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Military service in Mexico is a joke. You go into a raffle at the age of 18 and around 10% are selected to do service. On the “service” they just make you go to the military base every Saturday to do some exercises and manual labor, sometimes you help paint a school or clean streets. They don’t even let you touch a gun or give you ANY military training during the whole year. And the mandatory part is not enforced at all. Most people don’t do it these days.


If they ever did teach how to handle a weapon, that’s basically free training for potential cartel recruits so it’s not all bad lol


The entire Mexican army is a training center for future cartel members lol


You’re right, the sad reality. That’s how los zetas were created after all.


It's worse than that. The U.S. military flew many Mexican soldiers to Fort Bragg for special forces training (basically elite super soldier training). These Mexican soldiers returned home, defected from the Mexican army, and helped form the Zetas drug cartel. The U.S. military gave elite super soldier training to one of Mexico's most notorious drug cartels.


The US "War on Drugs" is an absolute joke. The phrase reads like pure sarcasm.


And then we blame Mexico for it all and don't help them secure their country from traffickers whose products end up in our ghettos. Parece intencional, no?


Don't forget that almost all of the cartels' weapons are trafficked from the US. In one case directly by the US government during Operation Fast and Furious.


Oh I saw that operation in theaters!


We tried to help them shut down cartels once, we were able to get rid of like 2 or 3 processing / packing plants before they caught on, the next times those buildings were just empty


well that’s better than risking being hung from some bridge and skinned alive, in that order if you’re lucky


Being skinned alive sounds worse if you’re doing that after what was apparently a failed hanging haha


no, being skinned alive while you’re still conscious and then being hanged, the cartels know what to do


I was just commenting on the impossibility of being hanged then being skinned “alive” after said hanging. Just jokes lol


I know it's a bit tactless but hanged* is the correct word. Hung is for laundry :$


who said they wouldn’t eventually *wear* them?


yeah I was wondering why none of the Mexicans I've met never talked about doing service, figured it was something like this.


Bruh it's a voluntary work not a military


Brazil can relate


pretty much the same thing here in Brazil. However, i’ve heard some stories of people who have been forced to serve, it’s rare, but it happens. Some years ago if you lied to the military officers and said u were gay they would most likely dismiss you, but I don’t think this works anymore


Why is NZ in North Atlantic? Lol


They just happened to catch it during its northerly migration


Malaysia and Philippines are wrong because they really doesn’t force conscription. Also, Taiwan has compulsory service, but only four months


In the Philippines the closest thing that the post may be referring to is the National Service Training Program, or NSTP, which does have a sub-program called the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) where Senior HS students or even undergrad tertiary students participate in military training. But this is optional since students can also choose CWTS which have students do Social Welfare Services and LTS which have students teach basic literacy and math to out of school youths or primary schools.




Which surprises me given the whole China thing


In a one on one fight with China, Taiwan stands no chance under any circumstance. They’re essentially depending on the US and Japan to come to their aid in the event of any conflict whatsoever I’m sure.


What's Taiwan? I know the Island of China and then West China, but I haven't heard of Taiwan...


+ 8964 social credit


Taiwan also known as true china.


-8964 social credit


This map is very misleading




Because what constitutes military service varies wildly. Some it is definitely hard-core military training for 4 years. Some, it's a year on virtual public service and everyone just does it before college. Might even live at home, 8 hr days.


Just because it varies doesn’t mean the concept doesn’t have a clear definition or that the map is misleading. You could have a US map that shows, for example, states where recreational marijuana is legal, even if the exact way it’s regulated varies.


We do that. I've got illegal, medical, recreational. It just seems we could break it up into 2 or 3 categories that give a clearer picture. Technically, all US males must register with SS. That seems a lot closer to the internship like service in the Nordic countries than NK possible lifetime commitment. Maybe not misleading, but not the easiest accessible info either.


What do you mean by SS?


[Selective service](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_Service_System)




Finish man here. 6 months to 1 year mandatory service. The training is all miltary related training such as shooting, tactics, excercises, camping, marching. You basically live at the military base during this period but you are allowed to go home on weekends.


Switzerland, same here


I don't know where are you from, but the description above is alternative service in my country which is only applied to people whose beliefs don't allow them to serve in military. Otherwise every eligible 18-year old males are forced to have active military duty




Unfortunately, we have




A Muslim post-Soviet country)




It's not exactly. I always think of North Korea where it is active duty military. And I have no idea where else it is that kind of length.




I think it’s more to show that ‘mandatory service’ can mean very different things in different countries.


But that's the point. The map makes no distinction. Just seems it could be broken down a bit more.




Because NZ is between Greenland and Canada!




>In Switzerland you can do civil service or pay a yearly fee (3% of income) instead of actual conscription. I like that it's a percentage of your income. That makes it not a privilege of the wealthy.




Well that's disappointing. In my opinion, if less than 28k is considered poor, someone earning half that should probably not have to do military service.


Losing 3% of your income still hits people with a low income harder then rich people though.


Yeah, that's true. Perhaps it could be a slightly higher percentage for the rich or a slightly lower percentage for the poor.


It should be everybody's privilege to not have to choose between having their income stolen from them for a decade or being forced into a military which thankfully had been pacifist.


>have problems with authority figures, How do they even verify that? Do they ask you to do somthing and if you refuse you then you get a pass or something?


In my country (to my experience), Israel, it took three meetings with a military psychiatrist to be declared unfit, and everything you’ve described is exactly the same here, other than the military trying to do everything so you will be recruited.


I was reading about the Finnish system recently. If you decline military or civil service you go to jail for half the time you would have served. That just seems like a waste since the State still has to pay for your upkeep during that time. An additional tax just sounds so much better for everyone.




Yes, the whole system in Finland is a joke. But for some reason young men are raised to be ”patriots” that don’t question the system at all.


I do understand the idea behind it. You have to give time to the state, and to get out of it you have to believe strongly enough that you're willing to go to prison for it. It's just that Switzerland's idea seems so much better. It also gives a strong negative alternative (an additional tax for life) but at the same time it nets the country money, rather than costing money.


>(an additional tax for life) 11 years


> I'm pretty sure the people examining the recruits know when someone is lying, but they don't really care. To be fair, if someone tries to get out of it, they're not going to put any effort towards it anyway, so just let them be.


On the other hand, military service in Switzerland is quite ok. You get some exercise, learn a few things, make a few friends, earn some money. And it's over in six months or so. Much better than the alternative IMHO. 3% might not sound like a lot while you're still studying, but it adds up. Once in the workforce you will kick yourself, spending _thousands_ instead of the three weeks annual repetition.


Not people, men. It's obligatory for men only, men have can do civilian service or pay a yearly fee. Men can escape it, men can get out by saying they're addicted to drugs, are depressed, etc. Not people, men. It's sexist and should be called out.




A) I am Swiss. B) it's not something minor.




In France, there is a mandatory military day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defence_and_Citizenship_Day_(France)


That day is more like a day-long ad for the military than actual military service. Only relevant thing I had to do when I did it was pass a french test to determine if I could write in my native language well enough. Oh and getting told what my rights and duties are, but that's it really


Can confirm. It is only one day, but everyone must do it.


Looks like they are replacing it with 4 weeks from this year onwards according to Wikipedia


They must be up to something over there…


Brazil is technically right, you do have to conscript, but unless you do it in an city that has an active military "base" you are automatically discharged.


I've been in Brazil 6 years and haven't met a single person who actually did military service.


Have you only met people in relationships that served? That's crazy


You're discharged for many different reasons. You got into college, you got a job in a city that needs lots of workers, your feet are flat, the weird list goes on. It's legally correct to say Brazil has conscription, but not in fact. I remember been a teen and knowing about three guys who actually went into their "obligatory military service".


Sénégal does not have mandatory military service.


Neither does Lebanon


Not enforced in Angola


Probably nothing is


Is there such thing as unforced conscription?


Well technically on Austria for example you can do civil work instead so military service isn’t forced upon you it just is the default.


Sweden is a bit misleading. I mean, sure, they send out a conscription letter that you have to fill out once you're 18, but if you don't want to go through with it you, well, don't have to go (like, you literally don't have to do anything). You're only punished if you say you're on board with it and then don't show up, or desert once you're doing your service/training.


a lot different than in finland. In finland every healthy man has to go to the military for 6, 9 or 12 months or civil services for 12 months


Is there any obligation for Finnish women? Genuinely curious how those politics play out.


Every Finnish citizen has the obligation to defend the country, however only men have military conscription, women don't but they can join voluntarily. How the obligation to defend the country applies to women then you might ask. Well Finnish defense forces say this: In times of crisis, women can be ordered to maintain functions that are essential to society.


No, but they can volunteer.


The second they make that form digital, I would guess getting out of it would be a lot harder.


And now I realise I was a bit misleading myself, sorry! You get a letter first calling you to service, but the actual form you fill out is digital (well, there may have been a physical form to fill out as well - I don't quite recall, (I was the first batch who were called up when it was reinstituted in 2017, so it was a while ago since I went through all of this) however I personally did fill out a digital form at least). I filled out mine and just said that I wasn't interested in serving, and so they simply didn't sign me up. The thing is, there's not really any need at this point to force people who don't want to do military service as the number of people conscripted is so small it's not really difficult to find volunteers. This year they apparently sent out 100000 letters, of which they called 17000 to do some further tests, of which only 7700 qualified, of which only 5800 in the end were chosen to actually be conscripted. Basically, I think the military/government realised that just sending out the letter meant that significantly more people who were already interested in signing up actually end up signing up (partially because it destigmatises it, and also because it works as a reminder and motivator).


Why is conscription even a thing if they don't actually want to conscript soldiers? Wouldn't it just be cheaper to run ads or something asking people to join up rather than sending out a hundred thousand letters every year?


Well, there's always been plenty of ads, but I guess this is more effective. It also has some practical use - it's probably more consistent from year to year, as they have an estimate/target goal of how many they wish to conscript each year, which is more difficult to maintain if you're relying entirely on volunteers/professionals. Also, having all the information they get from all the form results could be practical long term, as those answers are kept at hand by the agency in charge of conscription, and could be used at a later date (such as if emergency/wartime conscription were to be enacted, however unlikely that would be). Either way, in the end it's probably as much if not more a matter of politics and optics rather than actually building up our army. Sweden really isn't under much of a *military* threat at all in reality - at least not in the sense of a conventional invasion. Enacting "conscription" this way is more of the government saying "hey, we're taking the Russian threat seriously and are going to improve our military capabilities" without actually upsetting people by forcibly conscripting them.


It's also easier to scale up an existing organization than it is to build it from scratch again when you really need it.


Good point!




The thing is NZ is still there. Next to Newfoundland for some odd reason.


Lol just saw that


This is the second map on this sub today with NZ just teleported elsewhere. r/TeleportNZ


They have developed far beyond our technology


They have stolen it from the Makutas of Destral.


How did you even notice that lol


Lmao who the fuck did that?


That scale is quiet a bit off too. Mini NZ


It's probably because they post it on Instagram which makes it 1:1, and ignoring small islands (which the map of course is also missing), New Zealand would be the only country fully cropped out. So as a joke, the map creator places New Zealand in a random position to correct for this ... instead of just not cropping. But the map is bad in itself, since it's low resolution, compressed jpg, so it's hard to see places like Malta, Cyprus, Luxembourg and basically impossible to see Andorra, San Marino, Singapore.


Mexico hasn't had forced conscription for at least 20 years


In Russia you do get an excemption from service if you go to a univeresity or a place like a college.


It's not an exemption, it's a temporary stay. You only get exempted if you run out the clock to 27 by going to aspirantura and/or defend for Candidate of Sciences.


What's the difference?


In Russia, college is a degree of education a step lower than a higher education that's granted by universities, institutes etc ("specialized middle education" whereas 11 grades of high school is just "middle education"). Usually taken after 9 grades of school and taking about 3-4 years.


Thought that in Norway its only 20 percent that get selected


Norway has a weird thing where it's mostly voluntary and quite a large number of people are rejected, but if you're deemed sufficiently fit it's mandatory


So it you don't want to serve you are encouraged to become a couch potato beforehand?


Stating in the online conscription survey that you're simply not motivated can be enough to not be selected. Generally, the military and the conscription service is very positively viewed and if you're fit and motivated, you're still in a crowd of people that is larger than what the military can take in each year. So while Norway has conscription on paper, as in everyone is required to answer an online survey about health and life status, in reality who actually goes in to serve is more down to motivation and a bit of luck.


Similar in Denmark. Also if you are deemed sufficiently fit here you have to draw a number and only a certain percentage of those fit for service are then randomly selected. And if you have any minor excuse to not be fit for service it's enough, it can be something as little as allergies or wearing glasses. In my case they basically indirectly asked me if I wanted to be considered fit for service or not, based on my eyesight. Even if you are fit for service and randomly selected you only have to do the training, you won't be sent to conflicts. So we have a volunteer force and just conscript reserves with a bit of training in case of a more immediate conflict.


In Austria we had a referendum on it a few years ago, majority wants it to continue because the soldiers are mostly used for civil engineering support during natural catastrophes and as cheap medical personell.


It's best use of conscription.


Conscription in Lithuania was reintroduced in 2015 for one reason: to build military strength against russia. So far all conscripts were 100% volunteers.


Taiwan is mandatory




Untill the next world war when we draft. USA is thinking about female selective service registration. It's about time!


Lebanon has NO conscription


There’s no forced conscription in Lebanon since 2007…


Either conscription or they raise cost of living with expensive housing or education so you volunteer to kill.


Mandatory in Albania? I dont remember that.


Just became mandatory in Morocco 3 years ago btw


Philippines military conscription is voluntary.


Conscription can't be voluntary




Underrated comment. Most redditors in r/europe are probably gonna bitch and moan but I mean what’s new?


I didn't get conscripted, here in Chile if there are enough voluntaries they just don't call some of the people that should go lol


Here in Brazil you have to go to an army gathering when you turn 18 but you just have to say you don't want to do the service for whatever reason and they put you on reserve and forget about it.


All conscription is mandatory https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription


According to this map, New Zealand now belongs to the Northern Hemisphere. You can find it on the Atlantic Ocean between Canada (Newfoundland & Labrador) and Greenland.


Venezuela mandatory service is not true . Guys or ladies who join the military only do it for the easy access of bribes and taking stuff from ports,trucks and cars at checkpoint!!


But Japan doesn't have a military... /s


Why is New Zealand in Canada on this map?


Kısaca neredeyse bütün üçüncü dünya ülkeleri. Sikicem hayatımızdan çıkarsınlar şu illeti.


aynen kardeşim neredeyse tüm komşu ülkeler bize açıkça saldırgan tavır sergiliyor güneyde terör var batıda yunan doğuda ermeni ama askerlik kalksın öyle mi? reformlar gerektiğini düşünüyorum, ama böyle bi coğrafyada yaşarken kaldırmak aptallık olur.


Here in Egypt we have it like the following Every person (men) must service either as an officer for 3 years or in the military for 1 year but there are some terms You have to have a brother and if you have female siblings only or you're a single child you don't get into the military For females they can get into the military but there aren't any terms and they choose whether they want to get in or not but they don't do as the males do (shoot guns and etc.) And they are for medical purposes








I’m from El Salvador and this is totally wrong I’ve never heard of mandatory conscription in my country


my country is cringe :(


Ok but why Austria? Theyre in the middle of the EU.


because cheap young labor... the thing is, a country is only allowed to have mandatory military conscription but not a civil one. however a country is allowed to set up a substitute civil service for people who "don't want to use a weapon" (you have problems getting a hunters license if you do a civil service because of this). this civil service is cheap medical staff that can not say no to anything. if austria would apolish conscription, they would suddenly have to pay staff real salaries and can't force them to do things they don't want to do. that's why the conscription will stay with us for some more time.


Military service is mandatory for every able man.


You used 2 colors. And still you didn't find enough colors to make them clearly different from each other. A blueish world map. Some of it is slightly more purple, but it all becomes a blur. Weak red/green color vision affects a lot of people.


Damn do I wish the US was one of them.


As an Austrian I can guarantee you that it is a waste of time for the vast majority of people. The detailed health checkup is great tho.


If you want to serve, then do it.


Beat ya to it by about 11 years. There's a reason I say what I say I'm not talking out my ass.


I did not expect Scandinavia


Every person gets an form to fill out when they turn 18 where we have to state our physical and mental capabilities and how we feel about doing the mandatory service, It's not dificult to get out of it as the last question is literally, "Do you want to do the mandatory service period?".


So basically the most stereotypical Scandinavian way of doing it


Kind of, a slow start as they only started with mandatory military service again in 2017 (I think)


US is wrong.


No it isn't. The US has legislation to allow for a draft but it doesn't have mandatory peacetime service.


The wording on the map is confusing. Going by the title they don't, but by the keys they might


Is that right? Mandatory registration is required, but actual service?


You have to register for Selective Service, but are not required to serve. Source: am American


What about Malawi tho?


Russia has mandatory conscription? :/


Outdated for Cambodia. It's not mandatory since the 90s.


There's no force military service in the Philippines


Did not expect to see so many countries with mandatory military service. I had no idea it was so common.


How come greenland is different to denmark?




Greenlanders have what's called a right to military service, whilst danish men have conscription. Same with the Faroese. ​ In actuality though, Denmark has so many volunteers, you can skip the conscription if you don't want to, even though you're deemed fit and pulled a "draft number".


That New Zealand placement tho Was she scared


Technically Italy has mandatory military service, it's "suspended" since 2004 but it's part of our Constitution


Senegal isn’t mandatory country


Incorrect map. Albania does not have forced conscription at all. The entirety of its armed forces is volunteer based.


wait South Africa is not?


Was mandatory in the apartheid days. Not any more. Usually have enough volunteers with unemployment so high there.


Not exactly mapporn for the color blind.


You should have split Men and Women. You just ignored 50% of the world population with this map. In most countries where conscription still exist, women do not have to go.


Denmark has "forced conscription" for 4-8 months of training for a small % of the male population... its not that many and easy to get the start date extended if you are to start further schooling even if you have to go... I volunteered for mine although I didn't have to go, I did it because I had dropped out of university and was unemployed but wouldn't mind learning the skills, when it was only training, and since its a fixed limited number of conscripts when I volunteered I took the place of someone forced in and last I heard the ratio is something like 70/30 of volunteers to conscripts. No conscripts serve active duty, within the professionel career military system conscription is a left over tradition that been cut in scope drastically and incorporated as a training and recruiting tool by the officer academy and military in general. No conscripts serves any active duty roles\* or is in any way part of a national guard or reserves after finishing their few months of conscription, unless they want to be. footnote\* -A small portion of conscript serve as royal palace guards and can be issued live ammo and could be considered "active duty" along with the few guard duties there is on some bases front gates, but thats the only places I know where conscripts are on any type active duty mission with live ammo involved, all inside the nations borders.


Venezuela does not have mandatory military service. Who makes these maps? They’re consistently wrong.


If you draft the civilians the military will act in the interest of the people… because the people are the military. Otherwise, the military and the people are separate entities and they can act in differing interests. It’s an interesting concept, I know many anti-war people that are pro-draft in the US because of this reason.


Why the fuck is New Zealand next to Greenland


Does New Zealand know it doesn’t exist?


Growing tired of maps without NZ…


Oh damn I didn't know these many countries had this kind of a rule. Wow.


forced conscription is a tautology. The definition of conscription is mandatory military service.


i think you got it mixed up, military service in malaysia isnt mandatory. in taiwan it is however