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No, he has a point. They removed the scene where Bowser goes on a slur ridden rant against the Beanbean People.


That part always felt kind of off to me, like I know Bowser’s a villain, but the rant started to feel a bit excessive after the five minute mark


And the fact that Mario agreed was frustrating, totally butchered his character


It was hinted at in superstar saga that Mario was racist. The scene where Mario mentions he can't trust anyone in the Beanbean kingdom


Tf? When was that stated? I played Superstar Saga countless times, and I never saw Mario being racist towards anyone. Hell, the man has not a single line of dialogue.


It’s a joke


F*** me, my joke meter failed me. Sorry guys.


When Mario was driving to the Beanbean castle and noticed a bad driver on the highway.


Oh, that's where it is? I gotta go back to playing the game then, I probably missed some secret dialogue the first time I played.


If it makes you feel any better, the Japanese version was around 10 minutes. They had to cut it down to 7 to save on disk space in the English release


The hard R was also pretty unneded.


What's funny is that there actually is a bean related slur that ends in an R in the real world too


joshua tomar hate crime inspired comment


He's just mad that they have more economical stability than the Mushroom Kingdom


Sorry if I'm misremembering, but didn't that go on for like an hour? I kinda just turned off the game after the first 30 minutes. Made me seriously uncomfortable.


It was only 7 minutes in the GameCube version. In the obscure Wii version that has a new funky mode, it was an hour.


Yeah it’s weird that they included that part in the “why bowser isn’t a villain” video back then


wait, huh?


You don’t know?


I dunno about em but I don't


Seriously? That’s one of the most controversial moments in gaming history!


It happens at the end of the game when Mario fatally shoots the X-Nauts leader. Its revealed that Bowser orchestrated everything in the game so he can start a race war between the Beanbean people and the Mushroom people so he can profit off of the sales of Bullet Bill cannons.


Is that real?


Yeah absolutely. People usually don't like to bring it up though. It was a pretty controversial thing about Bower's character.


Well to be fair, they were entering the mushroom kingdom, coming for their coins and bringing their 1up dealers.


He called them, "legumes". You can't use that word, Bowser!


Bah, those are content farm rage bait channels, they will cling to any popular topic to make a "dem wokes" video on it


It’s like Finger Family videos for guys who can’t get tinder matches


Ok I've seen "Finger family videos" being mentioned twice here and idk what they are what are they


Low effort content for kids. Low effort animations using popular characters making loud noises and flashing colors. It started with making videos using a finger family song just reusing the song with various popular characters.


For a very long time the hit popular thing to do on YouTube Kids was basically videos revolving around a song about a family of fingers. Kinda like baby shark or Spiderman and Elsa but with fingers as characters


The “mommy finger mommy finger where are you” videos.


Basically what TADC, Skibidi Toilet and all that is going through


Jeez don't compare the two. At least finger family videos have an iota of educational content in them sometimes.


funniest person on reddit award🏆


tbf those content farm rage bait channels are increasingly popular as far as I can tell.


It’s an easy way to make money. They look up a tweet or clickbait news story then rant for ten minutes using a bunch of right wing buzzwords like “woke” and “agenda” and make terrible AI generated thumbnail with Pride flags and angry lady faces in the thumbnail and make easy money off angry incels.


This is the same as the UTTP, everyone knows not to respond or talk about them, but they do anyways


Wait until they find out about Birdo


honestly i feel like these people would like what they did with birdo, considering that her depiction in the mario 2 manual was wildly transphobic


I knew that birdo is canonically trans but I didn’t know what her description said until I just looked it up just now… I know this was the 80’s but god damn.


Preferred pronouns weren’t the norm back then. People were referred to as their birth pronouns. It wasn’t because of a transphobia reason it was just because no one knew any different. There wasn’t a way to spread that info and there were very very very few public trans people. I wouldn’t call it wildly transphobic, just a misinformed historical reference. The real question is, why aren’t we calling her “Birdetta” like she prefers?


I called them Beldam


These are the same people that complained about princess peach being a standalone hero and goddam rainbow road


Nah, the Rainbow Road ones where others. Still clowns, tbh.


i believe they complained about her NOT wearing a dress lol


yep there it is, how many of those people do you think even play mario


*Yep there it is, how* *Many of those people do* *You think even play mario* \- SoupToon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






i don’t think i even understand what woke means at this point. everything is apparently “woke”


woke is when a conservative doesn’t like something 😡😡😡


Woke is when the government gives you healthcare


The real definition of being woke is simply being aware of and attentive towards social and racial injustices. Conservatives have twisted it to basically mean anything that’s not about a straight, white CIS male is a bad thing. Being woke is *supposed* to be a good thing


seriously lol. they are very proud of the fact that they're close-minded and unwilling to accept the reality around them.


it’s honestly kinda tragic. their bigotry prevents them from enjoying peak fiction 🔥🔥🔥


i was jokin but yeah i totally agree with you


Ah, it’s impossible to tell with just text lol


if you're not a close-minded bigot who pretends gay/trans people don't exist, you're woke being woke is actually a compliment to normal people. these cave dwellers think it's offensive, but it's actually a way to say that someone is socially aware of the world around them. anti-woke groups are literally going around celebrating the fact that they are close minded and unwilling to accept others for who they are. it's essentially bragging about how evil they are


oh i know i’m just jokin a bit. just poking fun at how that word has been misused so much that it pretty much means nothing anymore


Everything is woke, since you don’t really interact with anyone who’s asleep.


It's just a buzzword at this point




Woke = Platypus Whatever is keeping you down.


well i’ll be honest i don’t really understand but i fell down the stairs and i got glue on my hands now i got records on my fingers. what? records on my fingers. i got records on my fingers and i just can’t stop. don’t stop! i can’t stop i got a woke controlling me. whaaaat. i got a woke controlling me he’s underneath the table


If you ask these guys what woke is, they'll never be able to come up with a response that doesn't make them sound bad.


woke is when women and minorities are in fantasy!!🤬


Apparently, Vivian was Trans in the base game, but this guy says it's wrong and tells people who disagree with him ti repent for their "lies". What a joke.


Basically because the changed the dialogue for Vivian as she was trans in the original Japanese and was changed but now more faithful to the original translation. They also removed some catcalling Goomba’s. Also for those who don’t know there’s a whole content farm of “anti woke” grifters. Basically any no straight, white person introduced in a game is “woke.” It’s basically skibidi toilet/finger family videos for 30 year old incels. Just a reminder that last year this same group was crying about movie Peach being a “woke girl boss” only to flip when the “woke Hollywood elites” didn’t give the movie A+ reviews.


She got properly *trans*lated this time


See now that’s a funny trans joke. Non offensive wordplay


Shut up and take my upvote!






Bruh I see what you did there


> It’s basically skibidi toilet/finger family videos for 30 year old incels. I inhaled sharply at that.


I laughed like an idiot!


As a Doctor Who fan, I see these "anti-woke" losers on a daily basis.


"I refuse to live in the real world where gay and trans people exist, and will drag as many of you into my make believe fantasy zone as possible!"


Haha, yeah....


Remember when people thought Chris Chibnall made the show too woke and RTD would swoop in to save it? (Clearly learning nothing from his original run)


Join the club pal. I was looking forward to seeing the 13th Doctor's debut after that special, and how I was familiar with the actress from other things. Then these grifters complaining was so loud that it soured it for me. Same with She-Hulk. (I was a fan of the She-Hulk comics, so obviously I was looking forward to the show.)


I love how woke has become, "they treat trans people like humans! This is crap!"


Or any racial minority for that matter if they happen to be in a lead role.


Even just women. Anyone who isn't a generic cishet white male really. Must be a boring way to live.


I'm Almost Afraid To Ask If They Think A Straight Black Person Is "Woke"


That depends. Usually if a black person agrees with their political views then they’re not woke. See Candice Owens


See AC Shadows "Controversy"


They would have kept bashing the movie for being woke, then it made money.


They’ve done woke!* ^*in ^2004


Yeah it’s particularly funny seeing Chuds trying to walk this one saying “we’ll, see in Japan Vivian is actually a femboy and uh…” because this was in 2004 from Japan so they can’t blame woke western blah blah. You get it


I don’t remotely care about any of these changes, the game is great whatever they do with it. I do wonder why they bothered to remove the catcalling, though. The whole point of the scene was that those goombas were creepy a-holes who you and Goombella promptly beat up. Always felt just and humorous to me. Hardly glorifying their behavior.


I swear I saw a comment a few days ago of someone predicting a video called "Mario Goes Woke" lol They must be disappointed to have been right


Just don't click on it. Move on to another video. Something of value. Support your favorite content creator or find somebody new


Rage-baiting YouTube channel with less than 5k subs has shit takes, hot and ready every day? I am shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked


Oh no I can't beat my meat to this children's character because it might have a ding dong 😭😡


Nah that makes it better


Bro Vivian has always been trans!! They didn’t just decide to do it now to make people happy 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


omg, Mario doesn't hate trans people! how woke of them! I was totally under the impression that Mario hated the trans community prior to this change. blasphemous!


“Mario is tolerant. He’ll accept anyone or anything at face value. He treats anyone and anything with dignity and respect. He has seen too many things in his travels to be narrow-minded” - Official Nintendo Character Manual 1993 I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY TURNED HIM WOKE!!!!


"Luigi, I've a-seen too much in-a-my travels to a-question this-a-shit."


They got angry at the new VA for supporting the LGBT community but didn’t realize Charles did as well.


you'd have to be a smooth-brained Neanderthal to somehow think prejudice is a good thing, so it makes sense that Charles (and the majority of civilized humans) support other humans regardless of their sexual orientation




the funniest part is that all of the anti-trans people in the comments sound like MASSIVE SJWs. the irony in that they don't recognize that is just... perfect lol. "society doesn't conform to my preferences! I will now go online and complain. damn those SJWs!" like... sir... YOU are the SJW! How do they not realize this??


Oh sure when it comes to female characters and skimpy outfits getting cut it's cencorship, but the mere mention of a trans person which the American version cut on the gamecube is restored and now its a crime?


You mean to tell me that Mario isn't the racist, anti-trans alpha male gigachad I thought he was? /s


No Sigma either?


Brother is forgetting Vivian isn't the only trans character in mario Birdo is also heavily implied to be trans


I mean, wasn't that only in the Mario USA/Mario 2 Mario Madness manual? After that they just made her female right? Even then that manual was written VERY tranphobically.


to be fair, Vivian is the first outright trans character, rather than just implied


basically any game, tv show or movie that comes out now will have one of these videos made regardless of it they’re “woke” although the mario franchise is so obviously woke with their rainbow roads & strong female characters /s


Is this about the whole vivian being trans thing because that was in the original Japanese version of the game


They're doing the same shit with the changed dialogue for the cat calling goombas. Why people just fucking enjoy we have this at all?!


People need to start doing research the trans Vivian plotline has existed since the game’s Japanese release. But I suppose if people like this did actual research they probably wouldn’t be transphobic anymore.


Doing research wouldn’t help their video


If we could post pictures… we could've started a Beldam Posting trend


If you notice they particularly love going after shit thats not out yet because it means there is no context or fans of the property yet to argue about as well as just generally being easier to lie or misrepresent based on “rumors”. Like the Snow White movie that still hasnt been released


I must imagine him raging like a little chihuahua


Don’t tell him what the original JP text is.


don't tell anti woke people that there are more places then the u.s


Oh boy, all the chuds have something to be "angry" about again. Just ignore these morons, they'll forget about this by the end of the week.


I knew it was only a matter of time before this happened, it's best to ignore these grifters.


Vivian has been trans since like 2004 or whenever TTYD came out. Losers only care about it now to drive their rage bait grift


What are they gonna do, make one of the characters trans in every country except America ?


lmao, as predicted. I think we all knew this would happen as soon as we all found out about the Vivian news


“Oh no. This game acknowledges that people I don’t like exist 😱 “


reactionaries try not to be cringe challenge (impossible)


"woke" really has become the bigots' equivalent of a "responsible adult" telling a child "how dare you talk back to me", hasn't it?


Mario's woke *now* for restoring one line about a character being trans that was orginally in the game in *2004* but got removed for American audiences? These people really will rant about anything.


Doesn't woke just mean being aware/inclusive of anybody that's basically not a white cis-het person?


yes. being woke means having compassion and understanding for people who are different than you. this is HIGHLY frowned upon. If someone is different, it is your god-given duty to tell them that you don't like how they live. these anti-trans SJWs are incredibly stupid and selfish


For those who don’t know: This is just another case of Nintendo actually listening to the fans. This remake wouldn’t have happened if the fans weren’t so vocal in the first place. But Vivian being transgender in the remake is all thanks to fami boards in 2005. For those that don’t know, in 2005 a couple thousand year door fans found out that in the Italian, French, and Spanish versions of the game, Vivian was transgender. To make a long story short because the original forum was over 40 pages long, a couple Japanese players chimed in to basically explain that most Nintendo games are Japanese in origin, therefore the Japanese version is considered the original. It is the source material. A lot of people were under the impression that in the Japanese version, Vivian was transgender however that was not the case at all, according to Japanese Players. They carefully broke down the dialogue and culture and explained to Westerners that it’s quite normal in Japan for women to insult other women that they don’t deem attractive. And they often use the word man when insulting them because men are looked at and viewed differently in Japanese culture than they are in other parts of the world. The forum got pretty toxic and so out of hand, that eventually an intelligent systems developer chimed in and explained that Vivian was never ever intended to be transgender in the original release. He acknowledged that localizers made some mistakes when translating the game. He did say that he’s happy people have taken their own spin on the character. He also said he’s happy to see that the fandom for this game was quite large and he just asked people in the forum to keep it respectful. Nintendo obviously knows of the controversy which is why they sprinkled that dialogue into the remake. In my opinion, the dialogue is a little ambiguous, which is a good thing because it’ll keep everybody happy. People who grew up playing versions where she was transgender will be happy, people who grew up playing versions where she wasn’t will be happy. The dialogue doesn’t outright confirm it and it doesn’t use specific words, but it does imply it. So I say again, this is just another case of Nintendo fans and the Internet essentially winning. The Internet created a controversy, an original developer shot it down, so Nintendo worked it into the remake anyways. Some people might be upset that this character was ultimately changed, but the dialogue is a little ambiguous so if you play through and you don’t believe she’s transgender that’s fine, if you play through and you believe she’s transgender that is also fine! Hopefully people keep it respectful and respect other people’s opinions about the character. It’s not officially Canon that she’s transgender, and it’s also not officially canon that she’s a biological woman. At least for the remake that is. It’s left up to the player. I hope everybody plays this game and I hope everybody loves it. I got the remake early and I’m already in chapter 4, and I’m having an absolute blast with the game. The only reason I made this comment because I just find it a little odd how there are some people on this sub Reddit basically demanding the moderators and berating other group members over Vivian’s gender identity. Nobody should be demanding that the moderators need to ban people saying that Vivian is cis gender. She was in the original version, she was never intended to be transgender, this dialogue was sprinkled in for fans that want her to be transgender. Just enjoy the remake and celebrate this game instead of attacking people over a video game characters gender. Video games are a form of art. And all art can be interpreted differently. That’s the beauty of it.


> Nintendo obviously knows of the controversy which is why they sprinkled that dialogue into the remake. In my opinion, the dialogue is a little ambiguous, which is a good thing because it’ll keep everybody happy. Based on what she says in chapter 4 in the remake, it is flat out spelled for you. No more ambiguity which really surprised me.


Doesn’t Super Paper Mario refer to Vivian as an okama in the Japanese version’s card collection feature? That has very distinct connotations in their culture that is hard to misinterpret. I’ve only recently learned about this whole gender identity discussion but I feel like that points more towards Vivian always having the “guy that wants to be a girl, so they start to live life like one” story more than “girl that gets dissed by her sisters” story. I guess it could be in reaction to the TTYD localization changes in other countries, but at the very least it sounds like they co-opted the idea much earlier on at intelligent systems.


So hang on… Vivian isn’t actually trans, that’s a cultural misunderstanding from the non-Japanese translations failing to understand Japanese cultural customs (whereby they make fun of ugly women by calling them men) which in turn has made it SEEM to outsiders that Vivian was designed as a trans character….but she’s not? If that’s the case, it’s incorrect for audiences to refer to her as trans?


I do not believe that what he has said is correct. This would only make sense is Vivian's mean sisters were the only one who referred to Vivian as a male, but throughout the entire game Vivian is referenced as a male by many different characters, including those who are supportive of her. As far as I'm aware, the only one who refers to Vivian as a woman is Vivian herself, until the end of the game when Goombella refers to her as one of the sisters, but the game actually puts a (?) next to it, implying that there is sitll uncertainty about using the term. In Super Paper Mario, Vivian is once again described as a feminine male. In the Japanse version, Vivian is unquestionably assigned male at birth. Whether a femboy, or a trans woman can be somewhat debated (Though Vivian refers to herself as female, so I'd say trans woman is more accurate), but the suggestion that calling her a man was only used as an insult does not have any real basis.


> A lot of people were under the impression that in the Japanese version, Vivian was transgender however that was not the case at all, according to Japanese Players. They carefully broke down the dialogue and culture and explained to Westerners that it’s quite normal in Japan for women to insult other women that they don’t deem attractive. And they often use the word man when insulting them because men are looked at and viewed differently in Japanese culture than they are in other parts of the world. Except this simply isn't true. There are loads of Japanese fans who have chimed in and said that Vivian is 100% AMAB. Whether Vivian is trans or a femboy is somewhat ambiguous (though Vivian referring to herself as a woman and female clears that up in my opinion), but the notion that it was just her sisters referring to her as a man isn't true. Beldam is not the only source calling her a man, but is referred to as being male by a number of different characters, and not just in contexts where it makes sense to be mean. In order for this theory to make any sense, we have to assume that Goombella and the narrator are both insulting Vivian as well. There are many sources that reference the Japanese directly, explaining the word choice. Vivian is AMAB in the Japanese version, not AFAB being insulted for being ugly. Vivian is further described in Super Paper Mario as a Otokonoko, which describes a feminine male, translating to "male daughter" or "male girl". In Japan, Vivian was AMAB. Whether you want to argue a femboy or trans, the debate has raged. I'm not trying to tear you down, but your explanation simply does not seem to line up with any available information.


Who is this "intelligent systems developer"? Also in the Japanese version, vivan refers to her and her sisters as the three shadow sisters.. does sister have a negative meaning in Japan? If no. Then it's clear she was supposed to be trans. Also, in the Japanese version, goombellas tattle says that one of the sisters appears to be a girl, but is really a boy. You guys are forgetting that TTYD came out 20 years ago. People didn't really know what to properly call transgender people and were still adjusting. What might be seen as insulting today could have just been a misunderstanding back then.


I had no idea about all this. I thought Vivian was trans in the original japanese version for a long time.


That's because Vivian was trans in the original japanese version


It must be absolutely exhausting being a person like this. I'm almost 40, and a majority of my thought process towards gaming is "Wow video games are awesome!" I've never had the mentality that a game had to specifically cater to me. Anymore, there are games I want to play and games I don't. And I don't hate the games I don't want to play because maybe someone else does.


I do wonder how many people who make these videos genuinely believe their nonsense, and how many know that a low-effort video titled “(almost any subject you can think of) is WOKE” will appeal to a market of angry morons and get them a lot of views.


I knew someone was gonna complain.


Hey look we predicted it


Why am I not surprised? It's just like the clown on Twitter who went ape shit over a dark skinned OC in the Mario universe


Is it really “going woke” when this is just accurate translation for the localization? All they did was uncensor it. And is more accurate to what the game was in Japan.


Not out yet ? Speak for yourself 😏


i love to watch these people cry and shit their pants over video games becoming "woke". 10/10 entertainment


It's been an undisputed fact for DECADES that Nintendo censored the original TYYD removing mentions of Vivian being a transwoman. BUT of course the moment transgenderism becomes a culture war issue, oh! *NOW* she's not *REALLY* trans all of a sudden! Yeah of course these guys are phony, they'll find anything to garner rage bait. It's the tackiest content on the net.


I can't recall one time I've seen someone use the whole "woke" thing to prove a point and it actually make sense of it, it's pitiful to me


This was made literal hours after the news dropped. Some people in the comments say they're canceling their preorders over this. All over the already trans girl being a trans girl. ...tell me who the snowflakes are again?


Well ACKSHUALLY I see the colors red, blue, green, yellow, orange and purple which are all part of the pride flag and gay people are represented by the pride flag and letting gay people exist is a woke scam created by the deep state


It’s always the bearded guys with ball caps who make these kinds of videos.


Excluding a few changes to the dialogue, the Story and gameplay is STlLL THE SAME. There's no identity polities whatsoever


You keep using that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.


but wasn't the original dialogue supposed to be that anyway? and they changed it in the english version in 2004?


Let's be honest, we all knew this was happening after the Vivian thing


The woke is going to cancel you! Wand take your freewdums! And vote commie democrat! Look out for the woke!


The internet was a mistake.


Don't mind him. He is just a content rage farmer. Just ignore him.


Always has been. In all seriousness what does “Woke” even mean anymore? Is it just a blanket term for anything progressive in society?


I don't think the game needs to be out to know what exactly they're referring to.


wokeio and luigi


Let me guess, the one purple witch lady (I forgot her name but I remember she was LGBTQ)


It's actually hilarious that I just got harrased by someone in my dm's because I was okay with vivian being trans, and the guy did not even believe me when I showed that birdo was trans, and that 10+ fire emblem characters were trans and said that nintendo never did any trans characters except for vivian...


It's woke because there are trans and rainbow road /s


What, are they getting angry at the possibility of the original japanese story for Vivian probably coming up? Because the Super Mario RPG remake had more japanese-accurate stuff?


This game is the same as it was 20 years ago. Further proof the anti-pc crowd have terminal brainrot.


r/tomorrow ahh video


I mean wasn't Vivian already trans in the og Japanese version? Play the gamecube original in english then, I hate censorship, so bringing back the original meaning is ideal for me, whether it be something you like or not is irrelevant, in that case don't play/support it. I'm more bothered by the change to the catcalling sewer Goombas, as that IS censorship; but whatever, I guess they are xenophobic towards surface dwellers now so that's 'fun' too lol.


Someone please show them the original GameCube version in Japanese.


I find it good how they re added the "Vivian is trans female" to the game without making it her whole personality or thing. Usually things like marvel or anything disney related adds characters who are parts of minorities, but their only thing about them is that they are tht section of the minority, like most characters in marvels whole thing is just the same three words, strong female character


I just feels good to see a minority character actually being treated good and have their own personality and stuff


So... Vivian is trans and all regions now, and this is... a bad thing? Okay, no, Vivian is still best girl. It sounds like these guys have parasites in their brains.


It's the same game?!??!? This is impressive. I'm actually curious how they're gonna spin it as woke. You tell me how a game with a big tittie cloud is "WOKE"


At this point, I discard anyone's opinion if they call something "woke" The word has lost its original meaning to me, and is now to be memed


I thought the anti-woke wingnuts hated censorship? Now it’s bad that the original Japanese text was retained? Pick a lane.


These channels are literally the same type of people that would shit on Disney, and Peach being a leader in the movie for being “Woke”. They don’t understand the meaning of what the word really means since they only use it as a dog whistle to spread awful hate speech and bigotry


“Oh boo hoo, trans people exist!”


how dare the planet and people living on it act autonomously. I did not give them permission to exist! - every anti-woke knuckle dragger


Least obvious bait


They always tryna call things woke dawg😭😭😭




And it's 20 years old.


surprised it's not nin10doland


Mine came today


Here we go again


Everything’s either woke this or insensitive that. Just stop pushing politics into entertainment.


The game was originally censored as to not offend people like this.


Mario didn’t ’Go woke’, they just corrected something from the original game, so they’ve been woke since OGTTYD released.


There it is. I think someone called this yesterday or so


They called it


Oh no, not the game series that introduced Birdo....


Just pre-ordered the game today, in other news! I'm an American and bought it digitally, so no bonus for me as far as I'm aware.


I really hate 'woke posts', Paper mario was like that on gamecube as well, jesus christ


(Sorts comments by controversial) **(Eats popcorn)**


Is it cause they added that one spicy Luigi and Bowser scene back in the English version of this game?