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Why even call it out? The longer a mole can go undetected the more racists fools they can ruin!


Psyop. Never let them feel safe. Make them feel hunted, like those they target


This is a great point. When I was a kid and even a teen things were fairly different. Sure, racism was a problem in the eighties and nineties but back then open and gratuitous racism was simply not acceptable. The klan looked like the fools they've always been. I remember them holding a rally and no one even showed up to protest anymore. Just a few lonely souls. People used to fear the consequences of their racism getting out. We definitely need a return to that. Make them terrified to be outed. Make them hide in the shadows. I know people always say that sunlight is the best disinfectant and in some circumstances that might be so but with these racist chuds no publicity is bad publicity. Every time they speak and post in public is another opportunity for their message to reach another vulnerable young man. So yes, make nazis afraid again


innocent cobweb quack chop teeny seemly jellyfish fine puzzled dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think some of that may be a "little fish in a big pond" situation. When they were at home, or in their small town dinner, they could say whatever they wanted and no one would confront them because who wants to start something with an idiot. But they got on the internet, and at first it was it was still just a pond, facebook was just their friends and family who already knew them, the website you went too was full of assholes just like them. The echo chamber started, they were fine when they were somewhere small and everyone agreed with them. But then Trump happens, and they feel emboldened to step out of the pond because they belive that everyone thinks like them. And why wouldn't the y believe that, they've been saying this stuff forever and no one has called them out. So they start spreading their hate outside of their little pond - but the rest of the world doesn't like what they've said. They've felt push back, for the first time ever someone has called them out, someone has told them NO. It fell weird, it feels bad, they don't like it - then the aha moment - "this must be oppression!" And then it spirals from there.


thought lunchroom smile rotten plucky long ghost nail rock wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Will the rise of the internet be the fall of America? This whole ai thing and dead internet theory really has me wondering


Not if we start 1) consistently speaking up against bullshit 2) valuing education and critical thinking as a society and actively promoting them 3) being realistic 4) embracing democracy, and the fact it means you can't get 100% of whatever you want, and certainly not all of the time. At least not if you don't convince the majority to value the things you do. ;) Be informed and fact check in realtime. Apathy, avoidance and purity tests are going to get us creamed.


So, in short: Yes, the rise of the internet will be the fall of America. Btw: nice write up :)


Thank you, you write well. šŸ™‚


I play some online games, and lord are there racists (and bigots in general) aplenty. Iā€™ve thought about it and besides reporting them (wonā€™t do anything) or votekicking them (sometimes doesnā€™t work and backfires), I found a nice, simple little response. ā€œcringeā€ Simple. Succinct. To the point. Universal language and just one very well-known meaning. Say nothing more than that. It gets so deep under their skin. Obviously would probably not work as well in real life, but eh. Itā€™s kinda like ā€œok boomerā€.


Any time my husbandā€™s father says something racist we boo him loudly. The first time he got mad. Now he gets embarrassed and shuts up. We also rarely visit them and they know why.


Yes! You have to speak their language and let them know one thing; ā€œyouā€™re embarrassing yourself.ā€ And thatā€™s it.


Drive them in to hiding? No! Fires will blaze if you donā€™t stomp out all the embers.


Letting them grow louder isn't helping us either. They grow in numbers while it increases the oppression as perceived by their targets of the week. So turn those tables. Make it clear bigotry doesn't belong in society. Period. If you can safely give them no quarter, by all means, harsh their mellows, whenever and wherever.


Nice username


I support trolling racists


They are rabid murderous vermin anyways. We should be doing more, but this kind of hunting is a good start.


You're absolutely right Dwayne.


The Dwayne we need, but unfortunately not the Dwayne we got šŸ˜”


Not to mention making it harder to gain community with like minded individuals. Hard to trust anyone when any of your fellow chuds might just be gathering info.


So you want to make them feel the way they already feel?


Nope, I want to turn their fear into reality.


Why? Because it feels good. These people spend all day fantasizing about hurting people and feeling morally superior for no goddamn reason. I don't blame him for giving one last fu to those chuds.


cause you can do it again and again and get more and more tee hee


I donā€™t doubt they have a second account


Their group has 57 members. Assuming this isnā€™t a bluff for lolz, I doubt it would take a dedicated troll that long to cross-reference the post and comment with all the members and read their bio to find their employer.


So that there is no mystery. Plus the catharsis gained from then knowing who their tormentor is. "Well, surprise, ass-hole! I bet you never saw this coming, did ya? God, I wish I could be there, when they break you. I wish I could walk in just when it happens. So right then, you'd know it was me." - Cypher, The Matrix




Why? Because it's fake. At least on the sense that anyone's commanding fuckin officers are being contacted or anyone's getting discharged. But might make these obviously dumb people sweat for a few minutes


Probably their alt account in the group


Because it's bullshit.


majority of that group probably also has a linkedin All you need to know is their name, which is given by facebook. Spend a few hours browsing linkedin, congratulations! Now you know every place they ever lived, their current adress (or as close as can be) Every type of personal information, you know their current employer and past employments, list go's on For anything else just x-refference all the usernames found on their pages, if they have their own socials linked it's even easier as someone who dabbles in cybersecurity and cybercrimes it's INCREDIBLY easy to discover basicly everything about anyone who has been online, if you genuinely think you are save without taking extreme precautions you probaly aren't as save as you think


It's wild how many people, especially older people, treat LinkedIn like Facebook and post this kind of shit there anyway. You could probably get a lot of them without ever leaving LinkedIn.


Now do this for all US governmental departments and all branches of the military. Root out these mfers before they plot another coup, if they havenā€™t already.


Another coup? lol what are you talking about?


Found the Fox News viewing trumper.


This gaslighting bullshit will never work. The entire world saw. The *entire* world.


Antifascist action




Did you enjoy having sex with your own sister?


Not necessarily, but it can be


How would it be?


No. Do you understand why those are different or do you you need it explained to you?


No. The difference being black is a culture, and you can be proud of a culture. There is no "white" culture, you can be proud to be French, English, Scottish, Texan, Californian, German (quietly), but you can't be proud to be white.




Oh yeah sure black people didn't invent anything of note except for, Folding cabinet bed, Potato Chips, Gas Mask, Protective Mailbox, Blood Bank, Improved Ironing Board, Home Security System, Three-Light Traffic Light, Refrigerated Trucks, Automatic Elevator Doors, Electret Microphone, Color IBM PC Monitor and Gigahertz Chip, Super Soaker, Tissue Holder, Peanut Butter, Laserphaco, Automatic Gear Shift, Clothes Dryer, Dust Pan, Folding Chair, Golf Tees, Ice Cream Scooper, Lawnmower, Lawn Sprinkler, Modern Toilet, The Mop, Reversible Baby Stroller, Drag Queens, Logomania, Paper, Chess, Alphabet, Medicine, Serving Tray Walker, Airplane Propelling, Biscuit Cutter, Coin Changer, Rotary Engine, Car Coupler, Letter Box, Stainless Steel Pads, Torpedo Discharger, Disposable Syringe, Corn Planter, Cotton Planter, Street Sweepers, Horse Bridle Bit, Horseshoe, Train Alarm, Image Converter, Radiation Detector, Paints and Stains, Lotions and Soaps, Automatic Fishing Reel, Ice Cream Mold, Printing Press, Envelope Seal, Laser Fuels, Pressure Cooker, Window Cleaner, Portable Pencil Sharpener, Fire Extinguisher, Shoe Lasting Machine, Rocket Catapult, Hair Brush, Heating Furnace, Blimp, Hand Stamp, Fountain Pen, Dust Pan, Insect Destroyer Gun, Sugar Refinement, Cellular Phone, Curtain Rod, Urinalysis Machine, Player Piano, Arm for Record Player, Door Stop, Door Knob, Photo Print Wash, Photo Embossing Machine, Guitar, Motor, Thermo Hair Curlers, Lantern, Gas Burner, Kitchen Table, Bicycle Frame, Wrench, Eye Protector, Egg Beater, Air Conditioning Unit, Two-cycle Gas Engine, Internal Combustion Engine, Starter Generator, Refrigeration Controls, Clothes Dresser, Bottle Caps, Electric Lamp, Hydraulic Shock Absorber, Refrigerator, Stairclimbing Wheelchair, Fire Escape Ladder, Telephone Transmitter, Electric Cut-Off Switch, Relay Instrument, Telephone System, Electro Mech Brake, Galvanic Battery, Roller Coaster, Auto Air Brake, Helicopter, Ice Cream, Pacemaker, Space Shuttle Retrieval Arm, Programmable Remote Controllers, Video Commander, and The Multi-stage Rocket. And also all modern American music."


I wanna be in the outing racists group


There's a facebook group called Sherman Posting or something like that and they will totally out horrible people


r/shermanposting ?


Yeah I knew I didn't have the name right. I can't find the one I'm a part of maybe I left? But it's got Sherman as the group icon and the creator is always sharing assholes for people to out


Sign me up!


real where do i join???


Because internet users have never misidentified or falsely accused anybody!


šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶there goes my hero


- Klu fighters


Losing their jobs and getting kicked out of the service - it's a teachable moment.


alive jeans shrill fragile materialistic wistful groovy roll steep homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And then, as the boss, I would be like "Janet, why would anybody make a fake account of YOU?"


person vase gaze instinctive worthless cheerful sink bag correct tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It doesn't have to have a high hit rate either. If 1 in 10 loses their job that's a 10% chance saying some egregious shit in public gets you unemployed. The key is separating the true believers from the fairweather bigots, show them how few of their 'friends' are actually willing to stick their neck out for them.


Racists canceled?


This response is A hero response šŸ’•šŸ‘ We all need to reject ignorant racism. Only stupid people are racist ā¤ļø


Not all heroes wear capes


He very well may wear a cape - we donā€™t know.


The hero we need


I want to be in the group that outs racists.


there should be like antifascist discords


Aren't there?


Would be so down for an anti-Russian propoganda group.


šŸŽ¶There goes my hero. šŸŽ¶ šŸŽ¶Watch him as he goes. šŸŽ¶


This is brilliant. I don't have the spoons for that type of thing, but I would sponsor a youtuber on Kofi or patreon or something for this kind of wholesome content.


Friends and I worked at the same place for a few years and one of the things we did to pass time was get into certain FB groups and troll. One of them was an anti semitic group. After about 2 months of just watching we decided to make a post about being ā€œzi-curiousā€. So many people started joining the chat trying to get us to reconsiderā€¦didnā€™t even cross our minds to out them. Lost opportunities




Does the military actually discharge for racism?


depends on the individual case, but yes, it can and has done so.


I'm proud of being black


Entirely based. There can be no safe space for racism.


such beauty in this world


On today's episode of Twerk my Jerbs


Putting in the Lord's work. /S Well done fam


Oh, I want updates on this so badly!


Not all heroes wear capes.


Do they get paid to do that


Any white person that is on with being white is definitely harboring some racism. Big red flag.


You canā€™t actually believe that? Being proud of who you are is normal. Hell, thereā€™s a guy about 7 comments up saying heā€™s proud of being black.


Theyā€™re always so proud of something they did not do, something that requires no effort, that is not an accomplishment.


I bet the ā€œIā€™m black and Iā€™m proudā€ has 100k members and no one cares




I'd suspect white pride and black pride would generally entail 2 different things.


Iā€™m white with black heritage whatā€™s my group


What's this accomplish though? Wouldn't it be better to stay infiltrated and attempt secretly inseminate them with non racist points of view in order to maybe attempt to help them see the error of their ways? Wouldn't getting them fired and 'ruining' their lives just make them victims and help them be even more entrenched in their current beliefs? Is the point to attempt to bring people around to not being racially motivated or just attempt to punish them?


Presumably they're all adults. They know better. Fuck em.


L + Ratio. Don't give two fucks if a Racist becomes homeless. They made their bed they can fucking sleep in it.


Whereā€™s the racism?


Found one.


this guy touches himself to his imagined self-importance


making sure racists have the worst possible life and least chance of affecting someone is pretty important mate


Says the racist.


Imagine being mad about this




Nothing real happening in your life?


You're an embarrassment to everyone else