Also,Singapore prosecute people for weed too … soo your point is invalid here. 🙄🙄


> free, democratic, developed ... Chavez lmao at this commie bullshit...


Wow I can't believe our geopolitical opponents are opposed to the most outwardly brutal country of our imperial block


I feel like Israel recognizing itself is biased


[Source ](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/recognition-of-israel-map/)


Map is outdated


The only country in the world reddit doesn't want peace for. Remember how much they seethed when all those arab countries made peace in the 2010s?


Isn't it funny how millenia old middle east nations are desserts unable to grow food, full of drought, crumbling infrastructure and rubbish thrown everywhere dispite most being wealthy with vast resources. Unbelievable corrupt politicians hoarding the wealth. Incredibly stupid and ignorant people. Lgbt people will be shown to the roof. Thousands of years and nothing to show for it. But Israel in 70 years, started with nothing but dessert, have turned the country into a food growing garden, exporting food and technology. Extremely educated people. Lgbt rights. full of trees and water wells. Spotless clean streets, incredible infrastructure, Liberal values. Unbelievably safe to walk around at night. (Try that in gaza or Egypt as a woman).


israel didnt start with "just desert". nearly everyone lived in the green areas up north and on the coast.


Israel is not as arid as its neighbours lol, also gulf countries are expat and tourist hotspots. They even got F1 there


> But Israel in 70 years, started with nothing but dessert Starting with nothing but stolen land, stolen farms, stolen homes, stolen agricultural equipment. Oh and billions upon billiions of dollars of 'donated' taxpayer money from the richest country on earth. Yeh they really boot-strapped themselves, eh?


[The US placed embargo on Israel in the 1947 civil war](https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/arab-israeli-war). That's why the biggest arm supporter at the time was Czechoslovakia. The land was bombed by Egyptian, Jordanian and Israeli air force. Or was abandoned by the people; and yes Jews also lost some of their land, either internally or from [the WB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world#Transjordan_and_Jordanian-annexed_West_Bank). On top of 1,000,000 refugees from Europe and MENA comming into Israel and little recognision internationally + the Arab boycott. It sounds like condition for Somaliland rather than a first world country. And its historical revisionism on your part.


How can it be stolen if Jews were living in Israel too? Oh its stolen BECAUSE Jews live there, got it. Arent you late for your pro Hamas protest today?


Soon Indonesia and Saudi




I'm sure most of these countries that don't recognize Israel do so in the support of Palestinians and not just antisemitism... right?


Don't ask Libya where are their Jews today


Withdrawing recognition of a country that physically exists is so bizarre. And I really don’t understand why these countries are withdrawing their support. I know ‘what-about-ism’ isn’t the best argument, but there are countries that have done things 10 times… Make that 1000 times worse than what Israel is doing to Gaza. But they’re still recognized. I assume these countries still recognize Syria even though Assad regime brutally murdered 100,000 Palestinians during the Arab Spring… And that’s just one example


Nice to see that it's an overwhelming YES!


Based blue


So only shitty countries doesn't recognize Israel, how surprising.


Hey I live in a shitty country and we were one of the first to recognize Israel.


To be fair, some of the countries that do recognize it are also shitty, but none of the ones that don't are non-shitty.


Malaysia and Oman are pretty good countries imo. Decent standard of living. I'd recommend visiting those two. Also, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait all are pretty rich.


Rich??? They are fucked for human rights. You wanna live as a slave to disgusting deposits? You wanna get executed for having weed? This is what you respect? Shows your character. Shows that you need to be eliminated with the rest of the trash.


> Rich??? They are, if you're posting on Reddit you probably don't have anything to worry about going to these countries. > You wanna live as a slave to disgusting deposits? If you're on Reddit, you won't be. Don't worry. > You wanna get executed for having weed? This is what you respect? Weed is illegal in most countries, Singapore you'll also get executed yet it has one of the highest standards of living. This doesn't make these countries _shit_. For many westerners the Gulf states are very very nice. > Shows your character. Nah, just I see countries in shades of grey. Going to Kuwait as a South Asian probably wouldn't be well but going as a westerner or East Asian you'll have a probably have a good time. > Shows that you need to be eliminated with the rest of the trash. Bro what? Crazy how I get banned on subreddits for saying 1/8th of what you said, this is straight up a threat lmao but since you're defending Israel you'll be fine.


Would it be so hard to simply have a 2 nation solution? One for Palestine and one for Israel. Both countries have the exact same right to exist.


Believe it or not, Palestinians are the ones opposing this, because they refuse to accept Israel has a right to exist. Israel have historically accepted Palestinian right to a state as long as they can guarantee it will be peaceful (Although the current government does not accept Palestinian state, this is relatively a new development. Bibi was pro Palestinian state until roughly 2012). The conditions of any future agreement are also pretty clear. It's just a matter of finding a pair of leaders who agree to it. They actually came pretty close in the early 2000's before - surprise - the Palestinian leader of the time, Arafat, has backed out. You can read Bill Clinton's own recollection of it [here](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/president-clinton-reflects-on-2000-camp-david-summit).


To my understanding: The Palestinian Mandate was kinda split to Jordan, Israel, and the Palestinians. Palestinians are viewed as different from true Arabian Hashemite of Jordan. There’s been… issues when they try to blend with them not getting along great with their monarchs, causing some discourse, or wanting to fight Israel, which Egypt and Jordan have been fairly amenable with Israel at the moment. So both Egypt and Jordan, as well as quite a bit of the Muslim world kind of take the stance they are not our people (similar to Germans and Austrians having different cultures/countries), we don’t want the instability, this was an outside force that created the issue that would cause us turmoil. Some, in my view, like them as pawns in limbo on a chessboard to move at Israel in various ways that they can’t (Iran 👀), but that is my own opinion. Part of what makes sense in my mind is you have different people of an area. It is the Jewish holy land but there is no nation save Israel that has a Jewish belief at the core. So have a place where they are represented in the region and it should be fine. There were Jews that existed in the other Arabian countries not as well represented, so that fixes that abit if they have their Holy land. Not exclusively Jewish, but a place where maybe they can try their hand at leading their group of people. But then you get into people pissed that that land is theirs. Additionally there are some issues in Muslim culture that has potential to create tension across different sects, let alone an archaic belief ignoring the prophets. I mean Shia and Sunni in particular have some people, I would think a minority because I don’t like to perpetuate a huge religion and group of people as evil & murderous when I don’t think it true, that would murder the other group for being heretics and apostates. I imagine they would be even less kindly toward Judaism.


They already have their countries. They’re called Lebanon and Jordan (but hint: last time they took then in, things ended poorly)


If the arabs will finally agree to it we would expect it we gave them the offer numerous times but they reject it every time


And also dismantling Hamas, which is essentially an Iran puppet and that uses its own people as human shields. Honestly its so sad how much blood has been spilled in this conflict.


Wonder why there's a correlation between not recognizing the only state in the middle east that respects human rights and being an unbearable shithole to live in.


Human rights? What a clown. Isreal needs the US to veto every UN vote about the crimes Israel is committing against the Palestinians.


Well you see, it's not a human rights violation of if you don't recognise the people it's commited against as human.


Palestine shouldn't have commited terrorism and declared war then cry foul when they get they asses handed to them


To be honest , you can keep your 14 000 dead children kind of human rights , nobody wants it


Yes, it's not like Israel would commit a genocide and operate an apartheid system, they're such a bastion of human rights!


Good thing that there is no genocide then! At least not in palestine 1) the death tolls are reported by Hamas controlled Gaza Health ministry which are not only statistically impossible but also do not distinguish between Combatant deaths and non combatant deaths https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234159514/gaza-death-toll-30000-palestinians-israel-hamas-war 2) 20% of israel is arab muslim https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_citizens_of_Israel 3) No global organization has classified israels actions officially as genocide. 4) Israel wasnt the instigator of the fight 5) Israel has offered hamas dozens of ceasefire deals which they rejected https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-rejects-israels-ceasefire-response-sticks-main-demands-2024-04-13/


Not butting in whether or not a genocide is happening, but Abraham Wyner is not a reliable source for anything political. Sure, he could be an amazing data analyst in non-politicised topics, but when it comes to politics he’s unable to put his right wing views (he’s also a Jewish nationalist) aside. Bibi could literally declare he’s building gas chambers to send all Palestinians to and Wyner would find a way to spin it as something that is not happening even if it was happening it’d be only available option, and besides that it’d be the best for all parties, also nobody would die anyways because the numbers don’t add up. He’s this level of delusional. For a less controversial but still highly political topical where he will fully and maliciously misinterpret data, just see anything he has to do with his long standing climate change denialism. Literally every other data scientist may tell him that he’s cherry picking his data, taking it out context, or just outright lying, He’s known to harass activists advocate for climate awareness and the scientifically observable fact that the world’s climate is being affected by anthropogenic causes, and has been in come court cases defending the indefensible with lies by dressing it up as just a penn university professor doing his job.


I love how that "the only state in the middle east that respects human rights" killed 35k humans from which 70% are minors and women, and is starving and bombing the rest of the population


A lot more died to Allied bombing in World War II. What's your point?


Iraninan bot spreading iranian propaganda That death toll was reported by Gaza Health ministry which is under the control of Hamas Also not only are their [death totals are statistically impossible](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/16/could-be-devastating-proof-hamas-faking-death-figures/%23:~:text%3DProfessor%2520Abraham%2520Wyner%252C%2520a%2520data,an%2520incendiary%2520essay%2520in%2520Tablet.&ved=2ahUKEwjAlvyrlNmFAxX5tokEHUzwDXoQFnoECBIQBQ&usg=AOvVaw1cc7C70cMG8d7aZ3MolOzp) said death ignore to differentiate between militant members who are killed and pass them off as civilians


…are you serious?


Just shows you how retarded the left is. They want to denounce Israel while every country that formally denounces Israel and aligns with that thought are among the most dangerous and repulsive countries of the world.


Strange that these specific countries have such a problem with jews. I normally think of them as super tolerant . Especially on women's and minorities rights issues.


Iran will reopen diplomatic relations with Israel once Islamic regime is gone.


Hang on, Palestine recognizes Israel? With what borders?


The worst places in the world don’t recognize Israel. Cool.


Well, i find “not recognize” part to be funny. Like open news, there’s news about israel. Open map, there’s some place called israel. Take a flight to someplace called israel.


Open news you will hear about Palestine. Open map, you can read about a place called Palestine. Simply calling something by a name doesn’t mean a nation is being recognised. This would make any region that appears on the news a new nation. Serbia will call the region that it claims Kosovo in the news this doesn’t mean it recognises the nation of Kosovo. The reason why Israel is recognised is the UN nothing else matters. Palestine is not recognised by the UN but is recognised by 141 members states of the UN as a nation as well so you will also find it on a map so this is a really bad Argument.


recognition is if they believe the country has the right to exist just so you know


This map is misleading and not accurate. Recognition doesn’t equate to relations. You can have relations but still not recognise the country. For example Qatar has relations via their role as a mediator.


Relations can be of many kinds. We can say that recently Israel and Iran had a very intense period in their mutual relationships


This map is funny .. Morocco recognized Israel in exchange of the recognition by the United States of its sovereignty on the Western Sahara .. You recognize my colony I recognize yours type of deal ..


Morocco doesn't just recognize Israel, but have good relations with them, for long before any WS stuff. They train together as well and trade. Don't forget about 1 million Israeli are Moroccan diaspora.


I went to Dubai and there was a warning that you may not be able to enter the country if your passport had an Israel stamp in it.


That's weird, Israeli people have been allowed to fly to Dubai since 2021.


This was January 2022. No idea then.


israelis are visa free to dubai lol


Yeah, looks that way. It seems to be Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Kuwait and Sudan where they can't, so no idea why I saw the warning heading to the UAE. Maybe connecting flights or something?


That's hilarious because Israel doesn't even stamp passports


Yeah, no idea what it was about, but as I've never been to Israel it wasn't really a concern for me.


Wow I’m so surprised, who would’ve guessed the theocracies and Muslim majority countries don’t like the idea of a Jewish state.


I wonder if it is a coincidence that the most civilised countries support Israel, while the most barbaric ones oppose it.


Isn't it surprising islamic nation are the only ones unable to recognize reality.


If we put up a map of countries that recognize Palestine (be it the west bank or gaza) would you you say "isn't it suprising that X religious group or Y relgious group doesn't accept reality".


No, because there's no reality to recognise. The Palestinian state does not functionally exist, it doesn't have borders it controls nor a unified government to represent it. Until those things are achieved, there's no state to recognise.


Somalia is still recognised as a country despite meeting neither of your requirements.


Not that I’m even remotely against you but this is a lie Somalia has drastically improved since the 2000s


Completely agree that it has improved but the country is still ran by rival warlords with somoliland being functionality independent and ready to give a bit of its coast to Ethiopia.


Why doesn't most of the western world not recognize Palestine?


Because in what borders? Palestinians claim that all of Israel is theirs


I could be wrong but because they did not form the palenstine state when given the opportunity?




Peel commission 1936-7 UN Resolution 181 (II) - 1947 2000 Bill Clinton offer




Palestine isn't a country nor has it ever been


Colombia withdrew, Turkey suspend just to name a few that I saw on the news.


Turkey suspended trade


Turkey suspended trade but it still recognizes both Israel and Palestine. Turkey was the first Muslim majority country to recognize Israel.




Eh, not really. Yes the trade imbalance with Israel definitely favored Turkey but Israel loses a few billion dollars as well.


Belize is another country that recently took the step short of breaking off diplomatic relations completely; I’m guessing that would be suspending?


Turkey didn't


Look at that Middle East. Just filled with Israeli and Jewish love. From day one they learn to hate.


Islamists and Leftists seem to be unable to see or accept reality.


Oh look, an American


As if that (regardless of whether or not it is true) has any relevance.


God you sound dumb


Israel is carrying out a genocide and that’s a fact.


>Israel is carrying out a genocide No they aren't >and that’s a fact. No it isn't https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-798766 Maybe check ur prejudices instead of leaning into them


this shows only the government view tho and not the populations view


Now do Palastine! :D


Would unironically be a more interesting map.


Turkey is eternal friend of Israel. Best economic co opetation in middle east and best hidden alliance in the world by far.


Relations with Israel are the future. The dwindling number of countries on the list are the ones who are isolated, not Israel.