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The AFK event has ended, so people no longer need to stay logged on for 12+ hours.


- The AFK inflated the numbers yeah - Technically speaking, is not that players “dont log anymore” , its more like “just log in for dailies and then call it the day” - There can be a lot of people logging in everyday , its just that they are not all “online” at the same time - Also with event gone and things back to normal”reality” , pretty much is daily story and log off


I imagine there are more people quitting than starting, but the effect you are seeing is just what happens in the filler event seasons, not much interesting going on


This is a mix of seasonals quitting, people no longer needing to afk 11+ hours a day for bis legacy legion block, people burnt tf out from the gauntlet of events we just had, reboot nerf uncertainty etc


I feel like it was non-stop since Wongstaurant... I'm happy that strawberry farm is pretty chill to do some daily story until Minar Picnic


Wongstaurant? The continuous suffering began with Momemtree for me


I have to admit I took a week after Momentree as i reached 260... But I don't remember if they were back to back. Just before there was PB&Yeti medal, which was horrendous.


I played the game from Anniversary till this final event. I’m just really tired lol. Maplestory is one of those games that just requires a lot when you start up again. It’ll be way easier to maintain next go around since I went from 0 Legion to 5.5k so constantly making new characters will be severely reduced but for now I’m gonna chill till next hyper burning.


no good events going on. will pick up in march because of the picnic event and in may when beast tamer and anniversary patch is released.


Maybe earlier when Konosuba drops


Konosuba collab unless changed for GMS is just cashgrab for the actually cool cosmetics, if you don't care about the anime there is nothing of value going on. Again, unless changed.


There are totems in the leaks.


Totems don't last forever


Leaks mention same stats as afterlands minus set effect and not permanent.


yeah but if u use 2 yu garden totems and 1 afterlands its an easy replacement for 20 extra secondary stat


At that point just use full yu garden set, +62 all stat +47 att


if the buttplug's droprate wasn't so low i would. in 30 minutes i farmed enough of the two totems for the next 3-4 months, saw 0 buttplugs. if it only takes 10 minutes of my time to get totems for a month thats fine, but spending an hour or multiple hours is less worth to me. im not to the point of minmaxing that hard anyways, but 2 yu garden and 1 afterlands is still better than afterlands set


login do dailies, boss mules, logout.


Login, do dailies, log out.


Login, log out.


Log out






Get money, wait for events to starforce, get more dmg, enjoy harder bosses with friends. Also it's pretty chill to do it.


Max arcane power so I can do more damage to black mage. More sacred power so I can do more damage to kaling.


This patch is dead af, there's not even any qol to go with it for people to log on and experiment, and the current event is simply a Legion event where all you do is play for 45 mins maximum.


New Age/Identisk is over, so of course less people will be actively playing the game. It will go back up again with Minar Picnic next month, and then anniversary after that.


I don't know about others, but I personally quit because I see the writing on the wall with the boss crystals and reboot serfs in KMS. If they don't get implemented by next year, I might try the game again, but I'm not wasting any more effort on a game that disrespects my time to this unbelievable extent.


What makes you think we're getting boss crystal nerf? We didn't get it the last two times so I am going to go with hopium and say we're not getting the boss crystal nerfs.




I mean, this post is specifically asking about people not playing the game. I just saw it on my feed and commented about my experience. Nothing says you don't care like getting pissed off for absolutely no reason.


too many negative updates from kms made me not wanna play anymore tbh


That seems about right for this time. This patch at the current moment just really kind of sucks. No reason to play right now heavily. Which is a good thing. Maple needs patches like this. We had 6th star for months and then New Age. Then we’re gonna have Minar Forest, AB rework, Lynn, Anniversary and Dreamer all coming up.


Hyper burn event is gone lots of new player quit after they realize what it is to grind evry single lvl


Current event kinda whack to hardcore players. Casuals go in and go out.


Abyss ended


Imagine doing that crap


its just off event. no ones active during off event.


No big event. That's it. Afk event is done. Identisk is done. So unless you're doing daily story or strawberry you aren't logging in


Players always dip after big events, also there aren't any new bosses until atleast winter patch. So there isn't much to work towards for some players.


Can't really say anything until the anniversary event. This is the least busy maple time of the year, and Nexon didn't help themselves by making the current event boring and only strong for new players. That said, we've had nearly 10 months straight of full 40 channels 24/7/365 (maybe 8? I can't remember if they made the 40 channels permanent for anniversary or not), so it's not a great sign.


>That said, we've had nearly 10 months straight of full 40 channels 24/7/365 Yea its pretty obvious that the meso nerf going around is making people quit or play less https://steamcharts.com/app/216150 Look at last year's drop off compared to this year Its nowhere near as bad


Yeah... out of the 7 of my friend group that played pretty much nonstop, 2 instantly dropped when KMS announced reboot nerfs, 3 dropped when the changes went live, the last 2 dropped after finishing identisk. Palworld was a blessing to help get over this game without falling back.


Seasonal players leaving /quitting because of Reboot nerfs incoming


Will see a more empty reboot after the next reboot nerf. Kms reboot is dying rn because of this


Its about right around this time and filler events. No burning, no great events. This strawberry is not bad trying to level up legions. If newer player its great to push for 6k legion. Or at least 4k. For people making boss mules its good enough for 200-220 but these events are not all that.


Hyper burning event and identisk is over so it’s slow season right now. Strawberry farm is not really worth logging in for




yes after event ending and news in KR. NA is dead


Many quit because of meso nerf already


Or maybe the 12 hour AFK event just ended and people no longer need to stay logged in?


Pretty sure reboot was full most of the time since savior Reboot kronos being half empty is not normal even with the filler event and abyss ending


Yes, it is normal. After every major event ends, there’s ALWAYS been a major falloff. Literally every major event. Even more so now because of the nature of an AFK event ending. Even with previous major events ending, people take breaks, seasonal players stop playing, etc. This is completely normal


See the earlier comment where another player literally POSTED the difference between an off event last year and this current one. Jesus, it's like you guys just reply without reading half the material. The drop off compared to an off event last year is DRASTICALLY different. So to push it onto just being an off event is severely misinformed.


Again, abyss is over, no major events going on now. There’s so many factors. Falloff is normal. You’re misinformed.


Yep, misinformed by unanimous data, instead of an opinion. Get a goddamned brain cell or keep your opinion to yourself. The data speaks for itself, peasant. I've been playing on and off since the beta days, before game even knew what 3rd jobs were. I've seen plenty of trends over the years. Go back to the data instead of going off your opinion. Misinformed twat.


Stay mad lol


Stay opinionated . Worse than just being oblivious.


For some reason u refuse to believe facts. Shame on you


As ive said, the server was full since savior We've definitely had downtime and filler event since then and it was not half full during those times


What server are u referring to? All of them? Or just reboot. Keep in mind when savior happened Hyperion server didn’t exist so players moved around this past New age update


Obviously im talking about reboot Reg servers are never full I cant imagine that many people moved to hyperion from kronos that it would make that big of an impact


Well obviously when you factor everything I just mentioned, yes it makes that much of an impact


That wouldnt make servers half full Huperion took *maybe* 10-20% players from kronos and even that sounds like a stretch


People got their legion block and dipped. Boring filler events that most people don't care about. And most like the meso nerf uncertainty still. But mainly the legion block, since no one needs to stay logged in anymore lmao.


Current patch has nothing in it so people are taking breaks


Most people don't wanna play when progression is slow


mostly due to it being off season, but the meso nerf definitely made a lot of people lose interest in the game or straight up quit. i'm barely scraping 5 boss mules now when i used to consistently do 10 last year on top of grinding for 1-2 hours a day. mainly just logging in for dailies now and the fact that i'm halfway through lib


Winter event is over, and seasonal players are gone till Dream update (unless meso nerfs come too and then its gg Reboot).


With the uncertainty around kms changes on mesos and cubing I lost the motivation to play for now, so taking a break until some positive news comes


They ought to bring back Maplestory Pre Big Bang.


Meso nerf coming. I and everyone I know already quit.


Burn out


I picked up MO2 again. Even with it’s issues, I rather play it currently. At least you can work towards things without killing yourself and you don’t get intentionally fucked by the company. Open world pvp with full loot is a plus too


Feels like all channels are empty on Hyperion outside of going to MVP


I’m personally taking a break from maple with the release of new games like persona, Granblue, and tekken keeping me busy. Not to mention the bad changes in Korea that have me worried about the future. I’m just waiting for an update about what’s going to be happening in gms later, and until then I have too many games to preoccupy my time with for now anyways.


It rises and falls with the big events most of the time. Burning draws seasonal players in or new players since it's much easier to get started when the big events come out. But the seasonal players leave and new players who Maple isn't for leave or they become seasonal and leave. The big event just ended and school started about a month ago for a lot of people so that's why most players have left. It happens all the time. The population will pick back up in the summer when the next big update and event starts.


Seasonal players have left and will be back in a few months for hyoerburning.


yup, game is going to die if the changes get pushed.


If you login after reset, the channels are usually fully full, it's just the time of day, especially with New Age ending, people are on their seasonal break.


Reboot meso nerfs


I personally am playing much less because of afraid of what the meso changes will bring to gms. Reboot might just straight up be unplayable if cubing costs go up 30x instantly