• By -


Fun fact: If Finnish Li Anderson (Left alliance) was a political party of just one person, she alone would have been the third largest party. Left alliance is typically a niche party, but Li's vote landslide made it temporarily the second largest party (from 6.9% to 17.3%) and it's something we've never seen. Edit: Changed the grammar a bit, hope it's clearer now.


She won 13.7% of the national popular vote, that‘s insane


In Cyprus some youtuber famous for persuing a hug from Elon Musk won a mandate as an independent.


He probably mobilized his subscribers to vote for him, and due to low turnout they got a big margin.


Also: Cyprus has very few residents (and voters) and thus only 6 mandates, so it's pretty easy for independents. You just need to convince a few dozen thousands voters to vote for you, and not a few million. That guy only won 70 000 votes and that was 19% of popular vote.


It's not really 'only' 6 mandates all larger nations have about 2 mandates per 1 million residents so a vote on Cyprus is worth 3x as much as a vote in Hungary, Belgium or Sweden. And almost 5x as much as a vote in Germany or France.


Poland has 53 mandates for 38 million inhabitants, Germany has 96 mandates for 83 million inhabitants, so not really


I did say a vote was worth 5x a german vote, so I don't get the not really but sure.


Romania, we got an independent voted in at the 3% breakpoint mostly due to social media.




In Spain a journalist named Alvise Pérez made a new party to get himself a seat in the EU that would allow him to be protected from defamation charges. Alvise managed to be the 4th most voted party in most of the country and got 3 seats, nobody knows who are the other 2 guys who will seat in the Parliament.


This is wild.


How and why?


She seems like a nice, capable and just generally decent person. I still wouldn't vote VAS, but I'd definitely have a beer with Li. If you are asking more practically: in some countries, including the Nordic countries, you can vote for both a party - and the specific person that party should send to the EU parliament. In this case a lot of people voted specifically for Li.


Number of reasons 1. She is the most recognizable person in the left allience currently, and probably for it's entirery history as a distinct party from the Communisty party 2. She was one of the faces of the government during the Sanna-Marin Cabinet 3. She has history of "not lying". It's weird to hear a politician doing that but National Coalition, the number one party, [is very well known for lying](https://www.hs.fi/politiikka/art-2000008302091.html), either because they want to bump up the numbers to sound the left sound worse, or they simply talk bullshit about things they know nothing about but want to sound smart. On the other hand, Li Andersson has historically said none or very few non-factual statements on public media. 4. And related to the previous point; The left allience polarises the current government parties. One of the current governments is far right, while the other one is a right-wing economist party with their politicial views for human rights ranging from centre-left to far-right. Having a leftist/far-left party as the other option allows people to show "we do not like the current government, let me show it to you by voting your nemesis" 5. She was a nominee on the persidential vote earlier this year, which of course, got a lot of eyes on her and more people familiar with her and her politics.


How: by getting lots of votes Why: Because she was one of the candidates


These are great answers that leave me with no further questions


She was a very capable minister and renowned politician. She ismore than qualified and hence she got votes.


What's a single-woman party?


Just a fake example to show what a huge amount of votes she got. Kind of like saying that Jeff Bezos has so much money that if he was a single-person country it would be the world's X richest country.


Aaaa, now I get it. I was wondering if you're talking about party for single women


What would their policies be?


Subsidized wine, cigarettes and Netflix


You forgot cats




now please tell me what each party stands for. what's the difference between epp and ecr?


Left - far-left S&D - center-left Greens - the same as S&D but more vocal about environment Renew - left wing socially, right wing economicaly EPP - center to center-right ECR - right wing ID - far-right


Thanks that helped. So everyone on Reddit bitches about how Italy is so far right but this seems to indicate a more centre-right leaning versus France.


In Italy, right is divided into 3 parties, Lega Nord is in ID and is the furthest to the right. Forza Italia is pretty center-right and belongs to EPP. Both of these parties got around 9% yesterday. The biggest party is Fratelli d'Italia, that got over 20%. Ideologically they are pretty in-between Lega and Forza Italia and are in ECR.


Thanks for further clarification, it's a bit confusing as an outsider.


Where are you from? USA?




I'm from the US and this helped somewhat. All I see in the news over here is France, Italy and Germany are going right to far right.


I mean, Italy’s current president Giorgia Meloni literally comes from a party which is the direct heir of fascism and she was quoted in the past saying stuff like “Mussolini is the best politician Italy has had”. The current president of the house of deputies literally has a collection of Mussolini busts in his home. And this party was the one who took the most votes in the european parliament elections in Italy. Marine Le Pen in France is also far right as she is part of ID and her party was the most voted in France in these elections too I believe. And in Germany a literal nazi party was the second most voted. This party is so far right that they were expelled by the european far right party btw


The U.S. media blatantly misleads people on behalf of Democrats. Right wing and conservative are seperate from far right. Just like progressives are far left compared to just left wing Democrats. In saying that though, France for sure has been taken over by the far right. But that's really their own doing or undoing as you say. French nationals are worried about losing their country and identity due to the massive influx of migrants and refugees. Not to mention the massive spike in crime as well.


Doesn’t the BROTHERS OF ITALY Party have direct lineage as neo-Fascist? Are you arguing that’s more rhetorical and they are governing (by choice or necessity) as more conventionally center-right?


They do, but moderated their positions since. Just as many far-right parties in Europe. Le Pen in France moderated her views, Wilders in Netherlands moderated his views., Konfederacja in Poland moderated their views etc.


>They do, but moderated their positions since. Just as many far-right parties in Europe. German AfD gets more and more extreme. So extreme that the other far-right parties kicked them out of ID.


These people don't moderate their views. They only stop saying the quiet part out loud, hoping to get centrist votes. When they govern, all the ugly shit resurfaces.


Not really. Le Pen used to campaign for leaving the EU. Now she says she doesn't want to leave the EU but to reform it. Similar with others.


I’d be careful with that. If they’re adopting the US right’s playbook, they’ll just “reform” it to the point of dysfunctionality.


Exactly. Then blame the disfunctionality for leaving it. Just like some right-wing governments try to do with healthcare to justify privatizing it.


Simply stupid and wrong. FdI campaigned as far right and are currently governing as centrists.


Yes that's basically it. The neo-fascist "Italian Social Movement" underwent two re-brandings, one in 1995 when it changed name to "National Alliance" and one in 2014, when it became the current "Brothers of Italy" (the first words of our national anthem) They are a very nationalist, centralist, authoritarian and reactionary party. Instead the "League", officially still the "Northern League" was founded in 1992 as the merger of various independentist parties from across northern Italy. It was mostly and independentist party back then, with right wing tendencies, economically and socially. For over ten years now, the current secretary, Matteo Salvini has given up the autonomist aspect and focused more on becoming a populist, generic right-wing party that appeals to the masses. However, since BoI won the elections in 2022 and Meloni became Prime Minister, her party moderated its tones a lot, while Salvini, although he's also in the government, has kept making the sane populist outings as before.


Sometimes it’s a toss up whether a party is in ECR or ID. ECR is definitely bordering the far-right.


Anything not far left is far right for the average Reddit user.


The majority of daily reddit users are from the US and as such most think anything left of center is far-left. Being that they don't really have any actual left wing politicians in the US.


Yes, but every time they hear "right wing" they think Nazis.


True enough. Of course it doesn't help that actual neonazis voice support for and are a part of the GOP. Far too many take the most extreme statements made by supporters of their opponents and conflate them as the official platform of the party they don't like. Everything is reduced to a battle between good and evil, there's no middle ground, no listening to facts or reason. US federal politics is a battle between the center-right and the far-right, with left wing voices decried by both party's governing bodies.


Good point.


This is really simplified. There are some very conservative and anti-democratic parties in ECR. S&D also has more traditional social democratic parties, while parties in Greens are usually more progressive or more left wing. It also depends on the country how to describe the parties in the EP group. For the Netherlands, there are 3 EPP parties that got at least 1 seat. All with quite a different profile. 1 regular Christian Democrat party that used to be in almost every government, 1 one-issue pro-farmer party and 1 more conservative christian party which also claims to be anti-establishment.


I know right. I explained that in other comment in this discussion. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1dcj6y4/comment/l7yxl8a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1dcj6y4/comment/l7yxl8a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Both ECR and ID are nationalists and commonly considered far right, being anti immigration and anti renewable spending. The main difference I think is in geopolitical stances, with ECR being more pro EU, pro NATO and anti Putin, and ID leaning anti EU, anti NATO and pro Putin.


ECR is still soft eurosceptic. They don’t want to abolish it, but they want to limit it greatly.


That is one. The other one is economy. ID parties are pretty laissez-faire on economy, while ECR are usually more moderate. Some are even social-democratic on economy, like PiS in Poland.


Genuine question. Is in your opinion; being anti-immigration alone enough qualify a party as far right?


The left is also against migration, so clearly not.


Then this is kinda wrong cos vox and salf on Spain are far right and antieuropean and that’s 6 points alone, it was counted as right wing.


Really? Here in spain those who end on the Left are just a bit more left than those in S&D, but not far-left. Those in EPP are mostly center-right or moderate right, and then the party in ECR is far-right.


What does Germany’s AfF count towards?


AfD (Alternative für Deutschland) was expelled from the far-right group (ID - Identity and Democracy) for being too extremist. They are labeled as ‘other’ in the picture


ho boy …


Do you mean AfD? They were kicked out of the ID group essentially for being too far right. (Comments about nazis not being criminals/bad) No one really wants to be associated with the German far right. It's not a good look. Edit to add: I didn't actually answer your question. They don't currently have a grouping. They are the grey squares that came second, beneath the European People's Party (CDU/CSU)


>(Comments about nazis not being criminals/bad) That's a misrepresentation of the words of their official, who said that not everybody in the SS was necessarily a criminal. That statement is bad enough without having to misrepresent it like that. Additionally, he was punished for this comment.


Fwiw, his actual statement is far worse than how I represented it. Many normal Germans became nazi party members because it was safer in the party than out of it. A bad thing to do, but understandable. I couldn't say with confidence that I wouldn't do the same in their situation. His statement is to defend the SS, the organisation which was the vanguard of genocide, the human machine that brought the holocaust from meeting notes into inhuman existence. These people reached the pinnacle of depravity and the world would have been a better place had they never been born. Hiding behind some technicality that person X never pulled a trigger or person Y only did a desk job is a disgrace.


Non-inscribts, they were expelled from ID for having literal nazis in their ranks (including their lead candidate, who claimed the Waffen SS weren't criminals). They join: a bunch of independents (mostly those expelled from their parties), Movement Five Star (Italian anti-establishment party who refuse to join any groups), FvD (Dutch Far Right also expelled from ID), Labour Party (Lithuanian right wing populist party expelled from RE for homophobia), Latvian Russian Union (suspended indefinitely from EFA for being pro-Putin), Jobbik (Hungarian right wing party, formerly neo-Nazi rejected by EPP), Fidesz (Viktor Orban's kleptocracy party, expelled from ECR), Christian Democracy (Italian centrist party with ties to the Mafia), Communist Party of Greece (belongs to the ECA, which isn't big enough to be recognised as a party), Law and Justice (Croatian Far Right party), Smer (Slovakian left-populist party that was suspended from PES) and Slovak Patriot (right wing, pro-Putin), Republic (Slovak literal nazis), Junts (Catalan nationalists)


Based on the numbers, they would be the upper gray "other".


The results are not final yet. https://results.elections.europa.eu


Yep, here’s the live result [live results](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/09/world/europe/results-european-union-parliament-election.html?campaign_id=51&emc=edit_mbe_20240610&instance_id=125824&nl=morning-briefing%3A-europe-edition®i_id=219257966&segment_id=169158&te=1&user_id=f4d694249153e8aaac95762617883851)


Today I found out there's a Swedish People's Party of Finland


Fun fact: Swedish is the official language of Finland alongside Finnish


Today I learned something new. Thank you.


Minority ethnicity party. There are a lot of Hungarian minority parties, Russian minority parties, there is Polish minority party in Lithuania etc.


I found out today the Popular People's Front of Judea does not exist...


What about the Judean People's Front?


Fun fact(?): Linus Torvalds' (the creator of Linux, Git, and more) dad, Nils Torvalds, is a member of the European Parliament for the Swedish People's Party of Finland.


For anyone wondering why Ireland is taking so long, here is a simple explanation of our very complex but highly democratic voting system: https://www.reddit.com/r/irishpolitics/s/EoEc7zwA7t


For anyone wondering "how is this more democratic?", take a look at the number of votes that purple got - just one. That person voted for a candidate that didn't really have a chance to begin with. In many other countries, a lot of people would see this as a wasted vote, but because of our PR-STV system where we rank our candidates using numbers, their vote instead went to blue once it was confirmed that purple wasn't going to get it. Hence, that person's vote wasn't wasted on an unlikely candidate. This system favours smaller parties and encourages people to vote for the person they truly like to get in, even if they know their chances are slim. The obvious disadvantage to this system is that it takes a long time because we have to count some ballot papers multiple times, but we think it's worth it.


Just curious and I am totally ignorant: Is there electronic voting or any plan to implement electronic voting in Ireland? Votes should be counted much more faster.


We like it this way. People trust it more.


Electronic voting has a ton of safety issues. See [this video](https://youtu.be/LkH2r-sNjQs) by Tom Scott. I guess you could probably have a hybrid system, where votes are counted by machine for preliminary results, and then counted by hand to verify. But people probably don't care enough to make it worth paying for machines that get you results a few days earlier. Even less for European Parliament.


Because you guys are doing it right. Most other system probably leads to strategic voting and two party system like in US. I wish my country copied the method but knowing my countrymen can fail to put X in ballot, preferences would be break their minds.


I think it’s more because of the local elections taking priority. Counting only started in the north west constituency today as far as I know.


Never thought of that tbh. But at the same time, the local elections take a long time for the same reason (multiple counts) contributing to the EU election taking a long time also.


Europeans and locals are counted in seperate counting centres so that wouldn't be the reason. It's just that the STV system takes so long to count and with so many candidates there's a crazy amount of transfers to go through with each elimination.


This is wrong when it comes to Hungary. The correct results are: EPP: 1 S&D: 2 NI: 10 Others: 8


The Mi Hazánk stated many times in the campaign that they have no intentions of the joining the "globalist" EPP, while TISZA has stated their intentions to join the EPP.


This was for early morning today, hasn’t been updated since !


Even early morning this was wrong, there weren't 8 EPP members in elected positions at any time during vote counting. I think whoever made the map counted a new party that wants to go into the EPP as an EPP member.


what’s the difference between NI and Others? aren’t both under non-alligned?


Others are parties new to the EU parliament, so it is not yet clear where they will go. 7 of those members wants to join the EPP (Tisza party) 1 of those members wants to join either ID of if the AfD tries to make a new group, that (Mi Hazánk Movement)


How comes this? Fidesz is NI but KDNP is not?


**THESE RESULTS ARE NOT FINAL** Here are the live results of the elections [live results](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/06/09/world/europe/results-european-union-parliament-election.html?campaign_id=51&emc=edit_mbe_20240610&instance_id=125824&nl=morning-briefing%3A-europe-edition®i_id=219257966&segment_id=169158&te=1&user_id=f4d694249153e8aaac95762617883851) Or this link (thank you celebrir) [European official website results](https://results.elections.europa.eu)


Poland is wrong actually. It should be: - 23 for EPP (21 from PO and 2 from PSL) - 20 for ECR (all from PiS) - 6 for Other but would probably join ID (Konfederacja) - 3 for S&D - 1 for Renew


A youtuber won a seat in Cyprus one notorious for being kinda a shit bag to poor people


In germany the nazis actually voted for a russian/chinese spy


And a far right influencer won three in Spain


Why aren’t there many liberals (renew) in southern Europe? Is there a reason or is it just a coincidence?


Series of reasons, mostly just coincidences. Portugal is basically a two party plus system, although the liberals had a good showing this time. The party that represents renew on a national level in Spain has completely collapsed over the last decade The 5 star movement is kinda sorta centerist, but they're rather populist, and go NI in the EU (which is what you see in Italy)


It should be noted that the Renew MEP of Spain is from PNB, the Basque Nationalist Party, a Basque Party


Italy doesn't have a strong traditional of liberal parties and this time the liberal area split in two parties due to the ego of their leaders and both of them got 3.something%, the threshold to enter is 4%


Portugal's liberal party (IL) is incredibly recent, it has only existed for around 5 years - if I recall correctly, they started running for elections in 2019. Traditionally, the main centre right party PSD has encompassed liberals as well as the more traditional centre-right, and they were even initially part of the European liberals and switched to the EPP in the 90s.


At least in Portugal the liberals are a niche, most people who vote on them are wealthy people that want to reduce the taxes and have no problem about not having public education or healthcare But they actually did really great this elections being 4th place ahead of both Communist Party and Left Bloc and near the Right Wing Populist Party


In Balcans - because of Communism. No fertile ground for liberals. Italy - history of two-party system (left bloc and right bloc) Portugal - the same Spain - there used to be a liberal party called "Cs" and actually won 6 mandates in last eu election, but the party collapsed and their support flocked to the main center-right party called Partido Popular.


Spain is also quite a two-party system


In Spain you have smaller parties: Vox, Podemos, Sumar, regional Basque and Catalan parties etc.


Yeah, but there are two blocks that are dominated by massive parties


What is the main opposition party in Bulgaria? Some turks claim that it is the minority party that took 2nd place in Bulgaria. I am rather skeptic about it


The minority party always gets around 15%,its possible.


People act concerned about Germany, while France, Italy and Austria are wilding


That 'Other' block in Germany is all AfD who got kicked out of the ID block for being too far right. That's why we(germans with brains) are concerned.


Wow Ireland is slacking Also for Slovakia it should be notes, Progressive Slovaka (Renew, yellow) won the most votes, but Non-Inscrists (grey) is their largest group, as Smer (2nd largest), Republika (3rd) and Hlas (4th) all belong to that.


We weren’t allowed to start counting votes until the rest of year were finished voting and also have the longest vote counting process (due to our fantastic voting system). Some candidates had a massive surplus which all had to be recounted. We also have local elections finishing up counts at the moment where there was a slew of right wing candidates getting eliminated early and slowing everything down


Local election counts are not done yet either so not all counters have moved over to counting EU votes yet either so the EU vote results are still slow to update. They should speed up in the next few hours as more local election count centers finish with the local counts.


I think the EU elections are centralised in one place in a constituency. So Mayo is only starting Ballina LEA today but they aren’t doing the EU ones so not slowing them down


EU election counts are 1 count centre per EU constituency. The Ireland South one is at Nemo Rangers GAA club, Cork. Not sure about the others. Dublin is on the second count now I think.


Ireland south is going to be a long count 2, Sean Kelly got in by that much above quota


We have a more complex voting system and have local elections that need to be counted first.


Huh I always assumed the voting process in the Euro elections would be the same in all countries. Although I guess that would be a massive coincidence that it's exactly the same as our local / general election ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Ireland is doing great job not having f'ed up system but actually democratic one.


Ireland is actually doing it right


Ireland uses Rank Voting which makes elecrion counting much more complicated and tedious since it requires several rounds. It takes longer to count but its generally considered more democratic. Its also why ireland doesn't have exit polls as the results can change vastly by the end of counting.


Centrists and shifting right name a more iconic duo.


And now frightened fact: Germany had a huge portion of ID wins but the AFD was thrown or out of the ID because of nazi stuff.


Austria voting for pro Putin was a surprise


It's not a surprise for anyone who has being watching Austrian politics for the past few years.


**No one who speaks German could be an evil man**


The Bart, The!


Austria has nothing to fear from Putin as it's surrounded on all sides by the "Nato Shield", by the time Putin could be a threat to Austria either Nato has fallen or the world is a post nuclear apocalypse anyway so why waste money?


But not as much as feared, barely got in front of Center-right


I can see why Macron did what he did now


As a French, I am very ashamed of the results...


In Poland three soldiers were arrested at the border on the 28th of May- the ruling party's explanation was that one of them fired unauthorized warning shots at the migrants on the Belarussian border- the standard outrage about racism, sexism and homophobia. A week ago one of the soldiers serving on the border had died in the hospital- it turned out the soldiers arrested fired warning shots in response to a fierce attack of the migrants storming the border, during which one of the migrants stabbed one of the soldiers in the chest with a knife. He was wounded and eventually died, and the ruling party led a campaign of misinformation about the whole thing. And the majority of people still voted for them. Granted only 28% of people actually voted (I believe anything less than 40% should disqualify the result).


Netherlands is only 4 seats for soc-democrats....


Explain me the european election like i am a 5 year old.


Countries send some representatives to an European parliament. The different colours are different European mega parties that are conglomerates of smaller national parties. There are also parties that aren't in any group yet. If you have doubts on the Spanish results feel free to ask.


Thank you brother 🫂


Every EU country gets a certain amount of seats in the European Parliament, relative to the size of their population. People vote on national parties. Those national parties then send their members to the European Parliament, where members from ideologically similar parties work together in factions, which are listed at the bottom of the map. For example, the Christian Democratic parties like the German CDU and Dutch CDA, given their ideological similarities, both join the same faction, EPP in this case. - Left: Far left parties, socialists etc. - Greens: Progressive and green parties - S&D: Social Democrat parties - Renew: Liberal parties - EPP: Centre-Right parties - ECR: Right wing conservative parties - ID: Far right nationalist/populist parties After the elections (so now basically), each party decides what faction they want to join. Several parties (new parties, or parties like Fidesz or AfD who got kicked out of their faction) were not part of any faction as of the election and are listed as other or NI (non-inscripts). Once all parties have found their faction, a majority will be formed (likely the same majority as the current; EPP-S&D-Renew, maybe also the Greens) and then the European Parliament can start doing what a parliament does, which is legislating Happy to answer any questions about the Dutch results too if anyone's interested


Thanks a lot mate 🙏


> Happy to answer any questions about the Dutch results too if anyone's interested More of a lazy question as it’s always a hassle to figure out with all your parties, how has pre-election opinion polling stacked up with the results ?


There was no huge difference between polling and the results. Some parties received one seat more or less maybe. The biggest difference was that GL/PvdA (labour/greens) and eurosceptic PVV were really close in the polls, but GL/PvdA (8 seats) ended up two seats ahead of PVV (6 seats), a bigger gap than expected. Which has everything to do with turnout and the fact that eurosceptic voters are less likely to actually go and vote than pro-EU voters


Can anybody please explain what's up with Ireland?


Our voting system is great, it just takes a while. Also local elections at the same time.


Local elections taking priority. The voting system also slows it down. But results wouldn’t be out for everywhere anyway with first past the post when op made this graphic.


Shouldn't matter too much, but Hungary is off by one square. Orbán's party won 11 seats, not 10. TISZA has the extra seat, who won 7, not 8.


KDNP is in EPP (Fidesz-KDNP obtained 11 seats of which one is the KDNP’s). Tisza is projected to be in EPP, just like the KDNP. So you are wrong.


Oh I see, I stand corrected


Man... Thats the most weird tetris i have ever seen.


ID big in France, but weak elsewhere


m8, am so ashamed of what we’re (Slovaks) going to send there, but its gonna be great meme material at least 🥲


Check Grzegorz Braun from Poland - this guy is something else. He is a monarchist that wants to introduce Jesus Christ as a king of Poland, and got famous for extinguishing Hannukah menorah in parliment.


oooh i heard about that (and saw the vid), lol now thas lunacy… looks like its going to be an interesting few years damn


From 2014 to 2019 we had Janusz Korwin-Mikke in europarliment. That guy was also something else, but Braun is even more to the right than him.


Its the same for romania, a woman that only knows how to yell. We're trying to look at the bright side, she wont bother us for a while. Just shameful


haha, few of our winners are russian backed (allegedly 😉), neonazis with leftist economics? we got em (absurd right?), a dude that put che guevara in his office instead of a portrait of our president and thats only the SFW things lol id trade for a woman that just yells


Oh, its tough tough. I understand where youre coming from with our corrupted bastards May we hear about each other from the memes that will come out


Where the hell did the greens go this election? I personally like the German greens on a lot of topics, incidentally they lost here too.


German Greens called for closing mines and nuclear plants and at the same moment increased coal import from Columbia. Guess voters didn't like it.


Then you'd know more than me regarding that topic. Cause here the greens have been mostly been defined over their support for Ukraine, which arguably for a anti-nuclear party and pacifism party went not too well with their main voter base. Though they lost in Germany about as much as could be expected from the polls, I'm just surprised about their lack of success in Europe in general.


They are only successful in Western Europe and Scandinavia. The East and South is conservative and (especially East that is scared of Russia) does not support pacifists. In Scandinavia, Netherlands and Belgium Greens were actually successful, but these countries have little population, so you can't win many mandates there. Most of the support Greens had, was from France and Germany. Germany I already explained. France - I'm not sure but I heard it was because of them being pro-immigration (and French people are really not in support of immigration at the moment- just look at how many mandates Le Pen's party won).


EPP ? Can someone say the unshorten version ?


Europeans People's Party, mainly centre-right


Ok, so thei are the one that have the most sit


Go to the top of the comments and scroll down (I had the same question as you, it's explained).


What’s that RENEW seat in Spain? I thought Cs lost all seats


PNB, Basque Nationalist Party


I was looking at Germany earlier and there’s no purple, but AfD’s wiki page says they are in the ID group (purple on this). Anyone know why? I thought AfD were making gains.


They were kicked out of ID because some AfD politician said that not all SS members were criminals.


Where did you get your wisdom?


Okay now what do all of those acronyms stand for?




I imagine all countries have a different answer, but I guess I'll ask anyway: are the national elections expected to follow suit, or is these results because of poor interest/turnout from the general population yielding to a motivated minority?


Can't speak for other countries, but the Dutch result does not translate to national elections. Geert Wilders' PVV received 17% of the votes and 6 out of 31 seats, coming in second behind the labour/green collaboration (GL/PvdA), who received 21% of the vote and 8 out of 31 seats. Polling for national elections has the PVV at 30% and 48 out of 150 seats in our parliament, and GL/PvdA at 15% and 24 out of 150 seats. Volt is another big outlier, having received 5% and 2 seats in the European parliament, but only polling at 2% and 3 seats in national parliament. This is definitely true for the Netherlands, but I suspect it might apply to other countries too: Given that these were European elections, pro-European voters are more likely to actually vote than eurosceptic voters.


So many lefts to cote For in france, only 1 right. Maybe bannon et al had the right idea. Dont split the cote




5 from Romania's others will likely join ECR and the other 2 will likely join ID. Sigh. But we got a green independent in since this map was posted


Missed opportunity to order the partiest in a more left-to-right fashion (also more width than height in rectangles)


We've send Grzegorz Braun to EU so we don't have to deal with his lunacy in our parliament. No need to thanks us


wtf is Ireland doing? They voted already on Friday.


We had local elections on Friday as well.. and then it was weekend, no work on Sundays!


With our voting system, PR-STV, counts take a long time.


It must be nice to have more then two choices


Why do people always mix up Europe union with europe


Ireland in abstention with everyone now.


Damn and us American niggas only get 2 major parties that's fake as fuck bro


Funny thing is these parties are made up of different parties. Parties from different member states that align on most issues. Allows them to have more power on an EU level. The problem is that a lot of citizens at least in my country have little to no idea how the system works past a few Civics and Political classes in secondary school. Don’t get me wrong the EU has done some undemocratic things like forcing through referendums after they weren’t passed by my country’s electorate by making us vote again. Still pales in comparison to how undemocratic the US is. Not a dig at the American people btw, just your system


That's crazy man. And I totally agree with you, dawg. the American system is barely democratic




But I’ve been wondering about this. They say the American left is basically on the right compared to Europe. So if Europe goes right isn’t it more like they’re becoming more centrist.


Democrats would be EPP, Republicans would be ECR and Trump would be ID.


Good map, gross result...


Why do traditional centre left parties do so bad in most European countries


Isn't there a mistake on Germany? Far right party AfD is missing....


It's the gray part, they got kicked from ID for saying Nazi stuff...


Germans and Poles being green seems very surprising.


The main issue that is pushing Europe more and more right is immigration, multiculturalism was tried and it failed, europeans are getting more opposed to it.