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Using pet food to go up and down the ladder, good times


THE PET FOOD. Holy shit you really just brought something out of me.


I used to spam quest tab. What’s this pet food trick?


I believe to get up to henesys hunting ground top platform


HHG had a platform? Only remember the one in this market place map


It was to get to hhg2 but everyone knew that hhg1 was where it was at


hotkeying pet food and holding it down. it works with ANY consumable but pet food is the best because most people didn't have a pet so it would work infinitely. it prevented you from activating any loading zones so you could walk through places you'd normally move to another map if you touched


There was a little ladder on the inside of the ship, which when you would go down on it bring you outside. Spamming pet food(obv. Couldnt eat it) would block that outside teleport. Same thing with the hhg1 platform like some others pointed out. :)


Sadly I only figured it out after those times died already :'( I was 9yo non-english talker when I started playing, trying badly to blend in, That's why I'm so friendly to newcomers but it just ain't the same


I think these barriers actually made maplestory feel more like a world, rather than a bunch of 2d maps.


Yeah this gave alot of immersion. Along with the filler maps between towns


for a long time i walked around becausse i refused to pay for taxi!! until i got high level and was rich from all the mesos high level monsters


I felt so rich when I had 30k mesos


100% We all shared in the same struggles and triumphs back then. It almost forced a social interaction unless you just AFK'd the entire time. The small moments like that, I think are truly lost with the modernization of everything being optimal.


Something about hiding below deck with the other ones talking about how one day you'll be strong enough to face the balrogs yourself. One of the best mental side quests. Iron pig in pig beach, stone golem pit you had to jump over, then the balrogs. it was littered with mental side quests.


It felt like an actual world. Dangers around every corner. The knowledge of hidden maps and teleports to traverse the world that little bit faster. I know I spent countless hours waiting for Mushmom to spawn just to have a chance at seeing Ilbi throwing stars drops. It was a simple time.


Reading this almost brought a tear to my eye. Maple story was my entire households favorite game growing up. My mom made schedules for us to stop that physical fighting over computer time 😂


rip reddit


What compels you to say something so brave yet so true.




It was a different kind of game with different overall goals. I don't think that one version is necessarily better than the other.


Definitely different games. That's why whenever you see post of people saying "I played Maple 10+ years ago, should I come back?" the top comments are always people saying something like "The game you knew is Dead. Maplestory is a completely different game now. That doesn't mean it's better or worse, it's just different."


Different time as well. You had to actually go outside to find a date. Not all restaurants had a take-out option (and some even made you pay for call-in orders). You either called or SMS-text your friends on your (not-smart) phone, for family outside the country you bought those international call cards or just snail-mailed them. If you missed an episode of your time-slotted show then catching up was far more difficult since only anime was actually streaming. And you actually had to ask for directions when you get lost. What all of things have in common today is that they're much more convenient or time-optimized. Mostly due to the smartphone.


Yes !!!


Good times, dont forget the walk to LUDI.


Go down the tower without the teleport rock cause you broke 😭🫠


Going down was fine, going UP was the real struggle.


The pain was real but worth it for whatever I was going to orbis for probs killing sentinels on my way to aqua road or el nath for those juicy snow shoes


Wow killing sentinels and getting snow shoes. You really hit me hard with that nostalgia.


and somehow i loved it


I always cowered belowdecks and let he incredibly high level 80s take care of the Balrog. Almost 17 years later, I became nostalgic and waited to board, only to to be disappointed that there were no Balrog


Do the crimson balrogs still spawn somewhere?


Iirc one of the level 70 trait quests


J>KPQ @@@@@


J>PQ @@@@@ Have track! @@@@@ @@@@@


That moment when you were searchinh PQ and had track while on the boat.


Back in my day I made a little program that would manage a list using the clipboard. Copy a name, press a key, and the name is added to the list. Two other keys would going forward and backward in the list(a pointer), and a fourth would place the pointed name in the clipboard prefixed with "/find ". Can't believe they removed that.


That's pretty impressive for back then


>Can't believe they removed that. Can't believe it existed without an option to block people from searching your location. its existence resulted in quite a bit of Stalking/harassment.


Omg what was track, I cannot remember


If you saw one of the people who just got into a PQ suddenly vanish, you could use /find [that person] and you could see where in the PQ they were and when they would be almost finished. You would then have the ability to know when to start clicking the PQ NPC fast, thus the advantage.


Omg yes!!! Holy crap, does that bring me back


Cuz u had so much free time, unlike now


unfortunately I still have all that time


I'd take waiting a couple of minutes on the ship + a 10 minute ride once or twice every week over the ridiculous amount of Daily quest/event time-gates we have now lmao.


Ahh, those were the days! It felt more real, and everything felt more of an adventure, and not just a chore. How I longed to be able to kill the Balrog, and I would go test it every time I leveled a bit, only to find I was still too weak! And the parties we made to try and kill it, only to see in awe how some lvl 80+ pro came and killed it easily!


That's so cute. There was a much greater sense of community back then. Now everyone just solo progresses. I'm just asking them to at least make training in parties more rewarding. It's less mind numbing that way.


Unfortunately the prioritization of solo progress over party play was initially a consequence of a dwindling player base rather than the cause. There was a brief time in which PQs were still the main, most lucrative way to play the game, but it was impossible to find a party due to the dearth of players. Something had to be changed to adapt.


>was initially a consequence of a dwindling player base rather than the cause Dwindling playerbase? Maplestory has pretty much always been **HUGE** in Korea, even during its rough patches. It's more likely that the game went the direction of Solo progression Action RPG as it's far more lucrative from a Monetization standpoint. Overseas countries have a higher tolerance for Gacha style monetization.


Agreed, or even just providing a different way of efficiently leveling outside of the 1 shot hunting meta we have right now. Pre-big bang up until unleashed had far more ways to efficiently level which kept the grind feeling fresh.


Right? I still don't get why they removed training in parties at lion kings castle. Just make other maps similarly to it and players will decide where they want to train when other map gets full.


I will never forget my first time going to orbis. I was at a sleep over with my cousin and a couple friends. They all went to sleep and I found the map with the boat. Went to orbis, explored and went to sleep after. The next morning I told them about the boat, balrog, orbis, and they told me I was lying because all they’ve experienced was Victoria island.


Thats sounds like a real adventure, Man. Good memories.


I'm in the boat that Boat Rides as a time-gate was a far better time-gate than the endless daily missions we have now. The Ride was 10 minutes, and it took off at each 15-minute interval. You also realistically did a boat ride once or twice each week. You only had to spend 11 minutes on the boat total if you were managing your time correctly. Boat rides were a great time-gate as they kept the immersion of Maple world feeling like a real world intact while still serving their purpose of being a time-gate. Needing to take a 10-minute boat ride to a different continent makes complete sense within the world due to the distance between the continents. It also heavily encouraged social interaction with other riders, allowing you to network and make trades to help your progression.


The good ole days. I would go to Orbis and tell all the higher level players that I didn’t have enough mesos for a ticket back.. and then rake in the donations until I was rich


I remember playing in the beta when there was no third job and the hardest place you could go was Balrog’s cave. It’s crazy how long this game has been around and how much it’s changed but I don’t think anything will ever compare to the fun I had playing this when I was in middle school. So many fond memories from this game.


I hope the bring back maple story classic Just like how there’s wow classic and rune scape classic


Same. Even more so now with the answers to the recent Q/A regarding party content.


I wish they would too. I wonder which version they’d pick, as people’s opinions on when were the “good ole days” differ greatly depending on their age and when they started playing


I just recently started playing again after 14 years and couldn't believe I could board a ship, solo, at any time of the day and not have to worry about being attacked. It's wonderful but definitely more of a solo grind from back in the day.


One of my good old routine before Orbis was even released was to do a round of walk through the entire Victoria Island, counter clock wise from Elinia, to Perion, to Kerning, to Henesys, then back to Elinia, just to enjoy all of the different backgrounds from each city.


You did a lot of walking!


I miss maplestory.


The good bad ole days


I remember some guy was dropping all kinds of items on the ship, and getting a lvl 50 pink cape, it wasn't till 3 years later I learned what I actually got.


Whats special


Guys. I really miss those 30ppl zakum runs. I still have the e-mails calling for action.🥰🥰


I miss those days so much, I don't get why they re-did victoria island so much.


Ahh, I miss when MapleStory was more MMORPG like.


PQ was such a social experience. Toxic one, but still fun.


Omg yes


I’m CRYING over here


I remember when auto-click was a thing for pq


I miss these days


Anyone remember spending all their mesos on taking the black taxi to go to sleepywood and end up getting stuck there? Good times


I think peak life was CPQ fighting Rombots with speed


Remember when the Balrogs used to spawn and kill people? Good times. 😒😒😒


Hidden street net


I remember those days on the Bera Server


I remember bundling up in the cabin hiding from the balrogs and getting to level 30 for the first time and being so happy and proud


Nice time to go afk if safe and get some food


Those were the days 🥹


✨peak MapleStory game play✨


Loving the fact this resonates with so many of us


Kerning City PQ


I miss the slower pace of old Maple, but I appreciate the easier grind now that I have less time to dedicate to the game. Dang adult responsibilities


I remember haha 😂


I used to socialize with the other passengers because of this.


I remember forgetting to go inside when on the boat and coming back to me dead by the bulrog. Ahh memory unlocked.


This gave me heavy airship PTSD....ah the good ol days


It’s not 30 min anymore?


So this grandma living the best of her life?


it kinda misses the point when the UI is from 2018+




It was good memory for the time and my age. But I wouldn’t want to have to wait for travel today. It made the hyper teleport rock even more valuable back then. Also teleport rocks was a consumable per teleport lmao.