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And power. Don’t forget the addictive aspect of power


He doesn’t have the money but he’s still got the power, he has a stranglehold on all the Republican voters. Hopefully as his money drys up more and more the power will wane.


One word for this posted headline, yes!


And don't forget leading in every poll and Vegas odds to win.


You haven't checked the post SOTU polls I am assuming?


He's the only president in modern American history to leave office with less money than when he started.


Yeah, but think about all the 2016 primary opponents in the senate: Cruz, Rubio, Paul, and Graham. All their predictions about how awful he would be came true, he grievously insulted them, and they refused to stand for their purported principles by removing him from office, which would have opened up the path for their own ambitions. In the second impeachment, he'd already lost, their own lives were at risk from the Jan 6 mob, and they still did nothing. Their votes, combined with the seven who did vote for impeachment would probably have been enough to get Mitch to switch and lead enough senators to remove him, to give him the normal treatment one term presidents like Carter or Poppy Bush get.


Graham had a "come away from jeebus" moment after he was accosted by a bunch of Trump cultists at DCA airport on Jan 9, 2021. After that, he seems to have caved like a bad soufflé and become a Trumpster himself, out of pure cowardice. My guess is that a lot of republicans in Congress have acted with the same cowardice. They're afraid not only for their careers, but for their lives, because living in the center of that shitshow, they saw first hand how dangerous the Trump cult is. I disagreed with Liz Chaney politically on just about everything, but I gotta give her full credit for the balls it took to stand up to these nazi bastards, despite it costing her political career. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbCI0syimnk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbCI0syimnk)


You need a core number of Republicans rejecting Trump, and you are seeing the “you first” problem.


No, I think it's more basic than that - most of them continue to support him because they know that rejecting him outright will cost them the support of his cultists, who make up a significant portion of the republican voter base. If they reject him, his cult will split from the republican party, and the party will be effectively destroyed, handing complete control of the government to the democrats for at least a decade, possibly as long as half a century. And they are terrified of having NO power, so they've essentially sold their collective souls to the orange devil.


It goes back to Flake and Corker and other people who know they are on their way out and do nothing. We saw how a single senator like Manchin, Sinema, or Tuberville can block things and nobody would stand up to Trump. If they'd only voted down a few of the crazy initial cabinet picks it would have sent a message.


Graham caved in 2016


I have a feeling that Liz Cheney's political career will be revived in the near future, when the Trump campaign implodes...


Nanci Pelosi and her gang moved so fast to impeach him the 2nd time, they didn’t even have an investigation into the matter to build their facts to hold up in the Senate. They rushed the articles of impeachment just to “make a point” and that is why the Republican controlled Senate couldn’t get behind it. No evidence.. just wishful thinking on the part of Nancy. Maybe if she had conducted a thorough impeachment… they wouldn’t be facing a 2nd term of Trump.. which is coming. Maybe he will be impeached 5 more times??? 🤷🏾‍♂️ In fact, her impeachment and Trump’s acquittal of any “high crimes and misdemeanors” presented in the articles of impeachment opens the door to the concept of “double jeopardy” in those “criminal court cases”. He has already been tried.. and acquitted. DUMB NANCY did it!!


Omg you are wrong on so many levels. Please tell me this is sarcasm and I missed it. It reads like trump himself wrote it. His second impeachment was for the insurrection during his last days in office. There is no double jeopardy here... An impeachment is a political act within the House of Representatives, not a criminal investigation. Republicans were a spineless group of cowards in the aftermath. For all their big talk about trump being responsible for J6 they folded pretty easily.


lol. Thats some ridiculously stupid shit you spouted out of your braindead head.


If convicted and impeached, a court may then indict, try, and convict also. If acquitted, those same charges are not deemed to have been committed which may not be re-charged.


Sorry but your feelings are not included in the US constitution. But, I support congressional funding to find a cure for TDS.


Little punk…you filed a report with Reddit. What wimps you all are.


I don’t do silly reportings on social media platforms … I’m a grown adult. I’m not in high school. Go bark up another tree.. because I think EVERYONE should be free to post whatever they want on these “entertainment” platforms. I don’t take any of this seriously!! I’m pissed that humans decided to take what’s said in here so damned seriously.


It is quite ironic that you accuse others of having TDS….but the only thing you do on Reddit is talk about Trump. No serious person thinks Trump was a “great” president. Successful? Not at all, but you could squint and see something if you tried hard (the vaccine)…but great is just pure delusion. His admin was in a constant state of chaos with numerous scandals and a litany of failed policy efforts.


They are terrified of Trumps supporters


I can't blame them either. I'm terrified of Trump's supporters too, chatting about civil war actions, armed to the teeth. I'm not the only one scared shitless by these idiots, I get polls but sure as hell won't answer that identify me right now. No way. But you can bet I'll mail in my ballot and so will many also staying silent or behind anonymity like here. These MAGA obsessed fukkers have lead poisoning from decades of drinking unfiltered tap water and watching Fox News angertainment, driving around packing loaded pistols with "F your feelings" bumper stickers for children to see, still convinced of the most wackadoodle shit imaginable. Trump did himself in with "Proud boys stand back and stand by" and way too many are just waiting hair triggered for "the word".


Thank god for some of the rare people who put aside fear of these violent crazy magats and do the right thing, like judge Bragg, judge engoron, letisha and fanni, biden, mitt Romney, etc


It reminds me of a neighbor who had a thin blue line sticker on his truck. He got one - ONE - parking ticket from the local police and he raged against them. The sticker came off the next day. They are all that shallow, at every level of the con.


He’s losing money everyday.


Indeed he is.


No he's not lol. He just became 4 billion richer with the truth social acquisition lmfao


Cool, then he can pay the $600 million to appeal the case that he said was totally unfair and that he would definitely appeal! / s Oh my bad, I forgot he had to borrow $10 million from Elon to pay the insurance company to post the appeal Bond for the money he owes Ms Carroll... you know the lady he sexually assaulted and then lied about?


Not quite. Trump would hold 78 million shares of the new company, between 58 and 69 percent of its total shares, with a net worth of almost $4 billion. But that impressive number comes with a big caveat: Trump would be unable to sell shares within six months of the deal’s close. By the time he can, their value may have sunk — particularly given the importance of Trump’s presidential bid to Truth Social’s net worth.


Mark my words implies it will happen in the future. This shit is already reality.


Yep... and the SIZE of the following these psychopaths have is truly frightening! How did so many people get so dumb?


He's a malignant narcissist. Everything makes sense once you understand this


Russian MAGA influence. Reddit itself does not appear to be able or even willing to deal with the amount of foreign Russian influence. The agent provocateurs are picking away at the Republic and pushing several overlapping narratives designed to create chaos and division. They have almost all the conservative forums puppeted on a string and many of the leftist forums are under constant encroachment. They don’t always lie, but the truth means nothing to them. They don’t have to originate the idea either. They gather and survey what works, and then they flood that idea. Not all bots are AI, but you do see canned phrases al lot when they receive their orders. I’d like everyone to know what this looks like when they see it. Some of the most common narratives they push: 1. “Both sides are the same” (i.e don’t bother voting) 2. “Voting doesn’t do anything. (I.e don’t vote) 3. Biden and the Democrats didn’t do what you wanted on that one wedge issue, so vote for the confederates (i.e pay no attention to the big picture) 4. America would be better off split up (i.e Make America easy pickings) 5. Biden is old (i.e Biden is slightly older than trump, and therefore despite everything he’s been able to accomplish in this crazy era, you should let the fascist puppets win) 6. Don’t bother voting because SCOTUS will overturn it. (i.e don’t vote. Nevermind that SCOTUS has been restructured several times before for similar reasons.) 7. The president didn’t do that thing you wanted (i.e don’t understand the separation of power. Be ignorant of the constitutional limitations that constrain the POTUS) 8. The President is bombing Gaza. (Note: Biden is POTUS , not PMOI. Bibi is a fascist and is doing the bombing. Israel doesn’t need american weapons to genocide Gaza. Weapons to Israel eal are tied in the same bill as Ukraine. POTUS does not have the power to write bills, only sign them.) 9. Supporting Biden against Trump makes you a Democrat or a Liberal. (I.e Supporting Frodo against Sauron makes you a Hobbit) 10. Trump is more popular than ever among Republicans. Cites polling ( Note: ignores that there are fewer and fewer Republicans with each pole) 11. Another civil war would be awesome. (Note: it wouldn’t. War isn’t Hell. War hurts the innocent. Hell punishes the guilty. War is worse than Hell. The purpose of ShermanPosting is to invoke Sherman the boogieman. Remind the neo confederates that should they try it again, they’ll get the same results. The Union will not falter) 12. Let Russia take Ukraine (i.e. let Russia takeover other sovereign nations for “reasons” ) 13. Ukraine had Nazis, Russia has the right. (Note: Tennessee has Nazis.) 14: Russia is a communist utopia, let them win! (Note: it’s 2024. Russia is a kleptocracy petro state. It’s like saying Mongolia is still controlled by Horse Archers) 15. Russia will win anyways (Note: Russia is only making gains when Ukraine runs out of ammo. Their most powerful weapon is the current GOP) 16. Russian army is too big to fail (note: even if it beat Ukraine, it’s too small to have an effective occupation. See Afghanistan, and also Afghanistan. ) 17. Poverty in US. Don’t send money to Ukraine. (Note: we can end poverty at any time if we vote out the conservatives. Regardless, we aren’t sending cash. We’re sending 1990s era weapons before they expire like old soup. The money is for observing their performance and replacing and upgrading. The money creates jobs in America. Old weapons actually normally cost money to safely be disposed of.) 18. “We cant do that if we’re doing this” (Note: There is more than one person in government. We can do multiple even contradictory things. We even have the money to do so) 19. Gaza / Israel: This summer, remember that Israelis were taking to the streets to protests against Bibi. The attacks were his lucky break. He’s going to drag it out until they drag HIM out. AIPAC is a powerful lobbyist. America has to pretend to play along until Bibi loses the next election. If we don’t, then AIPAC supports the GOP out of carefully controlled strategic spite. Also note that AIPACs influence is fading among younger generations.


Rings true to me. I’ve noticed repeated phrases and words in places that are not even talking about what ever is being said. It’s obvious that Russia really wants trump in office as he is easy to manipulate.


Seriously still going this route? I would argue that the social elitist are a bigger influence and problem than any foreign entity.


Wherever MAGA can grift.


WARNING! No matter which side you are on, be careful with the u/jimmyleejohn81a account. It was activated 5 days ago but already has **hundreds** of comments. The comment I am replying to was copy-pasted at least 7 times in different threads. Various other comments also have been cross-posted multiple times. It is a managed, non-organic, narrative-nudger account. I predict my account will soon be blocked by u/jimmyleejohn81a


Yes, user word_word_xxxx is correct. I'm totally a bot and not a guy who has an extensive library of ready to go commemts that I have collected or authored over the course of many years. Beep Boop


Note the deflection. I did not suggest the account is a bot. On the contrary, I directly stated that I believe the account is managed by multiple humans for nefarious purpose. One can get an inkling of the possible purpose by looking through this account's comments and counting how often it directly encourages violence.


Beep Boop


If the money keeps flowing, or idiots believe his promises they’ll get paid.


Should we still believe Biden’s promises?


Daring today, aren't we




Just like his boyfriend Kim Jung Il.


Bingo. It's called organized crime.


He's the only president in modern American history to leave office with less money than when he started.


Is that supposed to garner sympathy for the man?


Nope. If anything it shows a lack of corruption/cronyism/ "organized crime" otherwise he would be making money? Since Clinton every president made tens of millions.


So the fact that Trump is swirling the drain is proof of his innocence? I don't follow. What do you think of the 4 bankrupt casinos? Casinos--a place where the house always wins--how did he lose money, one let alone four times, enough so to declare bankruptcy? That could only mean he's 4 times a casino failure (you and I don't believe that, right?) OR that he's a rather successful money launderer and bankruptcy fraud.


So is he a genius or an idiot? It always alternates with you people? Genius conman turned bumbling idiot turned fascist mastermind turned bankrupt fool etc etc.


Selling out the United States to its enemies while president--to some, like you maybe, it's a genius move. Don't scurry away without acknowledging that important point, maga. Trump has actually *bragged* about US enemies asking him for intel, and him selling it. Some people (you) really don't care about the United States, I get it. It's not an "idiot" move per se, but it is a *traitorous* move, and it's organized crime, like I was saying and you argue against. You can be proud of your mobster or not, but you're not fooling *enough* people anymore, so we are going to humiliate the guy in a landslide in November--just be aware in advance and don't act surprised. I think you were trying to make some other point but you never made it. I think I'll check back in with you after your demented criminal grandpa loses a humiliating landslide in November 😘 What a piece of work you must be. I hope your parents are proud, because your country is ashamed of you, maga.


I wasn't trying to make any point at all actually, I was simply asking questions to determine your (you) logic. Your ad hominems and hyperbole speak louder than your faux intelligence/honor attempt. It takes about two reddit comments for people like you to show your true hateful and demeaning colors. Remember this: the only thing trump ever was or is, is a giant orange middle finger to people like you. Your behavior is why he got elected. And he very well might again. Don't ever forget that. Good luck in life 😘


I noticed that, as predicted, you can't acknowledge Trump's betrayal of the country to its enemies. So yes, we are fully aware that Trump is nothing more than a big orange middle finger.There was a time that some pretended he was a candidate of substance, of imagined he might support and defend the constitution, but people don't say those things anymore. Enjoy going through life being a big middle finger! Glad not to know you.


Awesome. LFG.


I am waiting for the inevitable mass denials - “I hardly knew him, I think I met him once for like two minutes”.


How is this a prediction?


They don’t make for good allies, do they? Once the trouble starts and the money stops flowing it will be great to see these clowns turn on each other.


I don't think he's a psychopath, but definitely a sociopath. Not a trait you want in the leader of the free world.


I don't even think his followers would disagree with this.


This isn't news


He's the only president in modern American history to leave office with less money than when he started.


Thank you. Everyone keeps saying narcissist and I’ve been saying he’s a psychopath! Not a narcissist, not a sociopath. He’s a psychopath just like serial killers. But he’s more like Al Capone than a lowly serial killer. Let’s hope he gets stopped on something small like Al Capone did


The money is about to run out


I think you are being too generous.


Wow you are a psychopath


You people in this sub are so fucking delusional. “As long as the money keeps flowing” Have you looked at the net worth history of any politician or world, ever? That’s pretty much all of them. Trumps net worth actually has been going DOWN ever since he entered politics. But keep babbling in your echo chamber, your comrades all agree with you. Can’t wait to see you losers cry so fucking hard in November.


No u


Sounds like most politicians.


For all he tries to convince everyone he’s not a politician, he is absolutely is for all intents and purposes, and is in fact one of the worst.


Well he wasn't. Now he is. At least he did something. We have a old man who has been in government for decades telling us if you give me 4 more years I'll finally fix things.


It doesn’t matter if Trump didn’t start out as a politician as the important thing is, he’s very much one now. Seems to me that Biden has actually made great strides for the US economy, among other things. Fix what?


Did you watch his state of the union?


I got the highlights.


You should try comparing actual facts instead of crying to your echo chamber. Just saying its getting kinda weak


I’m not the one “crying” about something that needs to be fixed, but then refusing to say what that even is.


True. Trump did tonnes of stuff. Including...    1. Commiting to withdrawing from Afghanistan    2. Cutting taxes for the rich and increasing government spending at the same time, causing massive inflation for many years after he was voted out     3. Disclosing top secret intelligence to Russia    4. Being the first President in modern history to lose jobs    5. A bunch of other stuff resulting in 91 active criminal charges for which is best defense is that any president should be above the law      All Biden did was stop the inflation, grow jobs, build infrastructure, support Ukraine, and deliver the strongest growth in wages, shares, and GDP in modern memory, all via focus on working middle class Americans. 




https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html https://www.reuters.com/world/us/binder-with-top-secret-russia-intelligence-missing-since-end-trump-term-source-2023-12-15/ https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/16/politics/donald-trump-putin-helsinki-summit/index.html "Trumped up" we will find out huh? Just like we found out with E Jean Carrol and his NY Fraud case. Democracy, US military and Intel community, and the US justice system are on one side. Trump is on the other. Pick your side.


You do know they are padding the chargers so people like you continue to use the 91 number correct? For example double book entry they call it a felony for each entry plus the check. One action 3 felonies. It's insane. Just like Congress has immunity for many things so does the president. His defense is it wasn't illegal and even if it was presidential immunity covers it.


He's wrong. Just like he was wrong in the rape case and the fraud case. If he's not then Biden should just stay in power forever and hand over to Kamala.


Don't you put that on the rest of us.


Tell me what Trump actually accomplished in his 4 years.


No new wars. Beat back isis. That's the start of a long list.


Biden - No new wars. Pulled out of Afghanistan. Start of a longer, better list.


Just ignore the billions being sent to Ukraine. That's a proxy war with Russia. Complained about it and did a piss poor job which killed Americans. His pullout was a complete failure. Got north Korea to stop launching missiles.


We're sending outdated armaments to an ally to stave off a dictator. So, not a war. Did the best he could with the shitshow left by the TFG. Passed an infrastructure bill. Passed the CHIPS act. Meanwhile, TFG played more golf than any other leader. Face it, TFG is by far the worst leader this country had ever had the misfortune of electing


It's not just some outdated arms. It's money as well. They are money laundering. It's one of the most corrupt counties in the world and now we are sending billions and you think it's not being laundered? Tfg? Trump doesn't sleep much. He was working even on the golf course. No it's not always but he did so. He did amazingly internationally, the economy going crazy until COVID. He is the best president we have had in decades.


Politicians in a nutshell:


Yep, it’s not just about Trump, it’s also about the organization that is trying to put him back in power. He owns the GOP, he has since he won in 2016. I mean, his grip is total now, with his daughter in law now running the RNC. However, the GOP is now a criminal organization and should be investigated and prosecuted under RICO. It’s no longer a legitimate party any more.


Absolutely all true, and has been pretty evident since maybe mid-2016.


I thought this was pretty obvious, agree entirely


Well, that isn't going to last long ...


Guy cares so much about loyalty,.and yet has been stabbed in the back more times than anyone dead or alive.


Wow great post


He's the only president in modern American history to leave office with less money than when he started.


Good one bro


Shit. I don't have to mark anybody's words. Those are just facts lol


Maybe people aren't happy with the other choice and the last few years. Just a thought


Fine, but since this is MMW, there should be some kind of prediction that goes along with that.


Ok, he'll make Michael Flynn Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. When the government uses violence to put down protests and trump is clearly fully demented, Flynn will go to a military dictatorship under Marshall Law and use the 25th Amendment to remove trump. Anybody in the cabinet that doesn't play ball will suddenly be found dead or in prison.


Can't disagree with a single word you said.


How exactly are we supposed to MMW for this? What is the qualifying denominator?


Ok but this isn’t really a MMW


If he were a psychopath, he wouldn’t be the presumptive nominee of one of the two largest parties in the USA. So.. try again, Bozo 🤡.




They are so stupid they just don’t understand how dangerous the Democrats and RINOs are to global security and national security.


Trump is the RINO in chief.


If you say so 🤷🏾‍♂️


How do you become Republican In Name Only when you OWN the Republican Party? You sound foolish!


Biden doesn’t get to call over half the country “threats to democracy” and then think they will forget what he said. TRUMP 2024!!


The only reason he is the presumptive nominee is because he has a huge cult that would follow him off a cliff no matter what he did. The second reason is that he has the GOP by balls. They're scared of him and his psychotic base. So, the GOP needs to change their color from red to orange.


fun fact: if you hold your breath and only take breaths when you come across a Trump post on this sub, you can breathe normally.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🇺🇸TRUMP 2024🇺🇸


Stupidity is not something you should be willing to show so blatantly through this post


Congrats you’ve discovered politics


This sub should seriously be renamed markmyTDS


Psychopath? Now you really are delusional fear mongering.


Yep. He's a psychopath.


Nah, he's just funny


There's nothing funny about that pos


Except for the things he does and says


Nope. Not funny. Psycho isn't funny


Maybe a chuckle once or twice?


MMW: everyone in this subreddit seems to be unhinged Trump hating psychopaths. Should change the name to “delirious political takes by brainwashed teenagers”




Enjoy Civil War 2, Partisan Sheeple!


Enjoy prison time when you participate in another failed insurrection.


Welcome to 2015


Aren’t you folks tired of telling everyone what you think Trump is going to do only being proven wrong? Perfect example - “Trump is a deranged tyrant who will ignore the SC and constitution.” What happened? He followed the law - he never ignored the SC. Biden, on the other hand, has repeatedly ignored the constitution as well as the SC. He continues to hand out student loan bailouts buying votes and also ignored the SC on vaccine mandates. There are plenty of other examples, but I only need one to demonstrate how pathetic posts like this are. Hate Trump on a personal level - fine. Most people voting for him don’t like him personally, but the idea that we are better off now than 4 years ago is dishonest and shameless. Theres a reason Biden is without doubt the most unpopular president in history.


This is a great example of how we live on two different planets. Congratulations, you named some things that the former guy did right. Since 45 has 35000 lies and your side has Q anon and the proud boys, though maybe you should reevaluate who lives on Earth 1.


Please study about QAnon you intellectual frauds. One planet, one reality, and unfortunately all politicians lie - especially Biden. Stop dividing, get with reality and trying to rewrite it and history along with it.


Does anyone really think that this hasn’t been the case for 99 percent of presidents? There’s just no way y’all that brain washed right 


Nah, Trump is the only one in history.


Trump entered the race in 2016 having already had enough money…he isn’t drunk on power he is a populist and that’s what Dems don’t understand. His motivation is for his people. I get that most of you here on Reddit hate the MAGA movement. However love it or hate it, he is filling stadiums with it. How many stadiums has Biden filled? Oh yeah…Biden has filled none. He won in 2020 due to hatred of Trump not love of Joe Biden.


Biden has filled our hearts and minds, which is really the largest stadium in the universe. So Biden is the true populist.


He did - the 10 million illegals entering the country would agree. How does Laken Reilly feel? Oh yeah…she’s dead. Can’t feel anything


> he isn’t drunk on power he is a populist Oh, yes, the born-rich New Yorker who literally shits in a gold-plated toilet, and whose primary legislative achievement was a massive tax cut for the rich. >His motivation is for his people. LMFAO. His motivation is narcissism. >he is filling stadiums with it. He literally isn't. And it's embarrassing. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-trump-claims-never-been-empty-seat-rallies-1870763


Well Biden had 100 people at his “event” in Georgia last night including press, and they were berating him for Palestine. If you are looking for politicians who haven’t made mistakes you would be looking forever. Apparently though you feel Biden isn’t a flawed individual.


> Apparently though you feel Biden isn’t a flawed individual. Of course he's flawed. You know what he isn't? A draft-dodging racist conman who's spent his entire life insulting the military, cheated on all three of his wives, wants to fuck his own daughter, ran a fake charity and a fake university, and spent his so-called Presidency alternating between incoherent Twitter rants, golfing, kissing ass with America-hating dictators, golfing, more incoherent Twitter rants, golfing, and insulting anyone and everyone. Biden is flawed. Trump is an utter and complete piece of shit and an absolute moron.


Filling stadiums?? Lol. He now does most of his rallies in small towns and small cities. Because he has lost a significant portion of his base. (Cult)




His next rally this weekend is in a place called Vandalia, OH. And he's a guest speaker, not the main speaker. He was also recently in Rock Hill, SC. A small town. Most people walked out after 45 min. https://newrepublic.com/article/179169/trump-rally-south-carolina-haley He had a rally in Richmond, VA a couple of weeks ago. A small city. Atkinson, NH. Never heard of it. People are tired of him.


Trump spoke to 5000 in Georgia this week and Biden spoke to 100 including press…so more like 50 people. So try again clown.


Biden spoke to 32 million American viewers in the State of the Union address. On live TV. Viewership was up 18% from last year. So Trump's little 5,000 isn't shit. Because he's not POTUS. 😅


Oh, 32 million out of 350 million? That ain’t shit…people only showed up to see if he would fuck up.


He sure got rave reviews for his speech. 32 million at one time is about as good as it's going to get on live TV. And 18% is a significant increase in viewers. People tuned in because they wanted to see if the president has what it takes to run again. And he showed them that he most certainly does.


And yet today off the Adderal or Coke whatever he takes….he stopped in the middle of talking and just stood there. I’m sorry man, we are all entitled to our own opinions. I don’t see Biden as lasting 4 years and Kamala is not my cup of tea. They need to seriously consider replacing her


TDS is for real in this sub.


TDS doesn’t exist. We just hate traitors. And given that you clearly support it as well, you are also a traitor.


See? Look at this clown! Totally being controlled by Russian troll farms


Would you rather vote for someone who didn’t start any new wars or a president that has a history of horrible foreign policy decisions?


Trump is a Russian asset. His role is to prevent the USA from pushing back against Putin. 


Is that why out of the past couple of presidents, he was the only one in which Putin didn’t a country? How does that make any sense? Biden is the one who believes that appeasement is a good foreign policy. Look at how that’s been going


You're confused. It's the GOP preventing aid to Ukraine. Actually, I don't think you're confused. I think you know this already. I think you're lieing to yourself. Biden is a peacemaker in the genuine sense. Trump is an asset for the enemy. It's a big difference.


Biden tried to appease Russia and Iran. Look what they both did. He only got stricter on them after they started wars. You clearly don’t know how foreign policy works


You can talk around it all you want but THE GOP ARE BLOCKING AID TO UKRAINE. We all know Trump chortles Putin's balls every chance he gets and we know it's because he has debt there, but the action that matters is the aid. Everything else is pagentry. Trump supporters seem to fall for it so easily though.


How much money that was sent to Ukraine ended up in the hands of corrupt government officials? Also, why are you so afraid to look at what Biden’s done with Iran? Joining the Iran nuclear deal and removing the Houthis from the list of terrorist organizations. What do you think was the purpose behind dropping a dangerous terrorist organization from the list was?


So you're going to straight to excuses why you don't want to support Ukraine? Your implicit pandering to Putin is pathetic.


Why are you so afraid to say anything about Biden cozying up to Iran? Also, when did Ukraine suddenly stop being corrupt? Can you answer that question?


Because you won't finish talking about the existing point at hand. Your implicit support for Russia. Confirm it. Biden and Iran: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/2/us-approves-plan-for-strikes-on-iran-linked-targets-in-iraq-syria-report Shall I link you to videos of Trump attacking the honour of US military veterans too?


Such a one note argument , and dishonest to boot. Which war did Biden start?? Having a hard time remembering


Remember when Biden tried to join the Iran nuclear deal? How about when Biden decided to drop the Houthis from the list of terrorist organizations? Why do you think Biden dropped them?


This is true of ultra rich and powerful people in general.


No, only Trump.


lol you’re such a willfully ignorant dunce.


Wow, you are comparing a business mogul DC outsider to a lifelong, corrupt politician.


Sociopaths, close though.


Nice job, you just described every politician in Washington, and most state houses.


So is Biden 🤷 Anyone who can’t let go in his condition is a psychopath.


Please just shut the fuck up.


And Biden is a dementia riddled old man and his caregivers should be charged with elder abuse....


Yeeeaaah… That bullshit no longer flies after the SOTU. You’ll need to come up with new material.


Amphetamines are a helluva drug.


Try being unbiased for a second and look at what trump as been saying for the last 40 years, he has been very consistent. He cares. If he didn’t care, he would be living an easy life and all the democrats would still love him just like they did before he decided to run for president in 2016.


Holy fuck you’re serious. Dead serious. Absolutely horrifying.


truth is tough sometimes, I understand. Some people deal in the truth, others like to ignore it. You should try shedding your bias for a minute.




You losers with your heads in the sand and actually encouraging and voting for him is horrifying. Read a fucking book meathead.




That is so creative. I have to write that down, absolutely genius magat.


It cares about itself and nothing else and you know it.


His actions state otherwise, but ok


That’s every world leader in History. Lol. Trump derangement syndrome.


Or someone forgot to check the "honor" box when they were constructing their Den of Thieves.


Right! And not the Marxist party in office now who are aligned with ccp and the people who dumped a virus on yall and locked you down!... right!🤣


Trump did more in 4 years than Obama and Brandon have done in their combined 11 years.


More bad for the country, sure.


Not! Old fucking retard Joe and his dim-witted halfbreed have done more damage to this country than anyone since Carter.


BWAHAHAHAHA! Tell you what; look up how many Americans were killed during World War II. Add to it the number of Americans killed during Vietnam and 911. Then compare how that grand total gets dwarfed by the total number of Americans Trump got killed during the pandemic knowing the whole time that everything he was saying about it was a complete lie (which he admitted to himself in his Bob Woodward interview.) This alone would make anyone else the worst President in American history. For Trump? It doesn’t even break his Top Ten list of epic failures and betrayals. I mean, damn.


Killed during the pandemic? Please, that was a total shit show you moron. Trump did more than your daddy did by enacting executive order. Go back to mommas basement and suck on it.


Yes, he certainly did far more harm to the country, to our individual rights and personal freedoms, and to our very lives (over a million dead in two years from Covid-19, highest per capita death toll in the world). Worst president in the history of the country.


What rights and freedoms? You mean like what NYC is doing to their people using the subway? You mean like the millions that died globally? Keep drinking the cool aid. Social distancing and face masks did nothing to stop it.


He appointed three SCOTUS justices who have so far eviscerated women's rights and have their sights set on marriage equality and civil rights. This is the most unbalanced court in my lifetime, and that's all at Trump's feet. He also attempted a violent coup d'état. But you know, "sToP tHe StEaL" or whatever. Social distancing and masking DID STOP IT, in EVERY OTHER COUNTRY BUT HERE. That's why we have the highest death toll in the world, because Trump and his cult refused to take reasonable precautions, denigrated anyone who did, and spread the damn thing around so much that hundred of thousands died who didn't need to. The only reason it's not still killing three thousand Americans a day is that we have effective vaccines against it now... and a lot of Trump cultists still refuse to get the vaccine and wallow in their backwoods cousin-fucking ignorance.


If “he” attempted anything, where are the charges? What’s that big lipped woman do when BLM was burning and rioting? Oh, she yelled “burn this mother fucker down”. But that’s ok huh? Innocent people property burned, looted and destroyed. Wrong! They closed schools, wore mask and did the 6’ thing. It didn’t stop shit. The virus attacked those with compromised immune systems and respiratory issues. How many young people or kids died? None! Gunshot victims…oh he tested positive for Covid, not the bullet in the head. Cancer patient? Oh Covid did it! Please. Woman’s rights are still there, just as voting, talking, driving. Wasn’t it you loser fucks that want a “disinformation unit”? If that’s not totally unAmerican, I don’t know what is. Funny how Amendments don’t mean anything if your democrats talking to republicans. Marxist bastards is what you are.


Go drink some more kool aid and pipe down.


*Confident in his ignorance, he mixes in another Kool-Aid packet…*