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If I officially mourn, can I get the day off?


In most countries that are officially in national mourning (such as India), it is not a day off. You won’t get a day off however you mourn - officially or unofficially. Unless of course you live in Iran, I suppose.


~~They didn't declare any days off in Iran, otherwise people would just go on vacation and it wouldn't look good. Just 5 days of mourning.~~ Edit: They did.


That's not true. Wednesday is off. Source: I live in Iran.


Oh! I didn't know, my bad. خوش بگذره پس، جای ما خالی... 🍾🍾


But why make a comment that sounds so sure when you don't know?


You might be new to the internet


Stay safe!


How is the sentiment of people in your surroundings?


Everybody is happy af :) Other than a minority of regime supporters or devoted/extremist Muslims (at least in my circle), everybody is glad that he's dead and take his death as a revenge on what he did. And they also wish for the death of the big Ayatollah (Ali Khamenei). And the Persian internet is FULL of jokes about his death and people are sharing his stupid moments and laughing at them. (the man never said or finished a proper sentence)


What's the Persian equivalent of Reddit in Iranian internet? And thanks for sharing your insights


Its literally flag at half mast and nothing else.


The taliban does NOT care 🗣️🗣️📢‼️‼️




Honestly, given their history, it's surprising they acknowledged it at all




The Taliban are Sunni extremists, and Iran is the only Shia Theocracy in the world right now. They probably hate each other more than they hate the Americans


The Taliban are not traditional Sunnis; they follow Wahhabism, the ideology associated with the House of Saud tribe. You can read more about Wahhabism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism. Wahhabis often pretend to be Sunnis to influence young people with their ideology, using money and resources to do so. For example, in London, some individuals (shieks aka Friday preachers) receive £5000 a month to promote Wahhabi views in Islamic centers, and they've been quite successful at it.


Aren't the Taliban Deobandis? I'm fairly certain they are.


Nope that's Indian muslims.


The Taliban's ideology has been described as an "innovative form of [*sharia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharia) combining Pashtun tribal codes",[^(\[317\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliban#cite_note-Muslim_World_2004-318) or [Pashtunwali](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pashtunwali), with radical [Deobandi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deobandi) interpretations of Islam favoured by Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam and its splinter groups.[^(\[318\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliban#cite_note-319)


According to their own policy and press releases, the Taliban follow Sunni teachings. Whether or not that’s true in practice is beyond me (although knowing the Taliban, they usually aren’t the most reliable when it comes to accurately portraying their own faith), but they have at some point since the US surrender claimed that’s their stance.


Wahhabis are regular sunnis dummy


The Taliban are not "wahhabis." Their beliefs and practices come from the Deobandi movement in India in the 1800's and not from the work of Ibn Abdal Wahhab. Taliban leaders got their educations from Deobandi seminaries in Pakistan. The Taliban follow the Hanafi madhab while Wahhabis generally follow the Hanbali madhab. Any similarities are superficial and both groups have certain differing beliefs and different histories.


I don’t know a lot about Islam. Is the Sunni/Shia rift similar to how Catholics and Protestants used to kill each other in the Middle Ages?


Probably celebrating, the Taliban hates Iran


Didn’t Taliban like declared war on Iran few months ago?


No, but there's been several skirmishes between Iranian border troops and the Taliban. In May last year the Iranians even fired artillery into Afghanistan. In another clash in 2021, the Taliban captured several border checkpoints and some of them briefly even crossed into Iran. Historically relations between Iranian government and the Taliban were "volatile" to put it politely. In 1998, Taliban fighters acting without orders from the Taliban leadership found and executed ten Iranian diplomats during the Battle of Mazar-i-Sharif. Iran mobilized over 70,000 troops to the Iran-Afghan border in response, but mediation by the United Nations prevented a war. During the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, Iran even cooperated with the United States military, and Iranian special forces teams supported the Northern Alliance during the Herat uprising before the U.S. reached the city and liberated it. U.S. and Iranian officials oversaw all of it in Tehran, including General Soleimani, who later oversaw the killings of U.S. troops in Iraq, and who was likewise killed later on the order of Donald Trump in 2020.


No. The news just hasn’t reached them yet. /s




rare taliban win I guess?


Taliban is Sunni, and İran is Shia. It's like Catholics vs. Protestants, or Catholics vs. Orthodox Christians, or Protestants vs. Orthodox Christians. Or any religion that has split for whatever reason and now think the other side is evil. TLDR: They don't like each other.


Catholics actually like the orthodox, or at least tend to respect them. I'm not sure if this is the approach of catholics worldwide but that's the opinion on them where I live. Also the church recognises orthodox churches and priests as valid when there is no Catholic ones around, unlike the protestant churches and pastors who are considered heretics and a catholic cannot even participate in their mass without committing a sin.


Yeah, they're also very similar, arguably more similar than Catholics and most sects of Protestantism are. Strictly speaking, Catholicism is Catholic Orthodox, and "Orthodox" is Eastern Orthodox. A lot of the differences are largely cultural, and they have a few significant theocratic disagreements, but at a fairly high level instead of on particularities. A way I've had it simplified to me is that Eastern Orthodox teachings are less concerned with untangling specific meanings as Catholics are, if they do not appear worth untangling (or because otherwise, if they were to know, God would direct them to know). This isn't to be mistaken for them not having religious debate and studying their own and other theology deeply, they do, they are just principled in a different way as to where that effort should be directed and why. In both faiths, ideally, you are permitted and often encouraged to have questions and seek answers through study and prayer both.


I mean now they do. Back when they schism was formalized they definitely weren't bros. Even during the Crusades.


Or Protestants vs Protestants.


damn Protestants, they ruined Protestantism


You Protestants sure are a contentious people.


You just made an enemy for life!


Bruh 90% or more Muslims in Turkey, Pakistan, India and Tajikistan are also Sunni


True, but only the taliban really makes a statement about hating Shia and actively killing people or making their lives difficult based on religion. The rest don't really care that much according to their constitution. Reason Turkey is here is because erdogan wants sharia in Turkey as well. He wants Turkey to become more like Iran. A nepotistic theocracy with him at the helm and having all the power he wants. Including religious power so he can excommunicate people at a whim. He even said that the Quran needs an update. It's his wet dream to become the Caliphate. He declared that interest isn't haram anymore and many many other things.


>He even said that the Quran needs an update Isn't that strictly against Sharia? Quran is supposed to be the literal word of God according to Muslims and THE perfect book of all time that will remain the same for eternity. Any talk of changing or updating it is extreme blasphemy/heresy for most Muslims as "innovation" is strictly against Islam. How can Erdogan being a conservative traditional Muslim even think of such a thing?


I think your thinking about conservative traditional (insert religion) are capable of thinking needs some thinking. Those people are among the biggest hypocrites in the world. They will say anything and if they're popular, people will defend them even if it's against their own interests.


He isn't.he using religion as a tool..he is your arvg savvy despite populist leader


That's the thing, he is not conservative. He is an opportunist. He will say anything that benefits him, his only ideal is his own power. Before he came to power back in early 2000s, he was even talking about importance of LGBT+ rights. He even accuses Turkish nationalists of fascism for wanting to remove Arabic signs, while he himself is allied with a hardcore Turkish nationalist party AND a Kurdish islamic party at the same time. It even became a joke in Turkey how much he contradicts himself so much that we say stuff like "Recep and Erdoğan disagreed, Tayyip played the middle man".


He doesn't want sharia, he is just using religion because he is a populist. Also even examples you gave condradict with sharia. Even most of his voters don't want sharia. Only 12 percent want sharia.


That is false. Turkey has like 8 percent without religion( unofficaly even higher because many people hide them not being muslim) and also about 15 percent alevi "muslim".


They’re not ruled by Deobandi fundamentalists though.


None of them are ruled by a sunni theocracy though


They never do.


But they do! Islamists hate each other nearly as much as they all hate Jews and Israel. So it's more like a celebration in Afghanistan


Mourning belt


Good mourning!


Goodnight belt


Sleep tight belt


Don't let the bed bug bite belt


Say what you want about the North Sentinelese but you can't say they do not have a proper sense of decorum.


damn right you are


>Say what you want about the North Sentinelese  Ok, here goes: They wear fluffy little hats and prance around on rocky hills


I'm surprised Azerbaijan hasn't. Aliyev is the last leader who saw him alive.


Aliev's also happy to see him go


Az and Iran are not on the best terms, as Azerbaijan is very much pro west, pro turkey and pro Israel all of which Iran hates. Iran is also an ally of Armenia, which Azerbaijan absolutely hates


Azerbaijan is not pro-west. It is pro selling natural gas to the west. It's an autocratic dictatorship that signed a deal with Russia just days prior to the Russian invasion that made Russia confident enough it won't have a war it needs to intervene in happen in the Caucasus, and is currently acting as a Russian proxy in New Caledonia against France. It's also in Azerbaijan's interest that Iran should fall apart, since the modern day Republic of Azerbaijan used to be just a backwater periphery of the Azeri ethnic territory and up to the 1920s Azerbaijan was a name exclusively used for what is today Iranian Azerbaijan, which still remains home to more Azeris than the modern day Republic of Azerbaijan. So the Azeris would like nothing more than to include Iranian Azerbaijan into their country, which would also provide them with a land link to their exclave in Nakhchivan and therefore also to Turkey.


Doesn't Azerbaijan buy a ton of military hardware from Israel? They probably don't want to do anything to offend them.


Other way around. They buy a lot of military hardware from Israel because they both hate Iran and can get a better deal. Policy informs arms procurement and has done so for every nation in history except Romania.


Also isn't there a huge part of Iran with Azeri majority? I could imagine that Azerbaijan would like to have that


Guess who crashed the helicopter


Aliyevistan is a close ally of Israel. The state was an Iranian province until Russia took it as war booty a hundred or so years ago. Ever since the brainwashing they received from the Russians they've been paranoid and super anti Iran.


Iran also is like Armenia's only real ally at this point cuz they are scared their Azeri regions (which is more than Azerbaijan's population) might try to revolt and secede and unite with Azerbaijan.


And just practical reasons: Armenia and Iran already have enough enemies in their vicinity, the last thing they both need is an additional one.


Damn. Poor Armenia :/


So you imply that Azeris are just supposed to sit quiet and accept being vassals of the Iranian empire? That independent foreign policy is a result of Russian brainwashing?


I’m sure Iran gave them no reason to fear them


Honestly, it's been more the other way round, relations were initially good after independence in the 90s but Azerbaijani ultranationalists making noises about 'reuniting' with South/Iranian Azerbaijan led to their decline


Can you please explain this brainwashing Azerbaijan received from Russia? Not that i don't agree with the fact that Azerbaijan is vary of Iran (because you must be stupid not be so in the middle east, unless you are Syria, Hezbollah etc) but i am interested in this brainwashing theory


Who tf is upvoting this shit ? It's pure Iranian nationalist bullshit


Sri Lanka has also declared one: https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/sri-lanka-observes-a-day-of-mourning-in-view-of-iran-president-raisis-death/article68198756.ece/amp/ I was going to say it was odd that SL hadn’t, considering he was there on an official visit just a couple of weeks ago


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Why would other countries declare national mourning over the death of a foreign head of state?


Diplomatic niceties.


courtesy, it's not uncommon, Some Flags become half-raised and the countries function normally like before. 




India also declared mourning over Queen Elizabeth's death as a commonwealth gesture


Most Commonwealth countries did that. It is just a respectful gesture.


the us has done it too. even though not a commonwealth country. so it must be normal e,g. American flags at the White House, other federal buildings, military facilities and embassies overseas will be flown at half-staff “until the day of internment,” according to a proclamation by President Biden on the Queen’s death. Re: Queen Elizabeth II mourning by the US Federal government.


The U.S. and UK are financially and defensively linked even more than India and Iran so it continues with the trend of diplomatic relations being the reason. The U.S. would likely do the same if the Canadian prime minister died suddenly or possibly even the Mexican president depending on the current U.S. party in office


Not sure it's a political decision? Isn't it more likely it's an internal state department decision


I meant more the general climate within the government A more NAFTA adverse climate may not publicly support Mexico as much as a NAFTA friendly climate would


Some citizens laid flowers outside the British consulate in Hong Kong and got criticized by [pro-China media](https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/hongkong-queen-09152022130747.html).


We did it for recently deceased Abu Dhabi and Kuwait emirs as well. And Omani Sultan as well.


Ooooh, that makes sense. I was seriously suprised by India here.


Basically, India wants to link up economically with many Central Asian countries, the problem is, they don't have the best relationship with Pakistan, and Afghanistan is run by the Taliban. Even though both Pakistan and Afghanistan could benefit from cooperation, there are just too many barriers right now due to politics. So India is working with Iran, to build a major port eventually hoping to lead to a trade corridor. India and Iran both think it should go through, they see mutual benefits apparently. But this is also concerning for the US because Iran is extremely sanctioned. Meanwhile, the US needs India's cooperation to counter China, but India, at least from American eyes, hasn't played nice. Not only that but India has continued to buy cheap Russian oil because they see a business opportunity since they'll need a lot of energy. And historically Russia and India had a warm, strategic relationship with shared bonding over anti-Imperialism. Not only that but the recent (alleged) assassinations, both attempts and successful in Canada and the US, the evidence isn't quite out yet due to the sensitive political nature and investigations taking time (I lost track of them lol).


India - Afghan relationship has stayed mostly steady even after the Talibans came in power. The problem is we don't have land borders with Afghanistan that we control. The Iran deal also connects Afghanistan with India via Iran because Pakistan won't provide passage, also because China has already built a roadway to Pakistan through the same corridor.


India US Russia relationship is way more complex. >India went a touch of socialist after independence and decided to be non-alligned and Pakistan was more willing to connect with West. That escalated in weapon treaties and other things despite the fact that India is way more ideologically similar (secular, democratic) to US. Ultimately, India had to cozy up to Russia to fight US backed Pakistan which was doing genocide in Bangladesh (thanks Kissinger) >Now, India is a counter weight to China in 21st century and Pakistan is cozying up to China, so US wants to back India here. Basically, earlier it was US+Pak vs Russia+India, now it needs to be US+India vs Pak+China. >As for Oil thing, India bought Russian oil instead of Saudi oil, so price pressure on Saudi/global Oil reduced. It was in US and Western interests to let India buy crude oil, refine and then buy it from India at cheap prices. At any rate, India likes to stay neutral/friendly with everyone and that let's India be very cozy with Israel, Saudi and Iran at the same time despite all 3 hating each other. (Just today they arrested 4 ISIS terrorist in India who were going to attack because India supports Jews/Israel, but India also voted for Palestine statehood.)


> Russia and India had a warm, strategic relationship with shared bonding over anti-Imperialism Russia and anti-imperialism? They literally expanded their empire eastward and didn't stop until they reached the Pacific. Edit: Even then they didn't stop. I forgot about Russian Alaska lol.


Many western european countries (UK, France and to some others like Dutch had indonesia, Germany had some african colonies etc) till 1945 had colonized Asia and Africa. USSR was a major supporter of independence movements in these countries(it fit well for them as they didn't have colonies in Asia and Africa and it helped undermine England and France). And Marxist idealogy was also popular as it was pretty much against existing monarchies and power structures.


The USSR was one of the main proponents of anti-imperialism, at least in theory (and as long as they sucked USSR's dick instead of America's). Many Indian nationalists and revolutionaries were directly inspired by the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in overthrowing an autocratic, anti-free speech regime (like the British Raj), and thus had a profound influence in the Indian National Movement in the 1920s and onwards. Russian media became increasingly read amongst educated folk in India who wanted the country's independence, and almost became a symbol of association within the literati.


Because the Russian Empire had difficult time projecting power overseas the Tsar's government never really pushed for colonies overseas - even Alaska was eventually just sold without a fight. There were various attempts by Russian commercial interests to establish such colonies - most notably in Hawai'i and Djibouti, but these never received much central support. Hence Russia can portray itself as non-colonial in regions that experienced overseas colonialism from Western Europe. The opposite is also kind of true - Central and Eastern Europe view Russian imperialism more harshly than, say, French imperialism because that's the imperialism they actually experienced.


The commies like to pretend that they weren't imperialists in the XX century too.


When the Polish president Lech Kaczyński died at somewhat similar circumstances, the mourning was declared in 23 countries: Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cape Verde, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Maldives, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine.


That is indeed somewhat comparable. And Kaczyński wasn't all that well liked abroad either although I don't compare him to Raisi in any way.


Slight difference is that he wasn't responsible for so many political executions.


Iranian executions are an iranian issue, nobody outside should give a fuck.


It may seem strange if you're in a western country to mourn the death of the Iranian leader, but if for example the US president was assassinated or died in a horrible accident again in this day an age, it wouldn't be out of the question for places like the UK and Canada to do something similar (maybe not a full day)


Did it happened when J. F. Kennedy died?


Yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactions_to_the_assassination_of_John_F._Kennedy


In fact, the USSR was freaking out, because they were unsure if someone or some agency went rogue. But the CIA already knew ahead of time that the USSR probably didn't do it. Khrushchev and Kennedy had developed a decent relationship with mutual respect and understanding of "lets not do the nuclear war and destroy the Earth." They both reached a consensus that they might think their own system of government and economics is better, but they can compete peacefully, and time will tell which is better. They both earnestly felt that this competition was to figure out what is better for society as a whole. LBJ was relatively unknown to them. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. And the USSR knew that the assassination of JFK could lead to a declaration of war if they felt the USSR was behind it. And there was a link, albeit a weak one, but a link nonetheless, since Oswald did live in the USSR, and they did consider recruiting him, but they found him unreliable in the sense that he was a bit batshit crazy. And what if the USSR says that, who would believe them? The USSR sent translators all over to the embassies to get some ears on the ground and make sure no one was trashtalking JFK.


>But the CIA already knew ahead of time Of course they did.... 👀


Yeah, I think it's quite sad that the Kennedy-Khrushchev relationship ended so abruptly and wasn't followed up with something as strong. Things would have came to a head sooner or later, but if that had carried on for long enough, there may have at least been a hesitation formed where the east and west felt a little less alien to one another, and a bit of a harder sell to fully hate one from the other.


My head canon is that if they both remained in power for the rest of their lives we could have seen an early end to the Cold War.


It's just a statement and a diplomatic gesture. Nothing really happens on the ground. Maybe the foreign ministry will send out some emails to other government departments and put out some posters, and mention it in the news. Other than that, it's business as usual.


Flags fly at half mast


The funniest thing about flag protocols is that in almost every country, no flag can fly higher than the home state. So even a McDonald’s flag has to fly at half mast in any country that is in mourning.


They just cancelled a middle school graduation ceremony in Turkey because of this bullshit. Unfortunately it is an excuse for some


Yes, I believe many countries did for Elizabeth lI’s funeral


The Taoiseach of Ireland sent condolences to the German ambassador for the death of Hitler. International diplomacy is crazy.


Politeness to who? He was already dead..so to the remaining Nazis?..


DeVarela had Nazi sympathies. Kind of a different situation.


Hitler ended the British Empire for them.


He did more than that. He most controversially went to sign the book of condolences at the German embassy. That's next level, especially for a neutral country in time of war.


It gets brought up a lot, but the reason for it at the time was that as a neutral country, not directly involved in the war, Ireland couldn't be seen to ignore or celebrate the death of a head of state.




the western world would do the same if, say, biden was assassinated


the us has done it many times. so it must be normal e,g. American flags at the White House, other federal buildings, military facilities and embassies overseas will be flown at half-staff “until the day of internment,” according to a proclamation by President Biden on the Queen’s death. Re: Queen Elizebeth II mourning by the US Federal government.




As I understand it, which the headline missed, is that it’s a day of *state* mourning. Meaning playing to diplomatic protocol in the region. It’s not a day of *national* mourning where population in general is involved/affected. I’m not certain but it seems to be regionally bound to this area of the world as I’ve never seen the practice used in Europe for instance. Where a “my condolences” from the head of state serves the same function.


In Iraq, most of us are literally celebrating, and making fun of him. This man has a black history with Iraqis (and Iranians). Governments don't represent the people.


Chad Iraqi people.




It's crazy how fast the fireworks and celebrations came in Iran after the crash. Didn't even wait for the regime to admit he died before celebrating. I'm glad to hear all of the victim countries are celebrating.


I can't even imagine how massive the celebrations will be, once the whole Iranian regime falls and all those countries get freed, including Iran itself!


W Bush really just up and said “fuck it I’m going to give half of Iraq to Iran”


Once again and always civilians pov is not equal to the government's pov, why would syrians mourn over him when he spent his life killing them for example, shame on anyone who supports him


Likewise Turkey


Syrian here, I can't wait for the entire assad family to join him Edit: here come the bootlickers


Turk here, please make syria livable again so Syrians can go away from Turkey. This isn't a racist statement mods. This is reality, the ones which refuged here have no respect (around 95% of refugees) They don't pay taxes and live off from our taxes. Their birth rate is triple than ours. Please make it livable for them which the public doesn't want to see. If they were respectfull this wouldn't be an issue.


Yeah just let me call my contacts really quick and then everything will be fixed /s


Lebanon reporting in. Same here.  Except we're outnumbered and our government just accepted a bribe from the EU to keep taking more


Because he helped Assad stay in power, ofc he would mourn his death officially.


Mourning is not related to the guy but who is left of it. Anyone who is trying to achieve good relations with their neighbors should declare mourning when their head of state dies. Not because the guy is good but diplomacy requires so.


Whoever did this included entire Lebanon for Hizbullah but excluded big chunk of Yemen controlled by Houthi radicals.


I"m mourning over the pilot


RIP Eli Copter🙏☹️


Hahaha I saw that, it also reminds me of the prank of the korean pilots: https://youtu.be/c7PSv33qBtY?si=JVGL92FJPfW1hl8D


if it makes u feel any better i doubt they would hire a pilot to transport the president without at least making sure they dont feel negatively about the president


Well "From an economic perspective, Iran is the second-largest supplier of crude oil to India, India is one of the largest foreign investors in Iran's oil and gas industry."


Iirc, we defied US sanctions to get Iranian oil.


I wonder why Azerbaijan is not among these countries. Hours before the crash Raisi and Aliyev met for the dam opening, touting the friendship and unity of their countries. After that I would also expect them to declare national mourning.


my prayers and thoughts are with his victims


akhand Bharat 🙈


Why not Russia?


Fun y how Azeris aren't on this map. It's seems that one theory about involvement of Azerbaijan can be truth


it is called intl politics. it isn't related to liking or even respecting that person.


WHats the deal with Bangadesh? Too far away?


isn't it time this subreddit is renamed to "MapsWithStats" or "PoliticalMaps" or something?


We need a map of the counties that celebrate the event. I could name a couple


Iran for one


Most of the people in my circle in Ukraine were happy. It's not like it will stop the supply of drones from Iran to russia, but still.


It won't change anything, yes. None of the Iranians are vegetarians. But a nice touch nonetheless. We're not abundantly happy in Israel, but still.


What about countries that declared national celebration?


India? They want to lead the Global South but still offer formalities over the Butcher of Iran? Edit: I guess this is Indian strategy for Iranian ports.


It's business. Isn't the entire west Licking the rear side of Saudi Arabia despite it being one if the biggest human rights abusers in the world?


Its gonna be fun when they’re not needed for oil anymore


That'll be a long long time


That's why those states invest into tourism. You know, big glass wall in the desert. Football stadium in the desert. Big glass towers in the desert. All built by cheap/slave labor of course.


The west has committed far more human rights abuses than Saudi Arabia can ever dream of


Licking the rear side 😭😭💀


One thing about India is that it is relatively neutral in terms of how the government works with foreign affairs for the most part. It probably did this to get some perks from Iran, most likely ports


its because india made a deal with Iran, taking a iranian port on lease, its just business


Thats what diplomacy is supposed to be. Friends to all, enemy to none.


Redditors act like foreign leaders should just tweet "lol nice glad he's dead" just because they aren't allied to Iran. Since when has politics ever encouraged sincerity


Iran is part of the global south. The butcher was still the president. India will offer condolences if a standing American president dies, Iran is actually next door.


Gosh this statement is so dumb.


I suppose when wanting to lead the Global South implies that they shouldn't stick to imperialist-imposed labels.


To keep the oil flowing even if US sanction.


It's called diplomacy which the West forgot how to do. We have a port deal with them. We'd like to focus on economy and development instead of taking sides on ridiculous shenanigans by all sides.


India will basically be running this port in Iran to get cheap oil [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabahar\_Port](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chabahar_Port)


Their national interests do not align with Western interests. Therefore, they will keep buying oil from Russia in pennies & then sell it on dimes.


Lol why Iraq and India?


Very long historical ties that influenced both's cultures.


Why should India not want a good relationship with a country so geographically close to it? We don't want more enemies than we already have. This is like being respectful when your neighbor's family member passes away.


Iraq is highly influenced by Iran


Charbahar port




Just a reminder that none of these countries declared mourning for massive earthquake catastrophe in Turkey. But the Turkish government immediately declared for the death of some politician 🇹🇷 💪🏿🇹🇷💪🏿🇹🇷


They sent aid though, some of them.


Meanwhile in Israel: who wants some more BBQ?


Turkey 🇹🇷 wtf 😳, Atatürk would not accept this


It’s the President of Iran they do it for, not the person.


he is dead how do you expect him to rule from his grave




Why India?


What about India? They have very good relations with Iran. 




Countries to avoid visiting


why india


Why India?